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Help! I'm classless...Follow

#1 Jan 04 2004 at 5:58 PM Rating: Sub-Default
I've been playing EQ now for 3 months, I play around 45-50 hours a week, and I have a long-surfaced problem. For some reason or another, may it be some inability of mine or that I just don't care for this game as much as I thought I had, I cannot choose and stay with one class! Now, before you start giving me suggestions, please remember that I've played for a good amount of time and heard a lot of advice, none which has helped as of yet.
I've given every class a try from lvl 1, and gotten them usually to lvl 8 or 9, the spell levels(my main is a lvl 15 ranger). I know, I know, trying a class to lvl 9 won't give you a feel for the class, I've heard that you must be anywhere from lvl 24 to lvl 40 to finally get to the 'good' part(s). I also had heard about the Test Server and the ability to /testbuff, and of course I ran over and tried it a.s.a.p. I tried every class there also, testbuffing them and playing a few adventures with each. Sadly, I still had no luck in finding a class I enjoyed.
Other ways I've tried to decide the right class for me were by doing those internet bubble tests (there's not that many out there, i found 2) of those two I took, I ended up in one a Anti-Hero, (for me that sounds like a Shd) and the other a Shadow Knight. So guess what I do next? No, I don't make an SK yet, I get back on my main after me long break in Test. There I talk to some guildmates and one suggests randomizing your choice and committing to that class. I then proceeded to Nnumber all the classes alphabetically, and then used the /random 1 15 command. It turned up to be a 4... guess what the fourth class was? A shadow knight. So my friend says something to the effect of, 'how many times has fate pointed you to an SK?'
>>Since this is mighty long you can take this time to<<
>>take a bathroom break or just blink a few times....<<
Within 5 minutes I had created a Female Dark Elf Shadow Knight and equiped her with some spare chain armour I had from my ranger. I played with her for a whole 3 levels before I got extremely bored! Yes, I know, the first levels are always boring... dont flame me yet. I gave up from boredom (which I learned is immature, when I told someone about my problem) and continued to make a bard (I think this is the 5th one I've made?) 30 Minutes and 1 level later, (yes it takes me that long I don't know why, I hunt in my newbie zone) I suffer from another fit of ennui and I come to you now...
If you think you can help me in ANY way, please post. The only thing I wont be open to are comments telling me to quit EQ, I might quit my characters often, but the thought of quitting EQ is depressing. Nevertheless, I need someone else's help because I cannot seem to do it myself.
>>Commence Posting, Flaming, and Advice Giving...<<

(PS. Thanks seperately just for reading that whole thing!)
#2 Jan 04 2004 at 6:04 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Okay I didn't read all that but I gather you're having a hard time getting through the first few levels.

Start a character on Test. Type /testbuff. This makes your character level 24 and gives him/her some level appropriate gear.

If that doesn't help, then I really think you don't have the attention span to play this game. That's not a terrible thing, just find a faster paced game and be happy.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#3Anonymous, Posted: Jan 04 2004 at 6:27 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) SamiraX makes good examples of the kind of help I'm not looking for, he says something already stated above and mentions quitting EQ, which is not an option im giving myself.
#4Anonymous, Posted: Jan 04 2004 at 6:30 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Oh, and btw, i've implied that EQ itself is fun, i just can't decide on a class to get the full experience. Just think about it, if i really didnt like EQ would i really try this hard to find my class?
#5 Jan 04 2004 at 6:49 PM Rating: Good
170 posts
Have you tried all the races too? Perhaps you're bored with the hunting grounds you've been on. Some of the newer races have better quests than others. For example, the Vah Shir have a lot of quests available in their home city of Shar Vahl that can be rather interesting.

Do you have LDoN? You mentioned doing some "adventures" on the Test server but I'm not sure if you meant LDoN adventures or something else. For a lot of people LDoN has revolutionized their EQ experience.

Do you prefer to solo or group? Have you done exclusively one or the other? Good soloing classes are supposedly Necros and Druids, and Beastlords are up there too, if you would rather not play a pure caster. If you prefer grouping, and like to have people depend on you, play a cleric or an enchanter...people are always looking for them, especially in LDoN adventures. Knowing that you are a valued commodity can definitely help alleviate boredom, I would think.

I don't think you should stick to one class anyway, most people I know have several that they enjoy playing. When one gets boring, switch to another and then play until that gets boring, then switch back. Have you tried playing the tradeskill game? I know someone who only levels up so that she can survive better when finding items to do tradeskilling with.

I'm not surprised that you discounted SamiraX's advice, since like you said it appears like she (sorry) didn't really read your post. However, if you really have tried every class and still get bored, then I don't know if there is another solution, at least until you can quantify what it is that bores you about the game.

