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Typical cost for KEI, Temperence & RezzesFollow

#1 Jan 07 2004 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
Hi All,

Fairly new to EQ and was wondering what is the typical price to pay someone for casting KEI, Temperence, and Rezzes? Also, I've seen people talking about trading KEI for C2/C3, etc...what does this mean?

Thanks kindly,

#2 Jan 07 2004 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
Welcome to EQ. I pay 20pp for C3 (KEI) and 20pp plus a dot for Virt/Temp. I am not sure about rezzes but I know when I did have to have one I would pay up to 100pp depending where I was at and how difficult it was to get to where my body was. I feel the more you can pay the better. It would be hard to solo for me without C3/Virt. It is a small price to pay for the added bonus that they give me.
#3 Jan 07 2004 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent C3 is KEI...makes sense now. But, what is 20pp plus a dot?

Umm...I get the 20pp part, but what's a dot?

Thanks again,

#4 Jan 07 2004 at 3:15 PM Rating: Good
170 posts
For temp I usually pay a peridot plus 5 pp, or 20 pp if for they for some reason don't want a peridot (a peridot costs 11 pp, is the component for that spell, and can be bought from some merchants--look it up here on Allakhazam). If they are offering it for free I will still try to give them a peridot anyway if they will accept it. I'm not high enough level to get KEI cast on me yet, although when I am I have a friend with an 65 enchanter which he calls his KEI slave so I don't doubt that he will be willing to cast it when the group needs it. Smiley: grin I think the going price on Kane Bayle is 20-40 pp, I would scale how much I paid depending on how much it was extended by.

If I needed a rez I would ask how much they wanted for it and then give a tip, for sure. I recently was asking in ooc in the bazaar if people ever sold Fier'Dal Fletching kits and someone sent me a tell that he would make one for me if I really wanted it, just to meet him at the Fier'Dal Forge in Kelethin. I went there and waited, he showed up, and made it for me. He asked for 25 pp for it, I gave him 50 pp--I felt he took enough time out of his night to do this that I owed it to him, and it saved me an insane amount of time and money learning blacksmithing. Of course for me to make most of the cultural fletching items I will need cultural blacksmithed items, but some of them can be bought I believe. Anyway, I was happy with my purchase and paid him accordingly, since I could afford it.

Hmmm...I guess that kind of got off-topic from the rez cost. Oh well, all the times I've been rezzed recently are from a cleric in the party or someone's guildmate or significant other, so they refuse payment. I haven't died while soloing in a long time, mostly because I rarely solo any more.

Oh yeah, I'm not sure why someone would want to "trade KEI for C2/C3". I suspect you just misread something. The mana regen series starts with Clarity, known as C1, and then the middle one whose name I don't know is C2, and then KEI is C3 although it is almost always called KEI. In general whenever a chanter is offering KEI for sale they will also cast C1 and C2 for free to anyone who hails them...I know that once I got my level 39 spells on my beastlord I became quite dependant upon C1. I still can't wait until I ding 44 and can cast Spiritual Light, aka kitty crack! Smiley: drool2 If I offer it up for casting in PoK I will certainly offer it for free, although I will accept money if people want to pay for it.

Game on,

The Oneiromancer

Edited, Wed Jan 7 15:17:14 2004 by Oneiromancer
#5 Jan 07 2004 at 3:15 PM Rating: Good
Dot is a peridot

Gem merchants sell them. You can find them for 10pp 5gp each with good (125+) charisma and indifferent or better faction. So all in all a temperance will run you around 30pp or so in this example.
#6 Jan 07 2004 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
421 posts
c1-Clairty-mana regen +7 pet tick
c2-Clairty 2-mana regen +13 pet tick
c3-Kodiac Endless Intelect-mana regen +14 pet tick, +INT/WIS, +mana pool
c4-Tranquility-mana regen +16 pet tick, +INT/WIS, +mana pool
c5-Voices of Quellious-mana regen +18 pet tick, +INT/WIS, +mana pool

Gift of Brillance - mana regen +1 pet tick, + mana pool
Brillance - +INT/WIS,

KEI is = Gift of Brillance, Brillance, and Clarty 2 but last much longer

GoB and Brill stack with C1 and C2 but that is the ONLY stacking allowed in this line.

