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Can we stop being arrogant and insulting people?Follow

#1 Jun 16 2006 at 7:47 PM Rating: Default
I am really disturb by the continued rude and abusively critical behavior displayed by alot of people on these forums. If you want to constructively offer critique thats cool. The problem is the number of people who feel it necessary to insult and demean people on a daily basis. It is very dissapointing and it looks bad on everyone who posts here. If you cant say anything without insulting people keep your mouths shut. I hope the people at Alla read this and really think about the kind of rude people that like to flame people here. However I dont think that will happen so in the meantime hopefully some people will get the message and learn to be more civilized. I really enjoy the game and I like sharing info with people who have much knowledge along with those who want to learn. Just a thought.

Edited, Nov 16th 2006 at 12:43pm PST by Railus
#2 Jun 16 2006 at 8:42 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Sharing information is fine... but if people insulting others gets you down, I suggest YOU stop complaining about it and do something worthwhile (as in, use these forums as they should be used, and POST DECENT TOPICS). Get scholar, rate-down those you don't agree with, and move on.

Knowledge corrupts, the same as any power. The reason people here get annoyed is because they see the same topics, with horrible spelling, to questions that have been answered dozens of times. Even your own topic to stop being arrogant isn't anything new; I know I have seen at least two of these same topics in the past week or so on the main forum.

The solution starts with you. I hope to see you posting interesting and worthwhile posts soon, so I can rate you up and you can help us clean up the forums :)
#3 Jun 16 2006 at 9:44 PM Rating: Default
I certainly understand being annoyed, but that does not justify some peoples behavior. There are alot of young new wow players that post here and we should be mindful of that. Big deal if the grammar isnt 100% or they recycle a topic. Be constructive and not insulting. It isnt hard to do. And every time I see someone respond in a way that is insulting and rude I will gladly let them know.Id get sick of seeeing this subject posted too If I was trying to justify my own rude insulting behavior. All in all let me just apologize for the fact that mean people **** me off.
#4 Jun 16 2006 at 11:02 PM Rating: Good
rmehler wrote:
I certainly understand being annoyed, but that does not justify some peoples behavior. There are alot of young new wow players that post here and we should be mindful of that. Big deal if the grammar isnt 100% or they recycle a topic. Be constructive and not insulting. It isnt hard to do. And every time I see someone respond in a way that is insulting and rude I will gladly let them know.Id get sick of seeeing this subject posted too If I was trying to justify my own rude insulting behavior. All in all let me just apologize for the fact that mean people **** me off.
While I understand your frustration, you really need to understand mine.

In order to be taken seriously, people need to know several things:

1) How to spell.
2) How to use punctuation and grammar properly
3) The basics of netiquette, like CAPS=YELLING.
4) Not to use abbreviations - "u" does not equal "you", and "2" does not equal "to".
5) Posting questions that are answered in the sticky is considered to be poor form. people should read before posting.
6) Posting questions that have been answered recently (still on the same page) is also something that should not occur.

There are tools available on the internet to help people who can't post properly. I use on a regular basis. sentence construction is covered in the online wikipedia.

Admittedly, there should be room for a little leeway, since English may not be the native language of a poster, or the poster might have some sort of learning disability.

Basically, what you are complaining about is that we should respect the disrespect that is shown to us by the people who can't type, YELL AT US, and show poor or no knowledge of netiquette. Do people make themselves flame-bait? Yes. Do they want to? It depends. Some of them do. With the knowlwdge that we have "hot buttons", they can come in and troll for responses/flames. I don't think that most of them are trolls, though. They are just people who are too lazy to do things properly.
#5 Jun 17 2006 at 2:59 PM Rating: Default
6,129 posts
I am really disturb by the continued rude and abusively critical behavior displayed by alot of people on these forums. If you want to constructively offer critique thats cool. The problem is the number of people who feel it necessary to insult and demean people on a daily basis. It is very dissapointing and it looks bad on everyone who posts here. If you cant say anything without insulting people keep your mouths shut. I hope the people at Alla read this and really think about the kind of rude people that like to flame people here. However I dont think that will happen so in the meantime hopefully some people will get the message and learn to be more civilized. I really enjoy the game and I like sharing info with people who have much knowledge along with those who want to learn. Just a thought.

