SOE EQ2 Auction Site Opens

I received a phone call from SOE tonight to give me some pretty amazing -- and unsettling -- news. SOE’s Station Exchange is now live. Station Exchange you ask? Oh no, is that what I think it is? Yes, Sony is now going to start allowing players to officially auction items and cash for real live money. Initially, it will be limited to two new servers they are creating for Everquest 2, with existing players being given the right to transfer to those servers where they can buy and sell with officially sanctioned impunity. However, this is just the experimental stage. It is clear from the FAQ that if this proves to be financially successful, there is no reason not to think that this experiment will eventually be expanded to all of EQ2 as well as SOE’s other games, which include Everquest, Star Wars Galaxies and even possibly, given their large ownership share of Square-Enix, Final Fantasy XI. IGE, meet SOE. Is this the end of online gaming as we know it? Or is it just a natural and inevitable development? I know I personally feel a need for a strong adult beverage right about now. Feel free to post your feedback and opinions. Update. After I posted this, SOE posted a letter from John Smedley about it on their site. Here's the letter.
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A vote for this
# May 11 2005 at 10:02 AM Rating: Default
I have a totally different take on this. I would like to see some EQ servers do this. I would move some, but not all of my characters to it.

Long ago I learned many legitimate ways of earning pp. At one point, long before I became elemental, or even started working in that direction, I had 300kpp in the bank, and good armor to boot! This was not long after PoP came out, and none of the pp I was making came from PoP zones.

The challenge of making pp has gone out of the game for me because there doesn't seem to be that much to spend it on. I actually took my trader off the bazaar for six months out of boredom with making pp.

If given the opportunity, would I sell pp for real dollars? You bet. Do I need the dollars? Not at all. Anything I made would be play money. I would get my thrill out of coaxing money out of folks who have money to burn, but lack the time to play to earn the pp they would be buying.

The game recently lost a good friend of mine because he couldn't keep up with the natural inflation of the game from expansion to expansion. His work schedule and other life committments did not allow it. His view was that he would have liked the game better if it had been frozen after Velious came out, a minority view, to say the least. Still I enjoyed playing with him. Perhaps an opportunity to turn pp into dollars would give him the incentive to return.

I introduced the game to another good RL gaming friend of mine. I had hoped to have someone to group with regularly. It turns out that his interest in the game is the ecconomic system. He keeps detailed records of the trades he makes in the bazaar. His family income is probably half again as much as mine, and if I don't need real dollars, he certainly does not. Yet I can easily see him moving to a dollar server, not to buy stuff, but to sell it, once again for the challenge. In fact, when I first mentioned this to him, his first comment was "what about the income taxes?" Lol.

I guess the one thing that concerns me is farming. I would hate to see professional farmers dominate farm spots to the degree that they close them down to others. I do very little farming. There is more pp to be made from sellers who don't understand the value of what they are selling (as in RL). Still, when I am leveling and can choose beteen the lootless camp and the camp where loot is available, I always choose the latter. It would be a shame if those camps were to become unavailable due to some professional farming teams taking them over.

Would I buy characters if they came up for sale. I might very well. Recently, I found myself in need of a tank. I went out and got another account and have spent the last week plus multibox PLing that character. That Warrior is unlikely to ever go on a guild raid, or even become elemental. In effect, I am going to waste about three weeks of hard leveling before I get him up to to point where I can use him. If offered a chance to bid on a Warrior with lots of aa's at a reasonable price, I most certainly would. I don't have 3 weeks to waste.

How much would such a warrior cost me? Well, they black market for $250 up. Once it became legal and easy to sell characters, my guess is that they would go for $50 or less. The supply would come from the hundreds of thousands of players who quit the game over the last years and also from active players who see an opportunity to transfer a seldom used character off their account.

Would my having a multiple aa Warrior unbalance the game? Hardly.

I am not a lawyer, but I found Sony's admission that their EULA was toothless to be an interesting admission. My bet is that it is totally unenforceable after that admission, not that they appeared to be trying to enforce it, except through account banning before.

I will not buy or sell characters or pp through the black market, but I sure would like to have the opportunity to do so legally.

