I've always been something of a pack rat and this habit seems to have carried over in game. I've a few packs full of various trade skill drops in my vault waiting to be switched over to a mule character. The thing which concerns me though is all the runes and pages I've squirreled away... I've herad some pages are very rare and have noticed some in the bazaar selling for a few 100p (not that this verifies anything, lol.)
What I'm here for is to ask if anyone knows (or has a link to a good resource) what is worth what. Some researched spells are very costly, although I must admit general ingnorance of the researching skill in general. I've skimmed over eqtraders and found nothing of the value of individual words and I would hate to look up every rune I have on Alla's item lookup. I would like to start actually researching soon but I would hate to blow a component worth cold hard plat as I've recently rediscovered EQ and am pinching my pennies. Any help would be appreciated.