Wanna know something? I think you are a moron who doesn't know anything^^

I get the feeling you are butthurt about something that happened... Get over it.

Sharing information is fine... but if people insulting others gets you down, I suggest YOU stop complaining about it and do something worthwhile (as in, use these forums as they should be used, and POST DECENT TOPICS). Get scholar, rate-down those you don't agree with, and move on.

Knowledge corrupts, the same as any power. The reason people here get annoyed is because they see the same topics, with horrible spelling, to questions that have been answered dozens of times. Even your own topic to stop being arrogant isn't anything new; I know I have seen at least two of these same topics in the past week or so on the main forum.

The solution starts with you. I hope to see you posting interesting and worthwhile posts soon, so I can rate you up and you can help us clean up the forums :)

Ya see, I am about to rate this guy up. Why? Hell if I know. But I can...
Alla's Arena/PVP Forum


Let that beat build.

Xbox Live: kyNsdub
#6 Jun 17 2006 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
Once again my point is proved.
#7REDACTED, Posted: Jun 17 2006 at 7:23 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) see this thing called a rating next to my name???
#8 Jun 18 2006 at 5:35 PM Rating: Good
you DO know it's just as rude to call out an entire forum and act self-important as it is to make fun of someone for acting dumb, right?
#9 Jun 21 2006 at 5:01 AM Rating: Decent
648 posts

You need to bear in mind that often people have clearly distinct views and have to put their point forcefully.

Theres no excuse for being outright rude or resorting to personal attacks - but text communication being what it is - it is fairly easy for someone to come across as being arrogant when they are not being arrogant at all.

And that coupled with a western outlook that someone can come across as seeming arrogant just for being knowledgable - adds even more possibilities for looking arrogant.
#10 Jun 22 2006 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
I just want to say that people can talk how they want to talk. If they want to us abriviations let them.
#11 Jun 23 2006 at 3:20 AM Rating: Decent
You're acting self rightous with this posting. Personally, just drop it. there're tens of thousands of people out there. You can't expect everyone to be nice can you? Ps. it's also your choice to ignore those that are 'Arrogant and insulting' letting others influence you that way means they have succeeded in their aim of coming off as 'arrogant and insulting'. best way to deal with it is ignore them.

If someone throws a tantrum and is listened to, he'll shout and scream because he has an audience. If someone shouts and screams and is ignored, he'll quickly shut up.

did that to toons who shouted (HOARD SUCK) on Duathar chat. though we usially said (CONGRATULATIONS!!, YOU'RE HOARD) to them first.
#12 Jun 25 2006 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
killersoldier wrote:
I just want to say that people can talk how they want to talk. If they want to us abriviations let them.
Sure they can. But it makes it harder to take them seriously. In general, the use of bad grammar and leet-speak show disrespect to other people, who have to go to lengths to decifer what was meant by the poster. Learning spelling and the proper language is part of becoming a mature individual. I normally just ignore posters whose language is atrocious. If it's truly bad, I just downrate and move on, mainly because posts like that don't deserve an answer.
#13 Jun 30 2006 at 1:58 PM Rating: Default
Sure they can. But it makes it harder to take them seriously. In general, the use of bad grammar and leet-speak show disrespect to other people, who have to go to lengths to decifer what was meant by the poster. Learning spelling and the proper language is part of becoming a mature individual. I normally just ignore posters whose language is atrocious. If it's truly bad, I just downrate and move on, mainly because posts like that don't deserve an answer.

You would think that someone with as many posts as you would not have much trouble with any form of language used on the net, be it leet speak or abbreviations. I know players that talk very well and are actualy very good guild leaders but type very poorly, yet when on Vent or TS they are examples of how people should express themselves.

I honestly have never had any trouble whatsoever to decipher leet speak or any abreviations at all, actualy if you are an internet user I think it's expected of us to actualy use/understand these. It's a choice people make, respect their choice if they respect yours. Period. It ain't rocket science. It all comes down to respect, if you keep bashing the people that use leet speak or abreviations then you're at fault for not respecting their choice. Live and let live.

