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#27 Jan 06 2004 at 5:48 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
I guess because you have a lot more experience than me you can level faster than i can, or maybe im using to relative of words, so that what im experiencing is actually fast leveling in EQ, but like i said above its not really the EXP grind that gets me.

I'm not going to pretend that experience doesn't make a difference but it is a lot easier now than it used to be. I can remember a friend losing his corpse at level 4 and being very upset about it.

What worries me is exactly the point of relativity. If you are finding what happens in those levels to be too "slow" for you then you will not find it changes for the better.

Certainly once you have a decent amount of levels under your belt your options open up enormously and you have more places to visit. But EQ is full off both innovative and sloppy design. You could well wonder what the difference is between the level 30 orcs you meet in Eastern Wastes and the level 8 ones you fought in Crushbone apart from a change of tint. Or how the bugs you fought in paludal caverns at 8 differ from the ones you fight at 58 in Plane of Disease. On the other hand some things are truly breathtaking (the first time at least). There is nothing like your first dragon kill.

But rather like life the "highs" are spread out and separated by periods of relatively mundane activity. From the way you are posting I really think that your solution is to get a character into LDoN and that should take care of any concerns about "pace".

The other thing you said is that you dont find it boring unless you have to do them over and over repeatedly... guess what I'm doing... =))

Exactly so STOP doing it. When you try a Paladin to 3 and then an SK to 3 and then a WAR and a Ranger and a Rogue you have not tried 5 different classes. There is absolutely no difference between all these melee who start naked with a short sword.

Pick a race you have some empathy with. Don't just look at who gets the best stats or skills. If you don't feel like a halfling (for example) then no amount of exp bonus or innate sneaking ability is going to make it an enjoyable experience.

I would recommend picking one with a full range of newbie armour quests. This gives you a proper objective during those first few levels. To give you an example I started a Half-elf Paladin in Greater Faydark. It is an easy zone with plenty of sensibly matched mobs and a good newbie "dungeon" nearby in Crushbone. I worked at it until I had my whole suit of armour. By then I was 10 and had accumulated enough cash from selling spider silks etc to buy some reasonable weapons for my level.

Use the resources here both the site and the forums to get information. Also don't be discouraged if other people out-level you. They may have help or knowledge or take short-cuts. Do watch out for quests that will help you level. If you take the suggestion of Greater Faydark then the Crushbone Belt handin is a useful way to make experience and a bit of cash.

When all is said and done if there are no signs of physical debility then "Wake Up" may be all the doctor can say.

Wherever I go - there I am.
#28 Jan 06 2004 at 6:13 AM Rating: Decent
25 posts
I have had the same problem in the past as yourself. Often i would get bored with my own futility in finding my *path* and would give up the game for a few weeks or so.

Everquest holds many adventures, places to go, quests to take on, and people to meet. I love all of these things but could not place myself into a finely tuned nitch.


I envisioned my character as the best of all characters not one class. Games like morrowind in which my character had access to all spells and spell creation, and all skills, and all abilities, felt more akin to what i wanted to play.

Everquest as we both, i believe, have come to know is a limiting game when it comes to our sense of what a *great* character is.

Even knowing that, and being out of the game for a little over a year now, i feel a pull for the places unseen, the battles not yet fought, along side friends not yet met.

Not so much as advice to yourself as advice that i had to learn to give myself: In everquest, i have to find the best of *myself* to play. I have always loved spellcasters so i began my thoughts there. I wanted to play a character who could be self-sufficient and yet make their mark in a group when they were wanted. That took out wizard because of their keen ability to get hit (I had not learned to truly play a wizard at that point, but now i love them). It also took out enchanter... i like tradeskills, in fact I find tradeskills fun, but the spells they recieved were not *my kind of spells, which blow things up. So i had either mage or necro. For the first two years i played eq, i would not touch an evil character because i always thought of myself as a *good* guy. Oddly enough, an old story i had written during my D&D days was about a character whose family died to the undead and their necromantic master... the character became a necro to fight necros. I now have 3 such characters... characters which hold significance to me because i gave them a story, a history, a birth. A Wizard, a Cleric, and the Necromancer.

