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making money with herb/alchFollow

#1 Jul 27 2006 at 3:41 PM Rating: Decent
319 posts
hi everyone. i am a troll mage with herbalism and alchemy.

currently lvl 24 and am thinking i should start saving for a mount so im wondering whee im going to get 100g. using my tradeskills what is the best way to make money? are there herbs that sell for a lot or should i make potions and sell those.

btw i am 115 herb and 105 alch. please tell me even if my skills are not good enough yet.
#2 Jul 27 2006 at 9:42 PM Rating: Default
Usually, herbalists make good money, but you CAN make a little bit of money with Alchemy. My Alchemist has Recipe: Swiftness Potion... it requires a few low level ingredients and stacks of them (on my server) sell for about 3g 50s each. Easy money because twinks will buy these alot. Thats really all i know about how to make money in Alchemy.
#3 Jul 27 2006 at 11:16 PM Rating: Default
Moreck is right,
I'v sold a lot of different potion and herbs , but tal you get closer to your cap swiftness potions are the best. I fond that a lot of the other potion recipes at that level are just not worth the time.

The mats for swiftness potions cost a lot to buy from the AH but for us herbalism/alchemys it's all good.

Briarthorn x1
Swiftthistle x1
=Swiftness Potion x1

Get this, Swiftthistle is a binary pick up with Briarthorn, so you can get both with one pick up,
one time I got all the mats for 3 Swiftness Potions from just 1 herb pick up of briarthorn.

Edit: Thanks Anobix,

Edited, Jul 29th 2006 at 2:07am EDT by Maxzzzz
#4 Jul 28 2006 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
well it isn't exactly 10.5g... a stack of swiftness potions sell for 3.5g not a piece.
#5 Jul 30 2006 at 4:40 AM Rating: Decent
Actually I make a killing selling all kinds of superior pots and healing pots... not to mention reagents and trade goods like goblin rocket fuel, fire oil, and such. I suggest taking up fishing too, make it easier to be alch.
#6 Jul 30 2006 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
319 posts
ye as i hav just hit 150 alch i can now make fire oil and blackmouth oil. i see that they require fish to make so i agree with taking up fishing as these reagants are expensive to buy i have discovered. the probelm is that i dont know where to start with fishing, i have been tained in fishing but dont really know what to do.
#7 Jul 30 2006 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
wowtrollmage wrote:
ye as i hav just hit 150 alch i can now make fire oil and blackmouth oil. i see that they require fish to make so i agree with taking up fishing as these reagants are expensive to buy i have discovered. the probelm is that i dont know where to start with fishing, i have been tained in fishing but dont really know what to do.

1) try reading the sticky.

2) the easiest place to level your fishing is in the newbie areas.
#8 Aug 15 2006 at 5:46 PM Rating: Default
well it isn't exactly 10.5g... a stack of swiftness potions sell for 3.5g not a piece.

I said...... -.-

it requires a few low level ingredients and stacks of them (on my server) sell for about 3g 50s each.
#9 Aug 15 2006 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
142 posts
I definately agree with the swiftness potion comment. Buying that recipe is worth this investment. I found another money maker to be Free Action Potions. The recipe is from a vendor, and they sell for about the same, maybe a little more then Swiftness Potions, and the ingredients aren't hard to get at all. 2xBlackmouth Oil and 1 Stanglekelp. I get loads of these fishing in Ratchet.
#10 Aug 15 2006 at 8:01 PM Rating: Decent
Is it true that Elixirs of giant growth sell for good money? I've been sitting on some deviate fish (waiting to get my recipe!!) and a friend of mine said they would sell for about 2g a stack...not as good as swiftness potions but it's what I got.

This is on Silverhand server btw :P
#11 Aug 15 2006 at 9:49 PM Rating: Decent
Mighty troll's blood sells really well on my server... the market is pretty dead so most of the time i can sell them for 4g a stack. the best part is that i can afford to buy the herbs in mass quantities (1.5g can get me the herbs for 20 potions) idk how the market is on your server but give them a shot
#12 Aug 15 2006 at 11:54 PM Rating: Default
off topic
I said...... -.-

please don't take offence Moreck, Anobix was just helping me with an edit in my post (the one just above his).

quote myself
Edit: Thanks Anobix,


most of the time i can sell them for 4g a stack.

