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eq:Night of Shadows Visuals  

Night of Shadows Information & Guides:

An Overview | Achievements | Augs | Chase Items/Ultra Rares | Collections | Group Progression & Task List | Lore | Mercenaries | Ornaments, Weapons and Shields | Raid Progression | Spells | Tradeskills | Visible Armor

Contents [hide]

Armor Ornaments



Swirling Spirits (raid)


Weapon Ornaments

Petroglyphic Weapon Ornaments

These weapon ornamentations can be obtained by preordering Night of Shadows.

  • Click on the thumbnails to see a larger image.

Petroglyphic Athame Ornament Petroglyphic Axe Ornament Petroglyphic Bardiche Ornament Petroglyphic Basher Ornament Petroglyphic Broadsword Ornament Petroglyphic Buckler Ornament
Petroglyphic Censer Ornament Petroglyphic Club Ornament Petroglyphic Fighting Staff Ornament Petroglyphic Fire Poker Ornament Petroglyphic Fist Ornament Petroglyphic Flanged Mace Ornament
Petroglyphic Great Censer Ornament Petroglyphic Hammer Ornament Petroglyphic Hooked Dagger Ornament Petroglyphic Katar Ornament Petroglyphic Longbow Ornament Petroglyphic Mace Ornament
Petroglyphic Maul Ornament Petroglyphic Medium Shield Ornament Petroglyphic Pick Ornament Petroglyphic Punching Dagger Ornament Petroglyphic Rapier Ornament Petroglyphic Riding Bow Ornament
Petroglyphic Scimitar Ornament Petroglyphic Short Spear Ornament Petroglyphic Spear Ornament Petroglyphic Spiral Dagger Ornament Petroglyphic Staff Ornament Petroglyphic Sword Ornament
Petroglyphic Tower Shield Ornament Petroglyphic Two Headed Spear Ornament Petroglyphic Wand Ornament Petroglyphic War Sword Ornament

Group Weapons and Shields

  • Click on the thumbnails to see a larger image. Hover mouse over name of weapon to see the stats.

Tier 1

Adlawr's Ornate Dreamweaver Basirt's Technicolored Kite Shield Broadaxe of the Sunless Hunter Broadsword of Rainbow Stealing Carved Hopper Femur
Celestial Thorn Dathor Greatspear Double Bladed Dazzling Rays Gemmed Scepter of Feathers Happiness
Loda Kai Bladed Mace Lost Thought Maxima, the Dream Petal Poker Polished Stone Baton
Prismatic Buckler Prismatic Fencing Blade Rasnac's Bludgeon Rebellious Brawler Singed Ceremonial Bulwark
Taruun Recruit's Shortbow Terminal Blow Twiceforged Katar of Gloaming Twisted Hopes Weighty Acrylia Broadsword

Tier 2

  • Click on the thumbnails to see a larger image. Hover mouse over name of weapon to see the stats.

Adorned Deepdweller's Dagger Anguish of the Abandoned Bladed Rod of Brutality Chromatoxic Fang Considerable Ornamental Rampart Falcate Falchion
Fanatic's Clawed Bludgeon Gilded Wand of Theatrics Grubsmasher, Maul of Pestilence Gutter Khala Dun Arming Sword Lavish Compound Bow of Heroes
Moldering Biotrophic Branch Multifaceted Spinneret Opulent Spiked Hammer Seldom-used Aegis Spiked Rod of the Disciple Spiritbound Epee
Spore-dusted Jeweled Staff Twisted Staff of Wrath Variegated Auriculate Bulwark Vicious Contorted Spear Violent Blade of Battles Zealot's Moonmace


  • Click on the thumbnails to see a larger image.. Hover mouse over name of weapon to see the stats.

Phantasmal Luclinite Arcane Staff Phantasmal Luclinite Athame Phantasmal Luclinite Axe Phantasmal Luclinite Bardiche Phantasmal Luclinite Broadsword Phantasmal Luclinite Buckler
Phantasmal Luclinite Censer Phantasmal Luclinite Club Phantasmal Luclinite Fighting Staff Phantasmal Luclinite Flanged Mace Phantasmal Luclinite Great Censer Phantasmal Luclinite Hammer
Phantasmal Luclinite Hooked Dagger Phantasmal Luclinite Katar Phantasmal Luclinite Longbow Phantasmal Luclinite Mace Phantasmal Luclinite Maul Phantasmal Luclinite Rapier
Phantasmal Luclinite Riding Bow Phantasmal Luclinite Scimitar Phantasmal Luclinite Short Spear Phantasmal Luclinite Spear Phantasmal Luclinite Spiked Shield Phantasmal Luclinite Spiral Dagger
Phantasmal Luclinite Sword Phantasmal Luclinite Tower Shield Phantasmal Luclinite Two Headed Spear Phantasmal Luclinite Wand Phantasmal Luclinite War Sword

Raid Weapons and Shields

Tier 1

  • Click on the thumbnails to see a larger image.. Hover mouse over name of weapon to see the stats.

Almighty Palatial Protector Aureate Tri-Steel Impaler Bardiche of the Silver Reaper Baton of Jharin Revelry Berserk Bludgeon of the Vah Shir Claw of Toraji
Decorative Aegis of Shar Vahl Ferocious Pernach of the Khati Sha Fire Dancers' Retribution Golyeck's Walking Stick Gorespit's Eradicator Herachuel's Carapace
Iron Fist of the Khati Sha Itraer xi Xirau Maera Kerrath's Aid Main-Gauche of Obsolescence Misericorde of the Taruun Pathmaster Kharin's Interjection
Recurve Bow of the Kerran Warden Shortbow of the Khala Dun Garrison Stalwart Guard of the Khala Dun Taruun Guardian Maul Toxiplax's Claw Vah Kerrath's Persuader
Virulence, Omiyad's Gift Wrath of the Dar Khura Xiphos of the Khala Dun

Raid Tradeskill

  • Click on the thumbnails to see a larger image.. Hover mouse over name of weapon to see the stats.

Spectral Luclinite Arcane Staff Spectral Luclinite Athame Spectral Luclinite Axe Spectral Luclinite Bardiche Spectral Luclinite Broadsword Spectral Luclinite Buckler
Spectral Luclinite Censer Spectral Luclinite Club Spectral Luclinite Fighting Staff Spectral Luclinite Flanged Mace Spectral Luclinite Great Censer Spectral Luclinite Hammer
Spectral Luclinite Hooked Dagger Spectral Luclinite Katar Spectral Luclinite Longbow Spectral Luclinite Mace Spectral Luclinite Maul Spectral Luclinite Rapier
Spectral Luclinite Riding Bow Spectral Luclinite Scimitar Spectral Luclinite Short Spear Spectral Luclinite Spear Spectral Luclinite Spiked Shield Spectral Luclinite Spiral Dagger
Spectral Luclinite Sword Spectral Luclinite Tower Shield Spectral Luclinite Two Headed Spear Spectral Luclinite Wand Spectral Luclinite War Sword


Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2022-12-20 06:52:52.