They are all gone from the servers now due to not having an active account in so long, but i look forward to bringing them to life again.

If you find that you have a kinship with a favorite character from a book or a personal story, that can sometimes help you narrow down what you would like to play. My first favorite character will always be Raistlin Majere of Dragonlance by Margeret Wise and Tracy Hickman (included here for copyright reasons hehe), a powerful spellcaster of God-like proportions who was split by both a good and selfish heart.

This isn't meant as a do this or don't, but as a guide... a great teacher can often be the one who simply sets you on the path instead of just giving you the answers you seek.

Not that i'm perfect LOL

I wish you well in your search,
I hope you find your place in everquest.

Quote:"A Brave Man likes the feel of nature on his face, but a Wise Man knows when to get out of the rain". Big Trouble in Little China
#29 Jan 06 2004 at 7:06 AM Rating: Decent
221 posts
Ouch Smiley: jawdrop.

#30 Jan 06 2004 at 6:59 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Anonymous wrote:
Kaolian, look at my posts, then look at yours, you may have 6500 of them but they are extremely short and do nothing but call me names...

I'll go ahead and assume you have not actually read all 6500 of my posts and are making a generalization based on the 3 or 4 posts currently on the front page in the gen EQ forum, and therefore don't have a ******* clue about my general posting style. I can assure you that i did not write 6500 posts all devoted to calling you names.

having the patience of a stillborn gnat (I thought this one was appropriate)

you are a complete and total @#%^ing ******. (all too true)

your obvious lack of mental capacity (what, it's true!)

and insult my "flaming technique"...

**** poor flame technique (Or lack therof...)

again Kaolian, look at your flaming, consists of highly accurate name calling and helpful ways to kill myself--then look at mine, points to actually refute what im talking about and unreasonable examples, made up lists, non existant case studies, ******** analogies and kudos-giving...

you are telling me my flaming technique sucks and that yours is better??

Yes. I'm saying exactly that. I have in point of fact met rocks with a higher degree of posting skills than you now posess.

You want statistics and case studies? fine. According to research conducted by norrathian scrolls, you have yet to ever make it into the level where percentilewise 80.7% of all other players in the entire game.

According to similar studies, you should be playing a woodelf Druid, and are most likely a 12 year old latent homosexual.

You want a reasonable example? Fine. Lets say you pick a class an stick with it, grinding to the higher levels (unlikely givin you aforementioned gnat like attention span, but whatever). Should this come to pass, you will turn into yet another bitter, underequipped character who can't be bothered to learn game mechanics, who's constant grating whining and matching poor play style will get people killed in large numbers, until your reputation lies in tatters and people refuse to interact with you. Eventually, you will get pissed off, sell your account and let an even worse completely clueless ebayer into the game. We've all seen it before. It's always some stupid ******* that thinks that just because thier friends all like everquest, that they can somehow force themselves to play it even though they can't get past the first few levels without dying of boredom. Do us all a favor and get out before you get to that point.

When you have 7 or 8 people, including at least one TIME CAPABLE player telling you that you are not suited for this game, then gee, maybe you should try actually listening to them? At this point, myself and probably most of the others here have written you off as a lost cause.

Bottom line, you are in denial. Get over it and go find something else to do so you quit wasteing our time.

Estimated time until crappy newbie flame reply: 00:00:31...
#31 Jan 06 2004 at 11:07 AM Rating: Excellent
426 posts
I wasn't going to add anything to this - but. I really think this person (don't know if male or female) must be very lonely nad needs to grab attention at all costs. So, we can do one of two things. First; we can stop answering his incessant,and repititious whining, or Second; we can keep feeding his insecurity by continuing to argue with him. He obviously allready knows all the answers - hterfire he will disagree with whatever advice anyone has to give him.

