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1000 Gold?!?!Follow

#1 Jan 08 2007 at 2:41 AM Rating: Decent
This question is for all the gold farmers out there...How long does it take you to acquire 1000 pieces of gold? And what are the best places to Farm in order to obtain 1000 gold as quickly as possible...It seems that everything is circulated around gold...and with so many gold buyers out there no one really takes the time to get gold the old fashion way...GRINDING!!! so for everyone out there that gets there gold the old fashion way..please post up the fastest gold per hour strategy you have.
#2 Jan 08 2007 at 3:07 AM Rating: Good
Ive never really grinded... i play casually and quest and watch my gold gradually grow... i used to play AH to afford my epic mount though.... but most of the time i hear people say fishing is a big gold giver.

Skillwise i got my lock upto level 20 and from skinning/herbalism i got 20g so far, on my war with mining/blacksmithing at that level i had 4g... so im guessing with 2 gathering proff's its easy to get rich gradually... plus i mainly vendored the leather and as for herbs i gathered like 150 and sold in a what i called "Alchemist Starter Pack" =D
#3 Jan 08 2007 at 4:12 AM Rating: Good
982 posts
Grind for felcloth in Azshara or felwood and make (let make) mooncloth and sell
Grind for essence of air in silithus.

These where for me the 2 ways to grind from 200g to 600g in 2 weeks, and i'm a casual gamer. Vendortrash in these places are also good, mostly around 1g.

I must admit though that in the 2 weeks mentioned above there where some strat sc runs.
#4 Jan 08 2007 at 7:43 AM Rating: Good
638 posts
When I really needed a lot of gold, I got it by running laps around the Badlands mining iron and mithril. For the time I put into it, I could make what I considered pretty good money. I only needed about 400 at the time to do my epic mount quest, but at 5-6 gold a stack for iron, and slightly more for mithril, I got there pretty quick.
#5 Jan 08 2007 at 8:04 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
I don't really farm gold. I've made a few k buying and reselling items on the AH over the last month with the help of auctioneer and other online pricing data.
#6 Jan 08 2007 at 8:05 AM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
I find that light leather sells on my server. It's really easy to get, and accumulates quickly so...
#7 Jan 08 2007 at 9:28 AM Rating: Good
There are many ways to earn money in WoW ... the most common are:

Silithus - Essence of air ( as said be4 )

Azshara - Felcloth ( as said be4 )

Un'goro crater - death to all elementals there ^^

Herbalism - a lot of money from Fadeleaf, Sungrass, Dreamfoil and even Stranglekelp ( perhaps for the Nature Resistance potion :S ). All herbs gathered are worth nice decent gold ( well the herbs that are 50+ skill at least ). Also from Swiftthisle you can get nice money since more and more ppl choose the rogue class.

Herbalism combined with Alchemy = plenty of gold ^^ One day I was sooo boored that all thay I just fly with the gryphons and stuff and collect herbs and at the end of the day created plenty of potions and other stuff. In the morning when i woke up and entered WoW to see if I won an auction i saw my hole mail full with gold ... that's the same day I made my record ~150g oO

Fishing - ppl just can't get enough of the fish ... it's a complete madness ... and when fishing is combined with Cooking ppl make a lot of cash, although at the begining you won't much gold ( to be honest you won't get any gold if you ask me ... )

Class grind/farm or whatever you call it ... For a Frost mage ( if you're pure frost this will be a peace of cake ) the best place is SM ... SM Cath is the gold mine! I haven't lvl up my mage much but a friend of mine grinds there all the time ... has some epics and has no problem ... ~40g per hour is the lowest he earns.

My personal favourite ... AUCTION HOUSE :D If you have about 20-30g in the begining one of the easiest ways to get money is the AH. All the time I see ppl who are new to WoW and don't know what price to put on nice rare ( blue ) items.

P.S. I know I haven't said much and perhaps I haven't helped at all but I thought "hell, why don't I write something to the ppl who are just starting WoW ..." :S

Edited, Jan 8th 2007 12:22pm by alxxx
#8 Jan 08 2007 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
actually the place i found u make the most gold is right next to thorium point the elites to the west of there and up the hill and in the cave i made 300g in 2 and 1/2 days plus i had about 20 greens and 1 epic drop so go grind oh fyi there is also dark iron ore = good money plz reply if it works for u too
#9 Jan 09 2007 at 1:05 AM Rating: Decent
I fish for Oily Blackmouth, and I'm currently netting around 1.5g a stack. I've also been selling the low level greens I produce with Leatherworking and Tailoring. Doesn't really make much money, but it helps upgrade my armor and weapons from time to time. I've also been using Blacksmithing to earn some extra cash.

Edited, Jan 9th 2007 4:02am by SocialParasite
#10 Jan 09 2007 at 3:47 AM Rating: Good
I make money quite quickly when I set my mind to it. If you're interested, feel free to peruse the link in my signature for moneymaking tips. It's free, and was contributed to by fellow Allakhazam posters.

