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Cleric or EnchanterFollow

#1 Jan 15 2004 at 4:26 PM Rating: Default
In general which class has it easier finding groups between a Cleric and an Enchanter?
Also which class is most useful to groups between the 2?

#2 Jan 15 2004 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
115 posts
I have both a cleric (main) and a chanter. Hands down the cleric wins. The cleric is very useful to a group even at lower levels. A chanter's usefulness to a teens group is debatable. At later level, a chanter's usefulness is much more apparent for crowd control especially and they get some sweet buffs (KEI). But almost every group would with only one open slot would take the cleric over the chanter.

I vote cleric.
#3 Jan 15 2004 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Chanters will not find grouping easy untill lvl 16 when they get haste / slow and breeze making them a usefull addition, however they will never be as required as clerics. they are more fun to play though but get used to dying thats what chanters excel at.
You will have a cleric to rez you in the group so it will be ok.
#4 Jan 15 2004 at 5:03 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
I'm gonna kind of play Devil's Advocate here for a sec.

Today in a LDoN group (Takish) we had two warriors, a sk, a monk, a ranger (me), and my druid friend. Well, needless to say it was a melee's wet dream. We ended up failing our mission, and only because we had a hard time with single pulls. The druid didn't really do much except improve his 'sitting on my ***** skill. If we had a chanter there to pacify and/or mez, we would have breezed through the adventure, no problem.

Not always the case, but just one example of where I would rather have an enchanter instead of a healer. In general though, I'd agree that clerics are definately more desirable by groups, hands down.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#5 Jan 15 2004 at 5:46 PM Rating: Good
I sort of disagree, many classes can fill the roll of healer, but I would argue that an enchanter makes all the casting players better in a group(with clarity/KEI). I hate grouping without a enchanter. However, if we have a Druid or Shaman healing they can do a good job of it, especially with clarity, or KEI. SO I say provided you have another priest class, enchanters add just as much to a group. I usually let the enchanter do all the slowing too, then my shaman concentrates on healing and melee debuffing. Seems to be just as viable as having a Cleric with no clarity/KEI. So in the end, I would pick whatever you like the best, both classes wil find groups easily. I always take a chanter if we don't already have one, and I think you will find that most people are the same. Another good point with clarity/KEI is your hybrid tanks never run out of mana and thus there is no downtime in your chain pulling.
#6 Jan 15 2004 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
To answer your question regarding which gets a group faster depends greatly on the situation. As a Cleric there has been some nights where I just sat LFG until I logged. Most of the time though I have no problems. Enchanters seem to be more rare on my server and so they get groups as soon as they begin LFG. Granted I dont even look for Clerics, but they seem to be everywhere when I am lfg, hehe.

Usefulness of both is equal. You can survive without either, but both classes make grouping more fun and easier.
#7 Jan 15 2004 at 6:49 PM Rating: Default
I was gonna get out my soapbox and start spewing class propoganda, but I'll just answer the question instead.

I don't know about clerics, but I average about ten to fifteen minutes to get a good group.

If you told me to make up my ideal group and you said I could have either a cleric or an enchanter, I'd take the enchanter hands down.

Chanter, Pally, Druid, BL, Mage, Wizzy =).

** Please note that I am obviously biased, but I tried to be objective.
#8 Jan 15 2004 at 9:26 PM Rating: Good
No Shammy????

I would have to go with.

Pally, Ranger(Me), Enchanter, Shaman, Wizard, Druid

In fact with a cleric, I would just change out the Druid.
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