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Gates of Discord - Good news or Big snooze?Follow

#1 Jan 07 2004 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
115 posts
Just wondering what the general mood is about the new expansion, "Gates of Discord" that is scheduled to launch in February. I'm personally kinda excited about it as it caters to the 50s level players and my main just happens to be level 54 right now.

I was really hesitant to jump in when the LDON expansion first came out, I waited a couple of months before I took the plunge. This time, I'm ready to go as soon as the new expansion goes live. I've already done the pre-order and initial downloads.

But, I understand that not everyone is excited about the new expansion and would really like to hear other people's viewpoints and opinions. How about it? Whatcha think?
#2 Jan 07 2004 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
170 posts
Using the Features list on the official website:

100 new Alternate Advancement abilities offer more options for character progression with new and unique skills to master.

My highest character is level 41, and although I will probably be in the 50's when this comes out I doubt I will be too worried about the AA's at that time.

Gain leadership experience and unlock many group- and raid-enhancing tools.

The rumors I heard about this sounded pretty interesting, with some neat abilities...but without too much official information it worries me. For example, do you get leadership experience only when you are a leader, or do you get more as a leader and less when you are not, just from observing the leader? I am just worried about people fighting over leadership positions.

20 new zones, 10 new instanced zones and 10 new traditional zones including a huge ship city zone, complete with merchants, tradesman, and quest-givers, where you can gather your party and launch expeditions. The new combat zones are for characters level 50 and over.

The new zones might be more reachable for my character than the AA's, but there are so many places I haven't seen that I don't know how much it excites me. I am curious if the instanced zones will be like LDoN or like PoT. Since it is a Wayfarer's thing, perhaps they are more LDoN adventures, but you have to have both expansions?

New Berserker class empowers you to ravage your enemies with two-handed axes or by hurling large objects.

Not something I really care about, I don't really play melees yet. Although I am sure it will affect all of us in some way anyway.

Discover the newly found continent of Taelosia, which holds the secrets of Norrath's future.


20 all-new NPC models make for hundreds of challenging encounters unlike anything seen before in EverQuest.

I really like the LDoN graphics, so new and better-looking models could be cool. If I ever see them, that is.

New Tribute System enhances gameplay by allowing players to choose beneficial attributes, skills, or effects through offerings at their home cities.

Now this could be really interesting, but I want more information from Sony first before I buy an expansion just for this.

Dozens of new and exciting story-driven quests and content for the hardy adventurer.

Eh, if they are all high level, see my previous comments.

New tradeskill recipes to produce hundreds of new items.

Always good, I feel.

Unearth arcane spells, mighty weapons and other hidden treasures.

As long as there are Hybrid spells, at reasonable levels, I'll be happy. But again, I wouldn't buy an expansion just for that. More items doesn't excite me too much, considering how many there are currently in the game that I haven't seen. Some better hand to hand weapons would be nice though.

All in all, the new expansion doesn't excite me too much, but then again I wasn't sure what to think about LDoN but I was really happy I bought it. Perhaps if it gets delayed long enough and I get a character up to a high enough level, or if they release more information, I might get more excited about it.

Game on,

The Oneiromancer
#3 Jan 07 2004 at 5:07 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
I'm probably less excited about this expansion than I have been about any since I started playing the game. Most of the new bard AA make me yawn (Aria of Companionship -- the song effecting pets one -- is cool but I almost never play with pet classes anyway), if I wanted to ravage my foes with two-handed axes and hurled objects I'd play a barbarian warrior with an Axe of the Ironback and a supply of giant throwing boulders, and I left the damned Ewok city of Kelethin for the streets of Freeport at lvl 2; why would I want to go back there now?

I kind of feel like SOE shot their load with PoP. After defeating the gods and storming the Plane of Time, is anyone really worried about "dark secrets" or whatever in the western hemisphere? Are the dark secrets more powerful than the collected elemental gods? 'Cause if they are, they must lack initative to make something of themselves since I never heard of 'em. Maybe they're dark secrets who stay in bed until 1pm, make a grilled cheese sandwich in the microwave and then watch Perfect Strangers reruns on TBS until their mom gets home from work.

That's not to say it sucks (since I never played it) or that I'll never get around to buying it. But I doubt I'll get it on release day like I have every previous expansion.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#4 Jan 07 2004 at 5:37 PM Rating: Excellent
248 posts
I'm hoping there's new raid content and something where I can finally move on from Time. I'm sure there will be a couple harder encounters than Time (ldon already has that), but worthwhile or plentiful? Dunno.
#5 Jan 07 2004 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
161 posts
Personally I'm looking forward to it. I like the idea of exploring new zones, and although my main is lvl 65, she's far from being ready to hit the elemental planes, let alone Time. Some of the new AA abilities sound quite useful, and of course, some of them don't (Just like the current ones...there's a few AA skills I probably won't touch until I'm just about maxed out.) New items and weapons sounds cool too. Granted, I haven't seen all there currently is to offer, but I like variety =) I don't think the new expansion is likely to be as revolutionary as PoP or LDoN, but I still think it'll be worth getting.
#6 Jan 07 2004 at 7:41 PM Rating: Good
5,492 posts
I'm hoping there's new raid content and something where I can finally move on from Time. I'm sure there will be a couple harder encounters than Time (ldon already has that), but worthwhile or plentiful? Dunno.

