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#1 Nov 18 2003 at 10:58 AM Rating: Excellent
The man who started it all!
1,635 posts
I put together a FAQ for the forum. I'll get Illia to link it up later

One thing I want to emphasize is the Karma system. If people start to use it, it should solve many of the complaints I see about anon posting. If you have received Scholar status of higher, you in effect become a limited forum admin. Please take advantage of this.

As you read through a thread, rate the best posts up and the worst posts down. Then when you get to the end, hit the rate posts button to enter your ratings. It only takes a couple people rating through a thread like that to move the dumb posts below the default viewing threshold and move the better posts up, which will eventually make those making the good posts able to rate as well.

Now just make sure you have your filter settings at "default" and not at "Never Filter". The default filter means that when you are on the main thread page, any thread where the lead is below 1.5 isn't even listed, and within a thread any post below that rating also disappears. If you choose to set your filter to "Never Filter", then I have to assume you want to see those types of posts.

We do moderate the forum as well, but only to get rid of the most outrageous posts. If people want to carry on a below the threshold flame war, then we won't interfere until it becomes indecent.

Edited, Wed Dec 3 13:08:08 2003 by Allakhazam

Edited, Sun Jul 10 20:59:54 2005 by Railus
#3 Feb 23 2004 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
702 posts
I checked the site:
and it I didnt see the mention of ratings anywhere. The ratings I am asking for is on the weapons, how are weapons rated. In my opinion it would be hard to keep this accurate due to ongoing and upraising of any new weapons. For instance the Epic weapons at that the time of Kunark would or should have been the highest but after PoP they are almost useless for what you have to do to aquire them.


P.S. I like gathering the info on newbie quests and making a quick reference guide to the whole outfit. If there another place to post this info or is it advisable to continue to post the whole on all sites of the equipment. I suggest adding it to the main comments (or the beginning walkthru).

#4 Feb 23 2004 at 8:48 AM Rating: Good
29,919 posts
He's talking about the weapons ratio ratings I think, which are based on a formula with damage and delay, and are automatically rated.
#5 Mar 30 2004 at 10:27 AM Rating: Default
Why is it that a lot of my posts are being removed? Is it because of the karma system, or have specific people asked them to be removed? Removing some of my posts makes some other folks' posts make no sense, since they are replying to my now deleted post.
Should I stop posting on Allah? I would rather somebody tell me I am not welcome here instead of removing my posts.
#6 Mar 30 2004 at 7:10 PM Rating: Good
1,088 posts
Vaanan wrote:
Why is it that a lot of my posts are being removed? Is it because of the karma system, or have specific people asked them to be removed? Removing some of my posts makes some other folks' posts make no sense, since they are replying to my now deleted post.
Should I stop posting on Allah? I would rather somebody tell me I am not welcome here instead of removing my posts.

None of your posts have been removed. Be advised, though, that those rated 1.50 or below drop off the default filter setting (Forum Preferences, top of the page). Seven posts of yours are below the default barrier and would not show up unless you have the filter set to never filter.
#7 Mar 30 2004 at 8:43 PM Rating: Decent
Railus the Charming wrote:
None of your posts have been removed. Be advised, though, that those rated 1.50 or below drop off the default filter setting (Forum Preferences, top of the page). Seven posts of yours are below the default barrier and would not show up unless you have the filter set to never filter.

I have changed the filter to never filter, but they still don't show up. I know I am doing something wrong.

Also, how are posts rated? I don't seem to have a button to "rate" posts. Do you have to be a scholar or higher to rate posts?

Edited- 3-31-04

Ok, now I know how to get the ability to rate posts. But I will never be able to, because my posts are all rated down. No problem; unless people can vote more than once to rate a post. Then it is a problem, to me. One person can ruin your total rating if that is the case.

Edited, Wed Mar 31 11:15:36 2004 by Vaanan
#8 Apr 08 2004 at 6:35 AM Rating: Decent
531 posts
One person can't really ruin your rating, especially if you make good posts. Posts can continue to be rated by anyone of a 3.01+ rating for as long as the thread exists(editting to add that people can only vote once per post(but if you make multiple posts in a thread they can rate each one once)).

Lastly, when you select "Never Filter" make sure you hit save changes, otherwise you will only have that setting for the one post and will return to "Default Filter" on the very next page you go to read.

