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Main Looters you SuckFollow

#1 Jan 09 2004 at 1:42 PM Rating: Default
I'm pretty much just talking about LDoN. I'm starting to think whoever came up with the idea to have a ML in the group was retarded.

Most of you ML's out there are cheap, ignorant, an stupid to think you can get away with giving me a 40p split when lots of gems dropped. It's funny cause whenever I ml its always over a 200p split, yesterday i had a 324p split(my highest yet). But whenever in a group when someone else ML's it seems i get a 40p split or a 66p split, or the occasional 125p split which is still a rip-off. Just so you dirty cheap ML'ers know, I'll never group with you again or let you ML again. I keep track of things that drop an when you tell me know gems drop I'll write you down on my lil list of people who are CHEATERS.

Ok that was just my lil rant but its all entirely true, you guys are freakin making me mad.

#2 Jan 09 2004 at 1:46 PM Rating: Default
An sorry about the 3 posts with the same topic, i kept getting "Page is not responding" apparantly it took but told me it didn't so i really apologize for the 3 topics, not spam just a mess up.
#3 Jan 09 2004 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
161 posts
In a fast-paced event like a LDoN adventure, having someone ML is the only viable way of looting. If you're keeping track of what kind of stuff is being dropped, then I suppose it's possible that you are in fact being cheated. If that's the case, your best bet is to not group with that MLer again. If you truly feel you are being cheated a lot, you can also volunteer to be MLer every time. If splits are consistently bigger with you looting, then people will quickly agree to that.

However, be careful about claiming that you're being cheated. I have been in some adventures lately in which the splits were significantly less than I'm used to...but the main looter was a guildie whom I trust completely. I've noticed that all of the adventures I've had recently that have low splits are collects...I think perhaps the actual loot from collect adventures may have been nerfed when they made collects easier.

Another possibility is you have a rogue or two in the group who are doing a significant amount of pickpocketing. That WILL decrease the amount of loot you get. Some people get very upset over rogues pickpocketing...personally I see it as part of the character of the class. We should be thankful they can't backstab us as well =)
#4 Jan 09 2004 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
170 posts
What levels are you talking about here? I'm assuming it's into the 60's, because I'm level 42 and getting over 40 pp from the split is still pretty impressive, and I ML and I know I don't steal.

I've only ever had one ML cheat on me, and that's because he left after 5 mobs in because he didn't agree with our NBG looting policy. That's actually become an issue recently; we're going to have to start discussing the looting policy before going off on adventures, since different people have different ideas on what should be rolled on.

Anyway, if you have a better idea for LDoNs than using a master looter, i'd love to hear it. When you're pressed for time it doesn't make any sense to be arguing over whose turn it is to loot, or who gets to loot what gem. The last couple pickup groups I've been in over half of them have been in my friends list anyway (small server, pretty easy to do), so the ML is trusted as someone who will be fair. I'm sorry that's not the way for you, but I know it's not too uncommon on the bigger servers. I have read about several people who refuse to do LDoN pickup groups, and only do guildmates. It all depends on your personal experiences, I suppose.

Game on,

The Oneiromancer
#5 Jan 09 2004 at 5:39 PM Rating: Good
Some people just don't understand the Charisma effects too. I was in a group one night and the looter split a meager wage and I asked him what his selling cha was.....45 he told us. Then the group flipped out on him and told him to go get a couple steins for next time....45, good grief.
#6 Jan 09 2004 at 6:38 PM Rating: Good
17 posts
I wouldn't neccesarily blame the ML. It seems lately that some of our adventures just haven't had as good of loot as others. I just chuck it up to the Random number generator. Normally my Brother is ML and I know he hasn't been skimming off the top. Same Random number generator that also hasn't been putting any named mobs in our adventures lately too :(
#7 Jan 09 2004 at 7:07 PM Rating: Default
Also, I like to add that several of the items that drop in LDoN adventures (weapons, mob heads, etc.) have been nerfed in how much coin you get in return when sold to an NPC vender. This went live a couple of patches ago.

For example, one item that used to sell for 11pp each now sells for only 4pp (it was one of the weapons, forgot which one). This significantly reduces the amount of coin you might get in a split compared to before.