(Please note since level 60 I have not cast any thing but KEI or VoQ, other than my C1 clickie pants. Spelling/exact detailes may be muddled.)
#7 Jan 07 2004 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
Thank you all for your helpful responses.

One last question: what level do you have to be to get KEI cast on you?

Thanks once again,

#8 Jan 07 2004 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
As a rule on Terris Thule, most chracters will donate 15-25pp for Temerance, 20-100pp for Virtue, and 20-50 for KEI. You need to be 46 to Get Virtue or KEI.
#9 Jan 07 2004 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
115 posts
My main is a 54 Cleric and I cast alot of Temperance. Temp costs me, as the caster, approximately 11pp per cast, which is the cost of the peridot needed.
If someone offers me a peridot, I cast Temp on them with no further payment necessary. If someone doesn't have a 'dot (and they usually don't) I just ask them to cover the cost of the 'dot for the cast. The usual donation is 20pp on my server, but I've had many people offer me 40 or even 50pp.

I always offer 20 - 25pp for KEI, which I keep on pretty much at all times. To receive KEI you must be at a minimum level of 45. I believe the same minimum is true for Virtue, which is the next higher level of HP/AC buff in the Temperance line of clerics. Temperance has no minimum level and is an excellent buff for level 45 and under, addding 800HP and 48AC.
#10 Jan 07 2004 at 3:56 PM Rating: Good
1,257 posts
For the record I always pay 30pp for kei and 30pp plus the dot (already explained above) for virtue )an upgrade from temp). I do as a matter of course always carry a couple of dots on me - you never know when the darn clerics gona run out.

As for rezzes on the few occasions I have taken them it seems to be a pp per pct so a 50pct rez is worth 50pp, 96pct would be 100pp. As for your donation its a question of your own feeling and desperation at he time. From a personal point of view I've found that the more desperate your situation the harder it is to get the donor to take a damn donation at all.

However being a stuborn bastage, for me its been a while since I've asked for a non group type of rez (yes I tend to offer anyway), as I will normaly just use my own 50pct pally rez.

On a side note, as a pally I have never and would never take a 1cp for a rez:) , although I amazed at the amount of usage the darn thing gets - and not just from me.

But if in doubt, on your own server, just ask the donor - its the easiest way and you will get a feel for whats the going rate on where ever you are playing.

Good luck

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#11 Jan 07 2004 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
You guys are extremely helpful. OK, so my main is only a measely 29 Druid and I've been mostly grouping up until now. Since I find that I can only play for a few hours during the week (darn kids demand all my attention :)) I have decided to start soloing a bit.

Thus, as a Lvl 29 Druid, what would be the most benificial spells that I can get to assist me in soloing. And, since I am imaging that I can only get Clarity, what is an appropriate donation for this?

Thanks once again!

#12 Jan 07 2004 at 3:59 PM Rating: Default
KEI level 46
I generally pay 30 pp for a non extended KEI. For extended I pay more - up to 50p. Well worth it.
Virtue - 30pp unles extended. For extended I generally pay 50p - again more than normal but I always get one when I offer 50p.
Lastly, if I am hunting hill giants for cash the prices I pay are well worth it to me (and usually recouped within four to six giants).
#13 Jan 07 2004 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
421 posts
Enchanters get C1 at level 29. I didnt mention Breeze a level 16 spell that adds 2 mana per tick.

Any enchanter level 16-28 will be happy to get 5pp from thier spell that noone ever wants

a level 29-53enchanter will probly be happy to get 5-10 for C1. I would not bother asking level 54+ as they probly dont have it mem'd. If it were not for the clickie on my pants I don't even know if I can find it in my spell book.

