Passwords and Getting Hacked

Remember to change your password to DAoC from time to time, especially if you have given it out to others. If your account is hacked, and it is the result of you giving your account password to someone you thought you could trust, there is nothing Mythic can do to help you. This was a current issue covered in a thread over on the Vaults Merlin server forums. Mythic's Internet Relations Manager Sanya Thomas dropped in and shed a bit of light on the subject of account hacking, from Mythic's perspective. To read the full thread and story behind Sanya's response check out this link, for now here is what Sanya had to say:
    Mythic can't help anyone who gives out their password, is pretty much what it comes down to. We can only take action if someone loses their items because of something we did. I do feel bad for people who get sucker punched.
    What we can do is what we did, which is verify the story, pull logs, see who said what to whom... and tell the affected customer privately what happened. I'd like to say that the CSR who originally handled the situation put in a request for logs the minute she read the appeal. She did everything right and in a timely manner. The logs are not really reflective of what some of you guys seem to think, but I can't post them due to privacy restrictions. So please bear in mind while you're leaping off the cliff of judgement, you'll never have the whole story because I legally can't give it to you. No matter how much fun town square hangings are. If I may comment... please, if you haven't changed your password in awhile, PLEASE do it now. It bothers me no end seeing people lose stuff because they trusted the wrong person. And a side note - the only people who conduct investigations are the CSRs, the Dispute guy, and me. Julie is my right hand and brings these threads to my attention if your email didn't. If someone else contacts you claiming to be able to investigate loss or theft, they are lying.


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