April 04, 2007

Hello everyone! We've recently noticed that quite a few of our collection quests are missing reward data. To remedy the problem we've started this thread to help give you the chance to assist us in filling these gaps! Any help we can get will be appreciated!!! Have a good one!

New Items:
Manaburst GlovesMana Threaded Cap of the ServantCoiled VinesClosing TimeArms of Deep ReflectionWristguards of the KeenCape of ThuleCloak of ThuleWar Ancient Pulverizera marvelous droag tapestrybloodstained bat fangBirtchroot BracersRare Deathfist Mossy Armor PlansMossy Blood Hide GlovesMossy Blood Hide TunicMossy Blood Hide BootsMossy Blood Hide CapMossy Blood Hide LeggingsMossy Blood Hide MantleCommon Deathfist Adept Armor PlansCommon Deathfist Darkruned Armor PlansCommon Deathfist Harmonious Armor PlansCommon Deathfist Mossy Armor PlansDarkruned Blood Iron ChestplateDarkruned Blood Iron GreavesDarkruned Blood Iron Vambraces

Updated Items: Crown of X'HavizThe CloisterJale Phlintoe's Wildfire BootsPetrified Halfling EyeGnomish Collection GogglesLife Among the GoblinsShrumbler GripsMatron's SleevesHarmonic BandCommon Deathfist Blood Threaded Armor Plans

Updated Quests: Drawing Out the CaziEntering the VeilHexed and VexedIksar Bone Fragment CollectionTome: Good EatinDark Elf Bone Fragment CollectionTome: Alliz Evol Ew CollectionSpider Silk for BrinkGrobin Trouble at the PondRunning Off the Groblin ScoutsGrowler Pelts for BrinkBroken ButtonsInfestationSeeking a Tradeskill ProfessionHerbs of Healing and GrowthDollnappingBee Swatter

New Mobs: a sickly shamblera risen thuga risen Sareth'Tal gnolla risen bandita Redbeard minera Redbeard geomancera Redbeard chaplaina ravena Mistmoore slayera Mistmoore lictor

New and Updated Areas: Deathfist Citadel

Updated Guides: Profession Listing


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