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Try to show a little RespectFollow

#27 Aug 26 2005 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
429 posts
Since I left zek once I get into a camp I could care less who enters a zone. I enter a zone do a CC? and a /who to see if its worth gettting a camp spot. Once I have it established who cares, If you ask and show a little consideration you are more then welcome to the area for a quest, trial, whatever. You come in with attitude we are taking over just because we can I get pissed.
#28 Aug 26 2005 at 4:22 PM Rating: Good
88 posts
Again, someone completely missed the point. Common sense was there, it was common courtesy that the original poster was asking for. Also, for seeing people coming and going, how often do you type /who while kiting? Maybe you are much more skilled player then me, but I don't really care who else is in the zone when playing solo.
#29 Aug 28 2005 at 2:46 AM Rating: Good
What I like is the assumption that this TRIAL is a common one or something, I have done the trials before and I have seen others do them but I have also spent weeks in HoH when I was like 60ish level soloing and it would be like 2-3 people at all in zone.... sure it exists and sure the trial goes where they were but to expect them to blow off a good solo/group exp spot cause every blue moon someone decides to try one of the HoH trials...

It sounds like the OP and party moved and was just lookin for courtesy. They should have gotten it.

The way you make it sound is no group in WoS should ever hunt by like the wagon cause there is a chance that someone will come kill Velkitorn. Its easy you move out the way and come back but you would be pissed if you were sittin by wagon and a raid ported in and engaged him.

Yes a raid of 20 should be able to not be put off by a group of 6, but no the raid of 20 should not just come in and say move. The truth is the 6 have rights too and if your nice to em and your raid wipes then their cleric will prolly come help rez if your not well that ***** called karma...
#30 Aug 28 2005 at 8:12 AM Rating: Good
another good point was raised in this thread, if they had been a little more "polite" that poor person that did the warrning would of prob been flooded with tells from "less informed" players. by making it short and sweet, and even rude, it would turn aside all the tells on the explanations of what the trial entitles.

That is such a load of crap. That is no excuse for being rude, especially since they were taking over their camp.

If the "less informed" were to send him /tells, he could have merely replied, I'm sorry, but I don't have time right now to explain. You can read up on the trials on Allakhazam's website.

#31 Aug 29 2005 at 12:06 PM Rating: Default
That is such a load of crap. That is no excuse for being rude, especially since they were taking over their camp.

If the "less informed" were to send him /tells, he could have merely replied, I'm sorry, but I don't have time right now to explain. You can read up on the trials on Allakhazam's website.

I guess the difference is the point of view as someone who has run a raid and people who haven't. Organizing and keeping everyone corraled together for even a 2 or 3 group raid is a logistical nightmare, expecting them to ALSO deal with the tells of people outside the raid is a "load of crap". They have enough going on trying to keep 20 people focused on the task at hand, I'd no way expect them to have to deal with a couple soloers who think that their sitting on part of a scripted event makes them special and expect to be dealth with as if they have some unique rights to not have to move from the area thats about to be spawned.
#32 Aug 29 2005 at 1:19 PM Rating: Good
Toast put yourself in the OP's position, would you not like a little bit of respect shown to you? It is very rude to tell someone to get the F*** out of our way we are coming through, when a simple "hey we know your camping this area but we are getting ready to do a trial here give us a few minutes please" would have been a lot nicer and I will gaurantee that there would have been no issues and this post would never have been made. I realize raids are not the easiest thing in the world to run and can get quite hectic at times but not being rude to people does not take any more time and doesnt **** people off
#33 Aug 29 2005 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Haha, looks like this is not only reserved to a particular server. Checked the camps in HoH and there were 4 people in one. Turns out to be 2 people duo-boxing. No big deal, I left them be and went to another corner.

Did my usual kiting, killing, then regen up. Checked the zone and saw a raid force was in zone. Through all my battle spam and what not I couldn't tell if a /ooc was made. Sent a tell to a person on the raid, and they weren't heading my way but to the other camp. The one with the 2 people duo-boxing.

Next thing I hear is people ******* in /ooc Hey this is an established camp blah blah blah. Why are you being rude.

So of course curiosity peaked my attention, and I sent a tell back to the person I first spoke to, and asked what's up. People on the Wwwwaaaahhhhbulance didn't respond to tells, and threw a fit when a raid was standing in front of em.

