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October Weekend ThreadFollow

#1 Sep 25 2014 at 9:27 PM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
I changed ISP and got faster Internet. Mild rain came, and my service went down ... on Sunday. I finally got the company to stop with the low level stuff like telling me to turn my computer off and let it reboot. They just spent an hour rewiring the connection and I'm back just in time to see how your October plans are shaping up!

WOW: Garg. Catch up from being down a week.

RL: China's National Day holiday kicks off this weekend. Unfortunately, that means Tyger has to head back to Guangdong to see her daughter, and she'll be checking on the Wuxi store on the way back. I'll have twelve days off and we'll barely get to cross paths. Smiley: oyvey

Warlords is creeping up on us! Here's hoping you all have a good month (and try not to break yourselves)!
#2 Sep 26 2014 at 10:20 PM Rating: Excellent
2,269 posts
I preordered wife's and my Warlords, also bought 2~3 month cards for us. First Weekend back at college so I have homework. Weekend plans are homework and Fall cleaning / rearranging for winter, even though Seattle doesnt get as cold as Wisconsin.

WoW: Gonna re up before Sept 31st so i get my Horde hog. My lvl 90 is going to be Warlock, as its the only class I dont have above 80 (5 90's). Might level another class from 85ish to 90.

My wife is already complaining about our pvp server (over cata/mop it went from being 50/50 to being like 20/80 in alliances favor) but because I have all my characters their and so does she we would be looking at like 5-600 dollars to move them all. Starting on a new server would just be hell since all my characters are max all crafts with like 6 alchemists and I dont want to lose my gold support structure. Not to mention we're on Oceanic servers becuase at the time I was working 2nd shift so I could come home at like 12 am and the server would just start getting busy so I could easily raid, but now I cant because I have school so i cant raid at 2/3 in the morning for a few hours and my normal play time puts us in the dead hours of the server where the only other people are alliance that camp gank you for fun.

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#3 Sep 27 2014 at 5:10 AM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
Finished up the Brawlers Guild and continued with the 27k Conquest Points for this season. Slightly less than 2k to go, so hopefully I manage before 6.0 hits. Also need to max the last three professions.
#4 Sep 27 2014 at 8:05 AM Rating: Excellent
Bean, just move 1 or 2 to characters at a time? If you are using the boost, find a realm and let that new character be your 1st on the realm? I know what it is like to xfer all your toons... I did it last year lol. I think it costed me around $300 :3

WoW: Not returned yet. I logged in the other day, so hopefully I'm flagged for Horde bike. I need to log into Hearthstone so I am flagged for the spider leg of Naxx for free for ever (or so the email says).

D3: I leveled yet another season character, this time a WD. Never played WD, was always a fan of Monk. I'm pretty hooked on WD. I'm going to try and go for the pet build, as it seems to be OP. Heck I think I am OP as is and I have crap for gear, as I just hit 70 last night. I can solo some T1 bounties. Rifts can be tricky if I get a "bad" boss.

Wildstar: I think I'm done for a while. Devs are dropping left and right (maybe coming back to Blizz?!). The game was suppose to have updates often to keep the game feeling new, last Drop (what they call update) was 2 months ago. My Stalker is basically capped in PvP gear, not able to get in a winning rBG group. So yea, done.

RL: I don't know. I've been able to walk with just one crutch the last week, so I've been doing that. Today the foot hurts, but I'll push through. Not bad pain, but "hey I've been used a lot" kind of pain. Hopefully I can transition back into a shoe fast, and then maybe I can go back to work. I really need to get some cash flow going Smiley: lol
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#5 Oct 03 2014 at 9:49 PM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
It's a good thing that we have a long holiday, my days are being nibbled away by a stream of errands. My ancient Atrix finally got to the point that it had to be replaced and I ended up taking two days to get a replacement sorted out. Now, if only I could figure out all the fancy new stuff on the replacement.

