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Bad player warning ... TargessFollow

#27 Mar 27 2007 at 11:38 PM Rating: Good
Nieko wrote:

Well....... the people you speak of, usually do know more then the rest when it comes to the game. So.... yeah, usually their logic would hold more weight.

Lets look at this another way.

I go and visit a nuclear power plant on a "field trip" if you will.
While there, I start telling the technicians working in the plant, the best way to do their job.

They of course protest (rightfully so; I mean, after all. they are nuclear technicians, and I’m...... not. I DID however have a coil generator science play set as a kid.)

So your saying, they are just waving they're elitist e-peens at me because they are jealous of my non-nuclear technician posterior?

And that they in fact, should listen to me in matters concerning nuclear reaction?

I do agree with you on the fact that this thread is just,,,, pointless
And the OP took much more offence at the situation then was called for.

I also agree with what Eaglestrike was ACTUALLY saying
(not what you said he did, don't mix those two things up. It will help in the next couple of seconds)
The state of the player base as related to ethics and "sportsmanship" for lack of a better word, is in serious decline.
People used to show a bit more courtesy towards each other a while back; whether it is party etiquette, or camp courtesy.
I’m not sure exactly what changed, but it did, and not for the better.

But it IS JUST A GAME, so posts like this, and the hurt feelings that spurred them are still not needed.
#28 Mar 28 2007 at 7:39 AM Rating: Good
440 posts
And yet, the point of my second post was missed.. I was bored, had time to waste, saw that and said, "Hey, let's respond to this because it bugged me a little."

I'm not flaming pissed, upset, or anything else.. I remember it is a game..

And, I may be wrong, but I think they were referring a bit more to skill than courtesy.. Even a lot of older players that do end game now have forgotten how they used to be.. People get all this "uber gear" and ****, then call people either not as good as them, or less fortunate, crappy players..

My point was, we were all like that at one time.. We all sucked, we all had crap gear, but since they're good now, they forgot the past..

Probably off topic, but that's my take on what they said with crappy players.. And if I'm wrong, then I suppose I stand corrected on the matter.
#29 Mar 28 2007 at 9:06 AM Rating: Good
Idun wrote:
I was in a party tonight in Altepa. We did pretty good, and I got two levels out of it on my WHM, as did most of the others. Two of us gave @1 hour warning, myself and the DRK. 10 minutes later the PLD says {thank you party} {goodbye} and runs off.

well, the OP said: Bad player warning. and was refering to the fact that he was inconsiderate and left the party without notice.

drkone wrote:
i got another bad player warning:

Half of Shiva.

this person was saying that half the server is like the person being posted about in the OP

SirEaglestrike wrote:
Half? You have really low standards.

was commenting on the post above which was commenting on the OP, so one could deduce that they are all talking about the same thing.

i'll ask him just to make sure though.

it IS what i'm talking about, not that i get worked up over anything like this, i really could care less. that and i expect nothing less from parties (i was going to say pre 40 here, but in actuality; i've come to expect it in any party that is not made up of people i know)

i too am bored at work, or i wouldn't have bothered to pos the first, second, or this time. this gives me something to do for about 10 minutes, and thus kills the bordom.

and it rubs me the wrong way a little bit when people start shouting elitism every time someone points out that something can be done better.
*usually in response to someone asking if it can be done better*
people usually don't start shouting "elitism" until it contradicts what they though was better, and didn't really want to hear that they were wrong.

when did it become a bad thing to do something well?

Edited, Mar 28th 2007 12:10pm by Tyreck
#30 Mar 28 2007 at 9:09 AM Rating: Good
440 posts
Then I guess it would be a misunderstanding..

Then again, if you knew the person stating it better, you would know why I would say it, lol..

And I totally understand the boredom thing. >.>

I'm bored 90% of the time.. Working or otherwise.
#31 Mar 28 2007 at 9:20 AM Rating: Good
who LoH? the person i spend most of my work day chatting with, duo limbus with twice a week, dynamis twice a week for the last year or so, farm with, bcnm with, and just in general do random stuff with on a daily basis?

also, the first person i ask for help when i need something.

