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How do u get so much $$$?Follow

#1 Mar 10 2007 at 12:05 AM Rating: Decent
ok, i am lvl 18 and am sittin on 3g. i see 20's with 40-100g! i dont no how they do it, they have the same skills, same xp of skills, sumtimes i even better! wil some1 plz giv me a few tips on how they got gold wen they were my lvl?
#2 Mar 10 2007 at 12:21 AM Rating: Decent
Well there are three options.

A) The character yo usee is an alt character that got sent money from their main.

B) They have spent so much time worrying about money that they didnt level for a long long time and farmed stuff just to sell on AH till they got rich (for their level at least)

C) They bought the gold, and are stupid pricks that don't know how to play WoW.

Those are my theories, but its probably option A.
#3 Mar 10 2007 at 12:27 AM Rating: Good
well, i hav lethrworkin and skinnin, shuld i giv up lethrworkin 4 minin sinc minin and skinning r the best skills 4 muny in ah?
#4 Mar 10 2007 at 12:36 AM Rating: Decent
Well all that also depends on your server.

Skinning on my server, for example, does not rake in as much cash as others. But mining is great.

My main IS a miner/enchanter, because I get lots of money from disenchanting.

But most commonly, people do take up skinning/mining to make money. In the end game though, you will see people drop the skinning and take up a production like blacksmith or jewelcrafting. (very rarely engineering, because it is so bugged atm)
#5 Mar 10 2007 at 12:38 AM Rating: Decent
thnkz 4 the help
#6 Mar 10 2007 at 12:44 AM Rating: Decent
no problem.

quick question though. what realm are you on?
#7 Mar 10 2007 at 12:53 AM Rating: Default
#8 Mar 10 2007 at 5:25 AM Rating: Decent
well, i hav lethrworkin and skinnin, shuld i giv up lethrworkin 4 minin sinc minin and skinning r the best skills 4 muny in ah?

In that entire post out of ~25-26 words, more than half where spelt incorrectly. normally i dont mind when people abbriviate or shorten words but that is a bit ridiculous. /sigh

anyway back to the point of your post. leatherworking and skinning are not major cash jobs early on, unless you sell everything that you make and make alot of it. if you want a pure money profession, mining sells really well throughout, but any job that uses it will cost alot,

if you give up leatherworking for mining, you will make alot more money, but also your character wont be getting the benifit of crafting anything good later on.
#9 Mar 10 2007 at 6:18 AM Rating: Default
In that entire post out of ~25-26 words, more than half where spelt incorrectly. normally i dont mind when people abbriviate or shorten words but that is a bit ridiculous. /sigh

So what?

End of the day, mine ores and sell em at the AH.
#10 Mar 10 2007 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
I have 40g and a quite a few blue items on my level 20 BE pally... My highest level character on the server I am playing on.

2 ways to do it really... The first is to mine copper bars for about 30 minutes every day.
They usually go for 1-2g for a stack of 20, and you can easily pick up 2+ stacks a day. With all the people powerleveling Blacksmithing and Jewelcrafting this is the easiest way to go. Any other ores you pick up while questing is just gravy.

The second way is much harder, but more rewarding in my opinion. Selling crafted items. To start you need about 5g and some mats for the start of your crafting proffession (you will only make money off of green items or consumables).
To get the 5g see option 1. You then have to do a cost analysis on how much the mats cost for each item you want to sell (in other words how much you were selling them for in the first place) and price your items at 25-100% more then the cost. BTW, low level taloring items can be marked up much higher than their cost, but will only make you 10-20s each item.
You also have to be careful not to make any of the items that are used for powerleveling, since most people just dump those in the AH for a loss.

Here is the trick... You never sell more than 1-2 of a single item. Ever. That means you have to make a variety of items to make money, but your money isnt all tied up in some item that may or may not sell well.

All in all it takes about 15 minutes a day for me to go check the AH (I always log in a major city), buy my mats, refill my inventory, skill up (crafting and class skills), and then I am free to spend the rest of my playing time smashing things in the head with my pretty blue hammer with its lovely glowing enchantment that I am able to afford with my non alt toon.

Just in case your wondering, my BE Pally has blacksmithing and enchanting as proffessions, but with a priest I had on a different server I had 50g at lvl 15 just using tailoring...
#11 Mar 10 2007 at 4:47 PM Rating: Decent
I had 50g at lvl 15 just using tailoring...