WOW: Nothing exciting to declare. I'll keep getting ready for the pre-patch and expansion.

RL: I think I have most of the errands out of the way. After I restock on food this afternoon, I'll look forward to actually getting some time to relax.

OK, you slackers! Let's hear some plans. WoD is nearly upon us!
#6 Oct 04 2014 at 12:41 AM Rating: Excellent
2,269 posts
I resubbed cleaned out a bunch of old mats and farms on my characters. Bought the wife 2 mounts (Jeweled Onyx Panther, Flying Golem thing) and that put my funds back a little bit. I'm trying to decide what I want my newly hatched 90 Warlock to have for professions, atm I sit with 6 Alchemists (5 transmute, 1 Elixer), 2 BS, 2 JC and one of every thing else. I'm also pissed (wow really? p i s s e d is censored?) that the recipe for Royal Satchels are STILL Bind on Pickup, my mjage is sitting on like 110 Imp cloth with nothing to make and I really really dont want to have to grind rep with him IMHO its stupid it isnt Bind on Account.

Weekend plans WoW: Raid finder a alt or 2, maybe get another class to 90.

RL plans: Study for a practical exam on Tues for Cisco.

Edited, Oct 4th 2014 1:51am by BeanX
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#7 Oct 04 2014 at 8:19 AM Rating: Excellent
RL: Walking. I'm out of a boot and into my shoes. But I still have to use a crutch, I need to lose the crutch hopefully over this next week, so I can return to work. Or I need to win the lottery so I never have to go to work.

Games: D3. Witch Doctoring it up. Would be nice if the RNG Goddess would be cool and drop the weapon I really need.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#8 Oct 06 2014 at 8:51 AM Rating: Good
1,700 posts
Sandinmygum wrote:
Games: D3. Witch Doctoring it up. Would be nice if the RNG Goddess would be cool and drop the weapon I really need.

Good luck with that! I finally got a decent weapon (Rhen'ho) but that Kukri eludes me ....

Though in the span of 2 hours I went from M3 to M6 on my demon hunter and it is pretty amazing even with a garbage weapon ...

RL - was pretty relaxing, did some yard work in the nice weather; saw Annabelle (terrible movie) and bought some halloween decorations. Started working on other decorations and cooked/cleaned. Sunday was D3 all day long ... man my wrist was making funny noises last night.

#9 Oct 06 2014 at 1:41 PM Rating: Excellent
Recap of weekend:

-Went to October fest that my town has Saturday night. Got some walking in. Today I can walk without a crutch, by I am keeping a cane with me just in case. I should be able to return back to work next week.

Good luck with that! I finally got a decent weapon (Rhen'ho) but that Kukri eludes me ....

Though in the span of 2 hours I went from M3 to M6 on my demon hunter and it is pretty amazing even with a garbage weapon ...

I either need the Starmetal Kukri or the "toad" knife. I was told by another WD my gear was bad lol, I think it is fine being I can't get ANY thing to drop for it.

Edited, Oct 6th 2014 2:41pm by Sandinmygum
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#10 Oct 06 2014 at 10:47 PM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
The weekend passed quietly on my side of the planet. I successfully stayed home, and WoW ended up mainly routine chores such as managing mail on too many alts.
#11 Oct 10 2014 at 7:58 PM Rating: Excellent
We already here again?

Games: D3. I guess Tuesday is when I might return to Wow, after update.

RL: Fish fry and boozeing Saturday. I get to return to work on Monday (not been in like 3 months almost).
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#12 Oct 11 2014 at 4:32 AM Rating: Excellent
2,269 posts
WoW: Hunter to 90 (Currently 89) > Druid to 90 (Currently 86) > Priest to 90 (Currently 83). Finish Exalting Tailor with Celestials so I can use the 100+ Imp cloth to make Satchels. Finish up stuff fr Tues 6.0.2 patch
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#13 Oct 12 2014 at 4:39 PM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
Finally finished the 27k Conquest Point achievement. Going into 6.0 with 19.995 achievement points now. I wonder how many will be lost once the patch hits.
#14 Oct 13 2014 at 8:24 AM Rating: Good
1,700 posts
Gaming - D3'ed a little when I had the time. Clearing rifts and not getting drops, so the usual. Changed skills and started working on gear for my monk last night, just another character to play around with.

