Captain, Guardian and Warden Head to Level 60

The Lord of the Rings Online developers have been spending a lot of time updating us on how the new level 60 cap will affect all of the classes. They've already done Burglar, Lore-master and Hunter (covered here ) and Champion, Minstrel and Rune-keeper (covered here ). Well, now it's time for the Captain, Guardian and all-new Warden to shine in the spotlight.

As always, the diaries focus on three trait sets, improved skills and class items. Keep reading for some quotes from each entry, or check out the above links for the full entries.


This spear-wielding tank is new to the game, so level 50-60 will be just as new as 1-50 for most players. The three trait sets include Way of the Spear for melee damage, Way of the Shield for defense, and the Way of the Fist for damage over time and threat.

Wardens have a different method of skill use, so instead of getting two replacement skills in their early 50s the Wardens will gain a couple of new gambits. They get a melee attack Gambit that also removes one of the much-to-be-feared Corruption buffs from their target. The other new Gambit does a little damage, but also gives the Warden a short-duration attack speed increase.


For the Captain’s 50+ advancement, we’ve focused on 3 different aspects of the class: DPS and Off-tanking, Healing, and Utility and Pets. Because buffing is such a core component of the Captain class, it wasn’t limited to a single path but appears in different aspects of all 3 of the Captain’s Trait Sets.

The three trait sets are Lead the Charge for damage and off-tanking, Hands of Healing for primary healing, and the Leader of Men for pets and utility skills.

Captains will receive updates to Defensive Strike and Blade of Elendil. Also, they will have access to a new item type called Emblems.

Emblems are equipped in a new Class Item equipment slot. The bonuses on these Legendary Items will include, but are not limited to, skill power cost reductions, buff durations, and skill critical hit chance improvements.


With the level cap increasing to 60, a new set of Guardian skills and traits enters into the mix. These skills and traits fall into the following three categories: boss tanking, group tanking, and damage dealing.

The Fighter of Shadow trait set will focus on defensive abilities and shield functionality. The Defender of the Line provides extra threat generation capabilities. The Keen Blade is all about damage.

Two of the Guardian’s existing skills will see improvements as they climb from 50-60. Improved Sting gains the ability to apply a countdown effect that will remove a corruption when it completes its countdown. When traited, Sting allows Guardians to remove corruptions across multiple monsters very quickly. Shield Punch sees an improvement in its damage, increasing it to nearly the level of Bash.



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