Game on,

The Oneiromancer

Edited, Sun Jan 4 20:46:49 2004 by Oneiromancer
#6 Jan 04 2004 at 6:54 PM Rating: Good
I have a Ranger, if you are having a hard time at level 15 create somthing else, rangers only get harder and harder to play, and are extremely gear dependant. I found my Pally boring but I still took one to level 32 just to give him a fair chance. Same goes for my level 32 druid. After the Pally, I still wanted to fill the tank role so I create a warrior, and I am enjoying him. I would say you should give each/any/all classes more of a chance. I now have a 46 ranger, 45 Shaman, 38 Warrior, 32 Druid, 32 Paly, and a 14 Necro. I haven't made my mind up aboout the necro, I seem to like to fight my own battles. My 2cp.
#7Anonymous, Posted: Jan 04 2004 at 7:45 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I've tried 2 or 3 races for each class except for cleric and Shaman. If you're patient enough to read this ill try to make a list:
#8 Jan 04 2004 at 8:02 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Ignore samira at your own Peril. SHE knows more about everquest then the vast majroity of people who post here with maybe 2 or three exceptions. If the first couple levels of any character are boreing you, then aside from having the patience of a stillborn gnat, you obviously don't have the right mindset to play this game. It's never going to get faster. Might I reccommend that you try Half life 2 when it comes out?
#9 Jan 04 2004 at 8:03 PM Rating: Good
The unfortunate and misleading thing about rangers is they are made out to be archers and in actuallity it is only in the very high end of the game that this is true. Anyway, try a shaman, you will experience a more social part of the game, keep in mind also that everybody these days are simply racing through the levels thaT YOU ARE MOSTLY PLAYING THUS LEAVING YOU ALL ALONE. (Sorry Caps lock + lazy) Anyway, the first real grouping opportunity takes place at about level 15 in Paludal Caverns. take you Ranger there and see how you like it... Get into a guild and once you are into your 20's and 30's you will have more people to play with. I 2box all the time and I PL'd my Warrior from level 1-25 in about 8 hours playing time. All in Paludal Caverns, started there at level 1 in the back side. When a toon hits 25 the PC ride is over and the xp starts to slow down. it took me probably about another 10 hours to go from 25-35. Then the XP really slows down, the last 10 hours was spent getting my warrior to 38 from 35. Anyway, this creates a log jam in the high 30's and early 40's. This is where you want to get to, then you will see all the grouping, cooperation, and what the game is really all about. I know nothing first hand of the high end of the game, but I know someday my ranger will have a 2000 pt bow shot. Thats my goal.
#10 Jan 04 2004 at 8:50 PM Rating: Good
1,257 posts
Ignore samira at your own Peril. SHE knows more about everquest then the vast majroity of people who post here with maybe 2 or three exceptions.

I have to go with that, no question.

But it seems to me you are just not looking about eq the right way, its not some shoot em up get rich and leveled fast game, yes I know you've put the time in, But the point is its a game of discovery. I have met people in game often like yourself every day popping up with some new uber character ... they quit within a short while, ohh and dont get me wrong they are great people most of them. But despite what all the web sites tell you thats not what makes it work.

Ok I rolled my very first char and stuck with her, good bad or indifferent thats what she is, like it or lump it, wending her way through norath.

If you feel that badly about your time do one of two things, take Shamiras advice and experiment on test - or take a few dice and roll them, for class and race. Then stick with it till 30 come hell or high water. Do your quests, dont twink your char, ignore all the uber ***** floating around. Just play the old game the way it was intended - for fun.

Then decide.

Just my 2cp

Good luck

9. ..... You may not buy, sell or auction (or host or facilitate the ability to allow others to buy, sell or auction)any Game characters, items, coin or copyrighted material.