A world of denial.....
# May 08 2005 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
69 posts
It amazes me how people somehow think this will change the way the game is played. How? You can already buy plat and items from multiple outlets. So what difference does it make if the plat comes from Sony or You can still get it, people still buy it. The ability is there, has been there, and WILL BE there.
This is sort of like marijuana in real life. We make it illegal, it is still there, the price stays high because of the illegality, we arrest people who may or may not be relatively harmless schmo's, and some people live in a make believe world where making it illegal somehow stops a phattie from getting smoked. Sure, you keep telling yourself that. They keep eating the other pill Morhpeus had to offer. But I digress...
How does one guy buying plat or items take away a person's ability to play the game the "right" way? Last time I checked, you can still work up to the point where you can either buy the item, or farm it. And for people who don't live in the game, unlike me, farming is not always the one way they might want to spend their hour or two in-game.
And let's not forget, the best items in this game are not to be found in the bazaar. 99% of all true ***-whippin items are no-drops off of a mob that you have to be guilded to get, and then lucky enough to win the roll. I hate the fact that I have to have a raid party to get any shot at some great loot. I could care less if somebody twinks out there lvl 10 warrior with their real money. Hello, welcome to America, thankfully EQ is not run by Communists.
And let's look at who is REALLY gonna get hurt by this. THE WEBSITES WHO SELL PLAT AND ITEMS stand to hurt the most. They now have to compete with the company that manufactures money! How can you beat that!?!!
But as far as ruining the game... Give me a break. Class re-envisioning has more potential for that, hopefully SOE will be careful. I remain optimistic.
Not so bad
# May 05 2005 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts
""Exchange enabled" servers for free on a one-time-only basis (but you can't ever move that character off these servers). We will, of course, let people who don't want to stay on an "Exchange enabled" server off with a free transfer."

After reading this section of the letter, which I quoted above, I feel much better about this service. I say that if a pig want's to wallow in it's own filth, by all means let it, as long as he doesn't come running through my living room afterwards.

What I mean to say is that SOE has been pretty careful about protecting EQ, I have come to trust them not to totally destroy the game. Now they are in no way perfect, but then again who is.

As long as EQ isolates this part of the game from me I am ok with those on some servers participating in it.

I do not care for this feature, but why not let others enjoy it if it is there cup of tea.
# Apr 29 2005 at 5:57 PM Rating: Decent
so come buy my 70 pal account tier one 350 aa's well known and respected tank.....OOPS if ya dont know how to play a pally ...well there goes the good rep....funny how that happens to EBAY'ers....but who cares...just 1500 real for the account and its yer hehehe (rubs hands in greedy anticipation).....sigh...emote /sadly disapointed on mith marr (saryrn)
Why Not!?!?
# Apr 29 2005 at 1:59 PM Rating: Excellent
Hell, they've gone this far, I say gonna go? Go Big!

If people can buy virtual junk for RL $$, then why not make MacroQuest legal!?!?!

Utterly Ridiculous!!!
# Apr 29 2005 at 9:20 AM Rating: Good
This will hurt the games.

The point of a role playing game is to start a character and then help it grow within the environment of the game using the game defined resources.

Now people with $$ will be able to purchase game resources with SOEs blessing. I am sorry that people got stung in the past by conartists BUT they werent supposed to be involved in outside transcations anyway!

SOE saying it is against the rules then changing their mind because cheaters were getting cheated is ridiculous.

Then there are the fence-sitters. People who want to do something besides playing the game the way it was originally intended to be played BUT dont have the nerve. Now they can freely enter the new economy without fear of getting in trouble as long as their credit card balance is in the black.

Why sell a good item in the bazaar for plat if you can get $$.

I think this will only hurt the quality of the game for those who sincerely like to play the game the way it was meant to be played.

The others...if that item they recently bought isnt working out the way they thought, just sell it and buy something else with their $$.

Oh yeh...will there be a 30-day return policy on purchased items??

