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Weekend Thread (July!)Follow

#1 Jul 02 2014 at 6:04 PM Rating: Excellent
Mine started 2 hours ago!

Games: Nothing! (well I will maybe play some Wildstar tonight, but nothing til maybe Sunday and Monday)

RL: Float trip! Leave tomorrow, return Sunday.

Have save weekend yos!
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#2 Jul 03 2014 at 3:36 AM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts

- Keep working on the season 15 PvP achievement. Have more than 17k at the moment so maybe I actually will pull it off.
- Do my daily/weekly routine for gold and Valor and the chance of seeing a mount drop (one can hope).
- Level my last three professions to 600.
- Do some PvP pet battling.
- Level my Shaman a bit. He's sitting at level 80 and I want him to be 90 before the expansion hits. Since he's my 6th character and I'm not a big fan of leveling I don't know if I'll make it. Smiley: frown

Other gaming:

- Hearthstone dailies
- Grind some levels in Gemcraft Chapter 2.


- Visit some friends out of town this weekend.
- Start applying for a job. Since my diploma is finished and my operations are done I'm running out of excuses.
#3 Jul 03 2014 at 7:48 AM Rating: Excellent
701 posts
Happy 4th Of July to everyone!!!

Gaming: I did resub to wow and started working more towards my cloak. I have already run the first leg of SOO. It was fun and not as crazy hard as i thought it would be. I actually enjoyed it. I hope to get some WoW in this weekend.

RL: Normally we would be going to 6 flags on the 4th but with the storm rolling up the coast it is supposed to storm all day. So instead we are going to the inlaws for grilling and what not. Saturday is another gathering at my families for a couple of birthdays. The rest of the weekend should be relaxing.
EQ acct
Rukkuss 71 Iksar SK 1.5 Epic
Mokkas 70 Halfling Druid 1.0 Epic
Turfidor 70 Barbarian Shaman 1.0 Epic
Simplid 71 chanter
Trembledon 72 ranger
Rumblesx 70 monk
Bertoxx server
#4 Jul 03 2014 at 8:24 AM Rating: Excellent
1,700 posts
Gaming - Hit 244 paragon last night (did not get to play much this week) and level 35 on my Wizard, will try boosting both and working on gear this weekend.

RL - getting rid of most of the kids tonight, so will be R&R for the most part for the next 2 weeks. Tomorrow will be a mini carnival through the city and a fireworks show. Saturday will be hanging out with a friend and shooting guns. Sunday will be laundry and cleaning and relaxing before work.

#5 Jul 06 2014 at 6:12 PM Rating: Excellent
So how everyone's weekend go?

Mine? Sucked.
Started off well, but Friday after noon I broke my ankle/ back side of the Fibula. I was 2.5 hours away from home. My father was awesome enough to come get me, driving about 5 hours strait on Friday. Was so much pain driving back. Hurts still. Need to see a specialist. Will probably have to have surgery to have a ***** hold the broken bone in place. No idea when I'll get to return to work -.-
Just been a lot of sleep due to the pain pills. Crutches suck at my weight, and the way my house is laid out does not help lol.

Hope you all had a way better weekend.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#6 Jul 07 2014 at 7:33 AM Rating: Excellent
1,700 posts
Sandinmygum wrote:
Hope you all had a way better weekend.

That sucks man, hope it heals up quickly and surgery not necessary.

Gaming: Hit 248 paragon last night and between power leveling from my wife and just chugging through it, I hit 70 on my Wizard and started gearing her. Realized I can solo T4 just fine with my crusader, so will keep doing that for blood shards and paragon points.

Real Life: Friday was the carnival - it was terrible. It appears the city planned for a big showing and no vendors signed up. Lots of open room and 4 corn dog stands and 3 sno cone stands all charging the same prices for the same items. We didn't even stay for all of the festivities, so no fireworks for us. Saturday was guns with a friend and hanging out with the wife a little. Yesterday was relaxing, cleaning, dehydrating some potatoes, and Deathnote. We finished episode 25 last night, time to see how bad the series gets.
#7 Jul 07 2014 at 8:43 PM Rating: Excellent
Kronig wrote:
Sandinmygum wrote:
Hope you all had a way better weekend.