Edited, Thu Apr 8 07:35:52 2004 by KerikDaven
#9 Apr 08 2004 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
Dumb as I am, I finally figgered it out. But I am still puzzled as to why the community as a whole decided to rate one of my posts a low 1.4. I think it is that low.
It was the post I had written about inspection being a roleplaying aspect for some of us, and you, Sir Kerikdaven, even said that you liked it. ("Well said, Vaanan") I guess either you were the only one who liked it, or you were being sarcastic. No offense, sometimes it is hard to tell when someone is being sarcastic in written form.

No biggie; I don't feel the need to rate other people's posts. I'll just keep flapping my low-rate lips off when I feel the need.

Smiley: jester
#10 Apr 09 2004 at 5:02 AM Rating: Decent
Lastly, when you select "Never Filter" make sure you hit save changes...

I find I have to do that everyday...why does it not save, is it a cookie thing (i delete cookies everytime i leave work, which is where i mainly post from)?

Second thing, and this is just me, but I think the Kharma system is sound in theory, but a joke in reality. I can understand that one of the main causes was probably spamming, but it is being severely abused by the "regulars." Anyone who's views they don't like, or anyone that shakes up the norm is immediately voted into obscurity, and the more you post, the harder it is to get a good rating. I could care less what people rate mine, or what status I get. I think that some people are just a little too attached to their Guru or Scholar status, when NONE of them act like it (well, except maybe a couple like Kao or Sir Kerik).
#11 Apr 09 2004 at 8:27 PM Rating: Decent
531 posts
Thanks for the kind words Psycho, I appreciate it, I enjoyed reading a lot of your posts, especially a recent one where people expect you to be the God of the Best Western. Very funny stuff. Smiley: laugh (oh, editting this to add that the filter setting is in fact most likely cookie based(personally though I recommend leaving the filter on as the posts that are rate that low will more often than not get you mad and into the more petty parts of the post, and that probably wasn't what you were looking for when you wanted to look at the thread))


On that post I meant what I said. I'm rarely ever sarcastic, and when I am it's so blatantly obvious you wouldn't miss it. I think what I've seen happen is that instead of people merely rating a single post on it's merits, they go and trash all of them. Not nice, but when are people really fair? Everyone thinks they are fair, they also are always COMPLETELY aware of when someone has offend them, but usually oblivious to when they've offend other people(which is why people always think they are fair).

I agreed with you on one point completely and pretty much disagreed with you on another. As you and I make other posts I'm sure we'll agree and disagree on different things. Much like you and anyone else and anyone else and you. If you like the messageboards, stick with it. There is a lot of good information out there and I'm sure you might have an insight into things people can relate too also.

As far as ratings go, I agree with Psycho. They are well intentioned but poorly implemented. I don't mean to get back into that thread we were in, but respect and consideration are key points when posting(or doing anything that involves other people). That thread was especially heated and brought out the worst in some people. The crap pretty much hit the fan and flew in all directions.

That was a bad experience, you'll probably have more, but you should get a lot more good info from the boards than pettiness so I'd recommend sticking with it.

Edited, Sat Apr 10 09:59:53 2004 by KerikDaven
#12 Apr 09 2004 at 11:16 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the comments, Sir Kerik. I will probably from now on stick to EQ related stuff and leave my personal beliefs regarding certain things to myself. That's not to say I won't interject my own personal views about the game, but I'll stay away from certain subjects in the future, for the most part.

Sex, politics and religion have started more wars in the past than any other subjects. Smiley: lol

I think that one post you and I are talking about did not get rated down until certain folks read some of my other posts and then started rating everything I wrote down, hoping I would lose heart and stop posting.

I think I have the same problem regarding the filter. I have a program that searches and destroys all cookies (it thinks the cookies are spyware) after I leave the web, so that has probably been my problem.

#13 Apr 10 2004 at 11:38 PM Rating: Good
29,919 posts
Vaanan, e-mail me the links to the posts that have been rated down the most.

I'm not promising to do anything to them, but I'll review the ones that were rated down the worst. It is extremely difficult to get a 2.0 rateing without posting something offensive or annoying (such as an 0utwarz link)
#14 Apr 11 2004 at 9:08 AM Rating: Decent
531 posts
This is the post he is talking about....