RL - Halloween decoration shopping friday night, cleaned house and then pizza/beer/video game night with some friends. Sunday was halloween decorations, the Walking Dead, and D3.

#15 Oct 13 2014 at 5:03 PM Rating: Excellent
Games: D3 as well, no drops as well...lame. Probably going back to WoW starting tomorrow after update :3

RL: Fish fry/boozing was fun. Sunday I went to a Halloween/costume store in the STL. Bought some stuff. Went to work today, don't miss it.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#16 Oct 14 2014 at 7:04 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
I got a bit distracted. Sunday, one of the guys in my guild mentioned that we're getting hit with a substantial hike in our rate. Up to now, a 30 RMB card was good for 4,000 minutes. After the patch, they'll only be good for 2,700 minutes. I spent Monday trying to rummage up some extra game cards (we patch on Thursday) without success. Smiley: tongue

WoW: I'm pushing my Worgen, Zevon, towards 85 to help the guys in the guild. They need someone to level a Worgen mage. I'm almost out of Outland.

RL: I stayed in and rested, the air was particularly bad last week and I was running on way too much ephedrine.
#17 Oct 17 2014 at 6:00 AM Rating: Excellent
-WoW: Try and get the pre-x-pack quest line done. I did some of it the other day. I also need to look back into DK. I seemed to only be hitting 4 buttons. That didn't seem right >.>
Need to work on UI.
Maybe level Hunter to 90.
Maybe start a shaman, and aim to get to 60 before xpack for boost.

-D3: If I play, run stuff to not get gear -.-

RL: No plans. I do need to go to the comic book store :3 I also need massive amounts of money.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#18 Oct 20 2014 at 7:11 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
Oops! The pre-expansion patch ate my brain. I finally got all the necessary juggling done to run WOW in English here, got most of my addons up to date and dove in.

I spent one boost to get that Worgen to 90 for the guild, and that got me to 600 on an Engineer. I have another boost coming on the other account that will probably be used to get my Horde Warlock to 90 with Tailor/Enchanter.

We had problems with Headless Horseman for most of the weekend, but that seems to have been cleared up. I'm going to spend the remainder of Hallow's End trying to get minor upgrades from HH. I suppose the mount *might* drop, but I I'm more likely to wake up and find my hair has grown back.

Since my toons are under geared (our best interpreter no longer plays, so I don't do runs above LFR) it is nice to have the small boost the pre-event quests give. I'll look forward to UBRS once I'm done grinding HH.

#19 Oct 20 2014 at 7:55 AM Rating: Good
1,700 posts
Was sick thursday and friday, watched a little tv and hit D3 pretty hard. No gear upgrades and nothing major to report, T6 is really nice for gaining paragon points though. Tried out Hearthstone and kind of like it, will have to build up my decks though, I either win barely or get wrecked.

RL - still doing Halloween decorations when I wasn't sick so not much time for anything else.
#20 Oct 20 2014 at 6:10 PM Rating: Excellent
Sandinmygum the Stupendous wrote:
-WoW: Try and get the pre-x-pack quest line done. I did some of it the other day. I also need to look back into DK. I seemed to only be hitting 4 buttons. That didn't seem right >.>
Need to work on UI.
Maybe level Hunter to 90.
Maybe start a shaman, and aim to get to 60 before xpack for boost.

-D3: If I play, run stuff to not get gear -.-

RL: No plans. I do need to go to the comic book store :3 I also need massive amounts of money.