That sucks man, hope it heals up quickly and surgery not necessary.

Still need to get a CT scan, but it seems it is my Tibia, clean break. CT scan 1st before we really know if cast/boot is enough ot if I'm getting a pin put in :3
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#8 Jul 08 2014 at 10:54 AM Rating: Excellent
701 posts
That sucks man. I hope you get better!
EQ acct
Rukkuss 71 Iksar SK 1.5 Epic
Mokkas 70 Halfling Druid 1.0 Epic
Turfidor 70 Barbarian Shaman 1.0 Epic
Simplid 71 chanter
Trembledon 72 ranger
Rumblesx 70 monk
Bertoxx server
#9 Jul 08 2014 at 6:35 PM Rating: Excellent
In time. Broke all 3 ankle bones. Surgery next Wed Smiley: cool
Then 2 weeks that will be a hard time, hopefully I can sleep most of it.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#10 Jul 09 2014 at 1:16 PM Rating: Excellent
1,264 posts
WoW - I've finished the first two wings of SoO LFR. I dipped my toes in the third wing last night, but the raid just couldn't get the second boss. After 5ish wipes, I bailed. I don't mind wiping, but it was just getting to be banging head against the wall. My iLvl is up to 509. My healing is getting better. I think I figured out a couple things I was doing wrong and corrected them. I'm still no meter topper, but I think I'm doing much better.

Also dusted the cobwebs off my 80 pally. I haven't started leveling with any effort yet, but I've got spec and talents fixed. And, I got my heirlooms shipped to her. I plan on leveling dual prot/holy, with prot for solo content and holy for groups, with an ultimate aim of being holy spec for raiding (eventually). One of my motivations for leveling the pally is professions (miner/JC), so I'll put some focus on that. At this point, I've seen the 80+ content numerous times, so whatever I can do to speed things along will be what I'll try to do.

Other gaming - still addicted to Blood n Bones (Minecraft FTB mod). I think it's the most challenged I've been in a game in a long while. It's great fun.
#11 Jul 11 2014 at 7:24 AM Rating: Excellent
1,700 posts
Gaming - hit 253 paragon and got my 5th set piece for my crusader this week. Plan on pushing towards 300 and getting the rest of my gear so I can head for T5 or T6. Saw a Witch Doctor build that is only a few pieces of gear away from mine, so might try to tweak myself so I can hit T5 or T6 with him as well.

RL - wife claims to be working all weekend, so if she does then I will be doing a few projects around the house and playing games. Hopefully will be an R&R weekend, but if she is not working then we will be travelling to visit family.
#12 Jul 11 2014 at 6:50 PM Rating: Excellent
It is hard to sit at the PC with the ankle being broke. I need like a box/stool/something to prop my foot on, just not found anything sturdy enough yet.

Gaming: Been playing Mario Kart 8, as I can play it from bed. May try to beat Zelda Skyward Sword. I can also DL Zelda WW HD (thanks to Mario Kart 8's free game deal).
I do try to pop in to Wildstar, but again, I can only stand to sit at the PC for about 30min before it becomes uncomfortable.

RL: Tomorrow my town is having a Ribfest. Bunch of people enter to try and make the best ribs. A few friends have tried to get in over the last few years but are always told they host their own ribfes a block behind the main one. I'm going to try and go hang for a little in the evening. Going to be a hot day, but I've been in this house now for like a week...
Going will also let me get some stuff I left behind that friends brought home from last week's trip.

Have moved some stuff around the house so it is easier for me to get around. It will have to do.

Surgery next Wed. I hate surgeries. To me, they are over in just moments, but each time...there is "that" risk Smiley: glare I've been mentally preparing.