Edited, Fri Apr 29 10:32:47 2005
#REDACTED, Posted: Apr 28 2005 at 1:34 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Yo d00dz!
# Apr 28 2005 at 12:31 AM Rating: Good
A lot of posts on this subject I see. First off, good I'm glad there thinking of doing this. I think it would be cool to have an internet buisness where you can buy and sell game stuff. People said for years that games would be a waste of peoples lifes. Now maybe some of these people can actually make those people eat crow. As to everyone complaining that there making this game to easy, and lets go back to the old days, then I would suggest that all you hypocrites immediatly cancel your subscription to Alakhazam, and go back to finding out about quests and recipes etc. the hard way, the way it was ment to be. In the game. Or I see I guess some easy cheating is good in your opinions, but not all. Well you know what they say about opinions..... and thats just mine.
Im find with it for the most part!
# Apr 27 2005 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
Im taking a guess that probably 90% of the people who buy accounts are people who know how to play the game. As for plat and items, guys, who really cares. They cant sell no drop items and the really good items in game are all NO DROP. So get over it let them move to another server and equip there new toons. I have known a lot of people who have bought there toon and they could still play the game fine. I have also seen the lvl 70 war who didnt know what taunt was. Basically everyone has the chance to move to it or away from it. You are making the choice to whether it will effect you.
Better for the rest of us.
# Apr 20 2005 at 8:05 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, read about half way down the posts and gave up. Here is my take. I hope it works, and works well. I also hope that SOE gets the message that only a small persentage of peeps want to "buy" their way to the top. Why do I wish all this? As it is you can buy plat on a few sites for real world cash, meet a player in game and they give you pp. Hopefully the types of people who do this will move their characters (and poor play) off the regular servers to the "bought" servers.

# Apr 20 2005 at 7:46 PM Rating: Decent
This will mark the end of EQ/2 if they move forward. Not only is this a pathetic, sorry-*** attempt from Sony to help make some money, this will eventually--if unchecked--turn EQ into a joke and invalidate the economies, accomplishments,raids and game play. It's already sad enough that one has to group with idiots that have player auctioned their toons and this has super-inflated prices; how disgusting that Biff the lawyer can Visa gold his gear. What kind of sense of accomplishment will there be when you can buy an epic 2.0 for $500?? Go to hell Sony!
RE: sad
# Apr 21 2005 at 9:02 PM Rating: Default
This is indeed a sad occurrence. For those of us who remember corpse runs from level one, having to stare at the spellbook til level 35 and reaching the milestone of level 12 - the level at which you could change your own affinity point as a caster - this is the equivalent of a sharp stick in the eye.
The fundamentals of the game have changed so drastically since the release of Luclin and even more so with the Planes of Power that the game hardly seems a challenge.
For those of you that don't remember, some people were able to acquire their epic (1.0) without the benefits of KEI, HoV and "uber" weapons and armor. How could they do that you ask? One word - Teamwork.
By allowing the transfer of gear, coin and even characters to others who may not have the gameplay savvy that comes only with experience, the gameplay is cheapened to the point that most veteran players should and, most likely will, feel insulted and left wondering what has happened to their beloved game.
This game was originally based, albeit loosely, on the realms and rulesets of D&D. A world in which you EARNED experience, honor, prestige and notariety through dedication and hard work. The notion that you may soon be able to buy items and even characters that have acheived some of the highest honors acheivable in this world is almost unthinkable. The game in it's original form was incredibly difficult yet held a captivating quality which seems to be lacking in it's current iteration.
Perhaps the cries will be heard and a "Nostalgia Server" will be implemented - with the "Station Exchange option excluded.
Enjoy the game if you still do. It seems the days grow short for the world of Norrath.
# Apr 20 2005 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
103 posts
It could be good for SOE with regards EQ1. The dwindling numbers from more and more players leaving could be offset by those players ,that dont see the endgame in sight, buying a lvl 70 well equiped character. Many of you lament their inability to play said characters off the shelf but EQ aint that hard to play. Just takes time grinding.
# Apr 20 2005 at 4:50 PM Rating: Good
I dont buy stuff, but dont have a problem with it. The thing that bothers me is that for 5 years Sony has been preaching how bad this is, how it would hurt the game, blah blah blah.

Now it's OK? Go figure!! Next time Sony says anything, bear in mind that they have no integrity when it comes to standing behind what they say.
Legal implications
# Apr 20 2005 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
If SoE does this, it could be viewed as their acknowledgement that the in-game items which used to be "theirs" have an external value (real world dollars) which could be viewed as ours (the game player).
What happens if theirs some wierd bug that causes my fully equiped corpse to rot instantly?
What if SoE bans my account and I disagree with their reasoning?
What if the server crashes right after I loot a Blade of Carnage and it's gone when server comes back up?