Hahahaha nice
4g a stack? Acozz your doing grate!! ;)
I sell my might trolls at 2g a stack, the market is one of the farstest on my server. At 2g I'm making x4 the price I payed for the mats, very good not as good as yours.
#13 Aug 16 2006 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
4,297 posts
at level 24 here's something you can do in westfall/ menethil for alliance, ratchet for horde.

run up and down the coast fishing up the oily blackmouth schools and swimming out to get the stranglekelp. when the oilies stop spawning, bite the bullet and kill a couple firefin schools. when your bags are chock full, run to the bank, brew up some blackmouth oil, and empty your bags. repeat til you can't stand it anymore and you've got stacks of kelp and blackmouth oil.

wait for a warsong gulch weekend, then brew up 3-4 stacks of free action pots at a time and put them on the ah. don't worry about having the lowest price on there, they'll sell. when they do sell, brew up a couple more stacks. lotsa gold.

faps are a low level potion, but your market is twinks and honorwhores, and your market has gold to spend! get it out of them!

once you've got 50-60g built up, you can stop farming the mats, and start buying up all the oilies and kelp when they hit 10s each. buy mats at 50s per pot, sell pot for 1g+ each. easy gold.

i didn't figure this out till after i had my level 40 mount. i used it to make a hefty chunk of the 800g for my epic mount.
#14 Aug 16 2006 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
i love useing herb/alch to make cash being 300 herb and 300 alchy plus since the farmers out there raise the prices on everything =P my high lvl potions and herbs sell for tons and tons of cash if i spend time only making potions i can make a easy 1000g in 2days.
#15 Aug 17 2006 at 2:36 AM Rating: Decent
i can make a easy 1000g in 2days.

Bilcosby that can't be 1000g profit
#16 Aug 17 2006 at 4:31 AM Rating: Decent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Actually, depending on his server economy, it can.

It all depends on the money he puts down initially, the cost of mats, and if a guild is doing raids that would benefit from things such as flasks(and stoneshield pots).

For a guild learning a tough encounter, a tank will be drinking some potions like water.
#17 Aug 17 2006 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
Maxzzzz wrote:
Get this, Swiftthistle is a binary pick up with Briarthorn, so you can get both with one pick up,
one time I got all the mats for 3 Swiftness Potions from just 1 herb pick up of briarthorn.

Funny, you make it sound like it always happens. It doesn't. While there is a very good chance that Swiftthistle will be found in conjunction with Briarthorn, it drops less than half of the time. the actual figure is 39.88%, according to the drop stats here.

edit: I'd like to see you use WoWReader to put your characters up, so I can see for myself what your skills really are at, since you make so many of these types of comments. From your posts, it looks like you've made only those 3 swiftness potions and little else.

Edited, Aug 17th 2006 at 9:48am EDT by ohmikeghod
#18 Aug 21 2006 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
652 posts
Swiftthisle can also be found in mageroyal

You can sell the swiftthistle in stacks to rogues, as many take up leatherworking instead of herbalism and therefore can't pick it themselves to make thistle tea with.

Same goes for fadeleaf. You can find that pretty much everywhere in STV
#19 Aug 21 2006 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
Herbalism and Skinning, ive found to be great ways of making money on my server.. at lvl 13 my Mage has his backpack and four 12 slot bags, as well as 7g, i've found that, earthroot sells pretty well in stacks for around 60-80s.. with peacebloom and silverleaf going for around 25-40s each stack. so far my skills are 100+ and im currently trying to farm Mageroyal and Swiftthistle to make money from, but currently im having no luck finding any in Loch Modan :(
#20 Aug 22 2006 at 4:41 AM Rating: Decent
For the level 150-ish mark I think the above has covered it all.

Swiftness pots and Free Action will sell the best IMO.

There are always calls for Healing potions, the only problem is that on Balnazzar the server is flooded with Medium range potions and sell for about 40s each, BO give or take.

TBH, I would leave making money till around level 35 upwards, for my Shaman I did that (also herb/alch) and I just went around picking up herbs and using Auctioneer to undercut the current prices.

