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#27 Nov 24 2005 at 6:47 AM Rating: Decent
Maybe so, but Everquest expansions will come out once every 6 months until they change that policy.

... actually they are coming out every three months or so it seems.

I also would just assume not see a level increase. In fact Id just assume not see any more expansions for a long while. Since that stupid DOD came out getting a decent group together is more of a chore then ever.

... as much as I agree with you you and I are destined to lose this fight. What is keeping eq servers on right now is hardcore raiding guilds not casual players who have already left for oteher games. The hardcore guild tend to chew through content rather quickly and thus need new expansions.

As far as the DoDH nerfs I think most players applaud this. Getting no risk xp that mis better then RSS is ridiculous. Even woth the nerfs the xp is still comparable to MPG. Also I am glad they modified the missions to make them a little more difficult. Watching people get 30aa a day with little effort was kind of rough.

I find it interesting so many people act like im a idiot for not liking the nerfs. But go to zones like West Commons and you see NOBODY doing that Griffon mission anymore

... I dont think you are an idiot. In fact you make a good point that now the main selling point of the latest expansion is rotting. Thye only MM i see people doing now is the faery mission. Sony was in a tough spot, make the xp uber and everyone flocks there and the content rot problem gets even worse or nerf it and watch the highend players go back to rss etc.

As far as new classes and races I think this would be a good idea. One of the few things SOE has done well in recent expansions is added quality features. The content they have added absolutely blows but people will buy new expansion for the features. New races and classes will fight eq fatigue and encourage the evergrowing end game population to try something new.

I know adding a race or class brings up balance issues but remember 2 things. #1 when zerkers came out people said that it would kill the monk class and it clearly hasnt. #2 Who cares eq classes are horribly unbalanced as it is.

After dodh took eq a step closer to WoW I must say I am somewhat wary of a new expansion.

#28 Nov 24 2005 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
sorry multipost glitch

Edited, Thu Nov 24 10:20:45 2005 by dracoboars
#29 Nov 24 2005 at 6:49 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Thu Nov 24 10:21:49 2005 by dracoboars
#30 Nov 24 2005 at 6:50 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Thu Nov 24 10:11:08 2005 by dracoboars
#31 Nov 24 2005 at 6:51 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Thu Nov 24 10:21:12 2005 by dracoboars
#32 Nov 24 2005 at 7:07 AM Rating: Good
I will admit when it first came out it was too easy, but you tell me SOE didn't know that after beta testing it? They knew good and well what they was doing. And as usual instead of nerfing it to a happy medium they go overboard and over-nerf it. The fact less people are using it now then before tells me overall most players are not happy with the changes.

The Monster missions are in no way over nerferd. Why can't you understand this? Getting 70% AA XP for 15 mins of work, with NO RISK of losing any regular XP is STILL INSANLEY GOOD!!!!

Over nerfing would have been what they did to LDoN...that's over nerfing. At level 65, I only get 6 - 7% regular XP, and maybe 60% AA XP, and they are hard and there is a lot of risk of dieing multiple times. That's an overnerf.

Monster Missions are still great XP. They have made EQ very easy, which is great for casual players who just want to log on for an hour and do something, but overall (IMHO) will do more harm than good.
#33 Nov 24 2005 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
157 posts
I Hope Underfoot(evil gnomes and deep cavern Dwarves just a little bit different than current models)might be next big expansion there isnt much map space left on teh surface maybe a small expansion will be next playable minotaurs, or orcs would be cool. Either that or something way out in space.... like Mars equivelent
#34 Nov 24 2005 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
A new race or classwould be kinda nice. The possibilities for races are limitless. AS far as classes I can really only think of one thing they should add and that would be some form of melee soloable class. Healers, dps, and tanks all are somewhat cluttered but there is only one melee soloable class.
#35 Nov 25 2005 at 9:25 AM Rating: Default
New race: Kyv (rangers only! damn cool race!)
Fu new lvl cap imo. Add a bunch of AAs instead.
No new zones, just totally rewamp a bunch of original zones. Add higher lvl mobs there and some interesting quests. A few easy one and defently a new quest simular to BiC.

Look, Fronglo, it needed to be nerfed to high-hell, and it was.


I'm tired of hearing the "Casual Player" excuse. All these "casual players" have no business being level 70/1000+AAs in 2 months.

Monster Mission suck. Period.

They were fun the first week of release because it was something different.

They are meant for fun. Not an alternate method of advancement.

Very good post. FU MMs!
#36 Nov 25 2005 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
draco wrote:
Maybe so, but Everquest expansions will come out once every 6 months until they change that policy.

... actually they are coming out every three months or so it seems.

3 months?

OOW - Sep '04
DON - Feb '05
DOD - Sep '05

Yep that's definitely 3 months. Learn to count.

My dates might be off a month give or take a few. It was based on my memory.
#37 Nov 25 2005 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
BumbiRagnar wrote:
New race: Kyv (rangers only! damn cool race!)
I've always thought a Centaur Ranger would be awesome.
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#38 Nov 25 2005 at 12:46 PM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
If there is a new race, I wonder how they will incorporate the new race into EQ2.

