Friday! Let's get things rolling.
WoW: Another weekend just for fun. I'll have to see how things go, apparently connected realms have hit here and with it has come a flood of cross realm spam whispering. I may have to find a decent chat filter, but I'm thinking about seeing if my old Horde Paladin can get closer to 90.
RL: The weather has started to warm up, there is a haze of green around the trees as leaves begin to bud, and we're starting to see flowers. Thanks to several days of strong wind, the pollution has gone all the way down to "Moderate" and I can see the hills that surround Beijing. I may have to actually venture out, perhaps to wander around the wholesale market.
OK, not the most exciting of goals, but I'm still wiped out from a string of bad air days earlier in the month. Help me out here, slackers! What are your hopes and goals for the weekend?