You best bet is to offer your spells for thiers. If you offer SoW and/or Skin the 29-50 chanter I bet 90% of the time you will get a C1 as a fair trade. Untill KEI came out I often traded C1 for SoW. After KEI There was never a druid with out it so my trade strat failed. Maybe viable again.
#14 Jan 07 2004 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
On the Test server we do not charge/donate/pay for buffs, ports, rezzes etc... That's good because I am usually poor lol.
#15 Jan 07 2004 at 11:44 PM Rating: Decent
on vazealle, i usually pay 50p for kei/virtue (i only get the long lasting stuff - love ya vetter!). when casting temp, i rarely sit and auction (only in down time and usually in a newbie area) and more often than not i do it for free. sure, a donation is not refused, but i usually set up a time limit for the freebies (casting temp at xxx spot for the next 5 minutes, hail the frog on the horse). i have had many kind and generous folks take pity on me in my younger levels and i tend to want to pass on the goodness that they showed me. i love buffing on the fly - running past someone at a zone line obviously trying to heal and casting a heal & temp on them just because. if i get a request for a rez and i am in a position to do so, no problem. again, donations are never refused. i was in CoM a week or so ago and there was a TPW. i rezzed the entire group, they paid me 500p. pfft...heck no i did not turn it down! on the same night, i noticed 2 corpses over at the stables...sent the guy a tell (luckily he was on) that he had aout 10 min til his corpses expired & did he need a rez? he apologized profusely for not being able to pay me for the rezzes and i told him np, be safer next time - and temped him too. i'm tired and i tend to babble when i am sleepy. sorry for the long post. point of all of this is: understand that some buffs take components (peridots seem to be the most common lately) - donate what you can if you can to the caster, it simply shows appreciation. and definately pass on the kindness of may never see it, but i promise that the level 7 that is siiting at the newbie lift in gfay will greatly appreciate the heal and extra hp/ac you toss his way for no particular reason at all. good luck and happy hunting.
Rangers, Necros and Druids OH MY!

#16 Jan 08 2004 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
500 posts
I have a chanter in the 30's and a cleric at 42 (almost Temp level) as well as 45 pally. I never charge for non component spells (breeze, clarity, rezs)as I like to help out and often get bufs in return. I have paid for Temp a couple of times for LDON at 20PP for pally. In addition, you can often get free bufs while waiting around at camp for LDON or at entrance. Last night played the clc in a group with no chanter and swaped clc bufs for chanter bufs with another group.
#17 Jan 08 2004 at 4:37 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
As a paladin, I generally don't bother getting Temp or Virtue (unless someone's MGBing or something). I do carry around dots for my own spells and to give to clerics in my group for such things. They just aren't spells I feel I need to have up before looking for a group. I think most clerics are happy to get the cost of the dot and maybe a bit more 20-30pp is probably about right.

KEI is a completely different story. Basically, I don't put on my LFG flag unless I've got a reasonably fresh KEI/VoG going. So much of what I bring to a group is mana dependant that groups pretty much expect me to have it going (and will notice if I don't). I generally pay 50pp for KEI/VoG. It's well worth it.

I don't really have a strong opinion on rezzes. I haven't paid for one in a very long time, and even before I got my 90% rez, most clerics wouldn't charge anyway. There's kind of an unwritten rule that you don't charge for mana-only spells for classes that get the same line, and that goes double for rez. You never know when that character you just rezzed will be rezzing you someday...

I never ask for any plat for rezzes, but since I'm usually poor I don't refuse a donation if it's reasonable. If some level 20ish guy offers me his last 5gp, I'm not going to accept. I think most folks are happy with 50-100pp for a rez, depending mostly on where they died and how important it is to get the exp back. I'm also one of those people who looks at corpses and sends tells to people if it looks like they just died. Unless I've got somewhere specifically to go, it's just not that big of a deal for me to rez someone if their corpse is right there. Now, if someone is asking me for a rez, and I have to take signficant time out, it's kinda nice to get something for it, but I still leave that up to the individual. Fortunately, even though the actual difference in exp left lost between my rez and a clerics best rez is less then 1% of a level, pretty much no one ever looks for a paladin to rez them, so I've never been spamed with requests.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#18 Jan 08 2004 at 5:05 PM Rating: Default
One thing I will never understand is why people pay more for KEI than Virtue. I am probably biased because I play a Cleric, but when I am looking for KEI I donate 35pp (about average for my server). However people often come up to me and ask if I will Virtue them for donation. If I am not too busy I always accept, after all who cant use a bit more plat right? However then I see 12pp or 15pp in the window. I am now obligated to cast the spell but it really pisses me off. People shell out up to 50pp for a KEI which costs the Enchanter nothing but mana but will only cover the cost of the reg for Virtue which also has a significant mana cost. WTF is up with that?

