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Are there any BoP craft items that make these worth it?Follow

#1 Dec 09 2006 at 11:51 PM Rating: Decent
556 posts
I was hunting around thottbot and noticed that these really don't get anything that make you HAVE to have them, unless i'm missing something. It seems like all the really worthwhile things you can just purchase from another player. If i'm wrong, feel free to correct me, I would love knowing i'm wrong (I tend to craft for fun over power, but it doesn't seem like WoW offers much reason to craft anything since you can just purchase 99% of all the crafted items anyway)

Tailoring: Nets, alright, useful...for 3 seconds every minute. Worth leveling tailoring up to 375 for? Doubtful...are the armors you can make with tailoring really worth it, or can you eventually just find better?

Leatherworking: Again, are the armors worth it? I haven't had a character high enough to be able to get the end-game drops, but do they beat the armors you can craft?

Smithing: Same as Leather but for weapons and armor.

Alchemy: Unless I'm missing something, the only BoP they have is the Alchemy Stone, which is nice, but...not exactly a reason to get alchemy over something like Engineering.

Enchanting: +4 to all stats (8 after 2 rings) or 24 spell power or 20 healing power? Doesn't seem worth it again...

Jewel Crafting: Some healing totems. No clue how good these are, but I imagine not exactly game breaking. The necklaces that give temp stat boosts aren't that bad though...

Engineering: :P Useful, plain and simple, lol. All the best recipes require you to have engineering to actually use them, so...this one is actually good.

The reason this came up is basicaly because my friend was poking me all night, refusing to give even an inch of ground, stating that every craft profession other than engineering bites for endgame, and there is no real saving grace to any other profession since you can just buy all the best stuff from the others, or simply farm and get better from drops. Is he right? I love crafting, but if there really is no point at all to it...I would be sad :(
#2 Dec 10 2006 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
420 posts
Tailoring: Nets, alright, useful...for 3 seconds every minute. Worth leveling tailoring up to 375 for? Doubtful...are the armors you can make with tailoring really worth it, or can you eventually just find better?

Nets? Unless this is a TBC thing I'm not aware of tailor made nets. Engineering is what makes the Net-o-matic.

As far as tailoring goes, there are a few things that are useful. There are some nice +dmg things you can make for yourself like the Robe of Power, Dreamweave stuff and then there are the class robes. Truefaith Vestments, Robe of the Void, Robe of the Archmage. I made myself a ROTAM and it rocks.

Leatherworking: Again, are the armors worth it? I haven't had a character high enough to be able to get the end-game drops, but do they beat the armors you can craft?

Armor? Not so much, but the purple capes you can make are quite nice and sell well if you don't mind farming the mats.

Enchanting: +4 to all stats (8 after 2 rings) or 24 spell power or 20 healing power? Doesn't seem worth it again...

I have spell power on my Bloodcaller, and I don't regret farming the mats for it at all, +dmg is always good. All of the healers I'm friends with that know I have the healing power to gloves enchant want it, same with mana regen to bracers or healing power to bracers. I got shadow power tonight in AQ and I got a whispers from Warlocks bugging for it before I even memorized the formula.

#3 Dec 10 2006 at 8:59 AM Rating: Decent
556 posts
Yes, but unless I'm mistaken, everything you just said can be purchased from another player instead of farmed yourself (and yes, tailor nets are TBC). That was his point...that there is nothing outside of Engineering (and he's starting to give a little bit with Jewelcrafting) that is worth taking a profession for, since anything you can craft that is weapon or armor, or the semi-useful items from the other professions, can always be beaten with drops, or simply purchased from other players. What i'm trying to find out is if he's right :(
#4 Dec 10 2006 at 9:52 AM Rating: Decent
420 posts
The Robe of Power I listed is BoP, as are the class specific robes that I mentioned. Can't speak for the Priest or 'Lock robes but the Mage robe is very nice and better than the tier 1 robe from MC. Granted, with TBC this close it probably won't be so incredibly awesome for long, but as of now it's a very nice robe for someone who cannot obtain higher than tier 1.

As far as Enchanting goes, sure you can purchase them from other players but I much prefer to do my own than hunt down someone to do it for me.
#5 Dec 10 2006 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
556 posts
Yea, that was part of his argument...come end-game, supposedly, nothing that is BoP other than engineering and maybe jewelcrafting is worth anything anymore =/ I'm just hoping somebody can prove him wrong...cause if all crafting is pretty much a waste of time come end-game, i'm gonna be a bit upset. What would the point of crafting if nothing you can make is going to be of any real use come the end of the game when your getting better stuff from drops/pvp?
#6 Dec 12 2006 at 7:38 PM Rating: Default
556 posts
*Bumps* Been two days, figure i'll attempt to get a more sure answer on this one. Once you hit end-game and can start picking up PvP Gear (and maybe Raid gear) are crafting professions that provide weapons and armor any actual use anymore, or can you simply outdo them by farming rep, mobs, honor, raids, etc?
#7 Dec 12 2006 at 8:12 PM Rating: Decent
I would say Engineering is the only real "usefull" one, meaning the only one that is only usefull when you have it. 99% of the things other proffesions make can be bought from them.

