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How do u get so much $$$?Follow

#27 Mar 12 2007 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
To those of you that were previous tailors but are now being won over by jewelcrafters...this should end eventually

Like such, how many BE people did you see on the x-pac launch date? (I am not sure how popular Draenei was but im guessing quite popular) There was a lot. The same thing goes for jewelcrafting, but it will take a while longer before the hype dies down.

Think about it. Expansion came out less than 4 months ago. Give it six months and see where its at. It is just taking longer to die out because people want to just powerlevel it to get to its peak. When they realize that JC actually does NOT make as much money as they thought (similar to enchanting....or the typical enchanter that is) then they will return to their main and we will all live a happy life.

^ Just a theory. I happen to have made my main a BE Pally (i know...way to jump on the bandwagon) but I am not like some who are the newb pallies. Before i rolled horde i actually had a dwarf pally at 60 so stfu. I was excited when i oculd play my old game again and enjoy it.

Anyways...I am a enchanter/jewelcrafer. Chanting maxed out at 300 for now and ewelcrafting at 296. The only difference is i know how to play the market and i don't spam my 5s piece of junk ring or necklace on the market. I only post the valuable blues. (And i am more to say...a disenchanter more than anything.)

Sorry for the wall of text. =D
#28 Mar 12 2007 at 6:56 PM Rating: Good
1,419 posts
Again, I think I feel like jumping into this thread. : )

There are many ways to make money Tahine. You just have to choose which one is the best for you, or do a combination of alot of them.

First: Farming

Most of the time farming of any kind when done exclusively(ex: when NOT leveling) can only net you a certain amount of money/hour, and in my experience, should be looked at in this manner.

If you're farming; whether it is through mining, herb, or killing lowbies for cloth/leathers, you'll probably be able to see within the first half hour how much gold/hour you can rake in. After that, all it takes is finding the best method/place and grinding it out.

Remember: Farming goes MUCH faster after lvl 40 since you can do it at greater speed with your mount.

Second: Playing the stocks

Here you'll need a little bit of starting cash. It's basically a buy low/sell high game. Instead of money per hour here, you have to look at this rather as a percentage return on your investment.

I personally did mine with ores/bars. I started with copper, and would buyout anyone who would go lower than 1G. I'd hold onto those until the prices went back up to at least 1.75G and just resell them. After that, I did the same with tin, bronze, silver, iron, gold, mithril, and truesilver(in that order). These bars all get progressively more expensive, so you never really make a bigger percentage, you just invest more and therefore get greater returns(example, buying gold at 10G and reselling for 17.5G. No better ratio than copper, just more invested and more returned).

The thing to remember in this game is to ALWAYS have some gold on you to invest on those really low prices. Some new miners will sell for low, as will those who want the cash right aways shouting in the trade channel. It's always a good idea to have some kind of money to buy out these low prices.

Lastly, it's always great to disersify and broaden your "portfolio"(items which you check whenever at the AH) as you make more money. Start small, and work your way bigger. Spider's silk, blue items, and enchanting supplies can all be used to make money too(along with many, many others that you might not find so much competition in. I had a friend control the hide market and did very well for himself in a week or two). Enchanting supplies also don't cost any money to list in the AH, which brings me to my next point....

Third: Disenchanting

This one should be examined at a risky business. Sometimes you make money off of what you disenchant, and sometimes you can lose some.

Easy way of doing it. Start with buying lower level green items that are low in price at the AH. How low of price? You can either get the add-ons auctioneer and enchantrix to do it for you(using methods already specified in this forum), or do it yourself.

For example, I've found that buying lvl 15 items for less than 15S usually nets me some profit. lvl 25 or less, I buy at 25S or less, and lvl 35 or less, I buy at 35S, but my profits aren't superb and I really gotta select my times to sell my enchanting items, so there are obviously much better ways. I haven't gotten to the higher levels of disenchanting yet either, but at my current position, I started with 30G overhead and had over 100G worth of supplies selling(although I did some buy low/sell high at the same time to increase profits).