I must agree with the OP, this forum can be disturbing at times. But it's only because of the variety of personalities that come to this forum, nothing more, some people get pissed and vent. Let them be and move on.
#14 Jun 30 2006 at 5:19 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
I honestly have never had any trouble whatsoever to decipher leet speak or any abreviations at all, actualy if you are an internet user I think it's expected of us to actualy use/understand these.

Not at all what Mike said, but good try. Leet is just stupid, I think we can all admit that (thankfully it seems to be dying out). Abbreviations are fine, but Mike is right: they seem to show immaturity. It's like saying "jeans and a tee-shirt are fine clothing to wear." Sure they are. But will you wear those to a job interview in a large business? I sure hope not! Realistically what you wear won't have an impact on anything... but it definitely conveys the wrong message. Why shoot yourself in the foot? The same goes for abbreviations.

It all comes down to respect

I agree. If you want to earn respect, then do something and do it well.

if you keep bashing the people that use leet speak or abreviations then you're at fault for not respecting their choice

Nope, they have done nothing to deserve respect, and are they are at fault for getting upset about it. Ooooo, reverse thinking :-D

(I'm just playing Devil's Advocate here. I don't care if people use abbreviations. But some of the better posters, Mike included, DO care... and I can completely understand where they are coming from).
#15 Jul 01 2006 at 3:32 AM Rating: Decent
I must agree with the OP, this forum can be disturbing at times. But it's only because of the variety of personalities that come to this forum, nothing more, some people get pissed and vent. Let them be and move on.
Like I said, normally I don't do anything at all to them - ignoring them is my usual policy. I down-rate them if they are really terrible, but still ignore them otherwise. As far as respecting their choice, I respect it by ignoring them. If their posts are followed up with a "Y NO Asn3r5? Y R all U p33ps ha71gn me? !!1!LOL!", they may have the answer already.

Edited, Jul 1st 2006 at 4:41am EDT by ohmikeghod
#16REDACTED, Posted: Nov 13 2006 at 8:56 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) It is acctully really hillarious how all of you in this forum preach about ignoing someone who gets on your nerves and yet you still have to go and talk a bunch of **** on someone else who is annoyed by it yea i talk **** to but only to those who annoy the hell out of me like almost all of you in here your nothing but a bunch of hypocrits, I mean who cares if someone can't spell, uses abriveations, or if they don't use proper grammer this is not an english class so stop getting *** HURT and get over it oh and all of you who are gonna post saying why don't you get over it I already am i just like to talk **** to those who think they know everything.
#17 Nov 13 2006 at 1:27 PM Rating: Default
Holy crap, that last post was the longest run-on sentence I have seen in a while.


There ya go, I think you dropped those.

i just like to talk sh*t to those who think they know everything.

And talking sh*t from a sock is REAAAAAL brave... *rolls eyes*

yea i talk sh*t to but only to those who annoy the hell out of me

Well, intentionally bad spelling and truely lazy grammar annoy the hell out of me. So by your own logic, it is ok for me to talk sh*t about you. Agreed?

I mean who cares if someone can't spell, uses abriveations, or if they don't use proper grammer

I do. I know I'm not alone in that.

this is not an english class

True, but then neither are a lot of things that require good english composition. If you think that taking english classes is the only reason we are taught english, then you are truely dumber than you seemed originally.

#18 Nov 13 2006 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
336 posts
Wow, where to start...

First of all, the last post I see before this 7 line run-on sentence was posted on July 1st. By all reason, this topic should be dead and buried. To dig this up after 4 months without the slightest bit of constructive input, with the poor grammar and spelling used (given the fact that previous posts had identified these traits as being problems) is likely either a troll move, or someone with no common sense, as far as forums go.

Also, for future reference, people who start a line of thought by accusing other people of preaching are typically getting ready to deliver a sermon of their own.

