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Beastlord - Mage - Necro - who's better?Follow

#1 Jan 13 2004 at 9:10 AM Rating: Default
I would like to find out what the overall opinion is on pet classes.

I've heard that Beastlords are great but what makes them better than a necro? Why are mages not considered to be that good even though they are THE pet class?
#2 Jan 13 2004 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts
Who's better? Shaman by far :)

Seriously, I think it all depends on your style of play. Each class has strengths and weaknesses that need to be taken into account.
#3 Jan 13 2004 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
I personally play a mage, so guess what my answer is. You can summon uber item, yo pet can tank while u nuke away. Earthpet is tank/rooter, Air pet is stun/dps, Water pet id dogingig/nuking, and fire pet is selfcasting ds, but lowest hp! I personally hate the fire pet because it will die so fast, unless u r fighting a high dps mob that doesn't hit very hard. Just my 2cp!
#4 Jan 13 2004 at 10:47 AM Rating: Good
5,135 posts
Beastlords suck at soloing
#5 Jan 13 2004 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
it is imposible to compair those 3 classes as all they have in common is that they have a pet. all 3 have thier advantages and i have seen an all pet class LDoN group 2x necro 1 x shammy 1x bst 2x mage and they ripped the place apart.

i know more about necro's since my wife's main is one and imho they are far better solo than beastlords or mages. They have better than clarity line spells in the lich line of spells, they can snare/fear and i have personally seen a 65 necro snare/fear 8 mobs at the same time a feat that only bards can beat. Thier life taps spells mean they can stand toe to toe with all but the uberest non planar <or equivelent> mobs, a well played necro is a insane killing machine. add summon corpse and self rez and i think that as an all around package they are the best solo.

In a group they fill the role in such different ways so it is really hard to say which is 'better' i would just say they are all 'Good' and leave it at that.

#6 Jan 13 2004 at 11:01 AM Rating: Good
405 posts
Both the necromancer and magician have their strengths and weaknesses. Both classes tend to level fairly quickly, due to both the power of their offensive spells and their pets. Like any class which one you decide to play is more along the lines of personal preferences. As a necromancer faction and being KOS may be a problem.

Magician's main strength is through their pets, however, from a DPS standpoint at higher levels they are close to par with Wizards (although the magician spells have a tendancy to be more mana intensive). Magicians are almost purely an offensive class and have very few defensive capabilities other than their damage shields and pets. Most magican offensive spells are fire based in nature. It should be noted that the magician does not have any healing capabilites other than healing their pet. The magician can also summon a wide variety of useful No Rent items.

The true power of a magician comes in the form of their pets which can take one of 4 forms: earth, fire, water, and air. Each pet has the capability to dual wield and the magician has a large assortment of summoned items that he can give the pet in order to buff it. All elementals have some form of spell capabililty that can be very useful: earth elemental = Root, fire elemental = damange shield & fire strike, water elemental = ice strike, air elemental = invisibility & air strike. The native ability of the earth elemental (to be able to root a mob) is a very powerful feature, and almost always welcomed in any group.

The biggest problem in playing a magician is the reliance on the pet. The pet is one of their biggest defensive components, and once you get past the pet the magician is pretty much open to attack. With no healing abilities the magician had better quickly summon a new pet or nuke as most efficiently as possible.

The necromancer has the great advantage of having some of the most powerful damage over time spells in the game. When this is used in conjuntion with fear kiting, multiple opponents can be practically liquified in a very mana efficient process. Necromancers have the defensive abilitiy to be able to heal, and even generate mana that can be given to other players. As masters of death the necromancer does not need to fear undead, and are absolutely necessary at times for corpse recovery.

The necromancer's main weakness is at early the levels, for they can find it difficult to solo and break camps. Because they do not have any Lull or Root capabilities, breaking a camp of mobs by yourself can be quite dangerous. The necromancer's pet is fairly weak and is more useful for defense (or when using fear kiting). Very rarely would a necro send the pet out to kill a mob without issuing a few DOTs as well. As an evil based class faction can be a serious problem, and in some areas you may be KOS.
#7 Jan 13 2004 at 11:02 AM Rating: Good
If anyone of these classes was "better" sony would nerf them. Having said that, Necro is best. In PVP everyone fears the necro.
#8 Jan 13 2004 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
No, for 1, the mage epic is one of the best! It would wipe out a necro in pvp. The original question I thin was what is the best pet class. The answer is mage! We get DDs, and AOEs, and the ability to summon armor and weapons for our pets! We even get to summon a pet only item that give +500 hp! We get Monster summoning too which can be considered a weakend version of epic pet minus a few abilitys. Also we get the best DS in the game! We get pet heals too, and the cost to summon our pet is like 1sp! It is alot cheaper than buying bonechips in the bazaar. Mages I think aree one of the best classes in the game because of our epic, and summond items, and Ds, and Aoes and DDs. We also get pet haste buffs like burnout, and summon 100 percent wd bags which make us MLs in ldon very often! Just my 2cp!
#9 Jan 13 2004 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
Dude, any Necro that knows what they are doing would wipe a Mage very quickly.

