Anonymous wrote:
What I am hoping to find out is at what lvl should I start looking for guild,groups,quests,etc? I would love to start getting involved in game (lord, if he knew that he would fallout:-)) But as much as I am enjoying the game I feel lost when playing I'm just wandering around killing mobs with no real purpose.
Hmmmm, where to start? Personally, I probably wouldn't bother looking for a guild until later. Guilds that will let a level 20 character in are probably not all that worthwhile to join. If you find yourself grouped with people and notice that players you tend to like all share a guild, might be worth asking about it. But I wouldn't just join a random guild.
Quests. I'd do quests starting at level one personally. They're part of the game and can be fun. Perhaps at your present level, doing the quests for "totemic armor" would be entertaining. Or maybe some of the quests from plane of knowledge for "antique things" (level 2 focus items). Poke around in the quests section of this web site and see if you find something that looks interesting. I'm almost always in the middle of some quest or other. Gives you something a little less random seeming to do than killing wandering mobs.
Groups. I'd try to split my time evenly between soloing and grouping. But be aware that there are a lot of childish and mean spirited people out there and you'll probably run into them, so don't let some jerk make your game playing less fun than it should be. If you find yourself grouped with people who are no fun, just politely leave the group. Warning them that you are still fairly new to the game up front might be a very good idea. You might find yourself in a group with alts of people like your BF who know the game inside and out and assume everyone else does also.
Things a shaman needs to know specifically:
slow - throughout your shaman career, this will be one of your primary tasks in a group. Your "slow" spells make mobs hit you slower, thus doing less damage. Very useful, since then you or the cleric don't have to heal as much damage. Your present "best" slow spell is walking sleep (level 14 spell). It slows the mob's attack rate by about 25%, reducing the damage the mobs does by a similar amount. In a group, you'll want to cast walking sleep on all of the mobs, assuming they're lasting long enough to do a significant amount of damage.
healing - at many levels, shaman will be asked to be the main healers in a group. Use your best healing spell to keep the group healed up. At your present level, your "best" heal is "healing", which heals about 90 points of damage for 60 mana. Your most efficient healing spell is still the level one spell "inner fire" which heals 20 hp for 10 mana. 2 hp healed per point of mana spent, rather than 1.5 hp healed per point of mana spent like you'd get from "healing".
buffs - another primary role you'll find for a shaman is to make sure to keep buffs on your group. Your more popular buff is probably SoW (spirit of the wolf). Your most important buffs are typically the ones that give AC or HP. So at your present level, we're talking about turtle skin, inner fire, and spirit of the ox. You also get "shrink", which while not exactly a buff is something you'll want to cast on yourself and anyone of a large/medium sized race whenever you go into a dungeon.
root - a level 14 spell that stops a mob from moving for a random amount of time up to 48 seconds. Very useful when you have more mobs than you can handle, since if they can't move they can't chase you.
DoT - "damage over time" - you have lots of spells like this. At your present level, the best ones you have are affliction and tainted breath. You'll get better ones as you get higher level. At many points in your shaman career, these will be your best damage. At your present level, you probably still do more damage using melee.
root/rot - using root to keep a mob off you while you cast DOTs on them. This is a way you can solo and use all of your mana to kill the mob, rather than having to defend yourself. I'd try not to use this technique much until you have your defense skill maxed out for your given level. It should be 100 at level 20, then gain 5 point per level after that up to 200 max.
Eventually, you'll get "regeneration". For most of your career, you'll want this spell to be constantly up on yourself and anyone in your groups who regularly takes damage. For yourself, you'll be inflicting damage on yourself using "cannibalize" to regain mana. regeneration is a very mana efficient way for you to heal back those hp faster.
Well, I'm kind of out of steam. If you post specific questions, I'll be happy to take a stab at answering them.