..... i know him.

before you say it, yeah, i'm probably what someone would call an elitist as well. I like researching things, and doing them the best i possibly can.

my philosophy: if it's worth doing. it's worth doing right.

i strive to be the best i can be at the hobby i have taken up. weather that be leveling a sub job.

or *gasp* leveling a subjob to level a subjob. (thats right, i don't think you should come to an EXP party as WHM/DRG because you are only leveling WHM to sub to DRG.)
#32 Mar 28 2007 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
Sometimse things come up irl where you have to go NOW.
Sometimes things come up IG where you have to go NOW.

If I have to go for something more important and there isn't even a replacement within the lv range you can be damned sure I'm going to say "Hey guys I g2g and there's nothing our lv to replace me" I'm not going to force myself to xp when I have something better to do wether IRL or IG dosen't matter.

If having to go and not finding a replacement is what makes a bad player then...geez damn well over half of shiva has bad players. I've had many people suddenly have to go and I don't go moaning and pissing over it.

Edited, Mar 28th 2007 2:32pm by Lonethief
#33 Mar 28 2007 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
241 posts
Nieko wrote:

that is sig-worthy, lol

SirEaglestrike wrote:
Hey Nieko:

1) FFXI is a game.
2) This is a forum.
3) It's sarcasm.

But it's also kinda funny you're wagging your e-peen in your sig =P

Edited, Mar 27th 2007 10:17pm by SirEaglestrike

Ladyofhonor: 75thf, 75pld, 232 Parrying
100+2 Alchemy
Merits: Dagger (+16 skill), Parrying (+8), STR+5, Crits (4), Triple Attack (+5), Hp+80, *** Charge level 2, Aura Steal 1, Feint 3, SA 2, Enmity+4
All current missions complete.
Homam 4/5, missing Zucchetto.
Mandau O Hct. Harness +1 O

arent you "wagging your e-peen in your sig =P" as well?
#34 Mar 28 2007 at 12:44 PM Rating: Good
yes, but he didn't say it was bad to wag the peener, and then proceed to do so every time he posts something.

#35 Mar 28 2007 at 2:19 PM Rating: Good
440 posts
Tyreck wrote:
yes, but he didn't say it was bad to wag the peener, and then proceed to do so every time he posts something.

No, but he did happen to call over half the server crappy..

E-peen in the sig ornot, how uber I consider myself, I wouldn't call over half the server crappy before judging myself on the matter.. It's just ignorant..

No, I'm not saying I would be like, "Oh, I've done this and this, have this, beat that.. Means I'm a good player." No..

In my opinion, gear doesn't make you any better of a player than someone with the question mark by their head.. I tend to judge more on the person acts, interacts with people, and people interact with them.. Sure, people with bad gear, ect won't be the best, but I'm sure when they improve it, they will do as good, if not beter, than the person who's like, "I have uber gear! LOL! ME > YOU !"

But, in the same hand, I don't think people should be lazy abouttheir gear, ect..

I'd rather have someone with moderate gear and a good attitude than someone who thinks they're too good..

And Tyreck, many people do not know LoH as you do. You are one of the people who got to know him.. Personally, when I try conversing with someone only to be ignored, it doesn't shine well.. LoH is a good player at the game, I'll give him that, but as a person.. Not on the top of my list, though I'm sure my opinion doesn't matter.

And Lucke, I'd have to find a way to incorporate that saying intoa couple tarus doing some weird emotes, lol.

Last second add in: Lucke was pointing out how he said I was guilty of wagging my e-peen, yet when you read a few lines down... By George, there's a bigger list than mine.
#36 Mar 28 2007 at 2:46 PM Rating: Good
4,447 posts
I don't even remember ever doing stuff with you Nieko, so I'm not sure where this strong opinion of yours is coming from. We've had pretty much no in-game contact.

And it's as Tyreck said, I made that comment because Nieko was attacking someone (me?) for wagging their e-peen around when his sig is full of bloating his in-game accomplishments. I didn't criticize such a thing, just pointed out the hypocrisy in his statement.