#10 Jan 13 2004 at 11:29 AM Rating: Good
170 posts
I play a Beastlord as my main, and I really enjoy it. I tend to prefer hybrids over pure casters or pure melee, so this was a natural choice for a pet class. A Beastlord has some pretty nice weapon skills, and although they aren't really good tanks, being limited in their armor choices, with their pets at their side they are serious dps in a fight. And I think that they are pretty good soloers actually...their pet heals are much better than the mage versions, almost compareable to cleric spells of the same level. Usually the heal spell of the same level as the pet spell heals 35-45% of the pet's damage. And they can normal heal about as well as a Ranger or a Paladin, at least up to a point.

But I think, like others said, it will depend on your personal playing style more than anything else.

Game on,

The Oneiromancer
#11 Jan 13 2004 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
i would like to see that uber Mage pet kill a necro when it is feared and running for the hills very slowly losing it's life as it went.
#12 Jan 13 2004 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
I played a mage but switched to a Necro because it is just more survivable. Fear is very powerful, as is the ability to heal, and the best Mana Regeneration. Add FD and it has got to be the most survivable class.

Root is nice but the Mob fights when rooted. Snare and Fear is more than a trade-off I think. We get a few passable DD, to go along with it all.

I can buy that +500 hp item for 10-15 pp in the bazaar. Just the opinion of someone who likes playing a Necro over a Mage.
#13 Jan 13 2004 at 3:31 PM Rating: Default
Anonymous wrote:
I would like to find out what the overall opinion is on pet classes.

I've heard that Beastlords are great but what makes them better than a necro? Why are mages not considered to be that good even though they are THE pet class?

anyone who things Mages are NOT good is just a fool, just as much a fool as a group who will turn down the power of any pure pet class for that matter.

short list:

mage = gods of summons including players and effect items. #1 pets in the game #2 DD in the game, #1 rain type spells in game (maybe #2 not 100% on this point), #1 DS in game.

nec = gods of life and death. lots of utility type spells to include self heals, #1 DoTs overall in game, #2 pet in game (arguable that BL have as good if not better pets), can gheto cleric, gheto chanter with CC work, great slows vs undead, #1 most survivable class in game. yes better then monk or SK even as they seldom have all the agro, thus giving them time to get a successful FD off.

BL = in the 60+ game almost as nice as a sham in group for slows, hastes, etc. GREAT pets #2 or 3 depending on who you are talking to. very very high DPS.

all 3 pure pet classes are great at what they do. none is better then the other as some can do things others can not.
#14 Jan 13 2004 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
<----------- must be a fool ---------

I retired my 65 mage a month ago, it saddens me but I would go with BL or necro over mage. Both of them solo better, have higher DPS, and more utility than a mage. Although mage pets are fairly good thoughout much of the game, in the end they just aren't that great and mobs tear them apart.... unless the monster is slowed. BL can slow any mobs and necro get a nice undead slow (or snare + fear) so they both survive much better in the end and bring more to the table at the end.

There is a very large disparity in the end game with mage & wiz nukes-- wiz crit ALOT for 6-7k while a mage crits less often from 4kish max. Also, Necro can FD to drop spell aggro and wizards get concussion to drop aggro-- mages can die to drop aggro but that's about it.

I love my mage friends but the class just is not very good right now. For a "DPS" class they don't bring that much DPS to the game-- talking about lvl 65 here.

However they are fun to play so give them a whirl if you don't plan on raiding high end or getting to 65 + 100 aa's
#15 Jan 14 2004 at 12:53 AM Rating: Good
There is no such thing as better.

You need a decent IQ to play a Necro to its full capacity.

But the same could be said of a Mage once they get their super duper AA's.

A well played Beastlord is a superb addition to any group line up.

A poorly played <any of the above> is a wasted place in a group.

A BL is probably slightly easier to play and so a less competant player may get by a bit better with a BL.