This is just what I've found though, and you'll have to do your own research if you don't use the add-ons. You can make quite a bit of profit from this, you just need overhead like the buy/sell game.

Now, onto my most unpreferrable and slowest method to make money...

Fourth: Crafting

Although this can possibly cost you the most overhead since you need to skill it up, it can also be a reliable way of making income. In terms of crafting, you should always try to calculate how much money to make per item you craft. Ex: Calculated mats = 50S, Item price = 75S, profit = 25S per.

I don't think I really need to go into detail into the methods of doing this, but I think I can offer some advice. First of all, don't take the lack of your item on the AH as a bad thing all the time; sometimes it can be very good. Also, think of any advantages the items you make might have over others in the AH.

Just be smart about it and remember advertisement goes a LONG way. Just a little example, I used to make alot of throwing axes and darts to make money before. Most people wouldn't even think of looking these up in the auctions, and would think even less of buying them.

When I looked at the items though, I saw dollar signs. I put them up in the auction at ridiculous prices(4G for lvl 35 throwing axes, for example) and started shouting out in the trade channel that they were for sale. In my the trade channel, I'd mention that they were for sale and that they were great for warriors since they grant extra stats in the ranged slot. It didn't take long before the first sales rolled in, and many more afterwards.

Again, this is my own personal example and it might not work in your server/economy. It's just used to show one method of many to the madness of making money.

Hope that helps! I might put together a full guide some day, but I'll offer this in the meanwhile. Hope all those who can't make cash get some ideas!

(To those who already do any of these for cash: please don't kill me ^^)
#29 Mar 13 2007 at 3:35 AM Rating: Decent
larik wrote:
The toons with 1000g and they are level 20 or so are probably alts or they buy gold, which is btw against the rules.


My dwarf alt (Level 26 now, but he hasn't really needed to level since L20, when he got to 225 Enchanting) has over 2K gold in the bank. He's bought two epic mounts and numerous L40 mounts for alts and guildies. Every frigging copper piece of that 2K+ (probably closer to 5K, counting all the gold he's spent) has been made by him. Your slur at people who know how to make money point to your complete ignorance on the same subject. Yes, buying gold is against the rules, but painting people with that particular brush just because you are either too stupid or to lazy to make gold for yourself displays that your true nature is that of a viper.
#30 Mar 13 2007 at 4:19 AM Rating: Good
528 posts
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:
larik wrote:
The toons with 1000g and they are level 20 or so are probably alts or they buy gold, which is btw against the rules.


My dwarf alt (Level 26 now, but he hasn't really needed to level since L20, when he got to 225 Enchanting) has over 2K gold in the bank. He's bought two epic mounts and numerous L40 mounts for alts and guildies. Every frigging copper piece of that 2K+ (probably closer to 5K, counting all the gold he's spent) has been made by him. Your slur at people who know how to make money point to your complete ignorance on the same subject. Yes, buying gold is against the rules, but painting people with that particular brush just because you are either too stupid or to lazy to make gold for yourself displays that your true nature is that of a viper.

I think you've misread what larik said. Either they are alts (which your dwarf is) OR they buy gold (which any sensible person doesn't).

Your dwarf proves his point by not being your main character.
#31 Mar 13 2007 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
aardfrith wrote:
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:
larik wrote:
The toons with 1000g and they are level 20 or so are probably alts or they buy gold, which is btw against the rules.


My dwarf alt (Level 26 now, but he hasn't really needed to level since L20, when he got to 225 Enchanting) has over 2K gold in the bank. He's bought two epic mounts and numerous L40 mounts for alts and guildies. Every frigging copper piece of that 2K+ (probably closer to 5K, counting all the gold he's spent) has been made by him. Your slur at people who know how to make money point to your complete ignorance on the same subject. Yes, buying gold is against the rules, but painting people with that particular brush just because you are either too stupid or to lazy to make gold for yourself displays that your true nature is that of a viper.