By way of hijackin the post - to the poster who said thier characters are probably all gone due to the long time that they had been away from the server - not necessarily so. My wife hd not renewed her account for allmost 2 years when she talked me into playing and all of her characters were still there. Some of them were missing all items,etc., but they were still right were she had camped them the last time she had played the game. So - resubscribe and go take a look - your group of evils fighting evil amy still be there waiting for you to come back and take up the battle once more.

#32 Jan 06 2004 at 11:22 AM Rating: Default
Hmm, I'm going to ignore a lot of posts here and just give a bit based on my experience. Aside from a breif break I took to beta test and play the recently dissapointing Shadowbane, I have been playing this game since beta, and in all this time I have two characters above level 12, a level 48 enchantress (tallon zek) and a level 39 bard (on sullon).

It took me a long time to find the characters I wanted to play, but now that I have them I have an absolute blast with them. Notice that I say I've been playing since beta, and yet none of my characters above 12 are on any of the original game servers. I played this game for (IIRC) over a year, just starting newbie characters over and over again, not having a clue what to do, before the Tallon Zek server came out and I actually started leveling. I started that server brand new with a lot of other people and the only reason I am still playing it today is because I made a lot of friends there.

Now you may not be as social as me, but always having someone around to help me out, or give me suggestions about where to level or what to do was wonderful. (The PvP helped too if you're at all interested in that. It gives you something else to do aside from the grind, and it's much more interesting and challenging IMHO). It's hard when you're not starting on a brand new server, but someone is always starting new in a game this big, find some friends.

I could be completely off, and it could very well be that people are correct in saying that this just isn't the game for you. If it's not holding you're interest, why not take up interest in another game and make it easy on yourself anyway? But I thought maybe my personal experience might have some chance of an impact. Anyway, just give it a thought, and good luck.

(PS, Sony sucks at creating PvP servers, if you want to play, either take Sullon Zek with it's experience bonus and hard-coded teams, even though it is highly underpopulated these days, or go to Rallos. Tallon and Vallon have gone to hell, if you'll excuse the language. But what can I say, I have some good friends there ;) Good luck again.)

#33 Jan 06 2004 at 12:37 PM Rating: Good
3,212 posts
Have you ever had a reference made to you and the DSM 3-R or DSM IV?
A troll post is a post made by one who whishes to stir up controversy and inspire aggravation among board posters.
From your early responses to Kaolin and especially Samira I made my decision to post as I did.
Why do you keep creating and playing characters? I dont think you will ever find one that fits, basing my opinion on all the ones you keep starting over, and so this game is not the game for you. If you like talking to folks in game then there is a chat server.
Good luck in your endevors. If you post a question about gameplay and or items I promise to answer without judgement.I would be more than happy to see you prove me wrong. But remember the old middle eastern proverb. If one person calls you a jackass they are a fool. If two people call you a jackass look to buy a saddle. Youve had at least 3 folks say maybe this game is not for you. You have yet to say exactly why you do want to keep playing and why you find it fun.

Jonwin Cogburn, Winjon Cogburn, Courtin Andidride, Adeste and Jadg. All on Morell-thule.
52, 34, 34, 11 and 7 respectively.
#34 Jan 06 2004 at 8:35 PM Rating: Default
hi yes my name is based on a port city found in Robert Jordan's books (ive only read the first two)
Ive never heard of DSM 3-R or DSM IV nor have i had a reference made to me with them.
Im glad kaolian finally gave me a piece of advice, about being a druid =)
though i dont see how im wasting your time kaolian, when you are the one posting for yourself, im only asking for help, if you dont like what im doing dont post =)
if i was "trolling" i wouldnt have mentioned this exact statement 2 or 3 times before, plz dont post if you're not gonna help.

The other thing you said is that you dont find it boring unless you have to do them over and over repeatedly... guess what I'm doing... =))

Exactly so STOP doing it.