The reasons to take the other proffesions include: money, money again, easy to get gear/enchants/pots(which can also net you some money), crafting resist gear for your guild and other guild advancement items (flasks, enchants for guildies, whatever)(which can also net you some money), fun (someones gotta find it fun leveling crafting skills).

The gear made from crafting is top of the line while leveling. In end game, it may be better than some gear, but as you advance more the drops you get become more and more powerfull (which makes sense, it would be silly to release Naxx (or any other new raid) and have the gear that drops from the hardest raid in the game be worse than something you could already craft, there would be no point but pointless fun :) )

That is for now... i dont know in TBC, but i saw a pretty kick *** crafted 2h hammer that requires several upgrades to get to where it is and, yes, it was BoP. Dont know how long it will be that good though, better weapons are bound to come by, but i, too, would personally like to see better BoP crafted gear (or crafted anything, like the ring enchants are cool).
#8 Dec 13 2006 at 6:24 AM Rating: Decent
1,287 posts
I leveled Tailoring to 300 purely to make myself one Truefaith Vestments, and then ditched Tailoring again. I haven't regret doing it. It beats the BWL robes, except maybe for the set bonuses, but I'm currently 3/8 T2 purely for the mana regen and got better than T2 items in all other slots. It's on par with the AQ40 robe, but that never dropped for our guild.

I've seen some awesome BoP BS items in TBC screenies, but until we know what dros in raids, we have no idea how worthwile these are.
#9 Dec 13 2006 at 7:28 AM Rating: Good
761 posts
codexia wrote:
*Bumps* Been two days, figure i'll attempt to get a more sure answer on this one. Once you hit end-game and can start picking up PvP Gear (and maybe Raid gear) are crafting professions that provide weapons and armor any actual use anymore, or can you simply outdo them by farming rep, mobs, honor, raids, etc?

Right now, pre-expansion? Just go PvP. It's by far the cheapest and easiest epics you can get, the GM weapons are about equivalent to Chromaggus loot and have the advantage of being guaranteed. Once you get the honor and marks to pay for them, they're yours. Raid drops are an uncertain business by comparison, subject to the vagaries of DKP, attendance, relative desirability and pure luck with drops. I've seen a triallist pick up a 60 DPS sword on his first raid when others waited a year for the same drop.

For the expansion it's a different matter. Some crafted epics have been revealed already, Blizzard is trying out a new system of upgradeable Bind on Pickup epics that require you to keep your profession to continue using them. These items appear to be on par with PvP and raid gear and the tiered upgrades should allow crafted gear to keep up as raid gear itemlevels increase. It's impossible to predict exactly how it will turn out and ultimately your decision should be based on what you *enjoy* doing in the game.

Personally, I've had one character drop a gathering skill to pick up armorsmith. Another will become a Jewelcrafter the day the expansion is released.
#10 Dec 13 2006 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
556 posts
Unfortunately, what I "enjoy" is not wasting time. I love crafting in this game, it's fun and generally simple to do, especialy Tailoring and Blacksmithing. Unfortunately, as fun as it is, I hate not having anything to show for it end-game. If TBC does correct this, i'll be a very happy camper :P Spending 375 points in a craft, who knows how much gold and time, you should be able to get something that's actually worthwhile end-game, even if it's not the best (wouldn't want raiders to cry to bad), it should at least be pretty close.
#11 Dec 13 2006 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
638 posts
Different strokes for different folks -

I took blacksmithing on my first character, a paladin, and leveled it with my character. The whole way to 60 I was wearing or using at least one or two pieces I had crafted myself, and I'm still very very slowly trying to increase my Thorium Brotherhood rep to get the last of the dark iron plans. I still use my own Dark Iron Shoulders and Dark Iron Plate when I switch to FR gear.

If you don't like making stuff, don't bother. There are enough people around that will be happy to take your gold and make it for you - heck, then they might actually be able to justify taking the profession on these forums! If you want to make cash, take gathering professions, don't take crafting ones.