I think you've misread what larik said. Either they are alts (which your dwarf is) OR they buy gold (which any sensible person doesn't).

Your dwarf proves his point by not being your main character.

I took his post like I think he wanted. That the characters are alts who get their vast amounts of gold from a main, not that they made it themselves. Larik is a perfect case of "sour grapes". He belittles something that he cannot do just because he doesn't have the mental facility to know how to do it. ...and if he can't do it, it must have been done through some process that is akin to cheating. I'm very touchy on the subject, since I have been accused in-game of buying gold by Larik clones.
#32 Mar 13 2007 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
That the characters are alts who get their vast amounts of gold from a main, not that they made it themselves.

Lately, I have made more gold on my alt (a 235 enchanter/225 jewelcrafter) than on my main.

Especially the enchanting. I am sitting on exactly 2387 gold right now, and i started collection just a month or so ago (but i am CONSTANTLY on the market, which relaly helps to brin in income)

All i do is play the AH and buy low sell high, or buy cheap greens and end up selling the mats i get from them for a hihger price due to the fact that they are worth more.

I have found it is a much more efficient way to make money than on my main. (Which is actually supplied money by my alt.) =D
#33 Mar 13 2007 at 11:02 PM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
Larik is a perfect case of "sour grapes".

Pot, meet kettle.

No matter how much you fight it ohmike, he was right in his statement. It was a badly written and pompous statement, but he wasn't wrong about your dwarf being an alt.

Whether or not he made it all himself or that you sent him items to sell, it makes no difference. The reason he has so much gold AND(important logical operator here) he's only lvl 26 is because he's an alt.
#34 Mar 15 2007 at 6:38 AM Rating: Decent
538 posts
baveux wrote:
Whether or not he made it all himself or that you sent him items to sell, it makes no difference. The reason he has so much gold AND(important logical operator here) he's only lvl 26 is because he's an alt.

What does it have to do with anything?

And yes, it makes a difference if the character makes all the money himself. Of course a "bank alt" will be rich, that's the point of it. But an alt such as the one Mike was using as an example didn't get outside help, but instead learned how to use the tools at his disposal to make a lot of money. More power to him, and it has nothing to do with cheating or twinking.
#35 Mar 15 2007 at 7:06 AM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
What does it have to do with anything?

And yes, it makes a difference if the character makes all the money himself. Of course a "bank alt" will be rich, that's the point of it. But an alt such as the one Mike was using as an example didn't get outside help, but instead learned how to use the tools at his disposal to make a lot of money. More power to him, and it has nothing to do with cheating or twinking.

Firstly, I didn't say it had anything to do with cheating. I also made absolutely no mention of twinking in my post, so I cannot even imagine why you'd make referrence to both.

I'm not arguing whether a bank alt or a farming one would have more money. I'm arguing that the reason ohmike's char has alot of money AND is low level is because he's an alt.

If I have to explain why larik is right in his argument, I will, but right now I'm late for that class. : )

#36 Mar 15 2007 at 7:41 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
baveux wrote:
I'm not arguing whether a bank alt or a farming one would have more money. I'm arguing that the reason ohmike's char has alot of money AND is low level is because he's an alt.

If I have to explain why larik is right in his argument, I will, but right now I'm late for that class. : )

This is where you are probabally wrong though sorry. I can't vouch for Mike cause I don't know him but just cause he is an "alt" doesn't mean that is why he has so much money. If he never got a cent from a main it's irrelevant. It is not that hard to make a lot of money on a level 20+ character. You could have some gathering prof's. Mining for example and just sell low level ores for over 1g a stack. Then walla you have 10g+. You can now start playing the AH and buy low and sell high. This is where you make the most money. And once you start having lots of capitol you can start buying items that are more expensive (but still way low for what they should be) and sell them and boom your all set.

That is just one way you can do it without the help of a Main. Crap all you need is 1 decent blue drop around the 17-19 level and you are all set.