Sorry my analogy was so stinky, i tried to explain it in there and i cant think of another way... Saying to stop doing it isnt enough ya know? i cant stop

i feel sad thinking you guys put me up as the bad-guy i was just ignoring Shamira's advice, its my right, i'm the one asking for help aren't i?
oh and you guys kinda put me in a tight spot... if i ignore your guys' posts then you'll say im in denial, if i respond to them you'll say im trying to start fights... it seems like all you guys want to do is prove me wrong, again we could avoid all this if those who are posting negative posts ( i dont mean posts with constructive criticism, theres a difference) just simply dont post that way we dont have to get into this mess..

may i ask what the Allakhazam journal is?

oh and i dunno if you didnt see it up above but i dont mean 'faster' as in leveling Cobra, i mean as in new access to spells areas and abilities. being able to have a full 8 spells at your disposal makes a battle more interesting than when you have just your dagger at the start. see what i mean?

If it's not holding you're interest, why not take up interest in another game and make it easy on yourself anyway?

remember the game IS holding my interest, otherwise i wouldnt be playing it, it IS fun for me, but i just want to choose one class... i will keep making new chars because i do have fun, but i just want to be able to stick with one class...

So for Jonwin's final question... what interests me i guess is something unexplainable, its just the whole game and its atmosphere i dunno how to explain it sry, and for what bores me, i'm not quite sure myself either, if you find out plz tell me.

just think of it as a scale, if the fun of EQ was weighted down by my boredom, i wouldnt play, it wouldnt offer me any reinforcement of any kinds, so in my case the boredom and fun must be equal or the fun must be greater or i wouldnt be here talking to you now.

i could walk out of this chat room without learning anything and id still have fun with EQ, id just still be stuck class flopping. if i pay monthly to play and have fun doing it i dont think it gives you the right to tell me to take a hike...
#35 Jan 06 2004 at 9:17 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
Mayene. I think the reason you got such a negative initial response is because your post was pretty much impossible to address seriously. That and you were posting anon (which you have corrected and will help a ton). Oh. And the caps on the first words in each paragraph didn't help.

Let me expand on the first point a bit with an analogy at least as bad as yours :)

Imagine someone posts on a car web site. He says that he's finding it impossible to change a flat tire on his car. It's been sitting in the driveway of his house for 3 months, and he's tried and tried and tried, but just can't get that spare hooked up. He's read the instructions. He's got the jack and the spare. He's got the lugwrench. He then goes into a long and copious description of how he's jacked up the car, removed the lugnuts from the flat tire, but for some reason it wont come off. He's looked everywhere and there's nothing keeping it on, but for some reason, no matter what he does, he just can't get that tire to come off. Oh. And before anyone says anything. Yes. He's got the car up high enough so that the tire isn't touching the ground. Also. He absolutely doesn't want to call a tow truck becuase he wants to figure it out for himself.

See. What exactly are people supposed to say? Nothing. There is nothing you can tell that person that will help them. If you start your post insisting that you've tried everything, but nothing you do works, and you list off everything that can possibly be done, there kinda isn't any advice anyone can give you. The only thing you can say is: "Well. It should come off. If it doesn't, you're either doing something wrong, or you're just not capable of changing a tire".

Same conclusion here. You really do need to just pick a character and play it. Saying "But I can't do it", doesn't help. As several other people have stated: If you can't stick with one character long enough to level even to 10, then EQ probably isn't the game for you to play. You either need to decide that you will stick it out with one character and "get into the game", or you need to move on to something else. While you insist that EQ has your interest, you wouldn't have posted if you weren't at least a bit unhappy with your inability to advance in the game.

We're not saying this to be mean. We're well aware of PNS (perpetual newbie syndrom). It happens to many players. However, there comes a time when you either get past your PNS, or you move on to another game. All we're saying is that the very fact that you're posting this means that you are at that point of having to choose. The *only* advice anyone can give you is that you need to just pick a single character and play it. Don't stop if you think it's boring. And whatever you do, don't start another character. Either play one character, or play something else. That's the only way you will ever break free of your PNS. It's possible that you might very well discover that you really like the aspects of EQ that you haven't yet experienced. However, you'll never get there if you keep building new characters over and over. It's also possible that you might realize that you really hate the exp grind that makes up most of EQ. If that's the case, you're really better off figuring that out now and moving on to a different game that will hold your interest more.

