Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
I'm gonna kind of play Devil's Advocate here for a sec.
Today in a LDoN group (Takish) we had two warriors, a sk, a monk, a ranger (me), and my druid friend. Well, needless to say it was a melee's wet dream. We ended up failing our mission, and only because we had a hard time with single pulls. The druid didn't really do much except improve his 'sitting on my ***** skill. If we had a chanter there to pacify and/or mez, we would have breezed through the adventure, no problem.
Not always the case, but just one example of where I would rather have an enchanter instead of a healer. In general though, I'd agree that clerics are definately more desirable by groups, hands down.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.