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Social MacrosFollow

#1 Jan 15 2004 at 7:39 AM Rating: Good
I spent a lot of time designing roleplaying-oriented SMs for my Rogue character and there are many funny - but also some quite useful which I want to share.

If someone inspects me without even hailing me:

1.line HEY - what are YOU staring at?
2.line /snarl
has made some people back away or even run *lol*

If I am low on HP but in the middle of a fight I'm sure to win and someone watches me ready to help:

1.line DON'T WORRY -I can handle this!
2.line /grin
prevents people from wasting their time AND from stealing my kill unintentionally.
the last line makes me "grin evily at (mob i'm fighting)" which makes for a lifelier picture.

For hunting in pairs (which I prefer, 3 is max for me):

this is one of precious first-set-hotbuttons and directly on the keyboard - has saved some lives :)

Hope you share some of your social macros too!

#2 Jan 15 2004 at 8:05 AM Rating: Good
8,619 posts
Anyone who plays on Druzzil Ro will have seen my wife or my self do Variants on this

/em pulls %t's tail Smiley: sly
Kitties , lizzards and wolfs beware!

i tend to get more ellaborate

Ogre Warrior
/em pulls %t's tail.
/em looks dully at the puff of kitty fur.
/em appolgies to %t.

my Bazaar trader
/em stares hypnoticly at %'t's tail.
/em pulls %t's tail.
/em attempts to look innocent and points at the ogre.

My wife has a cool hotkey for her necro's /pet follow key

/em smacks %m around the head.
/say follow me stupid pet.
/pet follow.

macro are great fun IMHO. Smiley: grin
#3 Jan 15 2004 at 8:11 AM Rating: Good
the one with the pet is great :)

I figured out a *nasty* one while hunting crocs in OoM but cannot use it for obvious reason *lol*

1.line This loot really SUCKS
2.line /pause 30
3.line How about you?
#4 Jan 16 2004 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
because I got tired hittin' the "thanks"-button over and over again if I was buffed by kind-hearted strangers (btw - I NEVER ask for buffs and I do NOT stand in line for gettin' some) I made this macro:

/pause 10, /giggle
/pause 20, /laugh
SORRY! spells sometimes have this effect on me.
/pause 10
But thank you very much!

Anyone who buffed me once and reads this will most likely remember me ;)

#5 Jan 17 2004 at 12:07 AM Rating: Decent
161 posts
I play a warrior, and for the longest time I thought it was a shame that people couldn't see what I was doing to taunt a mob. I can't remember any of them off the top of my head, but for a while I did use a hotkey (NOT linked to taunt, btw, so even when I had to hit taunt multiple times I wasn't spamming the group) that would show what I was doing to taunt the mob.

I met a monk once who, I swear, had a different incoming message on every hot key, just to make pulling more fun.

Oh, and for a while I had one character following me around trying to...ahem....hump my I made a hotkey for smacking him upside the head =)
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