The Prophecy of the Ascended (Rift)  

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The Prophecy of the Ascended

The Prophecy of the Ascended were the last words spoken by the Sentinel Niyol Cliffswind as he lay dying after the events of the Blood Storm 1500 years ago. Since that time, it has been transcribed again and again as a symbol of hope for the people of Telara bringing light to their hearts, even on the darkest of days. May all gods bless and protect our kingdom, now and always.

The Prophecy of the Ascended

There will come a time when the Ward is fully sundered;

In that dark hour, even the gods will weep,

And from the ashes of a fallen kingdom, the Ascended will rise.

This being will be neither mortal nor god;

Neither alive nor dead;

Neither virtuous nor wicked;

The Ascended will be steadfast and mighty,

And henceforth those who serve the dragons,

Will know only fear and death.

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Added to the Library by Bohtauri


Categories: Lore (RIFT) | RIFT
This page last modified 2011-03-19 19:54:04.