I spent a lot of time designing roleplaying-oriented SMs for my Rogue character and there are many funny - but also some quite useful which I want to share.
If someone inspects me without even hailing me:
1.line HEY - what are YOU staring at?
2.line /snarl
has made some people back away or even run *lol*
If I am low on HP but in the middle of a fight I'm sure to win and someone watches me ready to help:
1.line DON'T WORRY -I can handle this!
2.line /grin
prevents people from wasting their time AND from stealing my kill unintentionally.
the last line makes me "grin evily at (mob i'm fighting)" which makes for a lifelier picture.
For hunting in pairs (which I prefer, 3 is max for me):
this is one of precious first-set-hotbuttons and directly on the keyboard - has saved some lives :)
Hope you share some of your social macros too!