I don't mean to say the Enchanter deserves less for KEI, I think it is well worth the 30-50pp people pay for it. But what is with the small donations for Virtue?! I am finding myself less and less willing to cast Virtue on people who ask for this reason. And aparently it is a common thing because I am begining to see Clerics OOCing casting Virtue for a min donation of 30pp in PoK.
#19 Jan 08 2004 at 7:15 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Rixtar. The reason people are willing to shell out more for KEI then for Virtue is becuase of the usefulness of the spell to them. It has nothing to do with the component cost.

All the classes in the game except three use mana. For the most part, the abilities for all of those classes to do their job is in direct relation to their mana recovery rate.

It's an old argument. What determines your kill rate? Mana pool size? Or mana recovery rate? It's always the second one. Adding more mana helps you with *one* fight. Then it's gone. Increasing the rate directly increases the rate at which you can kill stuff.

When you are soloing or grouping, which are you waiting for? HPs to recover? Or mana to recover? Unless you are one of those three classes that doesn't use mana, it's always mana recovery. Always. Mana converts to HPs. Thus, in a group (and most of the time soloing), all that really matters is mana recovery rate. KEI doubles the mana recovery rate of a 50+ caster when medding. That's huge. It means that at a minimum, that character can cast twice as much mana in the same amount of time as he could without KEI. More then that, in direct relation to how much time he'd normally be able to med (which is one of the reasons mounts are desired btw).

What does virtue get me? A slight increase in AC, which may decrease my total damage taken over time by maybe 1 or 2% (and that's a big maybe). More HPs, that don't matter that much most of the time. Best case, using a true CH (course if I've got a cleric in my group, why am I buying Virtue from you?), you'll maybe increase the CH efficiency by 15-20%. Having more HPs on your tank means fewer CHes over time. But that's the *only* effect. Virtue on the tank does not help my group kill faster. Looked at objectively, if my group had to choose one and only one buff for the entire group, I'd much rather have KEI on the cleric, then Virtue on the tank. It's mathmatically about 3 or 4 times better...

It's an even bigger deal for hybrids. Since I don't get to med (cause I'm fighting most of the time), a KEI may increase my available mana over the course of an adventure by 7 or 8 times. Um.... That's absolutely, mindbogglingly huge. It's the difference between my paladin husbanding his mana and doing the bare minimum needed to keep agro off those casters, versus being able to freely chain stun, interrupt pretty much any spell cast by an NPC, maintain my self regen, keep up my own procs, self heal a bit, and do a ton of other stuff that I simply do not have the mana to do in a fast paced group without a KEI.

If you're having an issue with selling Temp/Virtue, just give anyone who doesn't want to pay for the Dot (plus a bit), the highest non-component spell you've got. Drop a heroism on him instead. Most folks probably wont notice the difference. Those that really need virtue/temp for what they're doing, will notice and will pay you for the spell. I just think that most really don't need it. They just hear it's a great spell, so they get it. I'm frankly amazed that people pay for those spells at all. I've always seen it as something that I use just when in a group with a cleric, and we compensate said cleric with loot for the dots. I never ever go out of my way to get a spell like that. It's just not going to have that big of an effect on your ability to fight.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#20 Jan 08 2004 at 7:51 PM Rating: Default
Gbaji, you make a good point, most really dont *need* Virtue it is more of an insurance thing. Although in certain cases that extra 1400HP will save you from a CR or a total wipe and needing a NEW Kei so making this HP buff trivial is truely not understanding the power it adds. Tanks cannot tank as well (especially in PoP), and any caster who gets agro will die much faster since Virtue in many cases doubles (if not more than) their current HP.

But besides that point, like I said, I am not shouting that I am even casting it. They come up to me and ask which changes the entire situation IMO. By coming up to me and asking if I will cast it, the person is obviously feels the need for this spell. It will help them or their group by having it. Many times I am not even in PoK so by casting it on them I am saving them a trip to PoK. The logical thought process would say I am helping them out they will in return help me.

