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Sweet RevengeFollow

#27 Jan 05 2004 at 2:14 PM Rating: Excellent
Let me be the latest to add D'vinn to the list. That fargin bastige. He was definitely a cork sucker. I tromp through and pop him and the Trainer every now and then now that I have attained a level sufficient to do it with ease.
#28 Jan 06 2004 at 5:07 PM Rating: Default
Ah yes i too fell to the sword of Holly Windstaker ture a druid shouldnt hunt bears but back in the day when 115 in Blackburrow primetime was the norm you had to take your kills where you could get them... so once i got made my necro and her to the Lvl of Holly i made it a point to camp her till i she was green (btw i think shes out of the spawn rotation now) .. but if she isnt shes a 6 minute static spawn that walks out of Surefall once killed :)
#29 Jan 06 2004 at 5:08 PM Rating: Default
Ah yes i too fell to the sword of Holly Windstaker ture a druid shouldnt hunt bears but back in the day when 115 in Blackburrow primetime was the norm you had to take your kills where you could get them... so once i got made my necro and her to the Lvl of Holly i made it a point to camp her till i she was green (btw i think shes out of the spawn rotation now) .. but if she isnt shes a 6 minute static spawn that walks out of Surefall once killed :)
#30 Jan 06 2004 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Dorn in North Ro. that guy pissed me off.
#31 Jan 06 2004 at 8:01 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
Kizdean Gix makes my list as well. That blue sucker killed me when I was hunting dervs on my very first character. Now, every once in a while I take my revenge and not loot, so he rots where he falls.
Another group on my list are the farmers/bandits in WK. My mage was walking through there one fine day, and thought he would give a friendly greeting. "Hail, a farmer."---->You have been struck by a whirling wind---->you have taken XXX points in damage----> and so on until his robed body lay on the plains floor.
#32 Jan 11 2004 at 11:43 PM Rating: Decent
The guards in Firiona Vie. When I was but a wee necromancer traveling across FV to kill Sarnaks in LOIO my gather shadows would wear off at the worst times and I would be slain by these terrible NPC's. It happened 2-3 times. Then, my day came....
Going to Karnor's Castle in DL for a VS raid and who should agro?
That's right, my old friend. Only now he wasn't red, he was light blue: MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Now I make it a point to agro the FV guards every chance I get. The NPC at the druid circle in NK got it too. She rooted and nuked the crap outta me the first time I got ported in there. Revenge is so sweet

52 Gnecro

Edited, Sun Jan 11 23:45:12 2004 by Natdatilgnome

Edited, Sun Jan 11 23:50:36 2004 by Natdatilgnome
#33 Jan 12 2004 at 1:10 AM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
Revenge kills are the most satisfying thing in this game, for me. I don't just claim revenge against those mobs who killed me. No, I also want to kill the ones who just terrorized me. Tovax V`Mar being one of those. I never got in aggro range, but I was scared every time I ran through QH because of him.

Griffons, Giants of any type and necromancers.

The one I'm still biding my time in is this wench in Freeport;
That's Driana Poxsbourne, the Freeport necro guildmaster. I was trotting calmly out of the city gates one day when a skeleton begins hitting me. I turn around, baffled and cast a nuke on him. Suddenly I hear her raspy voice uttering some nonsense. I was dead shortly thereafter. That is one kill I'm anticipating with great glee. If you look at her page in the bestiary it's full of fan mail. This gal has made a lasting impression on a lot of people.

Edited, Wed Jan 14 01:26:56 2004 by Yanari
#34 Jan 12 2004 at 6:33 AM Rating: Default
Without a doubt... Minotaur Hero.

65 Chanter
The Rathe
#35 Jan 14 2004 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
I was born in the north of Greater Faydark, the son of farmers. My father was trying to make a business out of growing kiola far from the sea.

When the Crushbone Orcs burst through the mountain and began raiding into the Fay, my parents fell before my eyes to Emperor Crush himself.

I honed my skills for many seasons, killing every Orc I could find. My tracking skills grew until I could see the entirity of the Northern Greater Faydark and I lived a life seeking revenge.

I ultimately saw Crush himself writhing on the end of my sword, and my victory dance was a true bugaloo!

Now, whenever I have time on my hands, I walk (not run) into Crushbone and directly to the stronghold, where I face Crush and his minions alone. If his dark ally d'Vinn is there, he too falls to my fury. My revenge will never be complete, but is often sweet.