#11 Jan 04 2004 at 9:25 PM Rating: Default
Ive had the same exact problem... For such a long period of time I would get to a certain point in the game and decide to create a new char ( then hesitation begins ) after that gets over then I start the new char and lvl it up to a certain point and then make a new char :/ I hate not being able to stick with one char, it really makes me mad. But then one day I decided im sick of this crap and I started a warrior and stuck with him no matter what and got to a fairly high lvl ( 50's ) then the same thing happened to me, *SIGH* I dont know what to say, JUST MAKE UP UR MIND AND STICK WITH THAT CHAR NO MATTER WHAT, DONT LET ANYTHING TELL YOU OTHERWISE, DO IT!!!
#12 Jan 04 2004 at 9:45 PM Rating: Good
331 posts
Seriously, the only way you're going to get through this is some willpower. I had the problem you have, but it didn't last anywhere near as long once I fell into the game, learning some money making techniques and killing techniques. This is just a rewording of what has been said, but maybe it'll stick this way. Most classes do not shine for a long time, and getting to that point is the only way you will stay with a character. Choose whatever sounds interesting to you at the moment, and refuse to quit. What was that? You're bored? No one cares. Level.
#13Anonymous, Posted: Jan 04 2004 at 11:27 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Excuse me? may i ask where you read between the lines and thought that i think Eq is a shoot em up get rich and level fast game? It's obvious that i've found out it's not otherwise I wouldn't be making this post. I'm not new to mmorpgs in any way, im not a stranger to spending long hours grinding exp either, i don't ask for you guys to judge me, i ask for help.
#14Anonymous, Posted: Jan 04 2004 at 11:46 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) By saying
#15 Jan 05 2004 at 12:47 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
besides through reading my posts you've learned i dont like exp grinding

Then this really isn't the right game for you. I don't say this to flame, but it does NOT get any faster as you go, no matter what you think now - /testbuff jump notwithstanding, you cannot seriously be comparing that to really leveling a character.

I think you know the only way to stick with a character is to do just that - stick with it, accept that it will be boring sometimes and plug away. The fun is in the process, not the end result, because as of right now there IS no end result. We're all still developing our characters.

Maybe it would be easier if you play on Firiona Vie, where you can only have one character at a time. No guarantees but it's possible.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#16 Jan 05 2004 at 1:43 AM Rating: Excellent
295 posts
Permanent Newbie Syndrome isn't really something most of us are unfamiliar with, a number of my friends have had it. Inevitably, we just get them to go with a single character they can stand for a bit, get into consistent groups so that the groups themselves can stave off boredom, and level them up - and -then- once they're high level, they start a LEGION of twinks to play with. In the meantime, go with a bard. Based on the criteria you listed and the roadblocks you ran into, it's about the only thing I can get to fit. Also, you seemed to really favor variety, which bards get in spades. Pretty much the higher they get, the more interesting they can become if you're willing to put some effort into it.

Other than that, I recommend just looking at spell lists or discussion boards for the mid-to-high level members of classes, and seeing if anything appeals to you. Having something to shoot for in player a character might be a strong incentive for you to avoid dumping them when you hit the slow parts.
#17 Jan 05 2004 at 3:28 AM Rating: Excellent
3,166 posts
You've got a pretty serious problem.

One of the issues is that there is not that much differentiating the classes at the levels you are playing to. A Ranger is not that different from a Warrior at 17 in terms of combat ability (Tracking makes a big difference in non-combat). An Enchanter is not that much different from playing a Wizard if you don't get either to level 10.

So what you are "trying" is not a real test. It is like trying the difference between a Ferrari and a sub-compact by driving both at 10 mph. There is a difference but it is not the relevant one.

The /testbuff is probably even worse for a new player in that it has no element of learning.

You are determined to have fun and not quit EQ. These may be mutually exclusive objectives defined in your terms. There are good times and bad times in EQ. Levels or groups of levels where you really don't do anything except grind exp to get to the next stage. If you don't want to grind exp then you are in the wrong game. Sometimes there is just no option. I don't enjoy it myself and so I tend to get stuck on levels and left behind by people I played with.

LDoN has introduced a much faster-paced way of levelling with "adventures" and may offer you a way out. It does require that you have the gumption to stick with a character up to 20 in order to do it.

The game does NOT "get faster" as you level - quite the reverse since the experience curve is exponential. It will take much longer to get from 40 to 41 than from 20 to 21. What does happen is that your character gains in power with new spells and abilities and becomes more specialised and - if you chose well - more interesting to play. Levelling is certainly not faster. My cleric has been the same level for the "long period" Smiley: smile of 3 months you have been playing (mostly because I'm playing my ranger). Where you can go on an LDON dungeon at 25 and see most of a level in exp that will slow to less than half a level by 35 and perhaps around 10% at 60.

The other thing that happens at higher levels is access to content. There are lots of things in the game and some of them are only accessible at higher levels. Some of them not even then without membership of a raiding guild.

Your Shadowknight experience really does make me doubt that you are temperamentally suited for EQ. If I start a new character on a new server (so no twinking or help) then those newbie levels still go pretty quickly. I don't actually find them boring (unless I have to do them over and over repeatedly - Discord :p). You have nothing to lose you can go anywhere and tackle anything secure in the knowledge that you end up back home with your gear on. Some of my best experiences in EQ are memories of those levels and the friends I met back then.