In the end both KEI and Virtue are not essential in a group, if they are your in a bad group =P They are just buffs that one can get to help them in their adventures. Both equally powerful and to specific people one is much more so. With my FT I dont *need* KEI, it is a buff I get as insurance in case I need to use a lot of mana and need to re-coop it back fast. Much of the time I am FM or close with groups so essentially KEI is wasted, I get it for it's insurance factor...much like one would get Virtue. It just seems common courtesy to give more than the basement bargin deal when someone is helping you out.
#21 Jan 08 2004 at 8:47 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
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King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#22 Jan 08 2004 at 11:49 PM Rating: Default
Arent you sort of missing the point? Or are you agreeing with the asking for Virtue and then only giving enough for the dot?
#23 Jan 17 2004 at 1:38 AM Rating: Decent
I don't pay for KEI, it requires only Manna and isn'y exactly worth pay. I mean with zTemp/Virt they need a dot and I'll donate for that because you need pp to buy something for the spell KEI you don't and thats just plain Idiotic. And I'm an ench So I won't charge for my c2 ( I know its lower) But it really dosen't take much skill to make pp with KEI so I refuse to donate for my other characters.
#24 Jan 18 2004 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Paying for Kei came from the old days when it cost 20-40k to buy the spell. besides 30pp for a kei that will allow me to earn an extra 200-300pp because of faster kill rate seems good ecconomics to me.

On a side note, as a pally I have never and would never take a 1cp for a rez:) , although I amazed at the amount of usage the darn thing gets - and not just from me.

me either in fact i often turn down pp for rez's! /shrug must be a pally thing.
#25 Jan 19 2004 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
421 posts
I have quit casting KEI in PoK because of the complainers about paying for it. Folks want me to sit in PoK for hours on end so THEY can get KEI so THEY can kill stuff faster and earn more exp and more plat then dont want to donate to me for my time.

I have had 15 people line up to pay for KEI. I can only get 5 into my group at once. that measn 3 casts back to back to back then get the 5 more that show up while you are getting the 1st 15.

at 30% mana per cast (when I was level 60 and bothered) I would be completley OOM and making my next customer wait while I medded up.

Then you always seem to get 4 singles where you are ony getting 1 person per cast.

Yep it only cost me mana...

+ time to wait there for the next person to come in wanting Crack

+ time to med

+ the plat I am not making by hunting while I am there casting

+ the exp I am not getting while I am there casting

I have been donated anywhere for 4 loaves of summoned bread to 4sp, yes 4 silver, to 150pp to cast that spell.

It all is a game of supply and demand. On days when there are 2-4 chanters hocking thier product then you make 200 pp an hour since you are getting only a portion of the demand.

On days when there is no one casting and 20 people wanting it...

I tell them to thank the folks with the
I don't pay for KEI, it requires only Manna and isn'y exactly worth pay. I mean with zTemp/Virt they need a dot and I'll donate for that because you need pp to buy something for the spell KEI you don't and thats just plain Idiotic.

aditude. They are the reason Enchanters don't waste thier time any more.
#26 Jan 19 2004 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
On Saryrn As an 62 enchanter, when I used to cast in PoK I would recieve any where between 20 and 150 P per person with the average being about 80P, I stopped casting when the average donation fell below 50P, and still have not made up for the 17K I paid for the spell. I also Play a cleric with epic, I recieve anywhere between 10 and 300P for rezes, I never ask for rezing nor did I ask for KEI Donations, I don't cast temp or Ageo or Virtue, but on alts I pay as following;
Single casting of KEI 50P, for my hydra group 150
Single casting of Virtue 50P for HOV on hydra group 200

When I was soloing I would pay 100P for KEI as it would always Net me a lvl or 2 and severl thousand Plat for the 3 or 4 hours it would last.

My feelings are this, think about what you will recieve with these buffs, how much plat you will aquire directly because of it or the extra amount of exp you will gain because of them... then Make a donation that represents that Gain. Its only fair to the caster and to you. I have noticed a shortage of casters, and I blame the people not donating enough to cover the Lost exp time and Plat from killing
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