Buidhe d'Tuatha
Fay Ranger of 34 Seasons
#36 Jan 14 2004 at 3:59 PM Rating: Decent
133 posts
I also remember D'Vin making a little stroll down his tower every once in awhile and slaughtering my group. I have had my revenge but I'm not satisfied with it because I did kill D'Vin but someone was already there that cleared the room for me. As a wizzy at 34th level and not the best at soloing I couldn't really do it alone but I swear one of these days.
#37 Jan 15 2004 at 7:11 AM Rating: Decent
My 21st level rogue got chased many times by D'Vin through BB but never killed *grin*. Sometimes I sneak inside the tower and standing behind him imagine the day I will take him down with a SINGLE backstab. Yes that's what he'll get: Death from behind with not even a chance to turn around.

But top of my list are Peg Leg the dwarven bandit and his /&%$§"! comrades which took me down 3 times in a row. Oh and not to forget these two rogues posing as guards at the merchant's tower nwest of the bandit camp. These /&%$§"! will pay for watching me die before there feet while begging for help.....
#38 Jan 15 2004 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
I ran into Tovax in QH the other day. I enjoyed setting him on fire. Revenge for another character long deleted. Still, it was satisfying.

Sgt. Slate and that *expletive deleted* griffin in East Commons are next on my list.

I HATE Slate....
#39 Jan 15 2004 at 12:29 PM Rating: Good
Oatman wrote:
That's a real good question, heh heh heh.
When I was a youngster, I think about 11 or 12th season,the bugs and such were turning green in Feydark. I made some cautious probes into Butcherblock and discovered The Chessboard! Oh Man!
It was filled with Skellies that conned Dark Blue with an occaisional Red King! I would calm all but one, then snare and DoT him. It was always camped so I would go there late at night.The exp and loot was fantastic. It was there I took out my first Red Con, The King!
Problem was, between there and the zoneline was a group of TOUGH brutes,THE YOUNGBLOOD CLAN. I would be sitting at the chessboard,
almost out of mana and health, waiting for the King to succumb and dreaming of that "Ding", When.... WHAM!! I'd be ambushed by a Youngblood and die before I even realized what had happened.
They terrified me!I began to save just enough mana to snare him if he attacked and run to the zone and... Wham!! His angry cousin, coming to his aid, would clobber me and down I'd go.
I decided I would take them on. LOL! How naive I was. It was then I learned about Aggro, broken Snares, and pulling TRAINS to the Zone!
But, when I finally killed one, he dropped a Medalion that fetched 1 WHOLE PLATINUM! WOW!
After a few levels I could take one on and kill it but had to remain vigilant for his allies and keep close to the zone for safety's sake. And I would stand over his corpse and GLOAT! ME, a real human being, venting all my hate and frustration at a TOON! God, it was great.
I made me a hot button and, whenever I took a Youngblood down, I would /shout "/roars DIE YOU YOUNGBLOOD! I HATE ALL OF YOU ROTTEN STINKING YOUNGBLOODS!" ROFLOL...

Talk about ROFLOL... The Youngbloods were a 60's rock band. How about A WANDERING GREENBLOOD? Smiley: laugh Now you know how "young" I am - I remember the Wandering Greenbloods vividly, yet also remember The Youngbloods!
#40 Jan 15 2004 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
329 posts
That witch in Surefall - the Bloodsaber Defiler - used to kill me every time I ventured to close to the Jaggedpine entrance or the bear caves. I never initiated an attack...she would just KOS. Then one, day, she conned dark blue after she attacked me. Once the fear spell wore off, I pounded her with my 2H blunt and kited the nuke and dot spells as fast as I could click. Turning her head into the Druid GM was one of the most satisfying moments in the game so far just because of the grudge I developed after several losses to her, especially the one that resulted in an hour long corpse hunt in the water. Now she cons green, the little wimp! :oP
#41 Jan 15 2004 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
329 posts
That witch in Surefall - the Bloodsaber Defiler - used to kill me every time I ventured to close to the Jaggedpine entrance or the bear caves. I never initiated an attack...she would just KOS. Then one, day, she conned dark blue after she attacked me. Once the fear spell wore off, I pounded her with my 2H blunt and kited the nuke and dot spells as fast as I could click. Turning her head into the Druid GM was one of the most satisfying moments in the game so far just because of the grudge I developed after several losses to her, especially the one that resulted in an hour long corpse hunt in the water. Now she cons green, the little wimp! :oP
#42 Jan 15 2004 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
86 posts
I have two.

First, that sumbitch Corflunk and his hideous mate in Butcher. My first character ever was a High Elf Paladin and my RL friend made a Wood Elf Ranger and we enjoyed adventuring together in the Fey and later in Butcherblock. I lost count of the number of times we would venture just a bit too far from the safety of the crossroads and sure enough, he'd pop out from wherever he'd been hiding and smack us around. For a while it was almost like he was lying in wait just for us. Every time I run through Butcher with my Druid I think of him and hit track, just to see. It is so satisfying now that all I do is lay one snare and one DOT and watch him die.

