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Guild Housing questionsFollow

#1 Mar 17 2012 at 11:57 PM Rating: Good

Not sure if this is the right place for this but I've been having hell trying to find info on this stuff. Google only gives me stuff for EQ2 (which is useless to me!).

I'm considering going gold on several of my accounts and upgrading to VoA. Now, the primary reason I'd get VoA would be for guild houses. I have a question as I try to plan a progression out.

How much is the rent for the Grand and Palatial Guild halls? Besides the cost in SC, are there any additional costs associated with them?

I understand that the Grand and Palatial halls are the largest two (which is good) but my searches also turned up a response by Piestro (back in November) that they would be releasing an additional hall purchasable by plat aside from the default one. Has that been released and if so, what's its name (or the general opinion of it, how's it compare to the SC versions)?

I already have the guild village (got it when it was first introduced) so I'm only eyeing the Palatial Guild hall. And the double SC I got is burning a hole in my proverbial wallet (nothing I want to buy in DCUO Smiley: frown ). Buying and decorating the guild hall should keep me engaged (and allow me to put all those hours of watching HGTV to good use Smiley: lol ).

Cazic Thule

Firiona Vie

#2 Mar 18 2012 at 9:00 AM Rating: Good
1,368 posts
I don't have answers to your question, but I have additional housing questions so thought maybe it'd be better to ask in this thread than create another housing thread.

My question is regarding paying for houses and upkeep for housing. It seems we can pay using SC, plat, crowns, and phosphenes (as well as other things). There is a bit of a circuitous nature in this. I can buy a monel style house for 250SC, OR 10500plat, OR 432 loyalty crowns. I get crowns every week (and SC every month) for subscribing. I can buy platinum with crowns at an exchange rate of 436 crowns == ~14000 plat. I can buy phosphenes using crowns. And I can pay for upkeep using phosphenes (1 per day?).

It seems like there should be a "best" way to do this - something like spend crowns to buy a bag of platinum, use part of the platinum to pay for a years upkeep (6100pp for my property apparently) and keep the remaining plat for other things.

Is there a better way to handle this? I'm finding all of this a little confusing.

#3 Mar 18 2012 at 2:23 PM Rating: Good
This one's easy. Smiley: smile

The 'best' way is the way that's easiest for you to maintain. For example, when I last played, I had four characters each buy a plot and put up a house in our guild village. I then used any and all forms of currency that I had little use for to pad the escrow. It was something like six months worth of rent for each plot, all told. Of course, then I didn't play for eight months. Smiley: tongue

I can't remember the exact amounts but I know we were getting Faycitum, Chronobines, Doubloons and Orux like water from a broken hydrant so those made the most sense to use for rent. I didn't use plat very much because plat was more useful (once you get everything you want from the various expansion vendors, that currency becomes devalued, after all). Oftentimes, I'd plan to take a day to farm up a currency to pay for a few months of rent (only did it once though). Haven't seen what the cap is on banked rent though (I've heard of folks banking 144 weeks worth of rent for their guild house but they don't specify what size it is, sigh).

Edited, Mar 18th 2012 4:24pm by Remianen
#4 Mar 18 2012 at 8:08 PM Rating: Good
1,368 posts
In that case, I'll use the crowns (don't know what else I would do with em anyway). Buy the bag of plat - use that to buy the house and pay for a year upkeep.

Now if I could just set my trader up in my house....

#5 Mar 18 2012 at 9:02 PM Rating: Excellent

I used chronobines. For a guild plot, it costs 1 (doubloon/orux/chrono/faycitum, etc) per day or 2pp and some change. Bought the plot and paid for 156 weeks (3 years) in chronobines (oh and 8 faycitum for 1 week and 1 day, just to clear them out). The reason was, my main (who is the guild leader and thus far, the only one with VoA) had 3800 chronobines just wasting away so it made sense to use them instead of plat (which I can always find a use for). When she (re-) buys her personal plot on Market Heights, she'll use chronos to buy and bank future upkeep. I actually like how they did that. Now, no alternate currency is truly useless. When I do the hand aug quest on my 65s, they'll have so many doubloons (that won't be required to buy spells), we should be able to support a second guild hall.