There's no magic secret. You really do just have to "do it". You have to understand that EQ is about doing all the things you are not doing right now. If you can't do it, then move on. You will never be satisfied just endlessly playing characters for a few levels over and over (ok, you might, but I'm guessing not). I'll say it again: Just pick one character and play it. If you can't do that, or you don't ejoy doing that, then play a different game. It really is that simple.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#36 Jan 06 2004 at 9:33 PM Rating: Good
Try Unreal Tournament, you will be much better suited there.
#37 Jan 07 2004 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
421 posts
Bard... level 5
Beastlord... Level 11
Shadow Knight... Level 12
Druid (Karana Follower)... Level 31
Durid (Tunare Follower)... Level 30
Warrior... Level 42

The 2nd Druid were PL'ed up that high so he could get his Specialty's so that immbueing would be faster. Tempted to PL them up to 46 for KEI. The Warrior was made to play with a friend so I didnt PL him to my level.

Enchanter Level 65 44 aaxp <--- was started just to enchant metal for Jewelery. At level 12 I was invited to a guild and was taought the meaning of mezz, I was shown the purpose/power behind an Enchanter. I single handidly hold back 4-6 mobs while the other 5 people in the group try to deal with 1.

/e beats on her cheast like an ape

I had no clue, and that 1st druid was level 20 already.

You have mentioned

when you are lvl 1 and you have to melee everymob in your newbie zone

Not really, there is a thing we call groups. You find others that are of similar levels and you tackle a mob together. A wizard stabing with a dagger is gonna take a LONG time to kill something (yes I remebr soloing at those low levels. Gave up on root as a totally useless spell till level 50 becasue of it =D )

Good luck on finding one that works for you. I have no advice becasue every class sucks now that I have had the rush of Crowd control.
#38 Jan 07 2004 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
He mentioned having "guildies" in the OP so I guess the socialisation aspect is not a total mystery. He is aware of not having to solo perpetually.

Saying to stop doing it isnt enough ya know? i cant stop

As a reminder what we were talking about stopping was the continual re-rolling. If you are saying that you are unable to stop yourself from continually rerolling than what is the point in asking for help?

I am heavily reminded of a rather wonderful play called "Little Malcolm and his Struggle against the Eunuchs" Back in the 70's I think. It opens with a scene where the main character is trying to get out of bed. He delivers a long monologue on willpower and attempts to use his willpower to get himself out of bed but nothing works. What he is doing of course is using willpower as some kind of magic charm as if just saying or calling upon it will cause action. What he needs to do is actually move but he lays there moaning about willpower.

What I begin to understand from your post is that you like the world that EQ gives you, you find this interesting. This is perfectly understandable, I quite like it myself Smiley: smile.

I have a friend who feels the same way. His levelling is at a snails pace because he sits for hours chatting or goes off to explore places (and then has long CRs). What he has done though is stick with his character throughoout. He is now 38 and still enjoying the game.

The point that I was making is that you are not experiencing anything different by continually rerolling. Those first few levels are so similar for almost all classes that it is no wonder you are getting bored because you are doing essentially the same thing over and over and over. So stop creating new characters because it is causing the boredom.

You have to break that cycle.

The first step is to decide what you like about the game and go with it. Then play it that way. But tell yourself you will not create another character until the current one is 20. Nobody can supply you with the gumption to do this, it has to come from within. Noone can sit at your elbow and stop you hitting Create Character. It is down to you.

oh and i dunno if you didnt see it up above but i dont mean 'faster' as in leveling Cobra, i mean as in new access to spells areas and abilities. being able to have a full 8 spells at your disposal makes a battle more interesting than when you have just your dagger at the start. see what i mean?

I am sorry but the way the game is designed these things are the same. You only get new spells every 4 or 5 or 9 levels. If you don't level you don't get new spells. Same with abilities. No amount of hoping is going to make new spells come to you if you do not level. Hence speeding up the rate of getting new spells or abilities is exactly the same as speeding up levelling. New Spells or abilities are a reward for "getting there".

