__DEL__1591771657235's Avatar


Posts: 1
Well, my mage is an awesome caster 2nd most powerful dd's best pet in game. I can solo much about anything except for dragons 60+!!! I've taken every duel ever since I hit 60 even necro's druids etc. hehehe they were quite easy actually :) I like challenges and quests! and for my Rouge :) I just started which Is my second is already quite beasty :) only level 4 but i've taken an level 9 rouge heheh its probably becuase i'm twinked up the @$$. heeh but its still a beasty halfling rouge which is quite invinsible :) should get to 9 today with ease! And for me I also do sports fool around with my friends I always make time for my family and other things for computer people that play non stop :0 get a life seriously make time to do stuff anyway have fun be good gimme a tell if your on 7th either namyenie for mage or celeadan or hehe i forget ) something to that effect hehe