I play the game because I enjoy it, and I'm an armorsmith in the game because I enjoy that. I spent a lot of time gathering thorium and mithril to complete the quests and get all the plans, and I'm still working at farming gold or rep for the plans I don't have. I've enjoyed the extra quests that the blacksmith's get, and I like the fact that I can make a whitesoul helm for every paladin in my guild that reaches the appropriate level. And they like not having to spend so much for it, and will give me nice enchants, or ez throw dynamite, or whatever mats they gather in return.

I've got another character that's an engineer, and I enjoy that too - it's kind of cool being able to blow stuff up. But to say that very single player in the game should be an engineer because you can just buy anything else you need, or that all warriors should be gnomes because they are so hard to target, or that all paladins should be healers or all druids be specced resto, or...

It's a big game - do whatever is fun for you.
#12 Dec 13 2006 at 11:08 PM Rating: Default
But to say that very single player in the game should be an engineer because you can just buy anything else you need, or that all warriors should be gnomes because they are so hard to target, or that all paladins should be healers or all druids be specced resto, or...

I dont think anyone ever said that.
#13 Dec 15 2006 at 8:14 AM Rating: Decent
1,233 posts
I have created two priests, and both times I started out with gathering professions to initially earn some money (any two are fine), then switched to enchanting and tailoring (disenchanting the greens I tailored to raise skill), then dropped tailoring for engineering. Engineering compensates for lots of class weaknesses in PvP (which is what I do).

My only regret was that I dropped tailoring at 200 instead of leveling it to 300 and making complete sets of all the resist gear plus the BOP class robe. But that would have been expensive and time consuming, so maybe I would have regretted doing it. I use the robes of insight anyway, and I don't think the BOP robe is much better.

So my answer is that Engineering is great, enchanting is good, jewelcrafting might be okay, and everything else is a marginally useful. On one of my accounts I created mules with 300 tailoring, 300 alchemy, 225 blacksmithy, and 225 leatherworking to make stuff for my mains (priest with 300 enchanting/300 engineering and hunter with 283 mining/300 engineering). The alchemy and blacksmithy were handy to make potions and weight/sharpening stones. I also raised cooking and first aid to 300 on my mains to make the buffs and bandages.
#14 Dec 15 2006 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
638 posts
sensemeister wrote:
But to say that very single player in the game should be an engineer because you can just buy anything else you need, or that all warriors should be gnomes because they are so hard to target, or that all paladins should be healers or all druids be specced resto, or...

I dont think anyone ever said that.

The others were rather facetious examples from other threads, but as for the engineering one, we have:

(Codexia, or rather his friend:)
That was his point...that there is nothing outside of Engineering (and he's starting to give a little bit with Jewelcrafting) that is worth taking a profession for

Yea, that was part of his argument...come end-game, supposedly, nothing that is BoP other than engineering and maybe jewelcrafting is worth anything anymore =/

I would say Engineering is the only real "usefull" one, meaning the only one that is only usefull when you have it. 99% of the things other proffesions make can be bought from them.

So my answer is that Engineering is great, enchanting is good, jewelcrafting might be okay, and everything else is a marginally useful.

The way I read this, there is an argument here that says the only intelligent choice of profession is engineer. By implication then, anybody with any sense would become an engineer and buy their other items from all those stupid people who didn't know any better and became something else. The logic goes something like...

"The only reason to have a profession is to use items you can't get or better any other way"

"Engineering is the only profession which has a significant proportion of items that you must actually be an engineer to use"

"Therefore, everybody should have engineering as a profession."

The answers presented thus far have focused mainly on items that can only be used by members of other professions, such as the BoP items which that profession can create. My bit of sarcasm was focused on the first point of the argument, that the only reason for having a profession was to make items you couldn't get any other way.

#15 Dec 15 2006 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
556 posts
Sarcastic or not, that was his point. Let's do this for an example...

1) new craft: Cookie Crafter. There are no BoP's at all in the craft. Why would any person who is focused on making their character as strong as possable ever take Cookie Crafting if they could just buy anything they wanted from other players who took it?

2) Same as above, except there are several BoP at the end of the craft at 300. BUT, they aren't as good as the PvP Cookie Rewards or the Raiding Cookie Rewards. So...why take cookie crafting if you'll never get any benefit from it that

A: Cannot be bought from other players
B: Is strong, but once you get to end-game you replace it and therefore end up back at A again, buy what you want from another player since the BoP stuff gets outdated and you don't make anything stronger anymore.

That's a cheasy way to sum up his argument, but it's accurate enough I suppose. I'm not saying people who don't take X are stupid, although I do think he is, lol (seriously). He basicaly says, and what I am trying to see if he's actually right or not, is that if you want your character to be the best they can be, you should never take any craft unless it offers you an actual advantage that you cannot achieve in any other way, otherwise...why waste the time, money, and resources leveling it if it's only to obtain an inferior item?

