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MCU Phase 3 SpeculationFollow

#1 May 05 2015 at 2:37 AM Rating: Excellent
MCU Phase 3 speculation

If you haven't seen Age of Ultron yet you may want to skip out on this discussion. Also, there will be speculation based upon the comic storylines these movies are based upon. You have been warned, there be spoilers!!!

Infinity Gems currently in play:
Power - Currently in the possession of the Nova Corp
Space - The Tesseract, currently in Odin's (Loki's!!!) vault
Reality - Last seen being given to the Collector. Although the collector's collection kind of blew up in GoG
Mind - Possesed by Vision

Soul & Time gems have yet to appear.

While the Gauntlet was briefly seen in Thor 1, Kevin Feige recently said there are 2 gloves (since people have 2 hands) which is why Thanos has his own. Kind of BS & leaves out the fact that the glove seen in Thor had all the gems, but whatever.

Also, knowing this stuff is all in the pipeline kind of made Age of Ultron less exciting as you knew dealing with Ultron was going to be most of what happened in AoU, while the infinty stones would be dealt with later on. AoU wasn't a bad movie, but a bit less exciting than the first Avengers (but omfg that Hulk vs Hulkbuster fight was cool).

Antman: Summer 2015
Most likely this will be a stand alone film & besides introducing Scott Lang's Antman, will not directly lead into future movies (except when Antman probably shows up in one of the Infinity Wars.) Paul Rudd is not in Cap 3 as far as I'm aware.

Cap 3: Civil War. May 2016
After the end of AoU, we have a New Team of Avengers consisting of: Cap, Black Widow, Vision, Falcon, War Machine, & Scarlet Witch. Banners gone into hiding, Tony's taking time off from Avenging (Although he will most likely be an antagonist in Civil War), Hawkeye's with his family (although he will be in Cap 3), Thor's in Asgard, while both Black Panther & Spider-Man will make their MCU debuts.

What is known is that Baron Zemo, Winter Soldier/Bucky, & Crossbones will be in it as well. Other than that, it's complete speculation as to what will set off the Civil War (either the events of Age of Ultron: notably Hulk & Scarlet Witch's actions, Tony's gult over Ultron's creation, perhaps an MCU version of the New Warriors' actions in the comics, a combo of them all, or perhaps even Baron Zemo/Crossbones framing the Avengers). I would love to see a non powered Carol Danvers introduced. I can't really speculate as to who will be on team Cap or who will be on team Stark, but I shall:

Team Tony:
Black Widow - Former SHIELD agent, following orders but not liking it.
Hawkeye - Same as Widow
War Machine - While he has gone against Tony in the past, he's a soldier first. But he could easily go against Tony so they can fight again.
Black Panther - Protecting Wakanda is his priority
Vision - He could go either way, & as far as I'm aware he hasn't been announced in Cap 3, but I would guess he would side with "life" and the registration act. Having him on the opposite team as Scarlet Witch will throw a wrench in their possible future relationship (plus, she's the only one that could go up against him power wise)
Carol Danvers

Team Cap:
Cap (duh)
Scarlet Witch - I would imagine the government would want her to pay for setting off the Hulk in Age of Ultron. Black Panther in particular would want her to pay.
Falcon - While a soldier, I'd imagine he's on team Cap all the way
Spidey - I doubt they have him unmask then switch teams like he does in the comics, so he'd probably stick with team Cap all the way.

Steve Rodgers/Cap could die at the end, giving Bucky the shield at the end. Then, I'd guess Bucky lasts as Cap until Rodgers returns in Infinity War Part 2 (perhaps with the aid of the time gem)

Doctor Strange: Nov. 2016:
Probable introduction of the Soul Gem, other than that a stand alone flick.

Guardians 2: 5/5/17
You'll learn who Quill's father is & he won't be king of Spartax. Other than that, not a lot known at this point. I'd guess the time gem shows up as the mcguffin & perhaps Thanos even ends the flick with a couple of the gems & the destruction of the Nova corp, leaving the Guardians free to show up in Infinity War.

Marvel/Sony Spider-Man: 7/28/17
New teenage spidey. no idea who will be cast, but they'll make their debut a year prior in civil war. high hopes since marvel is making it with sony. kind of a reboot, kind of a continuation as it'll leave out the origin (or go the Hulk route by showing it in flashes during the credits).