SoE could find themselves in a potential string of law suites if something like this were to happen. And if you don't think something as silly as a game would get tangled up in the courts, Yantis sold his business to IGE for >1 million bucks. That's a lot of bling. And some lawyers out there probably wouldn't mind getting a chunk of that kind of cash.
# Apr 20 2005 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
When I read the news on Alla I was erasing FFXI on my pc. I personally don't like gilsellers , stupid uber prices and people camping NM 24/7.
10 min after I read the new I started considering it in a economical way.
Even if SE never shown a intelligent , wise and "kind" way of administration , what if a Emperor Hairpin (1,8 mega on Fairy) will be sold for 10 Euro on Ebay when 1 mega is sold by gil sellers for 40 euros?
The answer is : the prices will be lower thanks to the someone (not me , I work for my family , food and other nice things...not for a uber sword ^^) who will buy stuff with real money.

I agree if the dumb-disease stop spreading in SE palace
# Apr 20 2005 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
rofl, imagine if this is just an ellaborate heist, to lure out all of the gill sellers and item buyers and fry them all at once.
All in how you play and who you play with
# Apr 20 2005 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
I thought whgen the Plat sellers and item sellers were going strong that it would destroy EQ .. well so far I am still happy. Why??

I play with a Great Guild where the players want to experience the game in it's entirety each expansion at a time and progress as a Honerable and slow but steady Guild. It depends on who the people you play with are. If you are going to play with a bunchj of people who buy their toons Plat and gear it will show in their ability. if you allow them to join and bring your Guild down then it will be the end of EQ for you. If you play with good peeps and not try to get to the end of the game as fast as you can with a gazillion aa and all slots with UbEr pieces you can still have a great time in this game. If it takes a bunch of idiots that self destruct all the time paying to keep EQ alive .. OK not my money they are wasting..

My only hope is that the items and PP and whatever don't become farm places for people selling and us that want to just play the game can still get the pieces we desire the old fashion way. fighting dying and earning them :)
If it happens Im out!
# Apr 20 2005 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
This is it for me. I am watching it with both eyes WIDE open! If it makes it's way off the 2 "test" servers... then there is no reason it could not spread to EQ1 where I play. If it does spread I QUIT. I will go to WoW or DAOC or something else. They may not be the same but... I will not stay around for this.
my take on this..
# Apr 20 2005 at 11:42 AM Rating: Default
Th Alexlitvin, 75thf on Ramuh, and quite simply put, and game thta officially sanctions RMT on any server, will be a game I NEVER play, I EARNED
what I have today, and now I have to post "anon" so to speak to protect myself from thieves, hackers, and other sorts of cheaters. Bottom Line: RMT ruins games.
# Apr 20 2005 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
If they are going to make special servers for selling, I don't understand why they can't make special servers where no trading is allowed at all, or some combination like that.

I liked buying stuff in game, and yes even in the bazaar I bought low and sold high in order to afford better gear for myself. If the exchange of large value items for nothing or large quantities of plat for nothing (or something not of equal value as determined by whomever) is prevented, I would personally prefer to play on that type of server. Same with Diablo. I liked the no cheats or hacks games much better than the latter, and I was able to make a choice which on to play on.

Don't you think Magic the Gathering and associated card games would like a chunk of the resold cards that help people build a bigger deck? EQ2 has figured out how. And they won't create something just to make money. No country will mint cash without the knowledge that they will ***** themselves in the very short future.
What a stupid idea
# Apr 20 2005 at 10:14 AM Rating: Decent
SOE is just thinking to his benefit.

Let's think about this comming to FFXI. If I were a gil seller i would join a server with ppl that doesn't accept this stuff. Why? I would have all the time of the the world, and not that much ppl to compete with. Could SE stops me of doing that? They have not been able to get rid of the gil sellers, yes they have closed a lot of accounts, but there a lot of gil sellers that survived the purge, and a lot more maybe rejoin.

They will make the MMORPG experience so expensive, that not the average guy could afford it.
RE: What a stupid idea
# Apr 20 2005 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
551 posts
I don't buy game stuff with real money, and the plat/gil sellers aren't usually the ones that drive the high in-game prices, as there is too much item competition.

The average guy isn't going to be effected with this as much as you think. The amount of people that 'buy' their way into the game most likely won't change.

Sony's just allowing a safe, in-game middleman and actually hurting the other plat sellers by providing a more reliable service.

