in no order of merit:
Leetfade, Craya, Abancai, Tinyterror, Amanada, Isominds, Reiden, Billybob, Maclean, Safara, Mattea, Arakith, Angelica, Zokiki, Grayson, Hibiu, Alexisse, Omegacloud, Chinqlinq, Corrderio, Shabet, Banigaru, Spoony, Kaerith, Elathia, Deluge, Galtayn, Aireya, Zenes, Sairyu, Detanita, Eilurac, Thrillagorilla, Jeuth, among others...
for the following:
1) being themselves
2) playing the game as it's meant to be played
3) realizing that other players are people too
4) making Ceberus the place it is just by doing whatever they do