-Did pre-quest on DK.
-All my toons are 1tnl, so my Hunter hit 90 way faster then I was ready for lol.
-Started my Shaman, he hit 10 last night.

Just need to get that spark to play. Still have 3 weeks to work on Shaman.

RL: spent money on stuff I didn't really need, worked on foot. Drug out my yoyos. If I'm going to have to stand in one place, I might as well do something at the same time :p
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#21 Oct 24 2014 at 9:42 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
And then the weekend arrived.

WoW: I'll be grinding HH and UBRS. It may not make a good story, but it will keep me busy. Maybe this will be the year for the mount? Smiley: disappointed

RL: The air quality index is well into hazardous. I'm going to try to stay inside.
#22 Oct 24 2014 at 10:27 AM Rating: Excellent
1,700 posts
Gaming - when I have time will be splitting my time between a cheesy flash game, Hearthstone, and D3. I do not anticipate getting to play much this weekend.

RL - its the final push for Halloween decorations so will be spending the majority of my time working on those. Saturday will be decorations and a birthday party for my niece. Sunday will be cleaning, decorations, and whatever else I can squeeze into a busy weekend.
#23 Oct 26 2014 at 1:21 PM Rating: Good
807 posts
I've been banging out old raid achievements this weekend, sure is nice with multiple 90's now that they all share the achievements. Still some bugs I've noticed (and reported) from the squish, least I think they are bugs. ICC gunship, for example, is stupid easy now. They scaled the deck guns to your ilevel and with ONE shot the enemy ship is down. Granted I think that is great as that fight to solo is a bit of a pain, but I thought it had glitched when I first did it.
Xt-002 deconstructor in Ulduar seemed to be (to me on my hunter anyways) doing too much damage in 25 hardmode. Searing light destroyed me everytime. But perhaps I was doing something wrong as I never did much Ulduar when it was relevant.
Freya 25 just slaughtererd me as well, but I stepped it down to 10 man and one-shotted her.
Still quite a few to go, but it is quite fun. Can clear Naxx 25 in about 30 min or so, which is a great feeling (yes yes I know...doesn't count when you overgear/level it) when I recall it taking weeks when I actually did raid.
#24 Oct 26 2014 at 4:00 PM Rating: Good
807 posts
And if you have not collected the Amani Battle Bear from eet meow! You can solo run it inside of 5 minutes now with the squish.
#25 Oct 27 2014 at 6:05 AM Rating: Excellent
Xizervexius wrote:
And if you have not collected the Amani Battle Bear from eet meow! You can solo run it inside of 5 minutes now with the squish.

Are they taking it out of the game again?

RL: Walked around, my foot is now all swollen. Work today, and half day tomorrow, then a concert, and I took Wed. off. Last week of Oct :o
Saturday night Slipknot, via Knotfest, did free streaming of some of the acts. So I stayed up to see Slipknot (1-2am). Streamed again last night, but I only watched Tech N9ne as I have work today :3

WoW: I played my Shaman. Did something like 25 levels in under 24 hours. I for sure did 10 levels in 5 hours with a really awesome group (via Dungeons). But my eyes started to hurt (was getting late).
Hit 51 last night. 9lvs to go. This character is getting the boost once I get my WoD. If you wait til 60+, and pick 2 professions, when you boost the professions plus 1st aid get boosted to 600skill. I've picked Tailoring and Engi as they are the only 2 profs I do not have.

I guess Heroic version is easy? I see people shouting for peeps to get BoA weapons. Maybe I should join. My iLvl on my DK seems to still be decent.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#26 Oct 27 2014 at 8:41 AM Rating: Good
1,700 posts
Gaming - went as expected, played my cheesy flash game as I could to do dailies and the new tourney. Played hearthstone for a couple hours and just got crushed game after game, it was pathetic. No D3 was played.

RL - birthday party was cancelled so we spent all day saturday on halloween decorations. It was messy and tiresom, I'm actually glad to be back at work so I don't have to look at/work on decorations.
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