Access to areas is very much the same. Nothing stops you going to other zones but unless you are of an appropriate level or very careful you will die horribly in an out of the way place. Below 10 this is of course irrelevant so go where you will. Nothing is stopping you taking your character to Kael Drakkal and seeing the giants.

Most caster classes get at least 8 spells by level 4 so the point about "having a full spell bar" is a bit lost.

If you are unable to knuckle down and play the game then you can still wander the world of Norrath as a level 1 and enjoy the scenery and the atmosphere, but if you want to see more and actively take part then you have to level your character and only you can do that.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#39 Jan 07 2004 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
Try a Bard.

They get songs every level.

They do a little of everything, melee, charm, mez, dot, etc.

Maybe the problem is a short attention span. or maybe your looking for too much.. its only a game.

I've been playing 4 years and the game consists of taking a toon ( with 1 or 2 strengths and a few glaring weaknesses). You group with others who make up for the weaknesses and you pull endless numbers of moss snakes, griffawns, Saknaks, and gods till you hit level 65. Then you do it all over.

The enjoyment of the game is doing this with strangers, all cooperating unselfishly in a task. Working togather is the appeal. The particular toon is not. Maybe it harkens back to the tribal times or something.

SO pick a toon you don't hate too much and go play with your friends. :)
#40 Jan 07 2004 at 5:04 PM Rating: Default
cobra you still dont understand what i mean by faster, i dont know how else to explain it... but it has nothing to do with leveling at all, im tempted to use the word faster-paced, but you might get the wrong idea again, its just that using spells makes gameplay more exciting, maybe i should just throw out the word 'fast' it seems to mix up too many ppl. do you seriously think that at lvl 60 the game is just as fun as at lvl1? i dont know, since ive never been there, but is it really like that? i highly doubt it...

o and btw you guys keep referring to my lvl 8 and 10 chars, but remember i do have a lvl 18 ranger named archeritica on Bristlebane
#41 Jan 07 2004 at 5:07 PM Rating: Default
sry for double post, i meant to say my ranger is lvl 19 (but still really boring)
#42 Jan 07 2004 at 6:02 PM Rating: Decent
1,257 posts
meant to say my ranger is lvl 19 (but still really boring)

been playing EQ now for 3 months, I play around 45-50 hours a week

Ok i think it's all been said - what intrigues me now - is WHY are you stil playing. How does anybody have the time to devote 45-50 hours a week for THREE months trying to find some fun out of a game. What are you on.

Ohh and if you are geting fun out of it as you are - rolling a new character every night with your PNS - then carry on as you are and forget what anybody else says, or just go find something else.

Ok 45-50 hours a week over 3 months that has to be about 550 hours play time and you are seriously saying you havent found something that keeps you playing - **** thats is seriously sad ****.

So with that play time you are either enyoying what your doing - in which case keep at it, or you are not enjoying what you are doing, in which case I suggest you seek professional help.

Good luck which ever way and safe travels


9. ..... You may not buy, sell or auction (or host or facilitate the ability to allow others to buy, sell or auction)any Game characters, items, coin or copyrighted material.

#43 Jan 07 2004 at 6:50 PM Rating: Decent
OK, so u really aren't having fun? well mabey you should find people to group with, stay with a character longer than 30 mins, or ,i hate to say it, quit. I mean you are obviously not haveing fun! mabey making an uncommon character or experimenting with new people and zones will help. Overall just have fun don't worry about just the right character or the best items, start from scratch and remeber to quest it makes the game more interesting when you have nothing and want to get items but can't afford them and by starting with quests from your guild member is a great place to start because the items are avalible to lowbies by killing in the newbie zone and progressing further as you level.

I know this isn't what u want to hear but,
everyone is trying to help you
and i hope you can enjoy the game as many do
but mabey EverQuest isn't just for you
ikinrezu dwarfen cleric

PS:Lroleplying can make the game more fun to

Edited, Wed Jan 7 19:10:36 2004 by ikinrezu
#44 Jan 10 2004 at 3:04 PM Rating: Default
lol egnar, no im not on any drugs, and my friend used to play 70 hours a week...