And Nieko, I thought we covered that my comment was supposed to be sarcastic.
#37 Mar 29 2007 at 5:48 AM Rating: Decent
241 posts
Nieko wrote:
And Lucke, I'd have to find a way to incorporate that saying intoa couple tarus doing some weird emotes, lol.

please do! and you better fraps it... or else ill tell Derf you think he's "teh secksay" ;P
#38 Mar 29 2007 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
Flame Me Now

lv 41 RDM/SMN

lv 0 WHM
lv 0 BLM

Merc Cap Sword ^ ^
#39 Mar 30 2007 at 1:38 AM Rating: Decent
2,727 posts
so nieko...can i scratch your ***?
#40 Mar 31 2007 at 7:06 PM Rating: Good
440 posts
TaterzZ wrote:
so nieko...can i scratch your ***?

Yar, I got a huge pimple on the left cheek, so pay extra attention there, please..

Thanks <3

ethodges wrote:
Nieko wrote:
And Lucke, I'd have to find a way to incorporate that saying intoa couple tarus doing some weird emotes, lol.

please do! and you better fraps it... or else ill tell Derf you think he's "teh secksay" ;P

Derf turns me on. :)

Edit messages for added post on second part of this one..

Edited, Mar 31st 2007 11:08pm by Nieko
#41 Apr 03 2007 at 12:14 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Pass the Popcorn and beer please.
#42 Apr 09 2007 at 5:34 PM Rating: Good
87 posts
At least this Targuss had the courtesy to say "thank you" to the party before leaving. I can't count the number of times I've had someone "mysteriously" D/C in the middle of a party. But even then, it's not always easy to tell if somebody really is having network issues or just hit reset on their router. Or maybe the guy had something important come up suddenly and had to go, you never know. Yeah, it sucks, but like others have already said it happens all the time at all levels (although I tended to notice it more at lower levels for some reason).

Personally, I always say in /p chat if I need to be leaving party soon precisely to avoid such misunderstandings. I mean, you wouldn't only send the party leader a /tell "afk brb" you would say that in /p chat so the whole party knows, right? I made that mistake last night in a party where I announced I had 1 hour left in /p chat, but only sent a /tell to party leader I had to go @20min and @5min. It must have seemed very abrupt to the rest of the party when I "suddenly", without having said anything else in /p chat after 1 hour warning, said {Thank you}{Party}{See you again!}.

Another good reason for saying it in /p chat is because someone else in the party may have a friend or know someone who might want to come as a replacement if none are seeking your level range. Actually had that happen several times.

So anyway, not taking sides, just saying sometimes stuff comes up and I think common courtesy says to let the whole party know if you need to leave rather than just the party leader. If only to prevent a situation like this one.

Edited, Apr 9th 2007 6:38pm by ShibuyaOnShiva
#43 Apr 10 2007 at 12:17 AM Rating: Decent
i cant even be bothered to read all the replys to this post.
1. Targess is a cool guy.
2. Idun is a prick so STFU! you moaning little *****.

People leave partys all the time, hell half of them fake dc.
Get over it *******. ima /blist you when i log in for being
such a prick!

btw <3 lilw (was a lovley wedding for you an targess glad i was there)
#44 Apr 11 2007 at 2:00 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Damn it the popcorns not done yet.
I dont have my beer in hand.
#45 Apr 13 2007 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
Geez you guys have way to much time on your hands to make all of theses rediculously long posts. But i agree player tells leader he leaves at anypoint in time he don't need to notify the other players if he chooses not too. That is why there is a leader, it's his job. No need to flame everyone that does leave a party if you think he just up and left cause just maybe you were not the leader and didn't need to know.
#46 Apr 14 2007 at 3:46 AM Rating: Decent
90 posts
Some guy leaves a party, apparently telling the leader he is leaving in an hour but not saying it in party chat like all the cool kids do. Doesn't matter who you say it too, but I guess saying it in party chat would be nicer, so the whole party knows and not just the leader-- however, depends who's running the party, after all. If someone /tell's me they're leaving in a party in an hour, I find a replacement for them within 30 minutes. If I can't find one within 10 minutes, I tell the party that soso is leaving in 20, continue to find replacement. If I can't find one.. downtime oh noes. But at least noone would be so annoyed. That's how I do it anyhow.

Moreover to the point, this drama is silly. No facts are given, and you're all being petty/silly. So may as well just go back ingame and make a new xp party!

And help me get soboro >.>.
#47 Apr 14 2007 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
/EM passes the popcorn to Aphrodyte
/EM chugs the beer.
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