Netflix has become my savior Smiley: laugh I watched Knights of Sidonia last night, checked out Attack on Titan (I hate reading dubs, it is hard while on pain killers Smiley: laugh). I feel I'll be going through the recently added list pretty fast Smiley: tongue
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#13 Jul 14 2014 at 7:29 AM Rating: Excellent
1,700 posts
Sandinmygum wrote:
checked out Attack on Titan (I hate reading dubs, it is hard while on pain killers ).

Stick with it, I actually regret not putting full attention into it. Wife was watching it while I was at my computer playing games and only saw it in the back ground. I will have to start it over some day...

Gaming - Hit 261 Paragon last night, leveled my wife's demon hunter to 70 and had absolutely zero luck with gear all weekend.

RL - friday was alcohol and tv. Saturday was a mish mash or random events, anime with shopping at lowe's with D3 with working on flower beds. Yesterday was laundry and cleaning house with making homemade pickles and canning mangoes.

It was a rather random weekend, somewhat relaxing at least.
#14 Jul 15 2014 at 10:35 AM Rating: Excellent
1,264 posts
Finished the third wing of SoO for the first time last night. LFR still, but at least I'm getting to see the fights. I'm up to 516 ilvl. I upgraded a trinket this week, but otherwise the drops haven't been coming (other than duplicates of what I have already). I also capped Valor for the week. That's the first time in a long time. My healing is improving. I'm usualy near the top now, instead of near/at the bottom. I'm sure some of it is gear related, but I've also improved my rotation and I'm getting more and more familiar with resto healing. It also helps to have a better knowledge of the raids. I'm now seeing some of the fights for the second and third time, so I know what to expect.

This week, I want to run the final wing of SoO. It would be cool if I could get into a flex or regular run at some point. I'll have to keep my eyes and ears open for guild runs. I'm only two sigils away from finishing the first part of the legendary quests. I guess I'll need to grind Black Prince rep here soon, too.

Also, I want to dabble with my 80 pally and start leveling her. We'll see how the week goes...time may be tight.
#15 Jul 18 2014 at 7:46 AM Rating: Excellent
Friday, right? I no longer remember lol.

Had my surgery, it went well, from what I was told. Now to keep weight off of it for a long time (2 week check up, 6 week heal time). Damn foot is ruining my summer of movies lol.

Basically have to stay in breaking the rule atm because my back hurts from laying for the last 2 days.

Games: Maybe some Mario Kart. I can play it from bed. Just when I found the best way to sit at the PC last week, it not is very painful Smiley: laugh

RL: Pop dem pillz, watch netflix, or other stuff. Took me like 2 years (...) but I finally finished Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. Really enjoyed it.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#16 Jul 18 2014 at 3:21 PM Rating: Excellent
1,700 posts
Gaming - Still on the D3 wagon, so will raise paragon points and try to gear out some toons. Hit level 265'ish last night so hope to get close to 280.

RL - step-kids father is in the hospital, so will either be alone this weekend or going with them for a visit. Beyond that it is planned as a R&R weekend hopefully. May break out the smoker if the weather permits, its been raining lately.

Check out Derek on Netflix if you are bored or with a broken leg. Turn on subtitles because they speak heavy british but it is a good show.
#17 Jul 21 2014 at 12:26 PM Rating: Excellent
Getting use to the pain, found new way to sit at desk.
So I've played M.K8 and Wildstar.
Finished DBZ again today. Not sure what anime to watch now, or anything else.
Yay broken ankle...
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#18 Jul 21 2014 at 12:54 PM Rating: Excellent
1,700 posts
Gaming - Hit 271 paragon but no luck with gear. I have 2 characters that can plow Torment 4 and limp through Torment 5, but Torment 6 is still out of my reach, gotta work on gears.

RL - friday was Derek and relaxing. Saturday was trip to in-laws for food and family; received a large quantity of garden goodies and spent the evening playing D3 and doing laundry. Sunday was preparing and freezing vegetables, cooking a batch of chili, and gardening. I'm tired and hurting today ....