Met a BL the other day who didn't know what Spiritual Light was, then again I also met a Cleric who refused to Pacify Smiley: rolleyes
#16 Jan 14 2004 at 1:35 AM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
Tarv, you know we have an immunity to fear spell for our pets, right?

To answer the original question, "who's better?", the answer is really so simple. The one you enjoy the most is the best class for you.
#17 Jan 14 2004 at 7:37 AM Rating: Default
My Vote for Best Overall - Necro !
Why? I'm a necro !

Seriously --

1) Necros get root. This is already an advantage over both Mages and Bsts, which don't get either (not counting mage earth)

2) Necros get snares, which is a HUGE advantage over both classes yet again (not counting BST aaxp pet proc)

3) Necros get FD, which will save your butt more times than you can count.

4) Necros get self-succor (useful).

5) Necros get crazy mana regen.

6) Necros, later on, get some decent group spells. (52ish ATK tap for group, 25 STA / 25 STA group tap, 80hp/tick group tap, 50 mana/ tick group tap). Not saying Mages or BSTs don't, but thought I'd throw that in there since many people don't know this.

7) Necros get fear and a ghetto mez.

8) Necros can actually rez (can get expensive though).

9) Necros *generally* solo stuff easier. To easily solo a mob we need 3 things :

A) room
b) It must be able to be snared.
c) It can't summon

Of course, there are definitely exceptions...I've soloed both summoning mobs and mobs that I couldn't snare, but it's a pain.

If you want, think of a Necro as a DPS class with a crapload of versatility. Necros start off weaker than both mage and BST (BSTs are very easy to level up early on), but eventually, IMO, they become more powerful than both in a pure soloing comparison.

Having snare and FD can't be underestimated...breaking camps, escaping death...extremely useful.

Debaucher Soulrender
Arch Lich, 65AA
Rodcet Nife
#18 Jan 14 2004 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
514 posts
I have a Necro, Mage and Wiz so I pretty much cover the caster grid iron. I stop playing the Wiz, I either could not figure out the stategy or at the early life of a Wiz they are simply to suseptible (PVP but then who isn't). My Mage and Necro are at the same level which are still young in nature and weak in my opinion. I am just getting to the point I feel that they are starting to show some signs of being strong.

My Mage has a greater effect on direct hit spells. The earth pet rooting ability is great and the fire pet rocks when you are fighting undead. I spend a lot of time getting mana and soloing is a bit tough at a decent pace. With a cleric it is good because I can melee and stay healed.

My Necro as an overall charecter seems to be the best well rounded. I can heal during a fight which has created a great usefullness. I saved a SK last night that was at 2 percent by transfering enough HP to him to keep him alive and still kill the NCP. I can regen with DD and increase the speed of my mana from my HP. This allows me to stay in the fight longer. I have come to terms with the fact I will never melee as a Necro. Healer and detrimental spell caster is my classes specialty. Solo has been easy cause the pet holds things off but in a group with a good Tank leveling is extremely quick.

Sorry I have no idea about BL, and honestly can't tell you which is better just which one seems to work best with me. That is the Necro due to the usefullness of healing, regenerating, fear/kiting and resurection. I feel like I contribute more as a Necro.
#19 Jan 14 2004 at 8:41 AM Rating: Decent
21 posts
9) Necros *generally* solo stuff easier. To easily solo a mob we need 3 things :

A) room
b) It must be able to be snared.
c) It can't summon

Wow. Veksar is so necro-friendly that some people call it Neksar. And yet (a) there is very little room, (b) there is no reason to snare mobs because you can't kite, and nothing runs, and (c) everything summons. The key is that the mobs are undead, which means that they can be slowed, DoTed, and pet tanked.

This highlights the difference between necromancers, on the one hand, and mages and beastlords, on the other hand, when it comes to soloing. Necromancers have many different ways to solo/farm mobs: fear kiting, aggro kiting, root rotting, pet tanking, lifetap tanking, and many variations and hybrid strategies. This makes necromancers the most versatile soloing class, if not necessarily the best in every situation.

Mages and beastlords, by contrast, lack that versatility. When they *can* solo a particular mob, they often do it quite well. But there are many situations in which they cannot solo at all.

Of course, soloing isn't everything. All three classes are great in groups. Depending on the situation, each of the three classes may have the advantage. In my personal experience, the big negative with beastlords is that their warders push the mobs all over the place. Also, beastlords tend to pull aggro more than they should.