Second is the whole of Crushbone. I never really played in BB much, but I learned everything I needed to know about trains just fine in Crushbone. So now I go into CB, turn off SoW, stop running, and just wander around with my warhammer and get one hit on every orc I see to draw aggro. When I have a dozen or so clumped up around me trying to hit me I'll cast earthquake and watch them fall like timber. Sometimes when some other part of the game is frustrating me, I'll come and do this as a twisted kind of therapy.

Thanks for the thread, I enjoyed reliving those memories.
#43 Jan 16 2004 at 2:32 AM Rating: Decent
77 posts
Some other mobs I have learned to hate that haven't been mentioned. At level 11 I went into Lfay with my dwarven paladin. I killed a few pixies, orcs, spiders and was having a good time exploring. Suddenly, with one hit, I was dead. Afterwards I saw the message: a brownie scout. He took me down 2 more times trying to get my lost corpse. After 4 hours, I was gone forever. Now, my ranger 55 looks for them when going to a LDoN dungeon for a chance at payback.
In WL, the corrupted unicorn. Except for that beast, I would love this zone, but at level 55, I have only survived its aggro once when I managed to save until I had run out of it's casting range and get to zone. Don't know if I'll ever try going after him.

Lezhur and Zyskyn
#44 Jan 16 2004 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Equestrielle, that pain in the eye evil horse galloping across Lesser Faydark. Stacks and stacks of my corpses have lain at her feet; one day I will make myself a new bridle out of her unholy tail!

The Spiders in Firiona Vie are another source of grief to me. Endless trips to LoIO have been interrupted and cut short by these menaces; awhile back I got my whole guild to come and clear the entire western part of the zone up to the ZI to LoIO and set up a "newbie buffing station" (anyone remember those?)
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#45 Jan 16 2004 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
684 posts
The evil bastards otherwise known as Misty Thicket wall guards.

Oh yes, before Sony realized "Hey, these a-holes are annoying", the guards used to chain aggro throughout the newbie garden, KSing hapless people all day.

It was such a tense moment, you're about to kill that young kodiak!!...when out of the corner of your eye you see a 2-foot tall Zoro-wannabe rushing your way.

"Oh my God swing faster!!! you think.

Just as the last swoop of your blade lands...

"A young kodiak has been slain by Deputy Farkwad!"

Oh yes...I took revenge. I was playing my iksar shaman once and decided to try to solo them...and solo them I did, and cash was pretty good too.

It felt good. With maniacal glee I left corpses of the Halfling Harrassers all over Misty Thicket.

Revenge is sweet.

#46 Jan 16 2004 at 5:04 PM Rating: Default
Such childish pursuits. An Enchanter of the 54th level has a much better way of exacting revenge. As a young Enchanter, I too felt the cold steel of Holly Windstalker in Qeynos Hills. She even cut me down when I was attacked by a rabid grizzly. Certainly I could put the smack on Holly now. But death is too good for such a vile character. Using my vastly superior charisma, I convinced Holly to become my servant. For the next half an hour or so Holly eradicated every bear and wolf in Qeynos Hills. I wonder what thoughts went thru her mind when she awoke from her stupor and realized she had committed the same deed that she had punished so many young adventurers for.
#47 Jan 16 2004 at 6:31 PM Rating: Good
lemme try again...

Edited, Fri Jan 16 18:31:01 2004 by Mikeinsb
#48 Jan 16 2004 at 6:32 PM Rating: Good
Anonymous wrote:
Such childish pursuits. An Enchanter of the 54th level has a much better way of exacting revenge. As a young Enchanter, I too felt the cold steel of Holly Windstalker in Qeynos Hills. She even cut me down when I was attacked by a rabid grizzly. Certainly I could put the smack on Holly now. But death is too good for such a vile character. Using my vastly superior charisma, I convinced Holly to become my servant. For the next half an hour or so Holly eradicated every bear and wolf in Qeynos Hills. I wonder what thoughts went thru her mind when she awoke from her stupor and realized she had committed the same deed that she had punished so many young adventurers for.

We have a winner!!!!
#49 Jan 16 2004 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
45 posts
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
#50 Jan 16 2004 at 6:50 PM Rating: Good
Debalic, no offence bro, but you might want to lose that picture.
#51 Jan 16 2004 at 7:08 PM Rating: Good
Reinman wrote:
Debalic, no offence bro, but you might want to lose that picture.


...Mommy - make him stop looking at me...
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