Of course, there are always people who are dishonest, but be sure to look into all factors before accusing someone of cheating the group.

#8 Jan 09 2004 at 7:09 PM Rating: Good
509 posts
1-200 pp is average for a lvl 60+ group it seems. Anymore most people don't want to be main looter it's too annoying. I have been on many adventures where no one wanted to do it and it took 5 minutes before somone caved in.
#9 Jan 09 2004 at 9:09 PM Rating: Decent
170 posts
Anonymous wrote:
For example, one item that used to sell for 11pp each now sells for only 4pp (it was one of the weapons, forgot which one). This significantly reduces the amount of coin you might get in a split compared to before.

I believe that this was the Blood Axe from Mistmoore. It used to sell for 14 pp, now it sells for 4 pp. I am sure it was an accident that a 1 got put in front of the 4. I remember this happening, I commented on it to my group members.

Last night our level 41 average group got 330 pp from two adventures. 55 pp each, pretty decent, but I made 45 pp in less than 10 minutes just killing all the goblins, including the crazed ones, on the way back from the BB camp after putting in an augment (by the way, there was absolutely no one else in the zone, so I wasn't really "stealing" these kills from any low levels or anything like that). To me, LDoNs aren't really about the money loot, they're about the augments, the droppable items, the points, and especially at lower levels, the experience.

Game on,

The Oneiromancer
#10 Jan 09 2004 at 10:17 PM Rating: Decent
I was really unhappy with the nerf of blood axes. i got about 60-70 plat for a lvl 20 adv, now at lvl 20 i get about 20-30. oh well. if you do not trust the main looter, dont group with them. I have never had an ml i havent trusted, but thats just me. if i felt i was being cheated i would put that person on ignore.
#11 Jan 10 2004 at 3:41 AM Rating: Default
Well tonight i did a high risk with some 62's. We were fight in MM, fighting tougher mobs than I'm used to on high risk(scion, trueborns). Anyway I noticed the ML'er picking up alot of gems, sometimes even 2 gems off of one mob(fire emerald, emerald ring combos). At the end(this is 62 high risk) we got split(we had a succesful mission, lots of loot dropped) and he only split 70p..... My jaw dropped in anger, but i held my tongue. There really is nothing you can do i suppose, the person who looted an swiftly made 1500+ plat is an **** an nothing can be done. Just don't group with them, keep track of good ML'ers and bad ones i suppose. Eventually people will catch on, and they'll move on. It is sad though, most ML'ers think there slick, but don't be fooled, in a 60's group you should get at least 100p+. If 5 or 6 gems drop(fire emerald 80p, fire emerald ring 150p, Blue diamond 240p, diamond 80p, black saphire 188p, sapphire necklace 236p i think, jacinth 80p, sapphire 80p, emerald ring 66p, fire opal 66p, ruby 90p) or any others be certain that you should get at least a 100p split....if not alot more.
#12 Jan 10 2004 at 3:41 AM Rating: Default
Well tonight i did a high risk with some 62's. We were fight in MM, fighting tougher mobs than I'm used to on high risk(scion, trueborns). Anyway I noticed the ML'er picking up alot of gems, sometimes even 2 gems off of one mob(fire emerald, emerald ring combos). At the end(this is 62 high risk) we got split(we had a succesful mission, lots of loot dropped) and he only split 70p..... My jaw dropped in anger, but i held my tongue. There really is nothing you can do i suppose, the person who looted an swiftly made 1500+ plat is an **** an nothing can be done. Just don't group with them, keep track of good ML'ers and bad ones i suppose. Eventually people will catch on, and they'll move on. It is sad though, most ML'ers think there slick, but don't be fooled, in a 60's group you should get at least 100p+. If 5 or 6 gems drop(fire emerald 80p, fire emerald ring 150p, Blue diamond 240p, diamond 80p, black saphire 188p, sapphire necklace 236p i think, jacinth 80p, sapphire 80p, emerald ring 66p, fire opal 66p, ruby 90p) or any others be certain that you should get at least a 100p split....if not alot more.
#13 Jan 10 2004 at 8:09 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
I can definately relate to the feeling of being cheated by an ML once or twice, but you get over it. Besides, there are much better ways to make plat than LDoN.