Oh, and I hold people who possess both poor language skills, and the attitude that they are not in english class personally responsible for the degeneration of society today.
#19 Nov 13 2006 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
Ragezx wrote:
<everything removed but> bunch of sh*t

Downrated for necroposting.
#20 Nov 14 2006 at 6:38 AM Rating: Good
982 posts
i arege taht ereyvdoby solhud laren to selpl crreoltcy and leet-saepk is ideend vrey sutipd (athluogh vrey uesufll smoeitme) But why bthoer? its not lkie you raed the wohle wrdos aynawy, the mnid olny uess the frsit and lsat ltteer form ecah wrod to caerte a wrod.

i rest my case...


#21 Nov 14 2006 at 7:34 AM Rating: Good
804 posts
I have to put my vote in on the grammer/spelling side of this conflict, with one caveat: I suck at spelling some words. Although I would tend to adhere to the annoying red lines under those unspelt words in a word document (unless the word happens to actually be spelt right while not in the database), I am too lazy to cross-reference my posts with in order to ensure perfection.

I usually will welcome corrections to my spelling from those replying to my post as long as they haven't assumed the role as "grammer ****", calling each misspell an idiotic mistake on my part.

When refering to shortening you with 'u' and to with '2', and other common shortening, these aren't acctually abreviations, they are a way of being really lazy. Although being lazy enough to not bother opening up another window on my browser in order to spell a word that I do not usually type is not nearly as big a deal as intentionally spelling you and to with one character phonetics, it just makes the poster look plain, well whats the word, dumb.

As far as ChlKilt's post goes, I have heard his thesis before, but I don't buy it one bit. I may not be the sharpest utensil in the drawer, but I still think of myself as marginally intelligent, and reading ChlKilt's post, although possible, was far slower that reading other posts (I'll pick on Mike here because his posts are always top notch), like Mike's posts for instance.

For those of you who have trouble making readable posts, here's a bit of advice: Try wording out the post as you type it out, then read it afterwards to make sure it makes sense. Given practice you will be able to eliminate both steps to this technique, but I would try eliminating one at a time. Even once you have established a high enough skill in post writing to compete with Mike (because writing is a skill afterall), I would suggest continuing to reread your posts (whether before or after you hit the post message button) in order to ensure that whatever misspells you make are fixed, as well as anything that doesn't make sense. After all, you have the edit button.
#22 Nov 14 2006 at 8:00 AM Rating: Good
839 posts
Rating down the original post in an attempt to drop it below the filter and rating down Ragezx for necroposting the thread. I am (as usual) siding with the spelling/grammar argument.

Why would anybody want to make their post more difficult to read? It just doesn't make sense. As for the complaint about flaming, I doubt the trade forum is the worst for this. Besides, preaching and/or whining about it doesn't help. :)
#23 Nov 15 2006 at 1:43 AM Rating: Default
982 posts
I dont understand people whining about the grammar/spelling issues.
For some people english is not their mother-language, some people actually come from different countries where people DO NOT speak english.

so PLEASE keep an open mind, and understand that not everybody grow up with english and thus make mistakes sometimes when it comes to spelling/grammar.

like a wise chinese guy once said: A closed mind is like a closed book; just a block of wood.

Many blocks out there...

Edited, Nov 15th 2006 at 1:48am PST by ChlKilt
#24 Nov 15 2006 at 8:29 AM Rating: Decent
ChlKilt wrote:
I dont understand people whining about the grammar/spelling issues.
For some people english is not their mother-language, some people actually come from different countries where people DO NOT speak english.

so PLEASE keep an open mind, and understand that not everybody grow up with english and thus make mistakes sometimes when it comes to spelling/grammar.

like a wise chinese guy once said: A closed mind is like a closed book; just a block of wood.

Many blocks out there...

Perhaps you missed this in my first post:
Admittedly, there should be room for a little leeway, since English may not be the native language of a poster, or the poster might have some sort of learning disability.

#25 Nov 15 2006 at 8:46 AM Rating: Decent
hmmm strange, I started posting here when I first started playing WoW. I asked quite a few questions, even ones in the FAQ which I only browsed, and everyone was actually pretty nice and helpful.

Did some of them scream at me...."its in the faq read it nub" Sure it happens, but if it was in the FAQ, then they had the right to do so.

But over all if you post on boards on the net you have to know this is one of the mild ones.
#26 Nov 15 2006 at 2:05 PM Rating: Default
Ahh that sucks my post got deleted haha
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