What made me laugh so friggin hard is I just noticed on another thread that ol' boy who started this thread was doin the same thing. 2 people duo-boxing.

69 Necro
The Rathe

Edited, Mon Aug 29 16:27:26 2005 by Xantithor
#34 Aug 29 2005 at 9:17 PM Rating: Decent
I guess the difference is the point of view as someone who has run a raid and people who haven't. Organizing and keeping everyone corraled together for even a 2 or 3 group raid is a logistical nightmare, expecting them to ALSO deal with the tells of people outside the raid is a "load of crap". They have enough going on trying to keep 20 people focused on the task at hand, I'd no way expect them to have to deal with a couple soloers who think that their sitting on part of a scripted event makes them special and expect to be dealth with as if they have some unique rights to not have to move from the area thats about to be spawned

WAY too generalized a statement in todays EQ, remember the OP is talking about stuff that is like 3 years old. Just two or three examples off the top of my head of things that are harder to kill that have been soloed to one grouped from the same expansion VZ, TZ, Fenin Ro. If you as the Raid Leader find that you are too busy to be bothered with what one or two people maybe doing or killing in the zone before you get there then I guess you can just blame yourself for wasting your 20 peoples time for not having taken 1-2 minutes worth of courtesy out of your day.
#35 Aug 30 2005 at 12:16 AM Rating: Decent
231 posts
I have done over 100aa in HoH basements and ive also done every Trial at least five times.

In my view the Guild was rude but in the right and the poster is a whiner crybaby who is not stateing his real complaint that they came and took his camp but instead makeing a arguement about manners and rudeness because he knows if he states his real complaint people will not suport him.

If I had been in HoH basement when a raid showed up to do a trial they wouldnt have had to say anything to me I would have just casted invis and headed to another basement. For me the matter would come down to not being a *** to a raid of maybe 80+ people(yes open RydaDar raids get that big)when by simply moveing to another camp I could let both them and me acomplish what we were there for. The OP thinks that him being there first some how means he isnt being rude to raid when in fact he is.

The raid didnt come there to ruin your exp camp and you didnt go to camp to block raid from doing trial but in fact though random action ended up where one of two scenarios was going to happen.

In end you had to yeild to raid for simple reason of there having a right to do trial if it was up you were not willing are able to do trial so you had to yeild area to them for a short time while they did trial. This isnt any different then a named Giant in BoT being up while the group camping the area is not able are willing to kill named eventualy a group capable of kill comes and kills it. Is that group being rude are is group that is trying camp area without killing named being rude? In end most would say group that killed named didnt do anything wrong why should it be any different for a raid doing a trial?

Why do you expect Raids to be any different then other players? Rude people seem to be pervasive in all online games you didnt level up to level able to hunt in HoH without meeting allot of rude people in game. Why is a guild takeing content that they had every right to take being rude?

So in end they were right you were wrong and you both were rude but you were more so by fact that they were in the right and you came to a message board to cry about it.
#36 Aug 30 2005 at 2:22 AM Rating: Decent
So in end they were right you were wrong and you both were rude but you were more so by fact that they were in the right and you came to a message board to cry about it.

Whoa...were you comin from did you just read the OP and reply or the whole thread. Cause just pullin out a few:

OP Krackum
On Mealin last night in HoH SE Basement when a guild "Wraiths of Discord" came down told us we had better evac out, Yes told us they are going to be doing a trial. Showing no consideration or respect for a group having an established camp they are destroying. Not much we could doing without voliating the play nice policy but sit back and watch. A simple request would have worked wonders and we would have gladly given up the camp. As it stands it will be a cold day in hell before anyone in that guild will get a buff from me.

Followed 2 posts later by BeserkerNihm
Agree. Was down there when those monkeys came down. When I saw them gathering in the PoT, I asked a few of them what zone they were doing so I could make plans to hit another zone but they would not say, just gave me some lip service about how I would know when they knew. Anyway, went along my merry way into HoH to kite, called CK and got the appropiate responses, set up my kite camp, and then had the Monkeys of Discord enter the zone and started shout for everyone to evac out w/o even announcing which trials they were going to be hitting. 2 thumbs down for guild/zone etiquette

Followed 3 posts later by Dbernor
I and members of My guild have had very similar encounters with them as well. They like to use a "Steam Roller" policy....get out of our way cause here we come.