The only argument you could make is he can make that money only on an "Alt" is because he has already played a decent amount and learned some in's and outs of the game but that is pretty weak. Especially with the plethora of sites out there they you can read without having put in much time in the game yet.

My highest level character is 39 (been playing for about 3 months and have many 20-30 guys) and he has about 1500g as well as 3 epics, lots of blues a recipe for crusader and many other things.

All that said, I bet that alot of "Alts" (more then don't) get at least some help from the persons other characters just because it's easier at least to get a little jump by supplying Bag's and what not.

Edited, Mar 15th 2007 11:44am by MalaclypseTheYounger
#37 Mar 15 2007 at 7:55 AM Rating: Decent
An alt is an alt. The reason he has 2000+ gold and only level 26 is because the bank alt is never played. If mike would actually take his little dwarf out to play, he won't be level 26 for much longer. (Ok, mike could take him to WSG or AB, but then he would have levelled him to 29). I have no problem with bank alts. Blizzard makes it perfectly clear that it's acceptable by having a tip about sending mail to your other characters.
#38 Mar 15 2007 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
538 posts
LittleHamster wrote:
An alt is an alt. The reason he has 2000+ gold and only level 26 is because the bank alt is never played.

You're still not offering any kind of compelling argument why this makes any kind of difference. It could be his main as well and it still wouldn't make a difference. He could have only one char in the whole game and pay $15 per month just to play the AH and get a lot of gold.

For the past week I got bored of questing/levelling, so all I did was play the AH and fish. Does it mean I didn't play during that week because my lvl (on all alts) didn't change? (but strangely my assets went way up :)

Basically you have no point and if you want to get out this hole you will have to stop digging...
#39 Mar 15 2007 at 9:52 AM Rating: Decent
AH roguing owns.
#40 Mar 15 2007 at 6:58 PM Rating: Decent
hehe. funny thing about this.

I was on the AH buying low and selling high the other day and i picked up 5 nexus crystals for 5s.

I was so happy. Bumpred the price to 50g and they sold. Perfectly legit way to make money right there, but it doesn't happen often

P.S: the auction was a bid not buyout.
#41 Mar 16 2007 at 12:48 AM Rating: Decent
LittleHamster wrote:
An alt is an alt. The reason he has 2000+ gold and only level 26 is because the bank alt is never played. If mike would actually take his little dwarf out to play, he won't be level 26 for much longer. (Ok, mike could take him to WSG or AB, but then he would have levelled him to 29). I have no problem with bank alts. Blizzard makes it perfectly clear that it's acceptable by having a tip about sending mail to your other characters.

Actually, I do take him out to play. That's why he's 26 and not 20, which is all I need for DEing stuff to L65.

I think that perhaps there should be a change in definitions:

Main - Is this your highest character, or the one you play most often?
Alt - Is this a character that is not your highest, or one that isn't played as often as another?
Bank alt - Is this a L1 that does nothing but provide additional bag space, is it a vendor of goods sent by other characters, or does it have a profession of it's own (like being a DEer or a daytrader)?

If you level a bank alt, is does it remain a bank alt, or does it then become a "normal" alt? If you play an alt often enough, does it become your main?
#42 Mar 16 2007 at 1:18 AM Rating: Decent
Good point about the definition. That's what I think they mean:

Main - The one you play most often. It doesn't have to be the highest level. You might have retired an old level 70. If you play two characters equally often, you can have two mains. (I think it's a bit of too much of hard work to play 3 simultaneously, but then maybe others have more time than me).

Alt - You play this less than your main. There are lots different types of alts, created for different purposes. You can have one that you only play with your RL friends (so as to keep the same level). One for professions (which can be your old level 60/70).

Bank alt - The one that stays in a main city, and works the AH. Can be any level with any profession. If you play your bank alt often, then it can't be your bank alt simply because it is difficult to keep him in IF or Ogrimmar when you need him. (But then I only have one character, and I always have my hearthstone set to IF).

Edited, Mar 16th 2007 5:19am by LittleHamster
#43 Mar 16 2007 at 3:08 AM Rating: Decent
Alt is only defineable by which character your playing.