So Cal....

has Time been reduced to Farm Status?
#7 Jan 07 2004 at 8:03 PM Rating: Good
I'll be getting it. Already downloaded the files that are available.

It looks very interesting to me, the next advancement in instancing, the new line up of AA's, plenty to offer I think.
#8 Jan 07 2004 at 8:27 PM Rating: Decent
170 posts
Heh, yeah, I should have mentioned that I am also downloading the GoD files. I haven't pre-ordered it, but at least if I ever do get it I won't be waiting for too long.

Game on,

The Oneiromancer
#9 Jan 07 2004 at 8:27 PM Rating: Default

'Nuff said. Smiley: banghead
#10 Jan 07 2004 at 9:17 PM Rating: Good
509 posts
Even at lvl 65 I won't be getting any of those aa's for quite awhile I have other aa's to get first so it'll be no big rush for me. I'll most likely get it eventually but I'm not over excitied about it. LDON was a big let down really. It was exciting for the first 3 weeks but now that the excitment has worn off it's next to impossible to get a group beacuse there's not very many looking. I thought the instanced dungeon idea was good initially but there are many flaws in it.
#11 Jan 07 2004 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
Am I excited about the new expansion? ...well so far from what I have heard that is a definate NO.

Will I buy the new expansion? ...well that is a very probable yes. I have bought all the others. SOE has milked my addition to EQ very well so far. I don't see how I will be able to resist this one. I have mastered no part of any of the other expansions. I would say I am no where near mastering primary contenent, but I have benefited and enjoyed many aspects of all the expansions.

I will buy it, I will surely find some benefits from it. I just don't get any since of excitment. I agreed with the statment above about the PoP expansion. That was an exciting and monumental expansion, at least in the since of what it was supposed to mean. I really liked LDoN because it very much changed how people lvl'd and adventured.

In my opinion the most interesting parts of this new expansion will be the new 'LDoN'type zones and the new trade skill recipes. I am hoping/assuming (yeah, I know what they say about this) that they will give us some new stuff other than new ways to make the same old stuff.

I am also interested in the new weapons and equipment. Again, hoping that they come out with some new stuff and not just the same stuff with different names.

-a weak EQ addict.
#12 Jan 08 2004 at 1:51 AM Rating: Default
Time is on farm status for my guild, and Calimyr's guild has been there longer.
#13 Jan 08 2004 at 2:03 AM Rating: Good
295 posts
Master Aadynn Litefoot wrote:

So Cal....

has Time been reduced to Farm Status?

Yeah, once guilds beat Quarm, the only bragging rights you have is how fast you clear Time. We average somewhere around 5-6 hours, which I think is kind of middling. Anyhoo, I have pretty high hopes for the next expansion. It sounds like it's going to be pretty raid-heavy, and as long as things actually are rewarding, should be a lot of fun. Mostly, I just don't want to see more 36-man vex-style-clearings where you can't add anyone during the raid.
#14 Jan 08 2004 at 2:17 AM Rating: Decent
75 posts
I still think LoY was the biggest let down EQ has produced so far although my barb shaman likes his dino *snicker*. As for LDoN, i think it actually takes some sort of skill in order to be sucsefull consistently. I like how they set up the adventures although its kinda lame how you enter a diffrent dungon form the same entrence. The exp is decent if you have all people your level or higher, i never have probloms making a group. Finding one might be hard although i got my first ever tell asking if i would like to join a already orginized group...

I will wait a month or so before i actually get the expantion. Usually the iniatal rush of people has lessend. I like to hear what other people think about it so i will probly ask one person from each class what they think. Velious and PoP are the best expantions because they were original and new.. Luclin rocks also! Its hard to compete with PoP.... LoY was a failure in my opion but the new spells and research material was ok. It seems that everything after LoY has been struggling a bit.

LDoN is good but not great. And as for these rock throughing oafs who use over sized axes... I think that i might make a trader named Superoaf or something and put some throwing daggers on him =D. These guys are treatening my ranger hood. THey must parash. but you can expect a massive wave of newb oafs runing around. Just load up your /smack button and you should be ok.
#15 Jan 08 2004 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
Personally I like LOY alot, I just think it was very underused. I have fought extensively in nadox and Torgi mines and they are alot of fun with some very interesting events instead of random spawns. Very nice graphics, amazing atmosphere, HUGE dungeons-- just incredible if people actually took the time to visit them.

LDON I love as it is dungeon crawling and takes some skill and you can get some pretty awesome rewards without uber raiding.

I'm not excited at all about GOD, but time will tell.
#16 Jan 08 2004 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
Using the Features list from Smiley: bowdown Oneiromancer's post (thanks)

100 new Alternate Advancement abilities offer more options for character progression with new and unique skills to master.

Looks good

Gain leadership experience and unlock many group- and raid-enhancing tools.

Could be useful but like most people I don't like to lead, I do it all day at work, I just want to come home and follow =).