But as posted previously...not much can be done about it

5 posts from that we get more consent from Elisa
Doesn't surprise me in the least. I know a person that left my guild, went thru like 5 guilds after that and settled in Wraiths of Discord. He sounds like he'll be right at home with that bunch of yayhoos.

etc etc etc, we have like 3-4 other posts from Krackum the OP and BeserkerNihm the witness trying to reiterate again what was said in their first two posts. Then two other posters who have experience with the guild who say they are not good and are rude.

In summary, we have OP and witness bending overbackwards (like 5 replys to thread each) to say it was the politeness and that they would have moved. Then we have two non related other posters who give a negative general history of previous interactions with said guild. Finally, we have you inerpretting after (one assumes) reading the whole thread, that the OP was "more rude" and a "cry[baby]" because he felt that courtesy was lacking in the game...

Interestingly enough we find from the OP and the witness we find.
Good news. The previously offending guild, Wraiths of Discord, announced the raid when they entered the zone in a polite manner tonight. Thank you. Nuff said

One of their members or leaders must read the fourms here :), maybe even tried to defend their actions

So the way I figure it you wrote like 8 paragraphs off the deep end without reading the thread or you are a member/guildleader/officer in "Wraiths of Discord" and this is your form of an apology.
#37 Aug 30 2005 at 3:16 AM Rating: Good
231 posts
Nope not a memeber of said guild are server I only play on Druzil Ro. Guild genraly get the rep they deserve so it appears from post in this thread that above guild are a bunch of asses.

My problem is I dont think OP has made a case that above guild did anything wrong.

His arguement rests on unstated EQ rule of Camps that says im camping the Trial rooms and I was here first so you must respect my camp and go away are atleast ask me if you can do trial.

There is second unstated rule in EQ as well that states eather kill the Mob are move aside. This rule states you dont own any any mobs in EQ that you cant kill and you have no right to block others from killing said Mob if there able to are at least they think there able and are willing to try. Second rule aplys to group solo and raids it is not a excuse for raids to whatever they want.

OP exp camp in trials room was blocking raid from atempting trial OP had no intention are ability to atempt trial. In this case its clear to me second rule trumps first. Im sure the raid saw it same way so they informed OP they were doing trial and that he should leave. While it would have been nice if they had been more considerate in there language I dont really see there actions were rude as much as non polite sense they were clearly in the right to take trial if it was up and OP wasnt going to atempt it.
#38 Aug 31 2005 at 2:44 AM Rating: Decent
you know i was also in the zone when these guys came in and i WAS warned just fine they came in and did an /ooc saying we r doing the trials evac out to be safe, i also got a tell from an officer letting me know .... they were not rude to me at all maybe the ooc sounds rude to some BUT it is a warning they could have been like some old raiding guild and not said anything and just rolled right over you while laughing but did they ? no they OOC the warning ...when i was there there was another guy 4 boxing and becasue he was he missed the warning and got mad about it .. is that thier fault? no i said an officer sent out tells he missed em .. and i mean a raiding guild do they really have to sit there with 40 plus people waiting to do all three hoh trials and maybe move on to LMM ...(oh wait there is a bard macroing in the basement, we better hold up these 40 peoples porgession threw the game becasue he thinks he owns the basement) thats garbage .. anyone who knows this game well enough and has played for a few years KNOWS hoh basements can be flooded with a raid at ANY time .. and i agree with the other poster that said a raid leader has enough on his plate dealing with 40 plus people at one time ... when the entire SIMPLE fact was you were warned and respect WAS shown beacause you were warned a lack of respect would have been to simply walk in over you ..IMO they did the right thing they let you know they were there ..
#39 Aug 31 2005 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
I would ask Madtrucker which time were you there apparently our OP after "whining about it on boards", got much better treatment the next time said guild showed up.

So can you honestly say you were there for attempt one (rude) or attempt two (smoochy goodness)?

Edited, Wed Aug 31 14:35:14 2005 by flishtaco
#40 Aug 31 2005 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
There is second unstated rule in EQ as well that states
I think you mean 'unwritten rule'.