I vote for something in-game already like a gnoll or orc. maybe even a drolvarg.

Possibly start a new city zone near blackburrow or crushbone.

#39 Nov 25 2005 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
With the vast majority of players being highend I think it would be cool to have a school for each Class that would teach the finer points of playing each class and allow someone to go from 20-45 in about 60 hrs of play have it be task driven it would also be nice to have schools for tradeskils again reducing the pressure to farm which only helps the plat sellers

It will take a lot of thought but a good idea me thinks.
#40 Nov 25 2005 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
SOE definately is going to raise the level limit. When GoD came out, there were spells and focus effects that lost a % of effectiveness over level 67, that's when the level cap was 65. Now, there are spells out there that lose effectiveness over level 72.
#41 Nov 27 2005 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
1,074 posts
there is only one melee soloable class.

After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#42 Nov 27 2005 at 7:11 PM Rating: Decent
I'm guessing he means "pure melee", and again, I'm guessing he means Monks.
#43 Nov 27 2005 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
133 posts
Reyla wrote:
In fact Id just assume not see any more expansions for a long while

Maybe so, but Everquest expansions will come out once every 6 months until they change that policy.

To put the thread back on track, here are some of my predictions based on what has come previously:

Level cap 75
New Race
Kunark raid target restrictions - Like Vox and Naggy.
Epic armor quests
Structure crafting
LDoN revamp

I doubt there will be a minimum AA requirement to level since AAs are by defintion, Alternative. (In gameplay terms a requirement, but that is another discussion)

New AAs, spells, quests, zones, etc., naturally.

Structure Crafting? Huh?
#44 Nov 27 2005 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
Something small I'd like to see added is something like /invite <name> horseback.

It would be so cool to have a person join you on your horse. They could /jumpoff whenever they wanted.

I also want visible cloaks like in DAoC that you can /hood on/off.

EQ needs cloaks.
#45 Nov 28 2005 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
339 posts
How about some scavenger hunt instanced solo zone type stuff like kill this mob loot this item and what not just a little content for the solo type.
#46 Nov 28 2005 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,074 posts
I'm guessing he means "pure melee", and again, I'm guessing he means Monks.

I am a level 70 Monk and do not agree we are the "only soloable melee class." Equally geared and AAed melee classes fare the same.

If that is posted on the Monkly Business forums my bretheren there will be less polite in their responses to be certain.

Structure Crafting? Huh?

Structures as in houses, stables, castles, shops, etc.
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#47 Nov 28 2005 at 10:29 PM Rating: Decent
157 posts
Sony if you do do a Underfoot expansion please please, extend the coldain shawl to 10 or higher. how id like it to be..Starting at 10 it evolves(1/10) combined focus of your choise and mana regen. stats are customizeable somehow through quests/
PLEASE finish lucin its been so long... alot of unfinished stuff in there
Also please take a nice LOONG time with it like you did with kunark. Whip up some uber lvl zones in a mini pack if you need to fill the time,something that takes a while to finish. I remember when kunark came out it was Hanging on my door),,, i went there got pwned stayed in old world till 50 and stayed in sebillis(occasionaly doing epic) till velious came out lol.
#48 Nov 29 2005 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
196 posts
Wow. What a great thread thurvok. I haven't seen so many posts I wanted to respond to in a very long time. (big fat rate up for you)

Hmmm...where to start?


I don't think we'll see the level cap rise just yet. I know it follows the pattern, but for some reason I strongly doubt it. I'm sure it will come eventually, but I predict it for the expansion after next. And, I compliment you on an absolutely awesome guild name. I love the Riftwar Saga.


I don't think you're an idiot for not liking the changes to the monster missions, I just disagree, and feel the changes had to be made. The ridiculous amount of experience dolled out to AFK players was a disgrace.

At least I agree with your irritation that they had to be tweaked so much. As a casual player, I have a level 55 paladin with about 10 AAs after a year of play. I really enjoyed getting half an AA or so on a fairy mission. I was okay getting a fifth of one, but now it looks like it takes over 5 MMs to get a single AA. I can do better than that by soloing. (Yes, even as a paladin, I can do better soloing.) I'm not really complaining. I accept the changes, but respectfully submit that I think the last patch might have been a "little" excessive. I would rather they retool the mission to make it last longer, than lower the XP again. But, I understand that the way the missions scale, what is acceptable xp for me, is ridiculous, unbalancing xp for a level 70.


I'll still do MMs, because I like them. They're kind of like a "mini-game" in EQ. But, the thing I liked best about them, was the chance to get group like XP, with absolutely no need to recruit a group. I would get in after a long day at work. I could do a MM or two, feel like I made some progress, and log off. I never had to wait for a group, as people were lining up outside shadowed grove.

Oh well. I enjoyed EQ prior to MM, and I still enjoy doing MMs, so I really can't complain too much. I just wish SOE would catch stuff like this in Beta. I think the bait-and-switch routine insults their client base. I'm glad they fixed the problem, but wish it had never been a problem to begin with - people will always be upset when you don't live up to the false expectations you have set.