Oh and to answer my own question, apparently the Marketplace guild halls are rent free.
#6 Mar 18 2012 at 9:27 PM Rating: Good
1,368 posts
Remianen wrote:

Oh and to answer my own question, apparently the Marketplace guild halls are rent free.

I'm going to have to log in my personal guild master and check this out. I clicked the guild merchants in housing and they showed nothing to sell.

So much to learn...


#7 Mar 18 2012 at 9:33 PM Rating: Good

Yeah, you need to have VoA in order to even see anything on the guild hall vendors. I activated it via the Marketplace and had to log to server select and log back in before anything showed in Tanya's vendor list.
#8 Mar 18 2012 at 9:40 PM Rating: Good
1,368 posts
Remianen wrote:

Yeah, you need to have VoA in order to even see anything on the guild hall vendors.

Oh thanks for that heads up. I don't have VoA. I've got a guild - but that's it. I'll just go back to enjoying the housing as it is... and it's pretty damn cool.

#9 Mar 22 2012 at 7:28 AM Rating: Excellent
39 posts
There are already Guild halls that can be purchased for Plat. (The Vendor is just outside the building with all the vendors near the zone in -TANYA BEKINES)

Palatial has a interior capacity of 2000 house/guild items and is very spacious. bought with station cash
Grand guild Hall has a 1500 capacity - DO NOT waste your station cash on this it is no better than the 1 that can be purchased for plat and looks very much the same
Modest guild hall has 1500 capacity - Purchased for Plat and is very close to the same as the Grand
Standard guild hall has 1000 capacity - Purchased for Plat

IMO I would go with the Modest and experiment for a bit and then if you want a ton more space get the Palatial with SC. The Grand is a total waste of SC as it is virtually identical to the Modest.

Chappy of Povar
#10 Mar 22 2012 at 10:10 AM Rating: Good
Chappychappy wrote:
Palatial has a interior capacity of 2000 house/guild items and is very spacious. bought with station cash
Grand guild Hall has a 1500 capacity - DO NOT waste your station cash on this it is no better than the 1 that can be purchased for plat and looks very much the same
Modest guild hall has 1500 capacity - Purchased for Plat and is very close to the same as the Grand
Standard guild hall has 1000 capacity - Purchased for Plat

IMO I would go with the Modest and experiment for a bit and then if you want a ton more space get the Palatial with SC. The Grand is a total waste of SC as it is virtually identical to the Modest.

Chappy of Povar

This helps.

I have the Palatial now and was considering getting three Grands (eventually) to fill the other guild hall plots in the neighborhood. If Grand is essentially the same as Modest, maybe I'll get three more Palatials instead. Eventually.
#11 Mar 22 2012 at 11:13 PM Rating: Good
761 posts
Daily default upkeep for Palatial Hall is 2p 1g per day. If you buy the largest crate that cost you 2g 2 silver…. I also bought a forge from the house vendor not the guild hall vendor and that adds 1g… Trade skill items bought from Tanya Bekines DO NOT add to rent. And this default upkeep includes property. Once you start decorating and being inventive you will want the largest 2000 spaces inside. So go with the biggest.

As private house’s go..Houses bought with Station Cash or Loyalty tokens are FREE from daily rent. Houses you buy with plat vary from house styles and rooms. And of course you have to add the property and any trade skill objects or Crates to the Daily Tax.

Come Visit my 11 houses and PeaceKeepers guild hall in Cedar Country Meadows Zek.
Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
#12 Mar 23 2012 at 1:34 PM Rating: Good

That's good to know. Honestly, I didn't even pay attention to the amounts. I had like 8000 chronobines on my SK and used those to pay the rent (7 chronos per week). 156 weeks paid up.

