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Bad player warning ... TargessFollow

#1 Mar 24 2007 at 12:47 AM Rating: Decent
324 posts
I was in a party tonight in Altepa. We did pretty good, and I got two levels out of it on my WHM, as did most of the others. Two of us gave @1 hour warning, myself and the DRK. 10 minutes later the PLD says {thank you party} {goodbye} and runs off.

This was an English speaking party, so I asked they guy "we gave 1 hour warning, you knew about this when?" - his response: no answer. I then said I was going to blist him to which he responded "why lol" in party! I duly blisted him and almost immediately got a /tell from his mule that I'm an "absolute f*** wit". Gee, I must be bad, I kept his sorry butt alive all that time!

The player in question here is TARGESS and the mule is REGALLOUS. The sad part is that at rank 6, I was the lowest rank in the party, so he can't even claim "newb" - unless of course he bought the account!

Anyway, this isn't intended as a flame against this ignoramus, but rather as a warning to the other players out there that may run into this twerp and be left hanging as he did to 5 of us!
#2 Mar 24 2007 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
You mean to say that somebody was an inconsiderate prick in an online video game? OMFGWTFBBQ!

It's not even a good story, so he left without notice and no replacement while others were that courteous. Happens all the time.

If we blisted everybody who did that and made crappy posts on Alla condemning those who did it, our blists would be full and you'd see nothing but page after page of "So-and-so left a party without warning or replacement".

So what? Crap happens, crap players happen, crap circumstances happen. Take it in strides and move on.

Anyway, this isn't intended as a flame against this ignoramus, but rather as a warning to the other players out there that may run into this twerp and be left hanging as he did to 5 of us!

But it is flaming him. Call it a warning or whatever, but a flamepost is a flamepost.
#3 Mar 24 2007 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
The story being that he did announce 1hr and 10mins beforehand that he was leaving (as he ALWAYS does unless it's an emergency IRL), only... OMG... he sent the warnings to the leader in /tell because frankly, the leader is the only one who needs to know because they are the ones responsible for finding a replacement! So get a life honey, if being left hanging and looking for a tank is the worst that's been done to you IG, you're doing well.

Either way, Targ isn't the kind of person who is gonna care if one mediocre WHM blists him O.o;

-Lilw (who didn't know that leaving a pt is a blist-able offense these days, but who is pretty sure flaming ppl on these boards is a bannable offense...)

Edited to add:

BTW, anyone who knows Targ knows that he absolutely detests the work "f**k" so to claim he used it... not likely. That he muled to ask what the problem was, that is likely, but to ***** you out? IDK about that.

Edited, Mar 25th 2007 12:11am by Lilwhitelotus
#4 Mar 25 2007 at 12:05 AM Rating: Good
Lilwhitelotus wrote:
(who didn't know that leaving a pt is a blist-able offense these days, but who is pretty sure flaming ppl on these boards is a bannable offense...)

You can flame pretty heavily on Alla, and if you happen to draw an admin's attention they'll probably just lock/nuke the thread and send you a PM telling you to knock if off. Now if you go so far as to harass/threaten or stalk them or continue to ignore admin's warnings, then yeah, you might get a little more than a wrist slap.

And if you mean getting banned in FFXI for what you say on these boards, then one big LOL to you.
#5 Mar 25 2007 at 3:25 AM Rating: Decent
324 posts
@ Lilwhitelotus - the leader was the other one who announced their leaving time, and was as surprised as I when "targ" as you call him upped and quit with NO prior warning whatsoever.

BTW, anyone who knows Targ knows that he absolutely detests the work "f**k" so to claim he used it... not likely. That he muled to ask what the problem was, that is likely, but to ***** you out? IDK about that.
I'm not in the habit of making things up - the quote above is the exact /tell I received, imediately after which he logged so he wouldn't receive a response. Perhaps your precious "targ" isn't all he makes out to be! Perhaps when he hits his 13th birthday, he might grow up a bit and begin to respect the fact that other characters are people too, and a little courtesy goes a long way. in the meantime he hits my blist as being an arrogant *** who doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself.

Mediocre? ROFLMAO! The guy shows up for the party as a level 32 or 33 PLD wearing hume male RSE body - he can't even afford decent armor. Or chooses not to "bother his time" with it - I kept him alive for the duration, and barely into the yellow once or twice. BTW, the same "mediocre" abilities got me to level 75WHM on my main char - maybe I really don't know this job ... or maybe you don't know me and just threw that out as a feeble attempt at a flame?

My original statement stands - if you want to party with this idiot, be prepared for him to walk out on you with no notice whatsoever

#6 Mar 25 2007 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
You need to get a grip Catrin, He gave a 1 hour warning to the party leader, the only one who needs to know. He could have told the entire party if he wanted to, but it's not neccesary.

Lilwhitelotus summed up all of what I was going to say, but I'd like to add a few things:

Gee, I must be bad, I kept his sorry butt alive all that time!

