I ML pretty often, and I actually find it somewhat amusing that you're selling at the Magus. On Kane Bayle, every single LDoN, as far as I can tell, starts in PoK. I've never been in any of the Wayfarer's Camp zones and seen people recruiting. Occasionally I see the random person who doesn't have PoP sitting at a Camp LFG, hoping to get into a group that isn't full, but that's pretty rare.
Anyway, the reason I brought it up was that when I ML I always head to the bank in PoK and pick up my two
Opal Encrusted Steins, to get my CHA up to a decent selling value. It makes a pretty good difference, I feel, and I've more than made back the 45 pp I paid for the two of them, even when splitting is included. Of course, chanter and/or shammy buffs can raise CHA too, but they aren't always available.
Last night I did 3 LDoNs with the exact same group...we started out Normal Risk, and won so quickly (levels 34-40, no temperance) that we just ran back to PoK to split and do a High Risk. This time most of us got temperance...and it lasted us all the way through both of the next two High Risks that we did, both of which were won handily. I only got 2 augments out of the whole thing, but that was fine with me...for a group that good, it was just a joy to be playing. Oh, and I dinged 41 too, and only 3 more points from buying Pack Shrew! Which I will need to be level 44 to use, but at least I'll have it ready. And maybe I can start doing adventures other than Mistmoore.
Oh yeah, I was going to say that at least on Kane Bayle, where 90% of people my level are twinked out, LDoNs on Normal are almost trivial, and Hards are only a challenge when the twinks don't know how to play their characters. Perhaps this is the same on many servers. But I have heard it changes a lot at higher levels, into the 50s...because then the twinked gear is basically what everyone else has and so you aren't really stronger than expected for that level. So Hard missions really are Hard.
Game on,
The Oneiromancer