Celebrate Halloween in Champions, Star Trek Online

The Blood Moon has risen once again in Champions Online! During the Halloween-themed event, players will have the chance to battle werewolves, zombies and Takofanes, the Undying Lord. The moon will set on Nov. 2, so be sure to log in this weekend if you'd like to participate.

While Star Trek Online might not be hosting a specific Halloween event, Cryptic designed Feature Episode 3: What Lies Beneath to be spooky and fun. Players must find out what haunts the lower levels of a 200-year-old space station. The episode debuts on Oct. 30 at 11 a.m. PDT.

Also, Cryptic is hosting Halloween costumes sales in both the Champions Online Store and the Star Trek Online Store. Enjoy 20% off costumes until Nov. 1 at 10 a.m. PDT! Now would be the perfect time to pick up the new Seven of Nine costume in Star Trek Online.

Star Trek Online's Cryptic Store Unveils New Ship

Have you been looking for a new ship? Interested in a more retro 24th Century look? Then this is your lucky day! Cryptic has just announced that the Advanced Research Vessel Retrofit: Nebula Class is now available for 1,200 Cryptic Points in the C-Store. The ship boasts six weapon slots, seats for five bridge officers, space for eight console modifiaction and more!

The ship can only be purchased by Federation Rear Admirals. Buying the ship from the C-Store unlocks it for all Rear Admirals on an account.

Executive Producer Dan Stahl in "Ask Cryptic"

WILL WE EVER SIT IN CHAIRS!? Pertinent questions are being asked of Executive Producer Dan "DStahl" Stahl, and rather than hiding in his office, he's decided to get into the trenches to answer an extended version of that great recurring feature that is "Ask Cryptic."

This month, DStahl decided to pop out 29 answers to 29 of Star Trek Online's most-asked questions, including hard hitting questions about endgame content in STO, some new races to be introduced, player housing, paid expansions (or the possibility thereof), new combat additions and more. All in all, it's a rather hefty bundle of questions, and when Stahl can't really answer a question (whether it's something that's in the far future or something that isn't currently being considered), he at least has the presence of mind to explain how the STO team would implement that feature, if they should choose to do so.

You can read the entire mass of 29 questions on the Star Trek Online website, or just keep reading after the jump!

Star Trek Online on sale for $9.99

Earlier this week, we reported that Cryptic was slashing the price of Champions Online to a mere $6.00 on Steam and Direct2Drive. Well, it seems that MMOs everywhere are trying to up their subscription bases in September, as Cryptic and Amazon have also decided to cut the price on Star Trek Online from $19.99 to a tidy little $9.99 price. Getting to explore the wonders of space for $10 seems to be a fairly resonable price, and with STO's recent jump in content production and community involvement, now might be as good a time as any to check out this fledgling MMORPG.

Exclusive Q&A With STO's New Producer, Dan Stahl

By now, most Star Trek Online players know that Craig Zinkievich—the man who faithfully served as the MMO's executive producer since its infancy—decided to resign last month, passing the torch to Cryptic Studios' Daniel Stahl. Zinkievich explained that he needed a break to spend more time with his family, and reassured the community that STO couldn't be in better hands. Stahl was formerly one of STO's high-level producers and author of Cryptic's "Engineering Reports" before he officially claimed the throne as the MMO's new executive producer last month. "He's got the love of Star Trek [...], he’s got passion for games, he's got his finger on the pulse of the community and if you guys ever thought I was excited about the potential of what Star Trek Online can become when you saw my interviews, just wait until you get a load of Dan," Zinkievich wrote, praising Stahl. "It's scary sometimes. Really."

ZAM decided to catch up with Stahl last week to talk about his new position and what it means for the MMO, the community and the future of STO's development. We learn about his love for message boards and community interaction, as well as his philosophy on hot topics like the C-Store (Cryptic's micro-transaction revenue model) and the possibility of STO adopting certain "free-to-play" trial options. ZAM also asks about the new content released in Season 2 last month, such as the popular "weekly episodes" and the neutral Deferi race. Check out the full interview after the jump, and visit ZAM's Star Trek Online portal site for more news and game information.

Video Interview with STO's Executive Producer

The new exectutive producer of Star Trek Online, Daniel Stahl, sits down with the guys from STOked, the Star Trek Online fan show, for an in depth interview about taking over the ambitious project. He discusses new races, missions and why you can never do content based around the character of V'Ger. Check it out below.

STO "Season Two" Preview Q&A With Craig Zinkievich

Last time we chatted with Star Trek Online executive producer Craig Zinkievich, he and Cryptic Studios commemorated the MMO's three-month milestone with "Season One," its first major content update. As promised, the developers "addressed players' concerns" and delivered "new, fresh content in the players' hands," as Zinkievich described it, in our "Season One and Beyond" interview.

The three-month release cycle continues in July with "Season Two," offering more new content and gameplay refinement. In our latest interview with Zinkievich, we talk about some of the significant features and changes that Cryptic has added throughout the past few months, like the Memory Alpha revamp and the new "Accolade System." We also get details about upcoming content in July's "Season Two," which introduces popularly-requested exploration, diplomacy and anthropology-themed missions via the new "Federation Diplomatic Corps." Zinkievich tells us about the future of ship interiors, mini-games like "Dabo" and more. Read the full interview after the jump!

Klingon Barge of the Dead Screenshot

We love that Klingons mix the warrior culture of vikings or samurais with sci-fi spaceships, and there's no better example than the screenshot below. It's the Barge of the Dead, and according to a little research, ferries cowardly Klingon souls to the Klingon equivilent of Hell, Gre'Thor. We love how it looks like a pirate ship made for the Star Trek universe.

STO: New Updates and July's "Season 2"

In May, Star Trek Online released its first content update, "Season 1," just three months after its official launch. As we noted in our recent editorial, "Star Trek Online: A Look Back After 3 Months," the developers at Cryptic Studios have made good on their promises of regularly adding new content, rooting out bugs and other gameplay issues and, most importantly, making honest efforts to deliver what hard-core 'Trek fans want to see in the game. In his regular developer chats and Q&As, Star Trek Online Executive Producer Craig Zinkievich always makes a point to remind players that Cryptic takes their requests and ideas seriously in the development process.

Four months after STO's release, we're beginning to see that Cryptic wasn't just spouting lip-service; taking a look back at ZAM's "Community Issues and Concerns" Q&A with Zinkievich in February, players will see that most of these commonly-requested features have either already been implemented, or officially announced for development in an upcoming patch. Regular players will be interested in reading about what's in store for later this month and "Season 2" in July, and those who left the MMO after the first month will find a lot of new content and overall convenience improvements. After the jump, we recap some of the major changes introduced since "Season 1" and explore what's coming up in July for STO's second major content update, "Season 2."

Play with the Developers of Star Trek Online

Before the release of Season 1.2, hang out, talk and play with the developers of your favorite space MMO and mine, Star Trek Online. Do you love the Undine? Do you think that J.J. Abrams ruined Star Trek? Do you believe that something crucial is missing from Star Trek Online's universe? Let them know today, from 4-6 pm PDT on the Tribble server.

Be sure to check out the PvP maps, especially, and see if you can make a "red shirt" out of those know-it-all developers. Live Long an Prosper STO players.