In regards to the rogue class pickpocketing, just make the rogue the ML, problem solved. If you still feel cheated, atleast there is only one person to worry about.

Just another point; if the rogue pickpocketing is considered "stealing", then is the stuff foraged by certain classes also considered stealing? Just something to get you thinking....
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#14 Jan 11 2004 at 12:04 AM Rating: Decent
On the note of charisma, is there a cap to your charisma in prespective to your bargins? Meaning if you have a charisma of 205 you sell itam a for 20 plat, let's say 205 is the cap, so even if it's 305 you'll still only get 20 plat?

I'm planning on making a character with extremely high charisma for the whole purpose of being a looter, don't know why just felt like it ^.^''
#15 Jan 11 2004 at 2:22 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Just another point; if the rogue pickpocketing is considered "stealing", then is the stuff foraged by certain classes also considered stealing? Just something to get you thinking....
Of course not. Rogue pickpocket comes out of the mob's loot. If a mob has a diamond and 10pp and the rogue pickpockets the diamond, you get 10pp from the mob. If the rogue isn't there you get 10pp and a diamond. Foraged stuff is created out of thin air. If a ranger forages granite, no one is losing out because of it -- the game just creates a granite and throws it on your cursor.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#16 Jan 11 2004 at 2:35 AM Rating: Decent
I have been on some adventures and gotten a 300pp+ split and some almost nothing at all.. You have to look at 1) how long you were there. If you breeze through in 30 minutes, don't expect much. 2) the loot that drops. Often the mobs drop no coin at all, and gems as rare, so even if you kill a lot of mobs, that doesn't always mean every mob drops 5pp+. 3) component costs.. I have found that a lot of cleric ML'ers will just pocket dot costs and not say anything.. While they should get cost back, not telling the group that you're taking X amount for cost, or if they have a problem with it is rather shady.. and 4) honest. Some people are just jerks and will rip you off. Just don't group with them again. If I see 4-7 blue diamonds or other expensive items drop and get a tiny split, I will ask if they maybe miscounted, or what was with that.

Not everyone who ML's is out to rip you off though.
#17 Jan 11 2004 at 3:19 AM Rating: Good
285 posts
On the note of charisma, is there a cap to your charisma in prespective to your bargins? Meaning if you have a charisma of 205 you sell itam a for 20 plat, let's say 205 is the cap, so even if it's 305 you'll still only get 20 plat?

Yes there is a limit. I believe, and don't quote me on this, the max charisma you need for max/min pricing is like 142. After that, it doesn't make any difference on pricing. Also, from what I remember, the faction makes a difference on pricing as well.

#18 Jan 11 2004 at 5:19 AM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
Just a couple drops can make a big difference in a split.

Suppose you get lucky on an adventure and both a ruby crown and a blue diamond (for example) drop along with the other vendor trash. On your next adventure all loot is the same, except those 2 items. That's about 500pp difference. That type of thing happens to groups I'm in all the time. I know this because I'm often the ML. The loot varies widely.

I hate low loot splits because of comments like the thread title.

If you think the ML is really holding out on the splits, by all means, don't be in a group with them as ML again.
#19 Jan 11 2004 at 8:27 AM Rating: Good
1,257 posts
I wont comment on the ML thing becasue the whole loot thing just makes me want to scream. The best loot you are going to get anywhere is solo. unfortunately you can't solo LDoN

As for the charisma thing there is charisma caps on items but it seems to vary. Some items I have found cap at 100. Others, I have found a better price at 150. I havent tried higher than that though. It would seem that the higher value the item the higher the charisma cap is on it.

9. ..... You may not buy, sell or auction (or host or facilitate the ability to allow others to buy, sell or auction)any Game characters, items, coin or copyrighted material.

#20 Jan 11 2004 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
Thank you for that information, greatly appreciated.
#21 Jan 11 2004 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
1,907 posts
I tried charisma all the way over 200. I do not know the exact cut-off, it could be say 115 or 121 because I did not increment that closely. My charisma is usually 128 for buying/selling, and nothing higher helps. It is over 113 though which I have on another toon, and that is not quite high enough.