I don't think they'll raise the level cap yet, but I wouldn't be suprised.

I'd love to see a new race. Preferably something that can be a bard or a druid.

I absolutely DON'T want to see Kunark raid target restrictions like Vox and Naggy. I think every casual player of a Paladin, someday hoping to obtain a book of scale, will agree with me on this. (But I could be wrong, lol)

Epic armor quests would be awesome, even though that's content I'll probably never see as a casual player.


The horseback idea is one of the coolest things I've heard in awhile. Take heed SOE, people like me keep playing because of the little "coolness factor" things you add.

I love the shrouds because I can get a taste of what it's like to play another class. Is it the same thing as playing that class? No, but I enjoy the variety just the same. If they had made the shrouds as powerfull as the actual classes, there would have been no point in having alts, lol. I do appreciate the variety they added, however.


I'd really like to see a new race. I know this isn't likely, but I'd like to dream for a second here.

In the next expansion I would like to see:

A new race, with a new, keyed home city.
The new race doesn't unlock until a character on your account is keyed for the new home city zone.

The quest for the key doesn't necessarily require a high level, but instead has many steps, possibly mirroring the complexity of an epic. (Think the general firiona vie quests leading up to DoN)

Of course such a race would have to fit into the underlying story line of EQ, but I'd like to see something that can be both a druid and a bard, and not another elf.

Making the home city remote explains why the race isn't prevalent in Norrath, and the quest could have the theme of a detective mission, tracking down rumors of this mysterious race.

I don't expect that to happen, but it would be pretty cool.

Edited, Tue Nov 29 14:35:16 2005 by BellamDreamguard
Maurna <The Dark Arrow Legion>
41 Warlock <Undead> - Twisting Nether
Baron Bellam Dreamguard of Brell Serilis (Cazic Thule) <Retired>
"I will not be stamped, filed, numbered, briefed, or debriefed. I am a man, not a number!"
#49 Nov 29 2005 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent

I always thought the Kejek in the stonebrunt mountains should be a playable race. They are basically the predecessors or lesser versions of the Val Shir, but could do the classes Val Shir dont do like druid, ranger, etc. SOE could easily expand the stonebrunt mountains a bit, possibly shifting a few mobs around so that it isnt so hard to level. The kejek village already has a mine, so they could even expand it through tunnels to the lower levels. Could have that 'last samurai' type village feel, with only one or two minor alterations.

I would really rather see some of the older content redone, than have new 'unexplained' continents or anything like that.
#50 Nov 29 2005 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent

Maybe so, but Everquest expansions will come out once every 6 months until they change that policy.

... actually they are coming out every three months or so it seems.

3 months?

OOW - Sep '04
DON - Feb '05
DOD - Sep '05

Yep that's definitely 3 months. Learn to count.

.... ok i though the "or so it seems" part of my post would denote the sarcasm intended. My fault for stealth sarcasm.

there is only one melee soloable class.


I'm guessing he means "pure melee", and again, I'm guessing he means Monks.

... actually meant beastlords. Yes monks and sk can solo some at certain levels but not effeciently and not across the entire level spectrum. What I would like to see is a melee class (not neccesarily pure melee but one that actually kills the mob through melee combat) that can solo effectively across all levels. I think we missed a huge opportunity with the zerker class.

Edited, Tue Nov 29 16:13:47 2005 by dracoboars
#51 Nov 29 2005 at 5:41 PM Rating: Good
426 posts
I guess I'm going to be forced to add my 2 cp worth to this thread.

As far as having to have a "full" group to strat playing or else,"do nothing" - that's absurd. My wife and I play together and both 2 box. That means we never have more than 4 players in a group at most times. Occasionally, someone that we've met in game will join us, but mostly it's just the 2 of us with our 4 players. Now, we do understand that most people don't have the resources - or the playing partner - to do the same. My point is that a full group isn't necessary for an evening of fun.

As far as creating a higher level cap - I really have no opinion. It will not affect us at all. Between the 2 of us, we have 6 accounts with a total of 12 characters that we play on a fairly regular basis - putting together different groups of 4 depending on where we plan to hunt on a given evening. These are mostly high 50's to mid 60's (highest level characters are 66). With our play style we probably will not see 70 for at least another year, and yes, I'm certain that they will have raised the level cap by then. But, so what, it will not affect us. We don't play to level, we play to have fun and because it's a lot more wholesome that watching TV - and a lot less boreing!

Every expansion has given us - and we are probably the very definition of the extreme causual player - something of value that has enhanced our enjoyment of the game.

Along the way, in playing the game since Beta, we have seen about 80% of the zones - 90%+ if you take out the last 3 expansions.

It's a great game, I don't plan to ever quit palying it, and I have a difficult time understanding how a player can get so upset over a company running thier business in a manner that ensures they make a profit. Without a profit there is no business, and in this case, no EQ.

Anyway, I've injected my 2 cp+ and will now go back to my usual invised state.

EagleFlight/Dyciere (and a whole bunch other toons)
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