In the raid context, necros probably have the advantage at the moment, though it really depends on the target. In some situations, necros can rival wizards for total damage output.

Here's another way of looking at it. If you want to rate the three classes by strength of pet, you would say Mage #1, Beastlord #2, and Necro #3. If you wanted to rate the three classes on a DPS basis without their pets, you would generally say Necro #1, Mage #2, and Beastlord #3. But the Beastlord can often fill the roll of a shaman, which makes up for the lack of non-pet DPS.

So there is a reasonable degree of balance between the three classes. The reason that mages tend to get trashed is that they aren't the best at anything: they don't solo as well as necros, they don't nuke as well as wizards, they don't generate DPS on raids as well as wizards or necros, and they don't have the buffs and debuffs of beastlords.
#20 Jan 14 2004 at 9:02 AM Rating: Decent
I have a 65 mage and a 55 necro. I find that necros are way better at soloing because of the snare/fear spells. HOWEVER...
Try finding a group as a necro. People tend to not grouping with necros because in a group they don't offer much DPS. Although they get DoTs, usually the mob dies before the DoT has a full effect. Mages get picked up very quickly in groups because of the DPS of both the pet and nukes. My 61 pet parses at 65 avg. which is better than the BLs 55 and necro is even less than that same level pet. I like to solo with necro because it is not very mana intensive. And PvP I have dueled a necro with my mage and we come out about equal. Mages have anti-fear for their pets and the weapons are great because they can not be dispelled like buffs. But trying to go against a necro DoT is next to impossible. If you are a mage and duel a necro, my suggestion to you is to use an air pet and nuke as fast as you can, you may kill the necro but chances are you'll die too.
As far as BLs go, I love to duo with Bls with my mage because of their slows and heals and buffs compared to grouping with a necro.
And I also REALLY REALLY like all-pet groups. They offer a crap load of dps and when i do it in BoT or PoV, the pets just tear mobs to pieces, and FAST.
To sum it all up, if you like grouping, choose a mage for fast group pick-ups. If you like to solo, play a necro.

65 Mage of Innoruuk

Edited, Wed Jan 14 09:06:01 2004 by masterjedi
#21 Jan 14 2004 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
Just a comment on mage dps. I typically run a logger during raid battles. I'm in a VT level guild and when I run a logger the top damage is almost always done by the wizard. A close second is ususally the mage/pet. Necro's also tend to be up there comparable to the mage and in certain situations the necros are the top damage dealers. At least this is based on info from a necro in my guild who also parses. On the beastlord I don't have any specific numbers but in general when I parse beastlords do very good dps also.

All three classes are what I'd consider dps classes. I think beastlords trade a little on DPS for flexibility and durability. A beastlord has good group bufs and utility. A beastlord can also tank when needed.
#22 Jan 14 2004 at 10:52 AM Rating: Excellent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Back to the original question, my choice would be the necro. Sure mages have uber pets and DD spells, and BLs get heals, slows, and a (pathetic) form of crack, but the necro is the second best solo class in the game. And whoever said that necro's aren't feared in PvP probably doesn't play on a PvP server (Vallon Zek here). Necro's may not get the absolute best spells, but if they use the spells they do have in the right combination, they can be very deadly.

Maybe the necro just appeals to me more because I'm evil though -=)
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#23 Jan 14 2004 at 1:32 PM Rating: Default
Wow. Veksar is so necro-friendly that some people call it Neksar. And yet (a) there is very little room, (b) there is no reason to snare mobs because you can't kite, and nothing runs, and (c) everything summons. The key is that the mobs are undead, which means that they can be slowed, DoTed, and pet tanked.

Yeah, that's why I said "generally" solo. I would have added Veksar into my previous post had I enough time to do so :D
Plus, Veksar is utter crap for's farming only.
Not like I'm complaining, muahahaha.

MasterJedi said ---

I have a 65 mage and a 55 necro. I find that necros are way better at soloing because of the snare/fear spells. HOWEVER...
Try finding a group as a necro. People tend to not grouping with necros because in a group they don't offer much DPS.

That's a very loaded statement.

For one, you're comparing a 65 mage with a 55 necro...the 2 are worlds apart. Necros start to get good around 56, at 60 they're very good, and at 61 finally get a good nuke. 65 necros are very powerful.

I would imagine at 55, a mage would offer more than a necro, but at 65 a necro will match, or beat, a mage's DPS. It's a simple matter of mana regen...the necro will regenerate mana much faster than the mage, with pets being near equal in dmg output. More mana = more nukes.