I know I had been paying lots of attention to the rent costs of items. I don't want anything adding to my costs so I'll be avoiding the ones that add rent, if at all possible. The package I got came with all the tradeskill stuff and all the vendors, though I think I bought the parcel NPC (I know I didn't do that quest). My initial plan called for filling up the neighborhood with a variety of different designs. Using alternate currency to pay for it all is awesome especially since all of the alt currencies are treated equally (7 chronobines a week = 7 doubloons = 7 faycitum and so on). A day of slummin' in SoF could pay for an entire year's rent, just about.
#13 Apr 08 2012 at 2:43 AM Rating: Decent
It would be nice if they added a door from the placeable guild hall back to the guild lobby. I put a Punting Gnome at the place where you land when you exit the guild hall, but it still seems unnecessary to have to zone twice to get back to the lobby. Unless there's something I'm missing?
#14 Apr 08 2012 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
761 posts
Jaraal wrote:
It would be nice if they added a door from the placeable guild hall back to the guild lobby. I put a Punting Gnome at the place where you land when you exit the guild hall, but it still seems unnecessary to have to zone twice to get back to the lobby. Unless there's something I'm missing?

There is a Door, but you must admit the “Punting Gnome” is a kick in the A$$, literally. See NPC merchant Tanya Bekines: She is the merchant that sells the “Shabby Lobby Door (1pp,4sp, 9cp): Ugly and in my opinion would have been better to make it look like the PoK book or a statue to click on. I have been able to hide it, quite cleverly in my opinion. Also giving a choice for the Guildies to either click to go outside or right click and port to lobby. Door can be place both in Guild Hall and Yard.

Edited, Apr 8th 2012 8:02am by Vinney
Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
#15 Apr 08 2012 at 12:17 PM Rating: Good

Vinney, I love you man (in a purely brotherly fashion, I assure you!). Smiley: lol

I was just going to whi...err complain about not having direct access to the lobby too! I'm gonna see how small I can shrink that shabby lobby door. Maybe put it in the center of the Arcane Sanctum room if I can find something with a whirling vortex type of effect (like the portal to Time in the neighborhoods or the portal to the Void in Time).
#16 Apr 08 2012 at 3:03 PM Rating: Good
761 posts
Remianen wrote:

Maybe put it in the center of the Arcane Sanctum room if I can find something with a whirling vortex type of effect (like the portal to Time in the neighborhoods or the portal to the Void in Time).

the "Marketplace" used to sell this and would give you the effect you are sort of looking for. I have seen in some houses and wanted to buy a few for my Fire and Ice theme house: but found out they were removed from list...hopefully they will come back.
Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
#17 Apr 08 2012 at 9:07 PM Rating: Good

Okay, got a question. On the Guild Hall Accessories vendor, there are a bunch of different Decorative Dummys. What's the difference between them? I'm guessing these are like the ones on Test in the arena (used for parsing) but what's the difference between Azia (which is 104pp and change) and Qela (which is like 121pp and change)? Level? If it's level, what level does each correspond to? Also, are these like the ones on Test that hit back or are programmable? I was going to buy the Qela one but being NO TRADE, I couldn't sell it back so I'd be flushing a few k of plat down the drain potentially (trying to find an appropriate level one). You'd think this would be in the item description but....yeah, it's not.
#18 Apr 10 2012 at 5:27 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the info, Vinney! I was wondering what that shabby door was for. There's no description of what it does on the vendor.
#19 May 06 2012 at 7:11 PM Rating: Good

Got another question and figured I'd put it here instead of making a new thread.

