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Who is Akuin?

Akuin was originally created/born in Everquest. I played an Ogre Shadow Knight. Akuin climbed the ranks rather quickly. From what I was always told by people was "Wow, your xlevel already","dude!, do you sleep?!","Wernt you xlevel just yesterday?" Yes its true, I pretty much dedicated all my time to Everquest. As a PC tech at a computer shop, I had my own PC on which, I would play Everquest while I repaired PCs. Shortly after hitting the level cap I did the AA grind. Shortly after I stoped playing Akuin had over 600 AAs ( I think. ) Akuin was part of a bleeding edge content guild. The guild I was in was named Talisman.

Fast forward to today:

Currently I recide on Khaz'modan playing a Troll warrior, Orc hunter and other baby alts. I use to be part of a top horde guild(wernt we all at one point) which slowely fell apart. Now a days, Ive slowly stoped playing wow due to burn out. But come xpac, Ill be back at it.

MMO Addiction :

Back in 99 I was first introduced to EQ by a co-worker. I played it for about a month and put it down. A couple of years later I picked it up again. And the creation of Akuin was made.

FPS Twitcher?!

Yep, thats right. I at one time of my life was an FPS gamer. My preference was Unreal. ( sorry quake fans). It all started at home with a few friends, every night we'd game for countless hours. Then the release of Unreal Tournament came out and I got a bit more serious about things. I still played with my friends and even went to a few comptions. All which I won. After wining those, I was asked not to participate in the competition. Which was fine by me, I got free pizza and Dr.P ! I continued to still play until one day, I was just tierd of FPS. Just like that, I said. No more.

My RL:

I wont get to much into this as this is private. Currently Im a health nut.I eat extremely clean, and workout 3 times a week, with 4 cardio sessions. Im currently a coffeholic (ex green-tea-aholic).

And thats me .

- Akuin

Admin Note

Dinghy in IRC was so bothered that people couldn't edit your wiki Aku that I had to come in and make one just to make him happy ;)

Signed - Wordaen

This page last modified 2008-11-07 11:03:37.