Seriously it seems you are finding the fundamental mechanics and concept of EQ boring. To keep tortoising yourself is pointless. I don't know why you find the idea of quitting "depressing" if all you get from the game is boredom. I can still walk around zones and marvel at the scenery.

There is no magic formula to make you enjoy a character. No "tip" someone can give you to suddenly make it worth levelling to 10 and beyond. At 17 that ranger should be laying waste to bandits in Paludal Caverns. That is probably the fastest paced experience in the whole game. There are a lot of idiots in there but nobody could call it slow. A level an hour is not unheard of in a decent group. If you are doing this and still find it "boring" then there is quite literally no hope for you. (Annoying - yes, boring - no).

And there are other aspects to EQ that sound equally unsuited to your temperament. Quests and tradeskilling for example. Both take large amounts of time and pp and often repetitive actions that most people find boring. They persevere because the end result is - in their opinion - worthwhile.

The only possible advice, already given several times but apparently not to your liking, is to stick with a character long enough to see the differences. Take that ranger to 30 where they get some nice spells. Continually restarting is actually eroding your enjoyment more by forcing you to do the same thing over and over.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#18 Jan 05 2004 at 6:52 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
I was trying to be nice, but it is quite obvious from your most recent posts that you are a complete and total ******* ******. Might I be so kind as to suggest you do us all a favor and get mommy to help you play "fetch the quarter" out in the nearest freeway again? I can't think of any other explanation besides Buick-induced head trauma for your obvious lack of mental capacity and **** poor flame technique.

Anyone want this one? it's a green con.
#19 Jan 05 2004 at 11:24 AM Rating: Good
3,212 posts
Troll post? Don't really think so.
/em Jonwin waves hand in mysterious pattern. This is not the game you are looking for. Move along.

The only reason you should stay and play the game is becoming invested in a character, or because you like talking to people in game. The chat server is for you. Not this forum, not the gameplay.

#20 Jan 05 2004 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
1,907 posts
What, no Froggy-there you go! Smiley: clap It's not easy being green.
#21 Jan 05 2004 at 5:20 PM Rating: Default
I like you hade same Poblem Deleting and making new chars/remaking the same char.. Then i tried this.
I made only 2 chars got them to 12-15 then made a few new ones.. tring to play just one to about lvl 12 if i liked it i would keep it and so on.. Now i still play more then one char in a week enchanter, Bard, and a druid.. it dose cost me abit more to uphold 3 main chars but i have fun.
#22 Jan 05 2004 at 11:14 PM Rating: Default
One big misunderstanding is that by "faster," I mean faster-paced, not faster leveling. When I say I'm trying to find the "best" class, I mean the best one for me, i know there is no "best" class, i know the leveling gets longer every level.

I liked Sam's idea of playing on VF, I thought about it but have yet to try. I like Tehom's diagnosis of me =) i think its the most apt description and he adds an idea about how you guide your friends/guildies through their leveling; I wish i could find some ppl willing to do that for me.

lols Kaolian, you insult me and call me names and you call that being nice? i'd hate to see you be mean =) i didnt mean to offend you, and i'm sorry if i did, don't let your oversensitivity get the best of ya.

Oh and can i ask why ppl really post things like Jonwin? Is it just to try and make me mad or is there some logic behind them. what ever it is i dont appreciate it, you gave no advice at all please dont post if you just have bad things to say about me =(

Here's another thing i havent explained, ill try my best to make an anology... (mine can be pretty bad so bear with me)
Have you ever woken up one day to your alarm and you feel so tird and you don't know why? you went to bed earlier than usual and you had a good nights sleep, but no matter how hard you try you cant seem to get yourself up until some1 comes in or you hit snooze 3 or 4 times. Imagine this happen frequently, every morning even... You'd go to a doctor or a friend and ask them for help and all they can answer with is just "wake up, get up, and get goin." This leads to the cliche "that's easy for you to say.' It seems there's nothing i can do, that there's something i want to reach but it's impossible for me to get it.
I know i have to get up in the morning, and sometimes (rarely =)i want to get up, but it feels like i cannot for some unknown reason

You have to realized i know that getting to level 10 is barely even considered a side-shuffle towards the general direction of exploring my character. My problem is getting up in the morning, not getting through the day.

Like i said my analogies suck, and i tend to make a lot of them, if you could get anything outta that plz post =))) thx again

those newbie levels still go pretty quickly. I don't actually find them boring (unless I have to do them over and over repeatedly - Discord :p).