Can you pick up a guild hall and basically move it to another server? I'm beginning my exodus from CT to FV but the major sticking point is the guild hall. Paid real money for that damn thing! I can give up the neighborhood but the guild hall I spent lots of time on so I don't want to just trash it. I'm wondering if I can save the layout, crate it, and do the same with my houses and then server transfer, get invite to FV guild and place everything back where it was (FV guild has a neighborhood too and the exact same plots are available).
#20 May 18 2012 at 7:41 PM Rating: Good
82 posts
I feel like a noob asking this, but, here goes... How do you put a Grand Guild Hall on a plot? I bought a guild neighborhood (I'm the GL); I bought a plot of land in said neighborhood, and when I try to place the Grand Guild Hall into the plot... it remains red and says I cannot do it. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Edited, May 18th 2012 9:41pm by Athelu
Gwidre~113 Ashenhand of Quellious, Bunny Minion of Iratus Lepus, Xegony Server; Shawlweaver
Trideni~108 Spiritwalker of The Tribunal; Shawlweaver, Bunny Alt
Phedraa~105 Primal Elementalist of Rodcet Nife, Shawlweaver, Bunny Alt
Athelu~108 Farwarden of Tunare, Shawlweaver Aspirant, Bunny Alt
Lisselle~106 Enchantress of Veeshan, Bunny Alt
Macey~106 Druidess of Tunare, Bunny Alt
Trilenol~110 Cleric of Brell, Bunny Alt
Zellanna~96 Grand Occultist of Bertoxxulous, Bunny Alt
#21 May 19 2012 at 12:42 AM Rating: Good
761 posts
Couple of things….First there are only 4 plots that can take a guild hall ….hopefully you are trying to place one on those.
Second you might be standing to close to where you want to set your guild hall or that you are trying to put it to close to the borders. Either way, try putting your guild hall on the cursor and then stand outside the property line and place.

Edited, May 18th 2012 11:44pm by Vinney
Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
#22 Jun 30 2012 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
Maybe I scanned too guild hall is gone. I have not logged in for quite a while so I have not paid the rent. Where did it go? SHould it be packaged somewhere or did I lose everything?
Rangers, Necros and Druids OH MY!

Necro Warning: This post occurred more than thirty days after the prior, and may be a necropost.
#23 Jul 03 2012 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
761 posts
Check a postmaster.... should be in a storage box in your mail
Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
#24 Jul 27 2018 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
13 posts
sorry for years later but do you know which four lots are for guild halls
#25 Jul 28 2018 at 7:27 AM Rating: Excellent
761 posts
Weird they do not show on map (or at least mine).... they are huge compared to the other lots. also there is a tall marker on all four corners. Clockwise looking at map. #1 200 Brimming Way: Just south of 112 Brimming Way. // #2 200 Vanward heights: West of 107 Vanward Street you will see a notch up there. #3 200 Guild Way: West of 105 Guild Way you will see an upper plateau #4 200 Terminus Heights: SE o 105 Terminus Street you will see a path leading right up to a higher area. Hope this helps. If you have time to visit Cedar Country Meadows, Zek I have 25+ developed properties with different themes. and a huge PeaceKeepers guild on 200 Terminus Heights
Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
#26 Jul 28 2018 at 7:38 AM Rating: Excellent
Vinney wrote:
Weird they do not show on map (or at least mine).... they are huge compared to the other lots. also there is a tall marker on all four corners. Clockwise looking at map. #1 200 Brimming Way: Just south of 112 Brimming Way. // #2 200 Vanward heights: West of 107 Vanward Street you will see a notch up there. #3 200 Guild Way: West of 105 Guild Way you will see an upper plateau #4 200 Terminus Heights: SE o 105 Terminus Street you will see a path leading right up to a higher area. Hope this helps. If you have time to visit Cedar Country Meadows, Zek I have 25+ developed properties with different themes. and a huge PeaceKeepers guild on 200 Terminus Heights

Peacekeepers? Did you play on Tallon Zek? There was a Peacekeepers guild on that server that my character (Gidono) was in briefly before joining The Knights Eternal and eventually Indignation.
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