Shortly after upgrading my video card I really started wondering why the performance in EQ was so abysmal while in EVERY other game I tried it was top notch, then today while in my EQ directory to change the data rate I got curious to check some other txt files there and stumbled onto a device init log that shows why...
[Tue Dec 30 23:06:59 2003]00000:Entering eqmain.dll
[Tue Dec 30 23:06:59 2003]00001:FE: Found adapter #0 - RADEON 9600 SERIES
[Tue Dec 30 23:06:59 2003]00002:FE: Forcing No TnL in t3dEnumDevices().
Forcing no TnL?? The TnL engine in my 9600 is worlds faster than my cpu, and quite a bit above what Nvidia has on any current cards. (Not arguing overall card speeds but the ATI vertex engine blows the others out of the water currently) Could this be changed in some file I didn't find, or am I stuck until the devs decide to stop crippling performance for all ATI users?