eq:progression through veil of alaris  

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Edit for Alaran Language section
# Sep 07 2012 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
For Tier 2 and higher, the only tasks that count toward language are the partisan tasks and the group missions. You will get one point for the first partisan task or mission that you complete in a zone. You will get an additional point for completing an additional 3 of any combination of partisan tasks or missions in that zone for Tier 3 and 4 (2 points for Tier 2). Completing all 6 partisan tasks and both missions will get you an additional 1 or 2 points depending on the zone. The mercenary (kill) tasks for Tier 2 and higher do not gain you any language points.


Tier 2

•Doing all of Sarith partisan tasks and missions = 5 points
•Doing 4 of any combination of partisan tasks or missions = 3 points
•Doing 1 partisan task or mission = 1 point

Tier 3

•Doing all of Rubak partisan tasks and missions = 3
•Doing 4 of any combination of partisan tasks or missions = 2 points
•Doing 1 partisan task or mission= 1 point
•Doing all of Beast Domain partisan tasks and missions = 3
•Doing 4 of any combination of partisan tasks or missions = 2 points
•Doing 1 partisan task or mission= 1 point
•Doing all of Resplendent Temple partisan tasks and missions = 4
•Doing 4 of any combination of partisan tasks or missions = 2 points
•Doing 1 partisan task or mission= 1 point

Tier 4

•Doing all of City of Bronze partisan tasks and missions = 3
•Doing 4 of any combination of partisan tasks or missions = 2 points
•Doing 1 partisan task or mission = 1 point
•Doing all of Pillars of Alra partisan tasks and missions = 4
•Doing 4 of any combination of partisan tasks or missions = 2 points
•Doing 1 partisan task or mission = 1 point
•Doing all of Windsong partisan tasks and missions = 4
•Doing 4 of any combination of partisan tasks or missions = 2 points
•Doing 1 partisan task or mission = 1 point
•Doing all of Sepulcher partisan tasks and missions = 4
•Doing 4 of any combination of partisan tasks or missions = 2 points
•Doing 1 partisan task or mission = 1 point

Edit for Tier 4
# Jun 13 2012 at 11:29 AM Rating: Good
The page currently reads:

Tier 4
Pillars of Alra
All Resplendent Temple tasks require an Alaran Language skill of 81 to request.

But should read:

Tier 4
Pillars of Alra
All Pillars of Alra tasks require an Alaran Language skill of 81 to request.

It looks like someone copied and pasted but forgot to change the name. (I'm not complaining, this is an awesome page that I have used a ton.)
Edit for Tier 4
# Jun 13 2012 at 2:25 PM Rating: Excellent
6,998 posts
skizoke wrote:
The page currently reads:

Tier 4
Pillars of Alra
All Resplendent Temple tasks require an Alaran Language skill of 81 to request.

But should read:

Tier 4
Pillars of Alra
All Pillars of Alra tasks require an Alaran Language skill of 81 to request.

It looks like someone copied and pasted but forgot to change the name. (I'm not complaining, this is an awesome page that I have used a ton.)

Fixed, thanks.
Edit for Tier 4
# Jun 13 2012 at 3:36 PM Rating: Decent
Fleven wrote:
skizoke wrote:
The page currently reads:

Tier 4
Pillars of Alra
All Resplendent Temple tasks require an Alaran Language skill of 81 to request.

But should read:

Tier 4
Pillars of Alra
All Pillars of Alra tasks require an Alaran Language skill of 81 to request.

It looks like someone copied and pasted but forgot to change the name. (I'm not complaining, this is an awesome page that I have used a ton.)

Fixed, thanks.

You're welcome and thank you.
Edits to the First Section
# Feb 01 2012 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
34 posts
Points overview:

For Tier 1 You can only get to 48 by doing the single quests in the T1 Zones. After you are at 48, you will not receive any more language skill points for single quests.

For your First mission in the T1 Class you get 10 points
For your second mission in the T1 Class you get 12 points

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