I would find it pretty rude if I was clearing mobs and then took a break to med up for a Boss and you decided to roll in and nab it since I was unable to at the moment, if thats what your second 'unstated' rule means. But that is not to the point of the OP.

The unwritten rule is actually written in the play nice policy. True there are no 'camps' as you say, but if you come to a spot where my group is and disrupt our game play (by taking mobs from under our noses or even triggering an event) you can be dealt with under written rules. I have complained for instance, about people swooping in and taking mobs from me while xping in a zone. True they were 'first' to engage but by nano-seconds. GM told THEM to leave.

#41 Aug 31 2005 at 2:56 PM Rating: Good
Toast put yourself in the OP's position, would you not like a little bit of respect shown to you?

I've been on both sides, doing a zonewide warning is more than enough to ask. Getting pissy because you don't like the wording of the warning is stupid.

As I've said, having been on the raid leader side of the argument, there is no WAY I would ever expect anything more. I'm sure someone will have a couple examples of this one time a guildmate talked to a friend who saw this guy talking to a raid leader and was really nice and blew sunshine up his posterior, but most of the time unless you are in a uber raiding guild it's like trying to control a bunch of preschoolers hopped up on suger.


Last one I tried a year or so ago was a friends guild who wanted me to help him lead a "family guild" raid in the Hole. Halfway through getting everyone over the waterfall (Which took 3 times longer than it should have... "No, just back up, don't jum... DAMMIT"), some putz decided it would be a good idea to play with his AOE's. While next to the Echo. Yeah, that was fun.
#42 Aug 31 2005 at 3:36 PM Rating: Excellent
480 posts
True there are no 'camps' as you say, but if you come to a spot where my group is and disrupt our game play (by taking mobs from under our noses or even triggering an event) you can be dealt with under written rules.

Actually, "triggering an event" will win every time. It is the intended purpose of the area. Triggering an event without the intent of completing it (i.e. without having the necessary forces) is against the rules.

Once again, I agree the guild could have been more polite, but they did nothing wrong if they informed the campers that they were going to do a trial.

Edited, Wed Aug 31 16:40:20 2005 by Wayen
#43 Sep 01 2005 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
So we have a guild that enters HoH and shouts for everyone to clear out because they are going to do the trials without saying which and... there are still people that will defend this action. /boggle

Since they changed their tactics the next time it appears even THEY decided it was wrong.

Peeps without class stick together though.
#44 Sep 07 2005 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
I am gobsmacked at the complete lack of reasoning on this thread. Save for toasticle. Let me say first that I am not a member of wraith of discord. I do, however, have a toon on this server and wraiths do not have a bad rep. This is the first I have ever heard bad about them.

Now, op, what exactly did you want? Did you want the RL to present it to you in powerpoint? Get down on his knees and beg? Ask pretty please? I'm not sure what your feelbads are hurt about. /confused I feel pretty confident making the ASSumption you have never (and probably will never) led a raid. It is stressful at the least, and I think it was nice of him/her to let you know. I'm sorry for you that it wasn't nice enough. Did you cry?

Their is nothing rude about letting zone know you are about to trigger an event. This is a roleplaying game. Maybe you are a bit, um, delicate? for such a game hmm?
#45 Sep 07 2005 at 11:02 AM Rating: Default
Oh, and I apologize if I bumped this or anything. It was on the second page in my search engine typing in "discord".
#46 Sep 07 2005 at 11:22 AM Rating: Good
1,117 posts
I am gobsmacked at the complete lack of reasoning on this thread. Save for toasticle. Let me say first that I am not a member of wraith of discord. I do, however, have a toon on this server and wraiths do not have a bad rep. This is the first I have ever heard bad about them.

Now, op, what exactly did you want? Did you want the RL to present it to you in powerpoint? Get down on his knees and beg? Ask pretty please? I'm not sure what your feelbads are hurt about. /confused I feel pretty confident making the ASSumption you have never (and probably will never) led a raid. It is stressful at the least, and I think it was nice of him/her to let you know. I'm sorry for you that it wasn't nice enough. Did you cry?

Their is nothing rude about letting zone know you are about to trigger an event. This is a roleplaying game. Maybe you are a bit, um, delicate? for such a game hmm?

And I am completely gobsmacked at the folks who are posting in this thread without rally reading what the OP said.

He was not asking for someone to put it in neon lights, beg, or anything like that. He was just asking for something more repsective than "Get out of our way".