Thor 3: Ragnarok. 11/3/17
Loki's masquerading as Odin as Thor returns to Asgard after the events of Age of Ultron. The Ragnarok storyline implies the end of Asgard, Sutur as the big bad, & I'm betting Thanos shows up to make good on his promise to Loki that "there is nowhere to hide" since he failed Thanos during the events of Avengers 1. I'm hoping with Asgard destroyed Thor loses his hammer, an arm/hand, & hopefully ends up with the world cleaver. I'm betting Thanos ends up with another gem by the end.

Avengers: Infinity War Part 1: 5/4/18
I'd guess its the New Avengers versus Thanos & his lackeys (hopefully Nebula & Loki at least. Maybe even the recent Infinty crossover's Black Order). I'd guess Vision dies when Thanos gets his hands on the soul gem & the flick ends with Thanos having all the gems, some New Avengers deaths, & the gathering of the remaining Avengers for round 2 after Thanos attacks various aspects of the MCU gathering the rest of the stones.

Black Panther: 7/6/18
Most likely a standalone flick.

Captain Marvel: 11/2/18
Will probably tie into some of the events at the end of Infinity War part 1 as well as whatever the Guardians are up to after the end of their 2nd movie. Carol gets introduced so she gets to join the Avengers in the 2nd part of Infinity War.

Infinty War: Part 2 (5/3/19)
Hopefully, any and all surviving MCU characters, the Guardians, Agents of SHIELD, & the Defenders team up to stop Thanos who now has the completed gauntlet. Thor & Hulk (& Cap?) return. Tony & Cap make up. Perhaps some of the Inhuman royalty even make an appearance.

Inhumans: 7/12/19
Given how Inhuman-y Agents of SHIELD has been lately, besides dealing with the Inhuman royalty I have no earthly clue what they'll do with this. Show the Kree creating them, perhaps? Introduce Ms. Marvel as the audience surrogate? IDK...


Edited, May 5th 2015 4:59am by Omegavegeta
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#2 May 05 2015 at 8:13 AM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
This should be fun to look back on and see just how wrong I am.

Cap 3: I don't think Steve'll die, but he'll certainly be incapacitated in some manner. Probably jailed, maybe just "sick" of heroing and goes into hiding. There's not really enough build up for his death. No (real) Agent 13 for one. She's been more of an Easter Egg if anything. I think this movie has too much to do to build Sharon up as well and make the court house scene have any real impact. I also want to point out what a shame it is they're not using Hayley Atwell for Agent 13. She's had more air time as a flashback than the blonde introduced in Cap 2, and that's not even counting the mini series. If you're going to have her in all the movies anyway, might as well have Cap running down a helicarrier hallway thinking he's chasing a ghost and meet the deadringer of his old fondue fling. Ah well, missed opportunity. Anyway, Cap and team will lose the fight but Steve'll walk away with the moral victory and negotiate his team's freedom in exchange for his surrendering. During the big climatic fight he'll be getting repulsored behind his shield, and look around to see the destruction his and Tony's ideals are causing and such.

Spidy is probably going to be the cause of the Stamford Incident. Kind of an egg when he first started superheroing and broke into and fought the Fantastic Four. All the people they've got lined up to be Puny Parker are young, so I imagine someone with a bomb will take over a school at the beginning and Spidy, wanting to audition to be an Avenger (or just to show off), will be making a youtube video and end up killing a bunch of kids and teachers. Also a perfect setup for the MCU to hate Spidy (and "enhanced" people in general), and get J.K. Simmons to cameo as a news reporter (As JJJ has been depicted as everywhere else) to rail against him. Probably won't see much of him after that, though. "Disappears in the destruction, presumed dead." Still a Sony property. Tony will probably blame Steve for not doing more to find and train "enhanced" people, and Steve will be against it because he feels kids shouldn't be soldiers regardless of their abilities or against it being mandatory. (Agents of Edit-ion: Tony will argue that indexing and mandatory training for individuals is good, Steve will say indexing is bad and training should be voluntary.) I imagine that whichever side Wanda falls on, T'Challa will be on the opposite side. He'll likely be there to get revenge for her unleashing the berserker Hulk on Africa. Sam will be Team Cap, no doubt. He's not so much a soldier as he is Steve's friend. Rhodey the same with Tony. Can't really imagine either of them being on the opposite side from their friends, all things considered. Everyone else is pretty much crapshot and can go in either direction.