There are 168 hours in a week, i spend 42 of them sleeping (6 hours per night) 49 of them at highschool (7 hours per day) and 20 hours/week at my after-school job (the hours vary)... 168-42-49-20= 57 hours left over... to play EQ =) i obviously like EQ enough to make it a priority over doing other things after school, at least in the last 3 months... im just not sure What i like about it.

although i dont see how its sad that i havent found something i like after three months, wouldn't it be sad to havent found it after trying for 3 days??? Spending that amount of time on it dictates patience and integrity not serious mental problems...
though your advice to seek proffesional help is, in a way, expired, since i already have tried and been diagnosed with depression. though this wouldn't have anything to do with making choices or figuring yourself out...

your first post was awesome eggnog i dunno what happened with this last one =\
#45 Jan 10 2004 at 10:10 PM Rating: Decent
4,520 posts you play 50-57 hours a week(/boggle), that would mean that with all your tests over 3 months, THATS ALL YOUVE DONE. seriously, it takes around 5 hours to hit lvl 10 or so. now seeing as how most of those you say you quit after lvl 3-5 it doesnt seem logical that you played that few in 50 hours a week over 3 months. what are you even looking for in a character because the first sentance i dont even want to read with the way you so poorly wrote it. as im writing this i realize why its a good thing to be able to switch classes in FFXI..but thats off topic. EQs a fun game, but you wont have anything to do in the first few lvls except kill mass amounts of the same mobs and doing newbie quests. if you cant play long enough with a character to get to where they start to be different, well, might i suggest ritalin(sp). seriously you can do the same kill the same monsters the first 10 lvls with all the different classes pretty much the same way(with differences slightly like mage classes would fall back from melee a bit and melee would become stronger for melee.
#46 Jan 10 2004 at 10:44 PM Rating: Decent
181 posts
Wow. Fascinating thread.

I won't cast aspersions on Mayene (Good name BTW, but after about book six Jordan starts losing the plot), but will take this opportunity to give my own PNS story.

First character was a human monk, got to level 19.
Second character was Ogre SK (Most unpopular race / level combo), got to level 65 / 320AA. One kill away from Elemental access, and officer / a raid leader in the guild.
Alts - 54 druid, 35 cleric, 21 warrior, 46 monk (killed the human, made lizard, more eveel), 22 chanter.

I think it took me about 2 months to get to level 19 in kunark era with the monk. Then about 2 weeks with the shadow knight.

Something that may be relevant for you Mayene, is that EQ is based around specialist classes, rather than generalist. (Yes, there are generalist classes that can solo very effectively). But the game has a huge social element. Grouping is very much the aim of the developers.

As other posters have pointed out, try to find a character that you identify with. Big, dark, deadly was a fairly accurate description for me (Admittedly chose the Ogre for the racial advantages, rather than roleplay), hence the SK.

One other thing - practice playing your class well. This in itself is a motivation. Strive to be the best.

OK thats my token random rambling.

Be safe

#47 Jan 11 2004 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
cobra you still dont understand what i mean by faster, i dont know how else to explain it... but it has nothing to do with leveling at all, im tempted to use the word faster-paced, but you might get the wrong idea again, its just that using spells makes gameplay more exciting, maybe i should just throw out the word 'fast' it seems to mix up too many ppl.

Evidently true but that can only be because you are incapable of describing it properly. If you want a fast-paced game try Planetside. EQ is not exciting in that way but it is far more satisfying to a certain kind of temperament. You don't seem to have that temperament.