Why would anyone become a plat seller on a non-exchange server... when there's obviously a higher customer base willing to BUY your goods on a free transfer to an exchange-server? The only customer's they'll get are the people that don't want to be known as plat-buyers, and they'll be intimidated at the greater risk of getting scammed.
Pain Lord Darknyss Grimscale
92 Iksar Crusader of the Greenmist
# Apr 20 2005 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
222 posts
There is one reason for doing this....Sony wants its piece of the pie. by setting up an eBat-type of exchange, Sony can both control who is involved, and get a commission off the sales. It was inevitable, but hey, Sony owns Eq and has the right to make money off their own product.
Now, as to the results, when I logged into my guild's yahoo groups page, and find 3 ads for paltinum and character buying and selling, it was only a matter of time before Sony did get involved. obviously there is money to be made there. enough for Sony to no longer overlook it.
Now the question is, how long before you can take real world bucks (lira, denario, pounds, etc) and go to a merchant and BUY your planar armor, or 1 million plat? Dont snort at it...I do believe it is coming. So, how much for the epic weapon? or keys to all planar zones?
# Apr 20 2005 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
OK people relax! Did some of you actually read the SOE Prez's letter?

- EQII only - for now maybe forever.
- New servers for this feature.
- Poll to determine converting *some* existing
servers - if majority rules.
- Players can transfer to the Exchange servers
FREE but cannot transfer off of the exchange
- Players who do not want to be on any converted
exchange server can transfer off free!
- Rules still apply for farming! Not allowed to
monopolilze the spawn.

This, to me, does not sound like the most horrible thing in the world. I think everything is going to be just fine to be honest. Sure SOE will bank off this deal, like Ebay banks off of everyone else's garage sale junk! But like Ebay, there is a market and a good reason for it. Problems will be solved, people will be happy at SOE and players too.

Will there be noobs buying level 70 toons, of course there will...but on specified servers only!

Will people be able to buy flags and gear that SOE makes themselves just to make an extra buck...doesn't appear to be the case so far! Oh yea and players can only do this on specified servers EQII ONLY.

In summary, it appears to me that the prez of SOE and all parties concerned are monitoring this pretty closely. They are aware of the fear this will cause and potential problems. SOE is not going to let thier money making machine be ruined by some new you really think they want to lose your recurring money? Heck no! Quit whinning people, like all else new in the game, you will get used to it, deal with it, and maybe even enjoy it! Oh yea, this is EQII ONLY for now!

Zornoc of Innoruk
55th Wizard
This is all very nice but...
# Apr 20 2005 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
I don't give a damn about the Exchange. I wish the current in-game fraud bugs would get fixed first.

Why can't SOE fix the bazaar bug that allows you to sell items with zero or less charges than the number of charges that item actually has?
Yadda Yadda.......Whatever
# Apr 20 2005 at 7:51 AM Rating: Decent
First, to most that are did the same for all the other "Game Changing" expansions and patches. Hmmm, some people just need to complain I guess. Interestingly, you are all still playing and will be after this is done. What game are you going to play? Most games are doing this or will be soon, it's business, like it or not, companies like SOE are in it for the money...duh!

Second, peeps buy plat and gear online's this any different? Oh, wait, you might actually know who is doing it.......LOL. Thing is, you don't, I know several players that have 1 or more level 70 characters that have created new toons and used that level 70 toon to "Gear up" their new one. Then they get "Power Leveled" by guilds or friends and VOILA, Presto, instant level 50 toon that still hasn't maxed ANY of his/her skills and yet knows more about the game than most of us.

Third and lastly, Why can't they just make a game that when it sais "Based on AD&D", they mean it. This game was awesome when it first came out, actually was based on AD&D. Then the changes came, and with the recent "Class Re-Invisioning" we are so far off AD&D that we just created a new Genre. I say this to you Sony.....Give me a game based on AD&D, where all classes have their unique advantages and dis-advantages, let me work for what I get, and let me make my own decisions what is better for my character. You want to help us, give us more individualism by creating more graphic controls for our toons (i.e. more hair, face and physique options), add more graphics to armor and weapons to improve on the seperation so they don't all look the same. In other words, Keep the AD&D theme and rules of the game, just improve our ability to become unique in appearance and I for one am happy. Go back to AD&D!

Even after all is said and done.......I am still playing Everquest and will continue to do so, until a game comes out that gives me more of an AD&D feel, with the ability to create that unique character :)
RE: Yadda Yadda.......Whatever
# Apr 20 2005 at 7:57 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
You might try going to if you are looking for a D&D based game.
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