Tony will probably end up one step off from moustachio-twirling super villain by the middle of the movie, because the movie needs an easy to identify villain. Rumors are that the guy that played General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross shows up in the movie, so they'll probably scheme to build prisons for people that don't get with the program, probably a slightly less-than-AI version of the Ultron Iron Legion is going to be used. Probably use Crossbones, Zemo, and past Hydra soldiers and continuation of the Hydra programs (Human experimentation and weapon creation with the use of Infinity Gems? Or the info he still has from when he was mining the Mind Gem, or from it directly from Vision) Good place to introduce Carol as well, though haven't heard anything about it.

However it ends, I figure the end scene will be Steve dropping his shield and leaving the MCU for a short time, and the end credits will be Bucky picking up the shield.

Doctor Backhander Councilwoman Strange: Introductory. Famous surgeon doctor who is entirely prickish, only taking cases that are just hard enough to intimidate others but not enough for him to fail. Horrible accident breaking his hands, ruining his career. Montage of the downward spiral. He'll use the last of his money to fly to the Himilayas, probably for "drugs-but-not-drugs," and meet the Ancient One (good place to put a comedian slash Chow Yun Fat or better yet James Hong) Good place to bring actual magic into the MCU, and some banter in future movies between Tony and Steven. Maybe have a function of the Soul Stone to install magic into people? I simply can't imagine this movie not having the Soul Stone. I also imagine that the end scene or even the end credits will involve Thor taking the stone to Asgard. (Casting Couch Edit-ion: I was thinking of how weird Chamberpot looks, and it dawned on me that if there was anyone still alive that I want to be Dr Strange it's Alan Rickman. I guess he's not young enough to do the more physical things (since Strange is also somewhat of a martial artist) but the demeanor and personality is there. Also I can't imagine Wong showing up at all. World is way too sensitive for that.)

Guardians 2: I kind of figure this one'll be stand alone as far as Infinity Gems are concerned, though will also build up a little towards Infinity War. Since J'Son doesn't seem to be StarPapi, I imagine it'll be Adam Warlock since it's a "species that hasn't existed in (a long period I forget) of years and his cocoon was open at the end of the first movie and would like that to be more than a cute egg. Probably a lot of exploration of Drax's family, Rocket's creation, probably Gamora's abduction and childhood with Thanos, and Groot being Groot. Again, end will be an Asgardian visiting the Novas and taking possession of their Infinity Gem.

Spider-Reboot: I don't think it'll play into the overall storyline. Maybe at the end either Steve or Tony will approach him over the events of Civil War, but overall probably yet another Uncle Ben dying and spider-biting we've dealt with twice already.

Thor 3: As my masterful alluding to indicated, I imagine at this point all but the Time Gem will be gathered in Asgard, and at some point Thanos will destroy them utterly to take possession of them, leading to Infinity War Part 1. I'm actually hoping they'll explain that damn Magic Bath scene from Age of Ultron at some point here.

Infinity War p 1: I figure whoever the Not Tony team from Civil War will be missing and the good guys lose. Half the population of the universe dead. Good place to have Bucky Cap.

Black Panther & Captain Marvel: I figure these'll be half "how they became who they are" movies and half reactions to everyone around them dying and seeing the Avengers lose. Carol will probably be someone who is being experimented on by Tony with Infinity Gem powers, because we still need him to be bad-guy like and copying Strucker's experiments with the Twins and T'Challa's life growing up to be raised as royalty. They'll probably be happening at the same time as IWp1.

Infinity War p 2: Everyone gets together, Bucky returns it and Steve lifts his sheild and we finally hear Avengers Assemble and happily ever until next time. Maybe some alien species, Kree and Chitari notably, join in on the fun. All the AoS Inhumans up to this point, probably the bigger hitter of the movie'll be Blackagar Boltagon to get the last hit.

Inhumans: Probably the Royal Family. Really out of place if you ask me, it's happening basically outside the main storyline. I wonder if it'll be moved to before Infinity War p 2. Or introducing the "next phase" of MCU, to start up the process all over again as kind of a universal reboot.

T - Tesseract 
H -  
A - Aether 
N -  
O - Orb 
S - Sceptre
Something I found amusing.

Edit Log - May 06 - Added Agent of Shield update for Cap 3

Edited, May 6th 2015 2:16pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#3 May 07 2015 at 3:23 PM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
Omegavegeta wrote:
Antman: Summer 2015
Most likely this will be a stand alone film & besides introducing Scott Lang's Antman, will not directly lead into future movies (except when Antman probably shows up in one of the Infinity Wars.) Paul Rudd is not in Cap 3 as far as I'm aware.

Paul Rudd will be in Civil War. Source
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