20 new zones, 10 new instanced zones and 10 new traditional zones including a huge ship city zone, complete with merchants, tradesman, and quest-givers, where you can gather your party and launch expeditions. The new combat zones are for characters level 50 and over.

Sounds promising

New Berserker class empowers you to ravage your enemies with two-handed axes or by hurling large objects.
Do we get another character slot? I don't want to delete any characters I have now.

Discover the newly found continent of Taelosia, which holds the secrets of Norrath's future.

Sure just don't add another flagging system please =\.

20 all-new NPC models make for hundreds of challenging encounters unlike anything seen before in EverQuest.

Just built a new PC complete with a Radeon 9800XT, bring on the graphics Smiley: clap

New Tribute System enhances gameplay by allowing players to choose beneficial attributes, skills, or effects through offerings at their home cities.

Hmm, plat sink? But still sounds promising. Anyways, Yantis will have enough money to run for congress after this one. LOL

Dozens of new and exciting story-driven quests and content for the hardy adventurer.

No Comment

New tradeskill recipes to produce hundreds of new items.

Hopefully this will allow for faster/easier skill ups from 200 on....

Unearth arcane spells, mighty weapons and other hidden treasures.

Who doesn't like phat lewts?!
#17 Jan 08 2004 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
I forgot to add that yes I pre ordered it from EB and will be there on opening day, if just to get a look at the boat.

However, I can't hope but wonder how much of the expansion I will actually see. Lets take a look at my History with EQ,

First Release: 99.5% Explored

Kunark: 75% Explored

Velious: 50-60% Explored

Luclin: 30% Explored

POP: 15% Explored


LDON: ?% Haven't done guk yet, but everything open to non-uber players

GoD: ???? Guess we'll see

Are there really a lot of people out there that hit 100% of every zone? I'm cursed with very little time to play so I will never get to experience some of the greatest content in EQ.

Edited, Thu Jan 8 10:29:37 2004 by Visagoth

Edited, Thu Jan 8 10:30:51 2004 by Visagoth
#18 Jan 08 2004 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
170 posts
Lord Visagoth wrote:
Are there really a lot of people out there that hit 100% of every zone? I'm cursed with very little time to play so I will never get to experience some of the greatest content in EQ.

I was just thinking recently about finally levelling my Shaman up to 9, when he will get SoW, and just going on an exploring binge. That way I won't care about dying at all. However, without invisibility I would probably cause a lot of trains. So my other choice would be level 14 Druid, who would then have both SoW and Camouflage. And wouldn't loose too much experience when he died...and would probably run around naked too so he wouldn't care about corpse recovery. Or I suppose a level 4 enchanter who just kept getting SoW cast on him would work too, or perhaps had a clicky item. I guess if anyone has any suggestions in this matter it would be useful, it's something I'd like to do one of these days, just roam the breadth of Norrath and see the sights, without worrying about having to recover my corpse.

Game on,

The Oneiromancer
#19 Jan 08 2004 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
1,625 posts
I agree with above Post regarding the exploration on the recent expansions. I started playing Everquest right before the Planes of Power expansion and I am still trying to get fqure out of Yesha was all about. I havent even started a Froglok yet.

LDON is Great! I enjoy the groups, the loot, and the experience. I have only tried about 15 or so LDON groups since I have a real job, a wife, and a dog. If I played as much as I would like I wouldn't have a job, or a wife, but the dog would be there (may have to rethink things...hmmmmm.)

I feel though that Sony is trying to ram expansions down my throat since I am limited to playing time. However the hardcore gamers may think differently. Afterall I still remember a week after Ykesha was released there were level 60+ level frogloks running around. It has taken me a month to get a level 31 pally - lol.

I am looking forward to the expansion but I wish the release rate would slow so I can take more advantage on the content already available. Right now I feel I have the attention span of a 2 year old because of all the different paths, levels, tiers, zones, quests, books, LDON's, tradeskills, farming time, corpse runs, etc...

well anyway - off to take my Ritalin.

Level 31 Paladin
#20 Jan 08 2004 at 12:12 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Jarlo wrote:
Personally I like LOY alot, I just think it was very underused. I have fought extensively in nadox and Torgi mines and they are alot of fun with some very interesting events instead of random spawns. Very nice graphics, amazing atmosphere, HUGE dungeons-- just incredible if people actually took the time to visit them.

I also like the LoY zones, although I haven't had a chance to explore them as much as I'd like. Over the next few weeks, I'm going to try and get there more often with my druid. I'm tired of PoP and LDoN is hard for me because I have a toddler who makes me go AFK quite a bit, hehe. LDoN is usually too fast of a pace for me to hold up the group because he needs his juice cup refilled. :)
#21 Jan 08 2004 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
bubspeed wrote:
Right now I feel I have the attention span of a 2 year old because of all the different paths, levels, tiers, zones, quests, books, LDON's, tradeskills, farming time, corpse runs, etc...

#22 Jan 08 2004 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
Hmmm, this whole new two handed axe weilding thing makes me wonder. Will they change the animation of poking the mob in the butt with my mighty two handed weapon?
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