"Using spells makes the game more exciting"

With that statement you at least rule out 3 classes from your list. You have also implied that having new and different spells is more exciting as well. I totally agree. A new spell round is great with new and more powerful spells, sometimes entirely new spell lines opening up. You may think this has nothing to do with levelling but the only way you get to those more exciting spells is by levelling. The incentive for you to level is to get those new spells and abilities. You appear to want to get this without levelling? Please advise how else you mean for spells to be exciting? You obviously don't find casting Burst of Flame repeatedly to be very interesting.

do you seriously think that at lvl 60 the game is just as fun as at lvl1? i dont know, since ive never been there, but is it really like that? i highly doubt it

I am not sure if you are saying you do think the game is more fun at 60 than 1 or that you don't. In some ways it is and in some ways it isn't. You have a much more interesting range of abilities and spells, you can go to many more places, but each level takes far longer and often involves boring grinds. If you are saying "Would I rather be 1 or 60?" then the answer has to be 60.

How about you tell us what you want from the game and then we can say how or if you can get it.

Oh and..

Spending that amount of time on it dictates patience and integrity not serious mental problems...

No rather the opposite if you are not enjoying it it suggests Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder. Certainly has nothing to do with integrity. And as someone else noted if your listing is complete or even half complete and that is all you have achieved with that amount of playing time then you are really not very good at this game you find boring.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#48 Jan 12 2004 at 11:38 PM Rating: Default
it takes around 5 hours to hit lvl 10 or so

you can't have timed it exactly because it takes me around 2 hours just to get to lvl 4 and just under 5 hours to get from lvl 4 to 8, and 2.5 hours more to get to lvl 10 from there. Just around an hour a level and remember if leveled many chars from 1-10 so i know where to go to level and which mobs give the best exp for my level and can get it done faster (10hrs / 10lvls) than when i first tried. You say that's all ive done, but you don't know what ive done not regarding leveling, such as rping, tradeskills or quests.

oh and i posted all of these posts ive made on another site, they were much more helpful and polite abot answering, if this is what most allakhazam posters are like, i'd be glad to leave this place. i just feel sorry for allakhazam having it's reputation tarnished by immature people who are just looking for a fight.

I'm just wondering, can you seriously answer me why you are so negative in your responses? why do you guys choose to insult me instead of help me which is what this post was created for? What is your definition of "Help"? I'd really like to know, im being serious, why are you sending hate-posts instead of trying to help me? please answer this question, because it doesn't make sense to me at all. don't think by being nasty you are helping me
#49 Jan 13 2004 at 12:57 AM Rating: Good
If you are heavily twinked or PL'd you can get to level 25 in about 10 hours. It's a fact. I've done it. That was with a melee, would be harder with a caster, being that they would still have to med. But if you had a Chanter to PL the caster, it probably wouldn't be far off. I took a warrior to PC at level 1. I was at level 7 in just over an hour with my shaman PLing him. I was getting a little over a yellow per kill it was insane. Anyway, if you were not PL'd you would have to add some down time so lets double that. You can get a level an hour pretty easy in PC. Some will be faster, and some slower, but you can do it. Around 15 seems to be the slow levels, thats the end of the back side and the start of the bandit camps.... Anyway, 5 hours is definately within reason for 1-10 for most class/race combos.
#50 Jan 13 2004 at 3:29 AM Rating: Decent
I got you pegged.... not one Troll on your entire list of things you've tried already. And the only troll that can dual wield is a warrior. Soo...

Ooooooga !!!

Welkum to da Basherz. Smak ztufff up !! Give a shout to mez on Tribunal.

Azaza Hakenslazh
65th Season Overlord
Tuatha De Danann
#51 Jan 13 2004 at 9:35 AM Rating: Default
Ok, here are my two coppers,

Change servers and start over. Go to a red Zek server. Leveling is a little harder (watching over your back) but the rush of a pvp fight (for me defensive) cant be beat. You dont twink usually unless you can stand to loose your gear. You relearn the meaning of nodrop.

I started on Rollos and played until i thought i was mad over being pked. Then switch to a blue and stayed a couple of days. It was b-o-r-ing. So i am back. Have two mains a mage and a druid and a Shaman mule. The shaman is at 9 and never will be allowed to grow up. SOW for mule work.

Got pked last night, the guy kicked my glutes. But hey it was my fault i did not bag my servants cap. Lol, not his.

Try it and see,

PS dont PL your main. You will suffer in the long run.
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