Edit: Rate up to everyone that posted something useful- lots of good advice here. Smiley: boozing

Edited, Jan 9th 2007 7:42am by Wondroustremor
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#11 Jan 09 2007 at 8:16 AM Rating: Decent
Even being new to game and only lvl 39,i can make considerable amounts of money in this game rather quickly.I made loads on rs using the market so maybe thats how im good at it,I dont know.Watch the ah.go every hour or so and look at armour and weapons.I take(for instance)shining silver breastplates,which sell for around 3-5 g,buy them then throw a low lvl +1 to all stats on it and resell them.Ive sold 7 of these in just 1 week all for 8g +the best being 10g40s on buyout.You can do this with anything.You just need to find out what people are buying at that time.I found a 20slot soul pouch recipe on ah for 2g.I bought it and resold in about 20 minutes for 18g.The possibilities are endless.Im sure there are much easier ways to make gold at higher lvls but for 39 and under,this seems to be working fine.

Just go do a few quests,when its time for a bankrun,hit up an ah while your there an spend 10 minutes each time.youll be rich fast.I have an keep around 30 auctions going at any given time!Hope this helps!
#12 Jan 09 2007 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent
65 posts
enchanting is insane, even if you dont plan on using it much, it works.
start with about 10g, buy all the cheep (but decent) items off the AH. DE them and sell the mats for twice sometimes three times as much. plus, you can pick up a second gathering prof, (mining is working well for me as there is always a need for ore/bars, be it enginers or blacksmiths).

it takes a minute to get going, but it works. ive made 150g every two to three days for the past week. almost have my epic mount
#13 Jan 09 2007 at 8:59 AM Rating: Decent
440 posts
I agree with Arathicus, AH has worked well for me. Took me about a month to make my first 1k starting from scratch and just checking the AH once a day. I am sure it can be done faster if you really focus on it. But to start out I supplemented income by gathering, skins and mining, had no worries getting my first mount as soon as I hit 40, and had plenty of cash for an epic mount well before I hit 60.
#14 Jan 09 2007 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
I'm only 28 but I can easily make a few gold a day sending all my greens to my AH/Disenchanting slave. I then just sell the mats and they sell quickly.

I use Auctioneer also which is great. You can get it from Its still in beta for 2.0 but it is working quite well right now. Just spend a week scanning the auction house about twice a day then start looking for deals. Takes some time to learn but is really great once you do.

Edited, Jan 9th 2007 10:48am by Xaevyn
#15 Jan 09 2007 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent
2,634 posts
Winterspring has always been my gold mine. Lately i have been having loads of luck killing the blue dragons in Mazorthil? (sp). The elite dragons drop around 20-25 silver each. While the non-elite ones drop around 3-5s. Not to mention all the good drops from them.

And when thats not going for me then im generally killing furbolgs. For some reason they have had absolutely the best drop rate for greens/blue's/purples i have ever seen. That may only be for me, but I know my time there has always been well spent.
#16 Jan 10 2007 at 3:55 AM Rating: Decent
I started wow for the first time about 3months ago cause a friend talked me into playing. i play causually but for some reason i always have way more money then my friend does. i found a way the playing ah is by far the best way to make money however it can be very frustrating at times too when people utterly dominate the market with outragous prices. you can make money quick but then again if you really need something you gotta pay lol.. as for making the money.

fishing is one of the best ways. firefin, oily blackmouth, and stonescale eel. those three fish are regents needed for alchamy.. the firefin and blackmouth you can be at about a 100 skill but the stonescale you need about 150.. you can also fish reckage and the stuff you get from that is well worth taking the time to do it. from fishing reckage i've gotten bolts of silk, mageweave, rune cloth. money tons of green iteams. the occational blue iteam and you always get some coins. but there are other things too sometimes you can get 2 items from the chest you fish other times you can get 10. and most will sell great on ah.. i've even gotten patterns for all proffesions.

gathering will always make you some money but probably not as much as actually chosing a proffesion will. each one has there own thing. i think the most expensive profession is enchanting and i say that because i am a tailor/enchanter.. however i do have my good day's with enchanting. i've made anywhere from 2g to 75g in 1 day enchanting people.

Tailoring is also very profitable because you can make bags and bags are always in demand. i can make mooncloth bags and they sell for about 20g on my server. however it takes 4 day's to make 1bag because of the cool down on making the mooncloth. so i make runecloth bags and they sell for about 4g each. i sell probably 3-4 bags a day. plus i also picked up rare patterns that people need for quest. like the robes of arcana. i make 1 or 2 a week and sell it for about 5g.

i had 100g when i was 25 just from enchanting/tailoring and playing smart with ah.

hope this helps some

Duraya (horde) Venture co. 48lock
#17 Jan 11 2007 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
1,233 posts
Here is a different way to look at the money problem. You need money for buying a mount at level 40 and 60, as well as buying some luxuries along the way.