Yes, leading raids is stressful. I have led quite a few through EP level. However, I care about my guild tag greatly. This means that I try to respect others and be a bit more polite when I am planning on triggering an event where they are. 3 minutes of patience can save a lot of grief of having to try and defend your actions on various messege boards later.
#47 Sep 07 2005 at 12:15 PM Rating: Good
Nor have you really read the discussion taking place after the first post.

Yes, in a vacuum, the ideal situation is to ask nicely. The reality is no matter how he words it, no matter how nice he tries to be, there will be people getting their panties in a knot because of whatever perceived injustice has been thrust upon them from being "rude" to "I was here first". A point brought up by the OP that I notice you chose to ignore. Yes, in addition to "they were rude" he ALSO complained about his camp being "established" i.e.: "I was here first" and that doesn't fly in a scripted event area no matter how loudly he wants to whine about it.

The best way to avoid any quibbling is just be up front and to the point: "We are going to do this trial, if you are not part of the raid you had better get out of the way". Acting like they are asking when they have zero requirement to do so may be less rude, but some people are grown up enough to not get worked up over someone just being frank with them.

Edited, Wed Sep 7 13:23:55 2005 by Toasticle
#48 Sep 07 2005 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
I have read the whole thread very carefully and NOWHERE does anyone suggest that the raid should of backed off. All that is being asked is if there is a group xping in the script area that you want to raid, being polite in requesting the group to move instead of coming accross as a jerk and a bully and just saying get out of the way. Asking is what the grown up folks do.

It may take a little more time up front, but in the long haul it will pay off. If you go around and constantly just say "move it" it tends to reflect badly on your guild and folks are less likely to help you out when you need it.
#49 Sep 08 2005 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
Imagine me stumbling on to this thread… I was in HoH the day this tragedy happened and I sat there and watched the /OOC drama unfold… First of the guild in question did announce they were triggering a trial. It did not affect me so I want on with my business. About 20 min later I start seeing all this whining about “you *** holes are stealing my camp”. Apparently from what I could tell on the /OOC and /SHOUT chatter this dork was boxing multiple toons and did not see the tells sent to him cus the raid leader sent the tells to two of his boxes and not his main…. I am not kidding he actually was complaining about that. I am sure this dude boxin has started this thread as an attempt to feel good about himself. From what I could tell the guild in question did plenty to notify the zone what was going on… at least I caught the warning.. prolly cuz I wasn’t boxin a bunch of twinks. No need to be a baby about it… move yer *** for 30min and grab a coke..
#50 Sep 08 2005 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
429 posts
I love to see all these post saying they where in HoH on that day and not in WOD the only ones in HOH on the time of the raid was the Group I was in BTW it was a full group not someone 4 boxing. A Bard macroing somewhere and the Wraiths of Discord. All I am asking to show someone some minor courtesy instead of comming off like an ***. As the name of the post Show some respect to the people in the zone.
#51 Sep 08 2005 at 6:40 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
After reading all of this. /agree

The OP was not questioning a guilds right to do this trial. The piont that was being made was simple politeness. It's the difference between asking someone to "Please be quite I'm trying to (lets say read)" and "Shut up I'm trying to(read)." That's the only thing that the OP is asking for.

The reality is no matter how he words it, no matter how nice he tries to be, there will be people getting their panties in a knot because of whatever perceived injustice has been thrust upon them from being "rude" to "I was here first"

If someone responds to a raids polite warning with rudeness, then the guild can simply ask the rude person if he/she is planing on doing the trial at this time. If they are not then they have every right to just simply start. If they give a polite warning and verify that they are the only ones doing the trial, then they can simply ignore the rude people. They tried to be nice and say what is going on. This can be done in a few sentances.

The don't even need to ask per say. "/ooc Hey everone. We are going to be attempting the trials in a few minutes. Kindaly give us the 20-30 minutes of space to do so. It will take us a few minutes to prep up. Just thought I'd give you a heads up." One person could do that while the raid was buffing/organizing. I think that would be a resonable and polite warning. This also lets them see if anyone is already in there attepting the trials.

Ok I'd like to debate more of what was said here but I'd rather not go too far off topic of the OP.

btw I am glad to hear that the guild in question has become more polite.

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