Let me start by saying that this guy's server has a really strange economy. To make 50g at lvl 15 you would have to really spend a LOT of time in a major city just leveling and selling crafted items (and your crafted items don't always sell for a profit)

Basically, I wouldn't take this guy's advice unless you notice that your craftable items CAN sell for a reasonable profit. This is a rather rare occurence, but it can happen. One thing I would listen to him about is selling more that 2-5 of the same crafted item. When someone sees taht you just spammed the AH it tends to get on their nerves.

If you want a steady income, go skinning/mining. For burst, go mining/enchanting (to disenchant at low levels as you can't make money doing actualy enchants till higher). For occasional money, (insert gathering profession here)/(insert crafting profession here).
#12 Mar 10 2007 at 11:56 PM Rating: Good
mranalogkid wrote:
Well there are three options.

A) The character yo usee is an alt character that got sent money from their main.

B) They have spent so much time worrying about money that they didnt level for a long long time and farmed stuff just to sell on AH till they got rich (for their level at least)

C) They bought the gold, and are stupid pricks that don't know how to play WoW.

Those are my theories, but its probably option A.

Nonsense. Money is easy to make, as long as you don't pick a crafting profession.

1) Yes, a high level character, could have supplied the gold. For me, it's my L25 dwarf hunter who supplies gold to my main and other toons.

2) Farming stuff can be done while questing/grinding XP. There is no reason not to level as you make gold (unless, like my dwarf, it's a disenchanting alt).

3) OK, we found a point we agree on.
#13 Mar 11 2007 at 12:03 AM Rating: Decent
my bad. double post.

Edited, Mar 11th 2007 12:06am by mranalogkid
#14 Mar 11 2007 at 12:05 AM Rating: Decent
Nonsense. Money is easy to make, as long as you don't pick a crafting profession.

1) Yes, a high level character, could have supplied the gold. For me, it's my L25 dwarf hunter who supplies gold to my main and other toons.

2) Farming stuff can be done while questing/grinding XP. There is no reason not to level as you make gold (unless, like my dwarf, it's a disenchanting alt).

3) OK, we found a point we agree on.

hehe, at least we agree on one thing. My point on part B was that he stayed in a major city just crafting and deciding not to level (very dumb imo, but i have done it before)

But still. Don't buy gold. Ever. No matter how many spam mails you get in your mailbox, don't pay attention to it.
#15 Mar 11 2007 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
tahine wrote:
well, i hav lethrworkin and skinnin, shuld i giv up lethrworkin 4 minin sinc minin and skinning r the best skills 4 muny in ah?

absolutely correct. Leatherworking, like all crafting skills, is a money sink. It takes a sellable commodity (skins) and wastes them on levelling your leatherworking skill.

While skinning does not make as much burst money as mining or herbalism, think of it as working like a DoT spell. Steady income over a long period of time. With mining and herbalism, money comes in, but in spurts imstead of steadily. Fishing is a gathering profession that anyone can learn but if you fish for the right types of fish, you can rake in the gold. Enchanting does not have to be a money sink, as long as you treat it as a gathering profession (disenchanting).
#16 Mar 11 2007 at 1:20 AM Rating: Decent
652 posts
Grind mobs to level and get money, such as humanoids. They drop cash and cloth which you can sell, and the odd green/blue if youre lucky.

It's not as much fun as questing, but it saves you running all over the place to talk to some guy.
#17 Mar 11 2007 at 2:33 AM Rating: Decent
Its not that hard to make money if you know what things sell and what don't sell. I was lucky and had 100g by level 15 on my Druid (which i no longer play but he was my 1st toon on a new server) because somebody posted items which is resold for more than twice their price. I even bought a lesser agility pot recipe for 1g and resold it for 50g. so moral is, AH is your friend.
#18 Mar 11 2007 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
You get it by holding shift and pressing the 4 key. Watch:

That's a lot of $
#19 Mar 11 2007 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
Whats all this nonsense about gathering and creating items... come on... lets be honest. Here's the secret. Make all your money off other peoples idiocy. Play the auctionhouse. Learn what sells well, like ore and mineral bars, find the underpriced ones and buy them. Resell them at profit. Don't do it on Demon Soul because you'll be stepping on my toes. On that server my main is only a level 25 UD Rouge, I mine and enchant, I don't sell my D/E essences or dusts or shards and I haven't bothered mining anything in a while, I have 209g. Play the auction house, its like stocks. Buy low, sell high.
#20 Mar 11 2007 at 7:11 PM Rating: Default
The toons with 1000g and they are level 20 or so are probably alts or they buy gold, which is btw against the rules.
#21 Mar 12 2007 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
385 posts