You can level faster than you can make money. When people ask about making money, they tacitly are saying "Is there a way to make money as fast as I can level to where I need money?" The answer is no.

You will need to grind money by doing things that don't make you level. Typically this means killing a lot of gray mobs. This works because you can kill them quickly and the gold/hour ratio is higher than what you get struggling with experience granting mobs.

Yes, there are some places that pay better than others, and people have done a good job of listing them. But the key thing is understanding that you need to grind money if you want it.
#18 Jan 11 2007 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
854 posts
Feel free to check out the thread called "Epic Mount" in the horde forums. There are also good suggestions in there.;mid=1167146105214455722;num=14;page=1

Edited, Jan 12th 2007 1:20am by lpadirn
#19 Jan 12 2007 at 12:12 AM Rating: Default
SouthstarSP wrote:
This question is for all the gold farmers out there...How long does it take you to acquire 1000 pieces of gold? And what are the best places to Farm in order to obtain 1000 gold as quickly as possible...It seems that everything is circulated around gold...and with so many gold buyers out there no one really takes the time to get gold the old fashion way...GRINDING!!! so for everyone out there that gets there gold the old fashion way..please post up the fastest gold per hour strategy you have.

I have never made much gold by grinding. I've made it by fishing, by gathering, by disenchanting, and by day-trading. All of my characters have their own preferred ways of making money, and all are wealthy. Grinding depends too much on "the lucky drop", which is like hitting the Lotto. If I want to play the Lotto, I'll head for the local grocery sore and plunk down a few bucks. If I want to make gold in WoW, I'll use methods that don't depend on luck.
#20 Jan 12 2007 at 5:09 AM Rating: Default
#21 Jan 12 2007 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
228 posts
If you are a fisherman, run up and down the coast of Tanaris and fish every node, you'd be amazed at what you can get in an 45mins to a hour.

On a good run you end up with close to or better than

2.5 stacks of Oilys
2.5 stacks of Firefins
1 stack of Stonescale Eels
10 Rumsey Rum
5-10 Stranglekelp
10-15 Mithril Chests which will net you, silver, bolts of runcloth, bolts of mageweave, heavy leather and rugged leather and the occasional lv40ish Green item.

Granted, fishing can vary, but it is fun and worth it for those of us weary of the killing grind. If you are lv60 then you can go futher up the coast to where the turtles aggro and the Giants patrol the shoreline.

You can also keep an eye out for a treasure chest that spawns at one of the pirate camps near the shoreline. Not saying this is the end all be all for making money, but it is a nice change of pace.
#23 Jan 15 2007 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
556 posts
I didn't read the whole thread, so I don't know if it was mentioned or not already. There is a lake (I forget what it's called) that has crab traps sitting at the bottom. If you get water breathing potion and just camp the traps, you can get Essance of Water from the traps (you normally just get fish or something like that though), and the turtles in the lake drop some decent vendor trash (50s - 1g according to my friend). I'll see if I can get the name of the lake for you, although I'm sure somebody else knows it.
#24 Jan 15 2007 at 11:48 PM Rating: Decent
1,288 posts
I've discovered the joy that is buying greens listed for 3G or less and selling the disenchanted materials. I turned 21G* into 78G over the past 4 days doing this. Enchanting mats must be selling out the wazoo lately for people re-enchanting all their new shiny PvP epics. Also, people can't flood the market with enchanting mats any more without actually BEING a fairly high level enchanter, so you don't have everybody and their brother using a level 5 alt to DE everything they get.

I got broke as hell from respeccing a lot since the 2.x updates, figuring out what talents work best for me, one respec of which was fixing that I forgot to get Fel Intellect, which is just crucial for Dark Pact's maximum effectiveness.

Edited, Jan 16th 2007 1:44am by Sanvyn
#25 Jan 16 2007 at 7:44 AM Rating: Decent
854 posts
codexia wrote:
I didn't read the whole thread, so I don't know if it was mentioned or not already. There is a lake (I forget what it's called) that has crab traps sitting at the bottom. If you get water breathing potion and just camp the traps, you can get Essance of Water from the traps (you normally just get fish or something like that though), and the turtles in the lake drop some decent vendor trash (50s - 1g according to my friend). I'll see if I can get the name of the lake for you, although I'm sure somebody else knows it.

Are you talking about over by Maraudon kinda by the troll village?

Because, everytime I opened one of those traps AT LEAST one guy has come at me (those over-sived lobster things).
#26 Jan 16 2007 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
the elite dragons in the burning steppes are great for gold around 10-20 sil per a kill and if your LW a + you can farm the black dragonscales
they sell for outrageous prices at AH
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