Your not keeping his "butt" alive anymore than he's keeping your butt alive. Without a tank, I'm pretty sure you'd get slaughtered pretty quickly as a white mage. Maybe you should show him some respect for keeping your "sorry butt" alive.

I then said I was going to blist him to which he responded "why lol" in party! I duly blisted him

Duly blisting someone for leaving a party? Excuse my rudeness, but do you have any idea what blist is for? It's for when someone is swearing, cussing, or harrassing you, not for when you're mad because your tank had to leave and there was no replacement right away. Learn to use the function, geez.

The sad part is that at rank 6, I was the lowest rank in the party, so he can't even claim "newb" - unless of course he bought the account!

I'm confused by this statement. Are you saying you were rank 6 or he was? Either way rank has nothing to do with how good a player is.

Anyway, this isn't intended as a flame

Yes, it's totally a flame, it's trying to make someone look bad in a attempt to lower their chances of getting parties in the future. A sure sign of how mature you are.

but rather as a warning to the other players out there that may run into this twerp and be left hanging as he did to 5 of us!

Riiiiiiight. People are going to hesitate to invite Targ because he left a party with making sure everyone knew he was leaving. This isn't hurting his reputation at all, it's just hurting yours. Anyone who reads this is just going to look down on you, for complaining about a insignificant blip in a party.

Edited, Mar 25th 2007 2:28pm by Reuce
#7 Mar 25 2007 at 11:00 AM Rating: Good
By: Lilwhitelotus
1 post
Score: Decent

By: Reuce
2 posts
Score: Decent

I'm not saying Lilwhitelotus and Reuce are socks necessarily...but only having 1 and 2 posts respectively, and just spontaneously showing up outta nowhere to defend Targess, kinda fishy.

You guys aren't Targess, unless you are just hiding behind some false account, why not let him defend himself? Instead all these character (hehe, pun) witnesses. "Oh Targess never would say this, or do that, you must be lying!".

I have no reason to doubt what Idun says, not saying I agree with his OP, but all the same. But having you two show up in Superman fashion to save the day with you're accusations is without merit.

Besides, Reuce you talk of how immature Idun is, you however are more so with your idiotic post.

#8 Mar 25 2007 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent

1. No, not Targess... just his wife.

2. Someone on our LS saw this and told me about it, so thought I'd set the record straight (as is Reuce) because frankly, Catrin has no right to go about lying about ppl.

3. Just because you have a lot of posts here doesn't mean you tell the truth, it just means you know how to talk a lot.

Have a nice life.

#9 Mar 25 2007 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
Errr idiotic post? I think my post was pretty clean and intelligent. It's the OP which was idiotic. I think it's very immature to come on to alla to flame someone just because you don't like them.

The reason Targ is not coming on to post is because he doesn't want to feed the trolls, which is a pretty good idea.

#10 Mar 26 2007 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
241 posts
Pokiehl eats babys
#11 Mar 26 2007 at 8:24 AM Rating: Decent
241 posts
Reuce wrote:
He gave a 1 hour warning to the party leader

all signs point to you being wrong

Idun wrote:
@ Lilwhitelotus - the leader was the other one who announced their leaving time, and was as surprised as I when "targ" as you call him upped and quit with NO prior warning whatsoever.

and before you say "stfu, you werent there, you dont know what happened" the same thing can be said about you too
#12 Mar 26 2007 at 10:35 PM Rating: Decent
440 posts
Lilwhitelotus wrote:

3. Just because you have a lot of posts here doesn't mean you tell the truth, it just means you know how to talk a lot.

Have a nice life.

Or over time you make useful posts helping new players, or people needing help.. Not just spouting BS. =/
#13 Mar 26 2007 at 10:49 PM Rating: Decent
I say LOL to all of u lol i love reading through post so entertaining ;p
#14 Mar 27 2007 at 4:51 AM Rating: Decent
ethodges wrote:
Pokiehl eats babys

Pokiehl had my man babies!!1!

Anyways, back on topic >.>;
#15 Mar 27 2007 at 5:02 AM Rating: Default
345 posts
Poki has had everyones man babies...

He told me he loved me *cry*
#16 Mar 27 2007 at 7:36 AM Rating: Decent
"You need to get a grip Catrin"?? hmm... if you havent got anything nice to say dont say anything! Why did you start going off into one? yeah she is in the wrong lol but you could atleast tell her rather than lecture her! thank you have a nice day... Reuce? hows your mithra?
#17 Mar 27 2007 at 8:29 AM Rating: Good
Murison wrote:
"You need to get a grip Catrin"?? hmm... if you havent got anything nice to say dont say anything! Why did you start going off into one? yeah she is in the wrong lol but you could atleast tell her rather than lecture her! thank you have a nice day... Reuce? hows your mithra?

I often times find myself in the wrong lol as well. I'm not sure exactly how it happens, but it does.

I blame it on the fact that there are just far to many lols these days for people to wander into, making it infinatly more likely to stumble into the incorrect one.

I usually don't even know i'm going off into one until someone informs me to that effect.