After that it made no difference (checked horses too, very high price item I cannot afford heehee), also with both friendly and not so friendly vendors. I buy a lot of herbs for alchemy, and on a hometown vendor, where you should get the best prices, I will still pay more, if my charisma drops below that, though not much on a low cost item.

Always make sure ML has at least a 120, or lend him/her an opal encrusted stein if you trust them or have them give loot to another player to sell.
#22 Jan 11 2004 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
61 posts
I did an LDoN last night, and didn't know half the group, so "volunteered" to ML. Our split was well over 200pp each (55+ group). The cash was not great - some mobs dropped nothing, some 5pp, some 15pp - we ended up with about 170pp in cash. The drops were fair. We had one augment drop, and had a few gems (no diamonds).

The group gushed about what a great split it was. Don't know if that was because it was just above average (and it was for me too), or if I was one of the first honest looters they had had in a while.

On the Charisma issue... 104 is usually enough, though if the merchant is apprehensive, 134 is your number. This will hold true except with "greedy" merchants, and they will never give you their best price - avoid them.

According to EQTraders, the greedy merchants are
Naresa Sparkle—West Commonlands
Boomba the Big—West Freeport
Ping Fuzzlecutter—West Freeport
Tubal Weaver—North Qeynos
Everyone—The Overthere
#23 Jan 11 2004 at 12:24 PM Rating: Excellent
248 posts
egnaro the Braindead wrote:
I wont comment on the ML thing becasue the whole loot thing just makes me want to scream. The best loot you are going to get anywhere is solo. unfortunately you can't solo LDoN

I'd avoid saying that as a truism. That's only true for a very limited part of the game, and even then, I'd question it. There's no question however that the best loot after a certain point is from raids, done right.
#24 Jan 11 2004 at 1:19 PM Rating: Default
Don't trust a rogue in the group, good dps an all but don't trust em )

Anyway, ML average loot in upper 50's in 200-250p(You should never get below a 150 split, don't pay attention to anyone who says otherwise), i ML all the time and that's (always=everytime) what the split is. If two BD's drop its usually a very high split like around 300+each, this is just the facts, its the way the dungeons drop. When your level 50+ don't expect to get a level 40 split, it's not going to happen. People rip people off, don't group with them if they rip you off, it's rather obvious anyway as long as you pay a lil attention to the items which drop.

That said you should ML, being honest in life will make you feel better than doing things which are dishonest, it'll make ya feel better overall.

#25 Jan 11 2004 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
221 posts
Don't trust a rogue in the group, good dps an all but don't trust em )

Coming from a former Pally and now a Rogue, I would always have the Rogue as ML due to the fact that if they wanted to Pickpocket mobs then so be it. They would just have to sell and split anyways.

Now that I play a Rogue 99.9 percent of the time, I am still almost always the ML for the very same reasons.

As for the amount that is split at the end, well I have split and received anywhere from 68 PP up to 500 PP. I think that really would depend on 1) where you are 2) how much drops. 3) if it is a collection adventure, the number that has to be collected.

I have completed some adventures in less then 20 minutes and for them the split is usually pretty low.

But anyway, as it has already been said, a ML is just about the only way to have it done due to the fact that people are always on the move in LDoN. It's just that way. You maybe coming across greedy people, and that truely does suck. If you don't know the group of people I would ask to be ML. If someone dislikes the idea then you are probably in the wrong group anyway as is. There has been a few times on my Pally that a group of people that are friends have tried to ***** me over. I tend to watch out for that type of group and just move along. Not doing anytning for 20 minutes while LFG is better then getting ripped off I think.

Hope things get better for you.
#26 Jan 12 2004 at 7:04 AM Rating: Good
164 posts
There is a charisma cap for dealing with vendors. It appears to be around 130.

About 8wks ago a group of us on Povar were a wee bit bored and the "old-dogs" <winks> who had several high level toons on the server decided to experiment for chits and giggles.... After about 9 characters, consisting of 5 or 6 races and 9 different classes, dealing with both same race and different race vendors thier experiment came to an end with the following conclusion...

The magic number or ceiling is 130. If your toon has charisma of 130 or 230 for dealing with vendors it makes not one coppers difference in the price you receive for what you are selling them.
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