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Available Services Unregistered Registered (Free) Premium
Complete MMO coverage Yes Yes Yes
Access to forums, news & game information Yes Yes Yes
Access to the Wikibase Yes Yes Yes
Forum posting privileges Yes Yes
Advanced forum search (including site comments) Yes Yes
Pre-made forum avatar Yes Yes
100% ad free Yes
Personal forum avatar & custom title Yes
Your own private forum / journal Yes
Unlimited thread following Yes
Image hosting with forum posting capability Yes

Game-Specific Services

In addition to the network-wide features, many of our game sites also contain enhancements.

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Final Fantasy XI

Available Services Unregistered Registered (Free) Premium
Read all forums and posted information Yes Yes Yes
Posting privileges for all forums and ability to add comments to items, quests and other listings - with your own custom graphic FFXISig (subscription only) Yes Yes Yes
Item, quest, mob, spell and recipe tables and information listings Yes Yes
Personal character profiles (free service limited to 3) Yes
Expand your character profile to keep a quest log, add images, and include a biography Yes
Advanced item search Yes
Advanced quest search Yes
Advanced bestiary search Yes
Advanced trade skill search Yes
Character profile and printable character sheet Yes
A searchable skill chain listing Yes


Available Services Unregistered Registered (Free) Premium
Read all forums and posted information Yes Yes Yes
Item, quest, mob, spell and recipe tables and information listings Yes Yes Yes
Posting privileges for all forums and ability to add comments to items, quests and other listings Yes Yes
Personal character profiles (free service limited to 3) Yes
Character upgrade search that lets you use your character data to find the best available upgrades to equipment Yes
Character wishlist that allows you to keep track of exactly what you wish to do next and how to do it Yes
Advanced item search Yes
Advanced quest search Yes
Advanced bestiary search Yes
Advanced trade skill search with expandable listings Yes
Character profile and printable character sheet Yes
Expanded Item listings that give you more information and more links for each listing Yes
Character search that lets you search through all of our publicly listed characters to see what everyone else looks like Yes
Ability to list yourself as a merchant on the server character lists Yes

Dark Age of Camelot

Available Services Unregistered Registered (Free) Premium
Read all forums and posted information Yes Yes Yes
Item, quest, mob, spell and recipe tables and information listings Yes Yes Yes
Posting privileges for all forums and ability to add comments to items, quests and other listings Yes Yes
Personal character profiles (free service limited to 3) Yes
Character upgrade search that lets you use your character data to find the best available upgrades to equipment Yes
Character wishlist that allows you to keep track of exactly what you wish to do next and how to do it Yes
Advanced item search Yes
Advanced quest search Yes
Advanced bestiary search Yes
Advanced trade skill search with expandable listings Yes
Character profile and printable character sheet Yes


Available Services Unregistered Registered (Free) Premium (Rare)
Read all forums and posted information Yes Yes Yes
Forum Posting Privileges Yes Yes
100% ad free Yes
"Captcha" not required for posting Yes
Free pass to the front of the Armory queue whenever your request profiler resyncs Yes
Increased character limits for comments and forum posts Yes
Access to a special email address for input on site features and direction Yes
Special Premium border for your forum avatar Yes
Special badge for your user page Yes