Arnis McLish  

Quest NPC

Uploaded August 16th, 2022 by Drewinette

  • This mob spawns at -1600, -168, -60.15 down the ramp to Blackburrow, but he spends most of his time running around.
  • Faction: Wolves of the North
  • Findable (via Ctrl-F): No

You say, 'Hail, Arnis McLish'

Arnis McLish says, 'My word! I cannot believe how cold it is out here. I must keep running around just to keep warm.'

Categories: EverQuest | Templatized
This page last modified 2022-08-16 08:59:28.

Level: 4
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2022-08-16 09:02:40

Known Habitats:
  Everfrost Peaks
Factions Decreased:
  Merchants of Halas -1
  Wolves of the North -5
  Steel Warriors -1
  Shamen of Justice -1

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Factions for Kill
# Aug 26 2015 at 6:01 PM Rating: Good
1,563 posts
[Wed Aug 26 19:59:39 2015] Halleb hit Arnis McLish for 92 points of non-melee damage.
[Wed Aug 26 19:59:39 2015] Your faction standing with Wolves of the North has been adjusted by -5.
[Wed Aug 26 19:59:39 2015] Your faction standing with Shamen of Justice has been adjusted by -1.
[Wed Aug 26 19:59:39 2015] Your faction standing with Merchants of Halas has been adjusted by -1.
[Wed Aug 26 19:59:39 2015] Your faction standing with Steel Warriors has been adjusted by -1.
[Wed Aug 26 19:59:39 2015] You receive 3 silver and 5 copper as your split.
[Wed Aug 26 19:59:40 2015] Arnis McLish's corpse says 'The Wolves o' the North shall track ye down and avenge me death.'
[Wed Aug 26 19:59:40 2015] Arnis McLish has been smitten.
[Wed Aug 26 19:59:40 2015] You have slain Arnis McLish!
Fun with Arnis(evil)
# Dec 22 2003 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
I have fun torturing Arnis. If you get his health down to where he begins running/walking away, every skeleton and goblin he passes will than begin to chase him(good payback for them!). I call my pet off and follow him to his slow painful death. At one time I believe I had 8 decaying and 5 goblins trying to kill him from behind...they can't hit him very well so sometimes he will regen back to fighting status and take on 15+ mobs that were chasing him. If he wins than I finish him off(I love being evil).
# Feb 24 2003 at 11:16 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Does anyone know what faction hits this guy has attached to him? I wandered into EF from BB one day and saw a green con. I ran up and hit him and he shouted "For the Wolves!" I thought this may have been a druid faction hit and since I am warmly tyo druids I ran to zone but he took about half my health before I got there (lvl 11 ranger at the time). If anyone knows whether or not he hits with druids, let me know and I will go back and wipe the floor with him for fun now.
RE: faction
# Mar 08 2003 at 10:17 PM Rating: Default
it is negitive to 4 fractions i can't remb em i wasted him with my 16 necro but it is like the 4 halas fractions like somthin of the wolfs and somthin of the rose and 2 others all i know he was kos hits for 20 ish and has high ac was takin my 16 pet down 1 bub each time pet had a hard time hittin him all in all i'd say he is lvl 4 has like 100 to 150 hp hits for 16 alot a under ocn be 6 plus to kill him twinked peferably

# Apr 29 2002 at 9:32 PM Rating: Default
I was a ranger hunting around black burrow and decided to zone to the peaks to see what was around there. I seen this moron attacking defenseless animals and that is a big no no to any tunare worshiping ranger. I was lvl 12 and decided to attack since he conned green, I don't think he is an undercon but he is very dangerous. He had me rather low when i took him down espicially since he had a weapon, he double hit for 14-24 or so and dodged alot.
Just thought this might help out anyone who wanted to know about this bad man

-Neittoni 55th Cleric
-Kionie 13th Ranger
# Mar 19 2002 at 8:25 PM Rating: Default
He is definatly an undercon, Conned green to me as a lvl 10 Rogue and I figured WTF? So I hit em with backstab. Wrong move! He whipped me good.

Moral of the story? Dont fvck with Barbs!

Rogue of Lans Ty'vl
# Sep 01 2001 at 12:09 AM Rating: Default
I'm very confused, is he real hard or real easy? Also, does he have spells or not? You people confuse me... :(
dot away
# Aug 17 2001 at 10:55 PM Rating: Default
i saw him a casted a lv12 nec dot on him, he ran at me turned around and died, the dot was only a 150 dot and it killed him not even 1/3 thru
# Jun 30 2001 at 1:47 AM Rating: Default
The real way to kill this guy is dot spells. I killed him with my lvl 9 shaman. i used my dot on him and it killed him pretty fast. But the bad thing is he took just about to bubbles of hp before he died
# Jun 13 2001 at 4:25 PM Rating: Default
Im sure glad i didn't decide to kick this guys ***** I found him right outside of BB. Im a lvl 7 shm and from what i here he would have owned me.
When Fighting Arnis. . .
# Apr 21 2001 at 6:30 AM Rating: Decent
Do NOT melee! Arnis is like a high level monk in that he hits really fast. If you plan to kill this guy, it's almost mandatory that you're a caster or at least a hybrid. I'm sure that a really high level could take him down easily, but that is later on down the road.

If you're a pure fighter and you plan to fight Arnis, I can offer one piece of advice. Be bound nearby.
Barbarian Guards
# Jul 29 2000 at 5:14 AM Rating: Default
All Barbarian Guards are tougher than they con. In simple everyday language this means "Don't mess with Barbarians, We will wipe the floor with you every time" :)
There's no way he cons right
# Jul 25 2000 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
I think this is the right guy... all those barbarian names are hard to remember.
I was an 8th level rogue and kind of bored. I keep seeing this guy hanging out near BB and he conned green to me, so I figured, what the heck... he had no weapons on him or anything and I was right near a zone. Long story made short, I hit him once, he pounded the hell out of me and I couldn't even make the zone... His shaman friends must have given him every buff in the book or something. Be careful if you decide to attack this guy...
# Jun 30 2000 at 8:27 PM Rating: Decent
I have never seen Arniss cast a spell, one reason being is he is a Warrior of the Wolves. A very weak one. I have a lvl 14 dark elf who amuses himself killing Arnis in times of boredom. Also, I thought since Megan gave the box to collect the remains of McMannus that the quest was hers. ??
# Jun 04 2000 at 12:13 AM Rating: Default
This ***** Coned Green To Me At Lvl 15 so i figuered id kill him right..well wrong the prick cast lvl 14 spell on me and hes supposed to be max lvl 4..well to make a long story short he wiped the floor with me
Ivan McMannus' Remains
# Apr 19 2000 at 7:43 PM Rating: Default
Arnis is a quest NPC for a Halas quest that involves finding Ivan McMannus' remains.
# Feb 27 2000 at 10:57 PM Rating: Decent
This guy is pretty tough for his level, he con'd green to me(lvl 8 monk at the time), but he still wiped the floor with me.
-Hectah, Monk of Tallon Zek
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