Add the fact the necro is also a great utility INT class, and you have a better choice for a groupmate. Did I have trouble finding groups at 55 as a necro? Not really, I did OC PoV. Do I have trouble finding groups at 65? (mostly LDON). Nope.

So yes, at 55 a necro's dps probably isn't all that hot because of a lack of fast-acting DoTs (Horror is 63, Blood of Thule is 65) or Nukes (Neurotoxin is 61, Destroy undead 65)..but you take the necro to 65 and you'll notice a huge difference.

To give you an example of DPS --

While grouping in somewhere such as Sol Ro or Plane of Earth, I can maintain a damage output of ~ 800-1000 dmg per tick using Blood of Thule, Horror and a mage's Rallican bracelet! (more than 100dps), and that's *not including* my pet, which auged quads for 75 and backstabs ofr 227

Debaucher Soulrender
Arch Lich 65AA
Rodcent Nife
Too lazy to login

#24 Jan 14 2004 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
To reply to this guy's statement, when I was comparing damage of necro vs. mage I was comparing at level 65, not 65 to 55. I am an officer in my guild and have access to 4 different level 65 necros as well so I know the ins and outs of a necro. You can't honestly tell me that a necro puts out more damage than a mage simply because of mana regen. What if I have a lot of FT items along with mana buffs? What if I have mana conservation items. Unless you are chain pulling like 1 every minute in a zone that has got tons and tons of mobs with very high HP, don't compare. Yes mages are very mana intensive, but they offer more punch in thier spells, hands down. Not a knock on the necros though, because I love necros and they do some pretty nasty crits of their own of almost 3k. Both classes are pansies when it comes to defenses except that the mage gets a DS and necro gets FD, I'd rather have the FD, lol.
But you go to BoT or to PoV and you'll always see necros lfg, lfg, lfg. Because they are solo classes and will probably kill any other class 1 on 1. If you honestly think that necros are better than everyone else thinks they are (group-wise) then maybe we need to educate more folks on the truth. =)
I love ALL pet classes, so let's just group with each other and put the tanks out of work. =)
J/K tanks we love you too.

Edited, Wed Jan 14 15:19:56 2004 by masterjedi
#25 Jan 14 2004 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Tarv, you know we have an immunity to fear spell for our pets, right?

attualy i didn't Smiley: smile puts a hole new dimension on it, what level do you get that?

I don't really know much about high end mages, as i said in my first post on the topic. i like mages in my group as i like Bst/necro but i couldn't play them it just doesn't interest me.
#26 Jan 14 2004 at 5:46 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
Try finding a group as a necro. People tend to not grouping with necros because in a group they don't offer much DPS.

Well, maybe that's been your experience, but mine has been quite different. As a level 65 necro, I get solicited to join groups to provide DPS. When I match up with a equivalent mage (same level, comparable gear, similar number of AAs), the mage usually has a small DPS advantage in non-undead zones, and I usually have a small DPS advantage in undead zones. Sure, there are still people out there who don't regard necromancers as a DPS class (I occasionally still encounter clerics who think necros are supposed to twitch them), but that's a dying breed.

It's important to focus on the "apples to apples" comparison. Necromancers are a much more popular class than mages, so there are a lot more necromancers in the game than mages. If you compare Joe Bob Necro who just reached 65 to the average level 65 mage, you'll get a misleading picture.

Plus, Veksar is utter crap for's farming only.

Oh, really? I'll grant you that Veksar does not match up with the top PoP XP zones, but the XP is pretty good if you get deep in the zone. If your standard for "non-crap" XP is Sol Ro or Plane of Earth, then even a lot of PoP zones are "utter crap."

You can't honestly tell me that a necro puts out more damage than a mage simply because of mana regen. What if I have a lot of FT items along with mana buffs? What if I have mana conservation items.

Necros can equip FT items, too, you know. Necros can equip mana conservation items, too, you know. If you stick to an apples to apples comparison (comparable gear, comparable buffs, comparable AAs), a necro will outregen a mage by about 30 mana per tick.

That doesn't necessarily mean that a necro has higher DPS. Mage nukes are larger and more efficient. If a mage and a necro had equal mana regen, the mage would blow away the necro in terms of DPS. The necro's advantage in mana regen (and ability to control aggro) simply evens things up.

But you go to BoT or to PoV and you'll always see necros lfg, lfg, lfg.

That hasn't been my experience, but I'd guess that what you are seeing is due to the fact that necromancers vastly outnumber mages.
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