Wasup with you people on the whoel inspection thing?

Was very heated at one point and even lead to off-shoot posts based on the inner topic created(actually I started that topic sort of...Smiley: tongue) which was really a part of the original poster's question. It all comes down to consideration to others.

Edited cause my link wasn't working. hehe

Edited, Sun Apr 11 10:07:36 2004 by KerikDaven
#15 Apr 12 2004 at 4:38 PM Rating: Default
Dread Lord Kaolian wrote:
It is extremely difficult to get a 2.0 rateing without posting something offensive or annoying

My personal beliefs regarding the homosexual lifestyle are pretty offensive and annoying to some. Although I have never said homosexuals deserve to be tied up to barbed wire fences and beaten to death; still a lot of my posts regarding that subject apparently offended most of the posters.
Which is why I will stay away from said subject as much as possible.

I'm not asking for any special consideration or anything, I was just curious about the inner workings of the rating system. (Can a poster rate a post more than once? This would allow some folks who really dislike another poster to ruin their rating for life, I would assume.)

I have only been playing EQ for a little over a year; I consider myself very much a newb. Some of the terms that are used on this site completely lose me at times. I have no idea sometimes of what seems to be an even simple subject that I should know, if I played EQ more regularly. I have all the official guidebooks to the game, but they really only cover some of the basic stuff.
One advantage I have over some of the EQ players I have encountered on Prexus is that I own all the gamebooks for the PnP version of EQ and I can look up a lot of recipes for tradeskill items. So far they have been the same as the online recipe requirements. I guess that is really cheating, but I have never claimed to be a hardcore roleplayer in the online game. Smiley: blush
#16 Apr 27 2004 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
702 posts
Oops, looks like I have been away for way too long and forgot I had a pending question.
To further explain about my question about ratings, when Im using the Tools equipment upgrader. Actually its called the score, and I was wondering how it was figured. Because that is the way the equipment is sorted and I have quite a few items on my person or wishlist that are better than the suggestions.

Anyways, thats what I meant by the first post. And thanks for any help.

#17 Apr 28 2004 at 4:52 AM Rating: Good
29,919 posts
The equipment score is based off an equation that takes in a few factors. weight, stats, AC, Delay, Damage, Effects, etc. For an in depth technical overview of how it works, you would have to ask someone else, but basically, a 14 ac 5.0 weight item would score worse than a 14 ac item with 1.0 weight, but a 2 ac item with Flowing Thought III would score higher than a 14 AC item.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#18 May 06 2004 at 12:10 PM Rating: Default
Just curious why this whole thread is called "Forum FAQ"?
#19 May 08 2004 at 10:28 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
It's supposed to be full of forum "Frequintly asked questions".
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
Tech support forum | FAQ (Support) | Mobile Zam: (Premium only)
Forum Rules
#20 May 25 2004 at 2:46 PM Rating: Good
35 posts
I really don't see many posts being rated anymore. I think that people are becoming too lazy. I see good posts but am not able to rate them up or down because nobody has rated my posts up. Plus I have been trying to use my experience in the game (which is VERY limited) to aid those users who have less than me.

Just my two cents ;)

P.S. Can you only become a scholar or above with a premium membership? Thanks!
#21 Jul 08 2004 at 1:36 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Is there some limit on the number of quoted passages in a post?

I've noticed a couple of times now that when picking a post into paragraphs to explain (or disect Smiley: smile) it piecemeal the first few work and then the "[quot]" and "[/quot]" show even though they are all applied in the same way with the Quote button.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#22 Jul 17 2004 at 5:15 AM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
I believe you can only put 5 quotes in a single post. Not sure why they added that restriction...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#23 Aug 19 2004 at 11:33 AM Rating: Good
Yup, it's limited, but I was thinkig that 4 was the limit for some reason.

I decided it was a hint that I was being too darn wordy.
#24 Aug 29 2004 at 8:06 AM Rating: Decent
Not sure why they added that restriction...

possibly because people do this


in games of last
#25 Sep 02 2004 at 10:14 PM Rating: Decent
i'm a gamer and i've been thinking of buying everquest but i not hyped about the subscribtion fee. Will it ever be free in the future?
#26 Sep 03 2004 at 3:12 AM Rating: Decent
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