Category:RoM Skills  

There are 2 basic type of Skills: Adventuring, and Crafting.

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Adventuring Skills

Adventuring Skills are subdivided by the eight Classes, and each set of Class Skills are further divided into General, Class-Specific and Elite Skills. For a dual-class player, class-specific skills can only be used when your current primary class matches the class of the skill. General skills are always available to you, no matter what your current primary class is, but limited by the minimum level of the skill. Remember, your secondary class' effective level is limited by your primary.

Elite skills are available at levels 15, 20, 25, and 30. You must see an Elite Skills Master and ask for a Skill Training Certificate. Which skills are gained depends on your current Primary and Secondary classes and are unique to that combination. They are listed in the Elite skills categories based on the Primary class. For example, Elite skills for Mage/Priest and Mage/Scout will both be found under Category:Mage Elite Skills.

Adventuring Skill Subcategories
Of course, someday we would like to have wiki pages created for all the Skills and Elite Skills, but let's be realistic. We have RunesDB and BuffedDB. Isn't it more important to finish the quests and walkthroughs?

Crafting Skills

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Runes of Magic
Crafting Skills are broken down into 4 groups: Gathering, Refining, Production and Other Skills. Every player can learn all of them. All 6 Production Skills can be learned as an Apprentice, but only 2 can reach Journeyman, and only 1 can be raised to Master. The 6 Production Skills each depend most heavily on the Gathering and Refining Skills they are associated with in the table, below, but use some ingredients from the other 2 as well as some that must be purchased. For example, a Cook must burn wood to cook on, and buy the meat from the butcher, but primarily his art depends on herbs to season the meal.

While the Gatherer/Refiner obtains the raw materials from Resource Nodes in the wild, and converts the raw materials into quality materials the craftsman can depend on, the craftsman uses the refined materials of many different Refiners to produce finished goods for market.

see Category:Gathering Skills for a table of all harvestable resources by skill and level.

Advice about Refining: You get very little XP for Refining. When grinding up a Production skill almost all of the materials you will need will be the good/green tier, so we advise against refining everything to blue. Refine to green and store it. Someday, if you need some blue material, you can refine it from green.

Crafting skill levels increase with experience. There is no need to expend Training Points to raise them. Once a Gathering skill is learned, you will be able to gather from higher level Resource Nodes automatically as your level rises, but to refine the raw materials you will have to visit an Instructor to learn new refining recipes. The same with Production skills, but while some recipes can be purchased from an Instructor, others must be found in the world (or purchased from other players via the Auction House) or earned from quests.

Crafters also have Elite skills, gained by completing the tasks listed under Skill Training Certificate. Again, Elite skills are gained at levels 15, 20, 25, and 30.

Other than the complexity of the recipes, there is no fundamental difference in the how-to of Refining and Production.

Refining has no level progression of its own, instead deferring to the associated Gathering level, and XP earned from Refining contributes to the increase of the Gathering skill (about .27% per refining action).

Refining uses the tools station of the first Production skill listed next to it, so Extraction requires Alchemy tools, Smelting uses Blacksmithing tools, and Woodcrafting needs Carpentry tools.

Gathering Refining Production

Categories: Runes of Magic | RoM Stubs
This page last modified 2012-07-19 23:00:04.

Articles in category "RoM Skills"

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