Introducing Julie, and Community News

Appears Sanya has gotten some new help to assist her with the Camelot Herald and following the larger DAoC message board sites:
    I am thrilled to introduce Julie Velez, the newest addition to the Mythic Communications team. She's going to be camping one of the more populated message boards, and starting a new section here on the Herald. But let's let her tell you about it: Hello realm mates! As you’ve heard I am the new addition to the Herald Team! I’m really pleased to be in this position as it’s something I have a lot passion about – community involvement. Our goals for my portion of the Herald is to help give your heroic deeds and/or mortifying slaughter its due place in the annals of Herald history. We want to hear about your raids and accomplishments, your triumphs, or even your defeat of epic proportions. Basically what I’m saying is WE want to know, and we want to help you let others know!! Use the form link ( the Herald to assist you in reporting these wondrous events to me. Besides feature stories and tales of derring-do, we’d like to regularly congratulate you on your noteworthy personal events. The form I just linked to has a category called "Congratulations." Please use this link if you or a friend just made 50, or LGM status, or had an in-game wedding, and we’ll add your character name to the next Scroll of Valor Here are the rules and guidelines: 1) Items for publication should be submitted no later than a week after occurrence. (Meaning recent news only, please!). 2) We will include links to your “feature film” if you chose to make one, but sadly we cannot host them. We will post up to three screenshots along with your story - we will contact you for them if we end up posting your tale. See the form for more details. 3) You must include all pertinent information in the form; if you send in “I killed the dragon,” this probably will not get posted as a feature. We are looking for newsworthy and creative tales of your deeds! 4) Profanity, vulgarity or anything equally offensive will not be published – although a little narcissism is always a common occurrence when expounding on your valor =P. This is a G rated site in other words. 5) Not everything you submit will be posted, but we look forward to seeing all your "leads." I cannot tell you how excited I am about having the having the opportunity to help spread the word about the great communities out there, and I really look forward to reading and sharing your moments of Triumph! -Julie The Herald Team


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# Jun 05 2003 at 7:58 PM Rating: Default
Thats all we need is another person that don't know squat about the game. Another mid in the realm great.
Funny how the them shaman / healers get chain and cast BOLTS that mythgard made hit harder.
Go figure anything to make mythgard/midtard stronger.
RE: Gawd
# Jun 06 2003 at 1:13 PM Rating: Default
Could you please point out where it says she's a Mid, 'cause I don't see it. And saying she knows nothing about DAOC then referring to her as a Mid is pretty contradictory. Third of all, boo hoo hoo if you think their bolts hit too hard, but it doesn't say in the 1.62 notes that SHAMAN/HEALER ONLY bolts were upped, they all were. If you wanna complain, do it somewhere where people will actually agree with you or at least not think "what a moron."
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