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Posts: 12
Lybertie Reykjavyk was born to noble viking parents of the ruling clan in the far North of the cold countries on an island called befittingly Iceland located close to the North Pole. Lybertie grew up and learned to hold her own against the greatly feared polar bears of that region. She learned to use her natural magical talents at a very young age initially simply to hunt and kill small game for the family dinner table. When it became evident that her powers were far greater than at first suspected her doting father sent her to Jordheim at the center of Midgard to further her talents and to find her place in this frozen world. Lybertie was accepted by the Innenfor Vill guild who helped her gain knowledge and grow in skill. She learned to hunt and kill larger game and to find and destroy the Albion and Hibernian enemies of her realm. We are looking forward to hear of her many adventures in Midgard.