I guess because you have a lot more experience than me you can level faster than i can, or maybe im using to relative of words, so that what im experiencing is actually fast leveling in EQ, but like i said above its not really the EXP grind that gets me. The other thing you said is that you dont find it boring unless you have to do them over and over repeatedly... guess what I'm doing... =))

btw again i really didnt mean to offend you Kaolian and Jonwin, but at least Samira came back with a mature response, that's more than you guys can say =( but what would save us all is that if you dont like me, if you dispise me, if you think i should kill myself, dont post, would you want some1 posting on a forum to help you about how they dislike you, dispise you and want you dead? =)
#23 Jan 05 2004 at 11:16 PM Rating: Decent
You've got a pretty serious problem.

yuppers i admit it (sry for dbl post eek)
#24 Jan 05 2004 at 11:27 PM Rating: Default
Kaolian, look at my posts, then look at yours, you may have 6500 of them but they are extremely short and do nothing but call me names...

having the patience of a stillborn gnat

you are a complete and total @#%^ing ******.

your obvious lack of mental capacity

and insult my "flaming technique"...

**** poor flame technique

again Kaolian, look at your flaming, consists of name calling and ways to kill myself--then look at mine, points to actually back up what im talking about and reasonable examples, lists, case studies, analogies and kudos-giving...

you are telling me my flaming technique sucks and that yours is better??
#25 Jan 05 2004 at 11:47 PM Rating: Default
I just found out you can become a member of alla for free, so i made an account so you can actually call me by a name =)

PS. I'm not sure what Jonwin meant by Troll post, it wasn't in the troll section of anything, just in the first page in the Main EQ Forum, if its some EQ joke plz tell me =))
#26 Jan 06 2004 at 12:49 AM Rating: Good
170 posts
One definition of trolling a message board is when you intentionally post something that you know people are going to disagree with. Kind of like "flame-bait". At least that's how I define it, it's probably close enough to other definitions.

When I started playing EQ again, on a new server, the best thing about it was that a friend of mine duoed with me almost the entire way. He gave me lots of tips I hadn't had before, he gave me some stuff (so I was twinked a little, but not a huge amount), and since we were playing together we died less often. In fact, since he was playing a cleric, that character has never died when grouped with him. Of course, I have gone off on my own several times, and am now level 40 while he is level 33 (so we can still LDoN together), since he has two level 65 characters he plays when I'm not on. And I have one other main alt of my own that I play on occasion.

To me, if I'm in a good group of people--which actually is over 90% of the pickup groups I've been in, I guess I'm just lucky--any class I'm playing is fun. When I first started playing (before I joined my friend) I never grouped at all, I played the Lone Ranger (literally), exploring the vast world and dying a lot. Occasionally I would get in a pickup group in Crushbone or Paludal but I was pretty timid about it, worrying too much about ******** up. Now I know that people who've been playing the game for years still sometimes can learn something. Anyway, all I can say is that now I really frown on grouping. If I see a friend of mine on, and she's farming spider silk in Feerrott, I'll log my Ranger on and track for her. The only benefit I get is the companionship. And I'm having fun, of course. When I stop having fun, I'll stop playing.

Let's see, perhaps I should get back the the main topic a bit. Everquest is all about goals. Let's take my Beastlord as an example. As you might remember, hybrids get their spells at levels 9, 15, 22, 30, 39, 49, and then every level after that (and there are some little ones in the middle). Well, for a Beastlord, each of the spell levels gives you a stronger pet, a new elemental proc pet buff, and several new spells usually from the Shaman spell list. Nearly every time you get a new spell level, your combat strategy changes. Especially because just before you get the spell level, your pet is really weak. (Realistically, I would say in the medium levels Beastlords are only good soloers right after getting a new spell level...after that the pet is pretty weak compared to the mobs you are fighting that it needs you there beside it, so you should be in a group. But that's just my opinion.) So when you get your new spells and for a few levels after that, the class is really fun again. But when you have a 10-level gulf ahead of you (like I do now that I'm at level 40) it can start to get boring. (Of course I get to look forward to a nifty spell at level 44: Spiritual Light. Finally, something that people really want, and it's exclusive to Beastlords!) When it gets boring, I go play one of my other characters. But I won't be deleting my Beastlord ever, I believe, even if I think I'll always be bored--because I won't, eventually I would come back to her and I'll have fun again because it will have been so long that it will seem new. Every time I switch to my Ranger for a while I am so happy I get Snare and Damage Shields (level 31 now, so I can cast 8 points of DS on the tanks, which makes a big difference over time).

Anyway, those are my rambling thoughts that probably don't answer anything at all. I probably should just use the Allakhazam journal instead.

Out of curiosity, is your screen name "Mayene" from the Robert Jordan books, or something totally unrelated?

Game on,

The Oneiromancer
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