people are being plain silly about their people posting their ls accomplishments, BUT will some *** get onto me about their precios thread space on MY acomplishments that has nothing to do withls? lol lets try it out >.>
1. Killed myself a Butterfly that conned extremely too wek, and if you kill me a euphoria of guilt will ocme over you. well i killed it, and im feeling that guilt, just like the time the other day when i kill that wild rabbit. o shoot me now >.>
2.i managed to get my hands on that extremely new advanced job....SKM( Sucky *** mage that doesnt want to pary with u unless your a nin)
had fun, and magae to kill yet another wild bunny.
Flame me please.
Hug me please(lol yeah i saw that comment on the lastest HNMLS thread)