And a random BoE Epic drop here and there also helps :D

Anywho, for the low level person wanting to make money. Sell fish, sell Swiftness and Free Action and sell Swiftthistle, the last once sold for me at 10g BO on Balnazzar.
#21 Aug 22 2006 at 6:57 AM Rating: Decent
652 posts
Eventually you'll be able to make cash with transmutes. Arcanite transmutes usually cost around 5g - 6g.

Another option is to get Honoured with Argeant Dawn when you're higher level and buy the formula for transmuting Essence of Air into Fire. On my old server, Air would sell for 5g where as Fire would sell for 20g. Buy the Air, transmute it, sell for 15g profit every couple of days. Prices vary from server to server though.
#22 Aug 22 2006 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
1,606 posts
The TB friendly transmute (heart of fire --> elemental fire) makes much more of a profit than any transmute on my server (finally bit the bullet and got this one). As for air to fire... yeah it's good. Air to fire would net you a profit on my server too... about 5g in 24hr. Heart of fire --> elem fire is generally about 1-1.5g per 10 minutes.

As for money makers... at that level free action potions and swiftness pots are definitely a very good bet. As other have said, make sure to take up fishing too! Always calculate prices first. If you can sell the raw materials cheaper, and you aren't getting a skill up by making the potions, then sell the raw materials.

As far as alchemy at 300 goes... you'd be suprised how fast elixir of the mongoose, elixir of greater agility, elixir of brute force, major troll's blood, and greater resistance (esp fire and nature) potions put money in your pocket. That's what I like about alchemy... there's a lot of higher end potions that actually sell... and sell well.
#23 Aug 22 2006 at 9:41 AM Rating: Decent
yeah...air on my server is the big one in demand...people can't just go to sithilus and farm for essences.
#24 Aug 22 2006 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
I'd agree with the majority of the posts on here Swiftness potions will be your main money maker until you reach the 225 alch mark. My Druid (lvl27 Tauren on EURO server scarshield legion) is 225/225 alch and 201/225 herb. I found that the major potions thats I sold when in that skill range was Swiftness Potions, Rage Potions and Free Action (once high enough)and they sold for decent money too....esp Swfitness Potions. As your skill gets higher....start investing in recipe's that you will need later, for example, my druid has Nature Protection Potion (lasts an hour and soaks upto 2000 odd nature DMG - will become very handy when my server opens AQ20 and AQ40!!! ;) ) and just try and stay ahead of demand....mana/health pots always sell, whether they be minor, all the way through to major....just price them right and sell in stacks of 5/10.....(sell ALL potions in 5/10 stacks as it makes selling them 20x easier and maximises your profit!! :D

And try and invest in a herb bag (at least 12slot) and either carry it on you, or have it as one of your bank slots (you'll collect LOTS of herbs on your travels)

Fish to get additional mats for pots that you can make (deviate fish and oily blackmouth and firefin snapper for example)

If you find yourself with an excess of herbs (that you no longer need to make green+ difficulty pots, but not the right herbs to make pots, then you can always sell the herbs on there own.

So far this method of farming and production has netted my druid (which is an alt. my main is a 52 UD priest)over 57g i just need to hit 35 so i can get artisan alch, and start making some REAL cash - Stonescale Potion FTW ;)

Just my 2 cents.
#25 Aug 22 2006 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
sell ALL potions in 5/10 stacks as it makes selling them 20x easier and maximises your profit

No, not all potions are best sold in big stacks. some potions are required for other tradeskill recipes (such as lesser invis potions) these potions sell very fast in stacks of one. Ultimately try to know wht ur potions are used for and sell them in the appropriate stack size
#26 Aug 31 2006 at 4:44 PM Rating: Decent
ok so... i took up Alchemy on my lvl 35 warrior, in a guild with quite a few herbys, got my alchemy to lvl 300 in a few levels... (2 to be precise) and have all the recipes that were available to me... even greater arcane/shadow protection... problem is, i havent yet worked out what the best way to make money is, i'd also like to know if possible, where the arcanite transmute recipe is... as i have the basic ones *mithril to truesilver and iron to gold* and these do nothing for my income. being that the prices are actually quite similar on both start and end product.. anybody have any suggestions on how to start making money with alchemy? this is WITHOUT herbalism btw.
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