I hope that sums it up better. It would be better if he came on here and did this himself, but...he doesn't like chat boards (mostly because he hates when people disagree with him with a passion).
#16 Dec 15 2006 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
638 posts
codexia wrote:
1) Why would any person who is focused on making their character as strong as possable ever take Cookie Crafting if they could just buy anything they wanted from other players who took it?

(Emphasis added)

And this is where I have my issue with the argument. If you accept that the only reason for playing the game is to be as strong as possible, and If you accept that the only reason for having a profession is to make your character more powerful in the endgame, and if you accept that the only way to do that is to choose the profession that has the most items that can only be used by that profession, then yes, I would have to agree with your friend's conclusion - engineering is the only choice. However, I happen to disagree with the premises of his argument.

There are many professions which will help more to level you to 60. Taking two gathering professions will get you the money you need to buy all those nice items from the other crafters, taking the appropriate craft (blacksmithing, tailoring, leatherworking) will allow you to fill in the gaps between good drops with armor that you make yourself, alchemy will allow you to fight as if you were a few levels higher in most situations due to the extra buffs you will get, and all of those are still useful, if not directly to yourself then certainly to your guildies and other friends once you've reached endgame. It is still far cheaper to make your own greater mana potions than to pay for them at the AH, and if that money is going to get you your next epic weapon...

But when it comes right down to it, I don't agree that the point of the game is to be the most powerful character you can be. I think it is to have fun, and although I think engineering has a lot of fun toys, it is as much fun for me to be an armorsmith and help my guildies stay geared. And it's going to be even more fun with new plans coming out in the expansion. I can't speak for the other professions, but I would imagine many of the people that bothered leveling them to 300 still enjoy them for their own sake. The purpose of any game is to enjoy the playing, not necessarily to win, and in a game like WoW where you can define winning any way you like, I think defining it as being the most powerful character is kind of sad.
#17 Dec 16 2006 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
336 posts
I'm a tailor Mage, and combined with my ability to throw real fireballs, I've found tailoring to be more useful to me than engineering in the +damage gear, and to a lesser extent, making mooncloth bags.

Oh, and I used to be a cookiecrafter in ffxi. Made millions off of wizard cookies. Millions.
#18 Dec 16 2006 at 8:21 PM Rating: Decent
556 posts
Can you seriously craft cookies >.>

And thanks for the response Fled, was actually a fun read on that one, although a little depressing. Do you think any of the new BoP stuff from BC will be able to shift that a little more? I've seen on Thottbot that the new max-level craftables for Weapon Smithing are INSANE, but...I haven't seen any of the end-game PvP or Raiding gear from BC yet either =/
#19 Dec 17 2006 at 4:57 AM Rating: Decent
Not too pull much from discusion but playing several MMo type games Anarchy Online , Ffxi , and now WoW. I've come to notice really crafting is as much as your going to pull out of it.

Keep in mind there are several Types of crafters out there similar to your types of player...

Grinder: These are the people who will get a craft to 300 with least amount of money spent and do it in a few hours. Drop it in a heartbeat to gain its advantage a few times and move on.

Pleasure: People who have multiple characters and usually have several crafts often 1 of each to 300. These people often tend to not unlearn a craft but just make a new char.

Factory: These are people who have 9 level 35 characters with 300 cloth craft , and 1 level 60 char. to farm felcloth.

Recipe Master: These people have every recipe in the game involving there craft often only play this character, and focus there crafting only on this character.

Now you may go, "well my style is a combo of each of those." I agree we all are abit of that.

My Exp. : During the AnarchyOnline years crafting was reserved for classes(classes i wasn't). A few years later after enjoying the years of raiding and getting raid gear i moved on to ffxi. Ffxi was abit diffrent you could be anything and craft anything with in certain levels.. Ffxi the point of crafting was differences between NQ and HQ1,2 (This determined how much a product would sell for). I went clothcraft it was pretty long and hard road spent a year in cloth before i gave it up ( Hit the silk road and spent alot of time in misery due to silks price). Decided for Alchemy, and at that time my character was a 70black mage / 69 Thief, Alchemy materials were fairly reasonable farming usually lower mobs or Doll type mobs, sprouts, etc so i could farm materials, esp with having TH ( Treasure Hunter ) which would drop items like crazy. Life was better then got to about 82 alchemy and could put buffs on weapons and HQ 1 and 2 the lower weapons, and for my friends which would be there upgrades at lower/higher levels, and make Potions aswell. A year or so later my Alchemy was 100, maximum in that game and i was making the equvilant of epics, temp enchants etc.. Slowly got out of that game as i hit frosh year of college and played Wow for abit due to the restraints on time. Played on crushridge, and got a feel for the crafting system, and the level grinds on Horde as a Shaman. Took a break from the game due to alot of hardships out side the game and working to survive.. eventually came back about 1.8ish. Moved to burning legion where i am now, doing well too. I will say here's a quick tip for people who dont have alot of time and want to enjoy crafting:

Make a Work character first ( Fury War, Combat Rogue ) and, pick up mining/herbalism/skinning any combo of the two and basically level to 50 on them. Level fast and Get ok gear and make your choice of what crafts you want to do. Make a another character, like the one you really want to play. Grind one day Exp. the next day. You will find that grinding will level your work char and make you money. Every other day play your desired char and you will have rest XP making effective time of both chars. From there you have a decent developement. Wow is really forgiving with this aspect even if you only have a few hours a day to play. Why you say? Depends on your level of commitement but if you can stick with it and not slack off too much and try to play on the weekend abit you can make progress.

My current situation is that i have about... 2 to 3 hours a day, and all weekend. Right now im leveling my rogue to 60 before expansion so i can keep going and max at 70 by Feb or March on my Rogue. Then ill kick down some time to make 5 or 6 alts for a few months.

Best tactic if you have **ALOT** of time for WoW grind a char to 35 and max there crafting to 300 on 2 crafts that yeild services. Rinse and Repeat. I have seen this take as little as 3 to 5 days a character for some (Extremely Dedicated) people and have made themselves extremely rich making Mooncloth robes in only 7 days; Enchanted Thorium Bars; Armor kits, etc.

Some of you are going to say we knew this already.. Thats great :) really is, but are you doing it? How effectively are you using you alts/mules? Dont just use them as storage bins.. ( What about the investment to get them there.. ?) Fyi Bop's and Boe's can be found for steals and often making it to 35 on just green's is really easy. 15g for a mooncloth bag can buy accouple decent swords and armor for a combat rogues. Lets do some math (-50Gold*A)= -((A*15Gold)*D) lets say A = amount of chars you raising ; D = ever 4 days of having that chars, and lets put this equation to the test. A = 1char D= 1day. -50g = -15g , and you add the +15 the -50 = -35gold .. lets put this at D=4 .

-50g = -((1*15Gold)*4) = -50g = -60g = when they are set equal +10g at day 16

Ok so where am i getting the 50gold ? 50gold is the Start up gold to take a char to 35... this was unrealistic, i think you could do it with about 25g in all greens. The point is the equation can be adjusted.

(-Q*A)=-((A*B)*D) or ((A*B)*D)+(-Q*A)

Q = Investment on Crafter Char
A = Number of crafter Chars
B = Amount the ending sevice will provide in revinue
D = Increments needed ( ie Moon cloth is 4 days, so D*4 = amount of days needed)

The point is crafting is just another way to level besides level grinding its an alternative to level grinding... Pvp is like this in the BG's.. There not really trade off's there just something to do to have fun and enjoy a game with your friends. Blizzard happens to make the enjoyment not so party orientated. Its not so much are the BOP's and BOE's going to rival raid drops its going to be more of the point when you spend time working on something it will yeild similar productivity... ie Endgame Armor, weapons, Crafting ability.

Myself personally i rather enjoy the crafting aspect..

Anarchy Online:
Arcenik 201 Agent :: Atlantian , Retired (Given to friends in game)
Mercs: Flagged, 3/8 Set :: Jobe Tier 1: 8/8 , Tier 2: 5/8
Notumwars: Yes :: Jobe: Yes :: Ai: Yes
Org History: Axis, Reloaded, AvR

Tarryk 73blm/69thf/all other Jobs 37 :: Fairy Server , Retired(Given as a gift)
BLM AF1:Ok :: THF AF1:Ok :: SKY:Ok :: RANK: 10 Windurst :: ZM: 17
Dynamis: Windurst:OK :: San'ordia: OK :: Bostok: Ok
Social Link Shell: Caretaker , Jinx , Avatar
Dynamis: OSD

Tarryk 47 Shaman : ( Elemental Build ) :: Crushridge , Retired (Given as a B-day present)
Current Guild: Unguilded
Reileen 46 Mage : ( Fire Build ) :: Burning Legion , retired
Current Guild: Unguilded
Switchbladeq 54 Rogue : ( Sword Combat build ):: Burning Legion, Active
Current Guild: Unguilded

Edited, Dec 17th 2006 6:55am by Reileen
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