Oh, and thank you very much. I hope you have a beautiful day yourself?...... I like pencils?

Seriously though. I don't even have the slightest clue what your saying.
Infact, I can't even tell who's side your on.

I bet you forgot you were logged on to your sock huh? In the context of knowing who was making this statment I supose it MIGHT make a little more sence. Please log back on to the account you plan to pad this one with so we can make heads or tails of this gibberish.

Hume RSE2 body doesn't seem like that bad of a body peice for a PLD at that level. it has less Def then say a Kamf body, but gives a nice boost to HP, and a little VIT. All in all, as a PLD i think the guy did fine.

Hell, he was even managing parsing right next to the WAR/NIN with his dual-(huge delay)axe goodness (both of them dishing out around 15% of the total damage in the party).

Unless i missed it; (not that likely. I have /Tell on hold so it's not often I completely miss one, but leaving that in there as a, "I could have missed it") Targess did not send me a /Tell informing me of his departure. he just said goodbye and disbanded.

(did I forget to mention I was the party leader? sorry about that)

now, I could give a quarter of a rat, and two tenths of an *** that he did this. I was tired and would have dibanded at any point past when the WHM announced they had to go, but as far as I am aware, the OP speaks the truth.

I do think they have gone a tad bit overboard in reaction to this abrupt departure, but they arn't blatently spewing slanderous lies about the PLD in question. I personally would have handeled it.... exactly like I did. I went to bed.

Edited, Mar 27th 2007 11:38am by Tyreck

Edited, Mar 28th 2007 2:13am by Tyreck
#18 Mar 27 2007 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
You are incredibly stupid Idun. I bet you've left a party before w/o warning or getting a replacement. We all have and flaming one person because they left a pt early is utter *********
#19 Mar 27 2007 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
i got another bad player warning:

Half of Shiva.
#20 Mar 27 2007 at 3:42 PM Rating: Good
4,447 posts
Half? You have really low standards.
#21 Mar 27 2007 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
292 posts
Can't blame him for seeing the glass half full rather than half empty
#22 Mar 27 2007 at 5:00 PM Rating: Good
440 posts
SirEaglestrike wrote:
Half? You have really low standards.

Wait wait, lemme try this..

For a few, I'm gonna pretend I'm one of those really cool kids who play FFXI all the time, and since my character is 'uber,' I'm better than everyone in real life.. Even though most sucky players actually have a life and not care about what a buncha game people think, because they have fun...


These thread types are old... This mentality is stupid..

Everyone is just as guilty as everyone else on this game, just some have more time, or have played longer, than others.. We're all a type of nerds playing this type of game, and this rant is completely off topic..

But don't spout your ego and say someone sucks or the server is half full of bad players because you have better gear, or have played longer.. You all were once sucky players, and your e-peen on a game blinds you to this fact.. No one is better than any other player.. In time, most will get better, some will not..

But take your over-inflated egos and shove 'em.. This crap of making yourself look better on a forum is stupid, as said..

Have a nice night. ^^

Edit: The original topic also.. We've all left one point or another without warning.. Sometimes it can be controlled, sometimes it can't.. But to make a thread about it was just over the top.

Edited, Mar 27th 2007 9:02pm by Nieko
#23 Mar 27 2007 at 6:12 PM Rating: Good
4,447 posts
Hey Nieko:

1) FFXI is a game.
2) This is a forum.
3) It's sarcasm.

But it's also kinda funny you're wagging your e-peen in your sig =P

Edited, Mar 27th 2007 10:17pm by SirEaglestrike
#24 Mar 27 2007 at 6:25 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
I like these posts you guys are funny!!
#25 Mar 27 2007 at 6:59 PM Rating: Good
440 posts
SirEaglestrike wrote:
Hey Nieko:

1) FFXI is a game.
2) This is a forum.
3) It's sarcasm.

But it's also kinda funny you're wagging your e-peen in your sig =P

Edited, Mar 27th 2007 10:17pm by SirEaglestrike

Is it not? Funny how I may wag it in my sig, but I don't think I'm better than everyone else because of it..

I don't sit and say, "Well, my LS did this better than your LS." Or, "Well, I got this this and this, also did this, but what did you do?"

It's in my sig because:

1: Alla doesn't allow sigs in non-paying accounts
2: I'm proud of what I did

And call it sarcasm, I still watch people spout off at the mouth because of what they did, or how much virtual stuff they have, just to try to make someone feel inferior..

But to call more than half the server crappy because they can not be as 'uber' as you, or as skilled as you, well....

That's another.

I'm sure many see it as you posted your response, but I'm also bored, and it itched my *** a bit to read, so I figured I'd waste what time I have and type a reply.. So don't take it too personal..

After all, it IS a forum, is it not? And it is all a game...

And if I knew what else to put, it'd be right here.
#26 Mar 27 2007 at 10:58 PM Rating: Decent
/emote passes the popcorn and soda to Aphrodyte while waiting to here more
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