Have to work quite a bit this week, so will be working, playing D3, and rearranging furniture/cleaning up clutter.
#19 Jul 22 2014 at 3:09 PM Rating: Excellent
1,264 posts
I managed to finish SoO (LFR) last week. No new drops. Still at 516, with one tier piece. I didn't play much over the weekend because of RL stuff and recovery from said RL stuff (getting old sucks). I'm out of town a few days this week, so playing will have to wait until the coming weekend. My goal now is to run SoO (casually) and perhaps a few of the older raids, too, even though I don't really need anything from them. I'd like to get another tier piece or three :-)

RL plans are to work on my guitar project. I've got the innards attached, but not soldered yet. That's on the to do list. I'm still working on the body, waiting on Black & Decker to send me a replacement for a broken sander. Then it'll be on to the scary part...paint and finish.
#20 Jul 25 2014 at 7:31 AM Rating: Good
1,700 posts
Hit 281 paragon last night but still no new gear ...

Gaming - will shoot for 300 paragon but that is a pipe dream. Keep rolling for gears and hope that RNG is in my favor. May finally level my barbarian all the way to 70, he has been sitting at 55'ish for a while now.

RL - relax relax relax. Going to be a house cleaning and relaxing weekend, the garden is dying down and no plans or needs to travel anywhere. So will be mostly grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning, and D3.
#21 Jul 25 2014 at 11:21 AM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
Not much happening in WoW for me the last time. Partly because I am a bit burned out and partly because most of the things that are left to do for me either require a huge time commitment or the favor of the RNG gods.
I hope to finish the Alterac Valley meta achievement while it is still the Call to Arms. 11 victories and 19 tower retaps left...
Aside from that mostly getting gold, getting Conquest points, leveling my Shaman and his Herbalism skill (last maxed profession I'm missing). Some pet/mount hunting and the long grind to 2000 Blood Coins for when I'm out of other things to do.
#22 Jul 25 2014 at 12:55 PM Rating: Excellent
I keep meaning to pop back in to WoW, but yea Wildstar is were I am at Smiley: lol

Bought all the DBZ movies, all of Tri-gun, and FLCL the other day on DVD. They all just arrived. It is like x-mas morning. Not sure where I want to start (few of the DBZ movies I've not seen, I have seen Tri-gun and FLCL).

I'll probably be stuck inside this weekend. It is really starting to get boring :3 I'm running out of things to do lol.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#23 Jul 28 2014 at 7:40 AM Rating: Excellent
1,700 posts
My normal phrase continues - Life got in the way

Spent all evening friday rearranging furniture in step-kids bedrooms and assembling a desk. Saturday was cleaning house, assembling another desk and more organizing of the house followed by a visit from a friend for dinner and conversation. Yesterday was organizing/cleaning 15 years of halloween decorations to as few boxes as possible and finding places for it rather than stacked in our game room. It took 9 hours to complete that task yesterday, I am exhausted after this weekend.

Played for about 2 hours over the entire weekend, got paragon 284 last night and picked up a set piece for my WD for an alt build I would like to try out. Did not have the time or energy to accomplish much.

Planning on relaxing and playing more this week, hope to be close to 290 paragon and hopefully get some gear pieces for the WD so I can hit T6.
#24 Jul 28 2014 at 8:42 AM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
Finally got the Alterac Valley meta achievement! Only missing the Alterac Blitz in that BG now. Did not do much else in WoW. Farmed some Bloody Coins, some Pet Battle PvP victories and some gold. Most of my gaming time was spent on Kongregate.
#25 Jul 28 2014 at 8:51 AM Rating: Excellent
Watched movies 1-6 (of 13) I think, of DBZ movies.

Played Wildstar. It has a housing deal, so I rebuilt and remodeled the house, it looks better. Doing "dailies" now. Rolled a new guy, just have not really leveled played him yet.

Not sure what day, but I go back for my ankle surgery check up on either the 30th or 31st. Guess we see what the next stage is (back to the boot, a cast, a ?)
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
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