Time and again it is mentioned in this thread to find materials or craft items and sell them on ah ... Obviously . But please ... do your self and every one else on your server a favor and don't try to sell everything at outrageous prices just because you see some one else do it or some one tells you they sold a piece of junk for like 100 g's ... It totally messes up the economy when people sell materials and items at a sky high price ... Too many people are uber worried about making mad jack . Yes , ah is profitable but please , don't be greedy and expect to just play ah and make loot all day by doing nothing and providing nothing .
at least craft something and kick back down to others while making a profit . I mean , I do leatherworking and skinning . Two professions that fetch fair coin for me . Yes, I do sell mat's easilly but , I make a majority of my g's making items and beefing them up with armor kits and then in turn selling them for a FAIR price . Typically my items will sell all day long so long as the market isn't flooded with that particular item and my prices are fair . ( Most people that craft leather items don't bother to add the armor kit , I do and still sell my gods for the same price as my compettitors !!! )... I'd rather keep my product moving and making fair change than sitting on items and just hoping that deep pocket "gotta have it" guy is gonna roll along and by something .... Thats my piece , hope I didn't offend .
#22 Mar 12 2007 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
It doesn't taint the server's economy to buy low and sell high, it equalizes it. People won't pay 8G for my stack of copper bars, but if they'll pay 2G for it, I see no reason not to buyout anyone at 50S and resell. So long as people pay it, I'll sell it at that price. It's called supply and demand.

Lastly, it isn't greedy to try to get sufficient money for mounts, flying mounts, or any other money sink in the game.

To the OP: Drop that LW, and pick up mining. Just don't defeat the purpose and undersell at huge amounts.

Edited, Mar 12th 2007 2:47pm by baveux
#23 Mar 12 2007 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
Couple of caveats.

1. The main buyers of my tailoring items where high lvls powering up their disenchanting (this was before jewelcrafting came out, which has pretty much killed this market).

2. Stacks of linen sold for 10-15s and wool for 35-40s.

3. It was a high population server.

4. I had about 4-5 stacks of linen and 1g that I sent this character from another toon.

Now how I did it.

Item / cost / sell value / volume sold per day / total profit per day

linen robe/3s/18s/2/30s
white linen robe/3.25s/20s/2/32.5s
red linen robe/4s/25s/2/42s
red,white,blue linen shirts/2s/15s/6 total/78s
red,blue linen vest/6s/30s/3 total/72s
white dress/3s/15s/1/12s

Thats 2g66s per day at less than lvl 75 tailoring. I did that for 2-3 days then added blue linen robes, green linen vests, barbaric linen vests, soft-soled shoes and gray woolen robes when I was skilled up enough and high enough level.

Never made a bag, never sold an item for a loss. AH fees on the items are negligable (you pick up enough copper of mobs to cover them) and any green drops I picked up were gravy.

I had 20 gold in a week. All I had to do was take a griffon back to stormwind before I logged so that when I logged back on I could spend 10-15 minutes making items and putting them on the AH before I hearthed and started doing my quests.

I doubt I could do this with tailoring again however because of caveat #1. Less people are doing disenchanting, and those who are can just buy the JC items that are being dumped on the AH for 5-10s each to level up to 140-150 enchanting for less than 10 gold (it cost me somthing like 7, maybe less).

Blacksmithing at low lvls is still viable, which is why Im not telling exactly how I make money with it :P
#24 Mar 12 2007 at 12:24 PM Rating: Default
In that entire post out of ~25-26 words, more than half where spelt incorrectly. normally i dont mind when people abbriviate or shorten words but that is a bit ridiculous. /sigh

Don't be so judgemental
#25 Mar 12 2007 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
385 posts

Yes , I understand the point and agree that it's all good to make some quick coin workin' the auction . It just seems like people want rediculous amounts for less-than spectacular items . I understand the concept of supply and demand aswell . But have you ever been looking for materials one day that normally go for ,, let's say 2g a stack ? And let's say the next day that same material is up for sale for 4 or 5 g. a stack and ther is only 10 listings all from the same person because they thought they would be cute to buy everything up and flip it . Doesn't that seem abit jacked ? ... Oh well , it's just my opinion and I really don't mean to sound arguementative or anything ... especially considering that I am after all , not an economics major or anything ...
#26 Mar 12 2007 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
92 posts
One thing to consider with a craft is making unique or rare items. An example from leatherworking would be the Deviate Scale Belt and Thick Murloc Armor. I only sell one at a time and though my server's new, Antonidas, I can make 1-2 gold per item. I'm not the best at making money, but I'm real close to being able to afford my mount.
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