While your on one character, every other character is an alt.
Switch characters and then the previous character is now an alt.
#44 Mar 16 2007 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
I'm going to take the "What is an alt" question to the main forum. It seems to be better suited for there and we don't want to derail this thread from its main topic.

<URL of the main forum thread>

Edited, Mar 16th 2007 12:46pm by ohmikeghod
#45 Mar 17 2007 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
Enchanting is where the money is :), just not selling enchants but the mats from items, especially if ur a tailor make some runecloth headbands for like 20g for the mats, make about 10 or so DE them and get about 3-5 illusion dust a pop, thats 30-50 dusts and each stack sell from 20-30g :), thats some descent cashflow, even lowbie level enchants sell quick, i sold 18 large glowing shards yesterday in 2 hrs.
#46 Mar 17 2007 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
igknot wrote:
Enchanting is where the money is :), just not selling enchants but the mats from items, especially if ur a tailor make some runecloth headbands for like 20g for the mats, make about 10 or so DE them and get about 3-5 illusion dust a pop, thats 30-50 dusts and each stack sell from 20-30g :), thats some descent cashflow, even lowbie level enchants sell quick, i sold 18 large glowing shards yesterday in 2 hrs.

You get even better cashflow by selling the runecloth, buying the headbands from tailors that are flooding the AH with cheap runecloth headbands (less than the cost of the cloth) and DEing those.

Edited, Mar 17th 2007 2:45pm by ohmikeghod
#47 Mar 17 2007 at 4:37 PM Rating: Default
In that entire post out of ~25-26 words, more than half where spelt incorrectly. normally i dont mind when people abbriviate or shorten words but that is a bit ridiculous. /sigh

Don't be so judgemental

lol, agreed mate, but you missed his mistakes with 'where' instead of 'were' and 'that is a' instead of 'that would be'.

Don't you just LOVE it when an arrogant little 12 year old who likes to flame gets 'forum ganked' XD

(Checks for his own spelling mistakes before posting)

Edited, Mar 17th 2007 8:40pm by Seajayuk
#48 Mar 17 2007 at 6:35 PM Rating: Decent
Although someone might have said this, my warlock alt is only 24ish and has over 350g, with only 10 from my main. I level him accordingly (provided I'm playing him) and won't spend time farming drops unless i think its a needed equip that i'll use. all i do is buy/sell things on the AH after i auctioning mob drops that i got while leveling. If your low on money, and you have about 10min of free time, go to an AH and buy things and then sell them.
Note: you don't have to always buyout them; i almost always just bid.
#49 Mar 19 2007 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
728 posts
larik wrote:
The toons with 1000g and they are level 20 or so are probably alts or they buy gold, which is btw against the rules.

Probably. But not always. I dunno about 1k @ 20, but 1k @ 40 is certainly doable, but you have to spend time doing something other than earning XP. You have to develop and use your professions.

There is no reason to buy gold when it is so easy to earn in this game.
#50 Mar 19 2007 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
There is no reason to buy gold when it is so easy to earn in this game.

I'll definitely agree with that. Compared to other MMOs and the grinding you have to do for any type of currency, WoW is really simple. I can make enough gold to support me with less than half an hour of play a day.

#51 Mar 20 2007 at 12:46 AM Rating: Decent
TheNuckel wrote:
larik wrote:
The toons with 1000g and they are level 20 or so are probably alts or they buy gold, which is btw against the rules.

Probably. But not always. I dunno about 1k @ 20, but 1k @ 40 is certainly doable, but you have to spend time doing something other than earning XP. You have to develop and use your professions.

There is no reason to buy gold when it is so easy to earn in this game.

My alt made his first 1K at L10, but then Blizz changed the disenchanting rules and I had to level him to 20 and skill up his enchanting from 60 to 225 (while making gold from selling mats I didn't use for levelling his skill).

Edited, Mar 20th 2007 1:46am by ohmikeghod
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