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extremely new shammyFollow

#1 Jan 17 2004 at 10:29 AM Rating: Default
I'm sure most everyone has gone through this at some point but I am requesting some help. I have only been playing EQ since Xmas 2003 and have twinked my toon as well as gotten powerleveled to 20 but I am still clueless on what I am really supposed to be doing in this game. My RL BF has several characters and is lvl 65 Beastie but he is no help to me...been playing too long to translate and never been a shammy.
What I am hoping to find out is at what lvl should I start looking for guild,groups,quests,etc? I would love to start getting involved in game (lord, if he knew that he would fallout:-)) But as much as I am enjoying the game I feel lost when playing I'm just wandering around killing mobs with no real purpose.

Any help would be most appreciated.

20 shaman
#2 Jan 17 2004 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
106 posts
Join a guild when you want to be in a guild. At level 20, most often a guild will only be able to provide you some groups with people you know, and another channel to converse in. As a shaman at level 20, I'd suggest trying to get an even mix of groups and soloing. You want to spend a fair ammount of time soloing up to level 60 so you can still get your defense increases.

As a Shaman you're going to have a fairly strange progression. You have two different types of solo abilities, and until level 49, you never have both working at the same time. Starting at level 29 you can charm an animal pet. At 34 you can summon a dogdog pet, so you can slow, dot for minimal damage, and tank for your pet whacking the mob from behind, healing you both as necessary. On alternating spell levels starting at 34 you will want to either root-rot, or dogdog solo. Generally speaking, On the X4 levels, your stat, talisman/focus, and haste buffs make it easier to pet tank. On the X9 levels you generally get your new dots so its easier to root-rot. Just root a mob, slow it, apply dots, and repeat as necessary.

To pet tank, buff yourself and your pet, pick a mob, Malx and slow it, send in the dog, apply your dots, then move into melee range and keep your dog behind the mob. You can also kite that way, as long as the mob is chasing you, your (SoW'ed) dogdog can beat on it from behind if you get low health.

Get proficient with both systems as as I have said, you have to switch back and forth between them depending on what new spells you've just gotten alters where your power comes from.

Have your boyfriend work you through your epic up to completeing the SoW boots. Insta Click sow is oh so nice, especially when soloing.
Heimdall Azureguardian
65th Overlord
Erlik ver'Erlikson
65th Prophet
#3 Jan 17 2004 at 2:45 PM Rating: Good
170 posts
Anonymous wrote:
I have only been playing EQ since Xmas 2003 and have twinked my toon as well as gotten powerleveled to 20 but I am still clueless on what I am really supposed to be doing in this game.

Well, this is probably the source of your problems right there. You skipped most of the "learning curve" that the game supplies to help prepare you for the higher levels. Perhaps whoever did this for you (I assume your RL BF) thought he was doing you a favor, but I think that the opposite is true.

The best way, I think, to learn about what you have to do is through observation. Being a shaman yourself, though, you probably won't be observing other shamans in action much because most groups would only have 1 at a time. If I were you, I would start a new character, one that was not a pure caster. You could do a hybrid, a class that can still cast some spells, or a melee, who can't cast any spells. Go ahead and use some of the money you have to equip them reasonably, or don't; you'll survive either way. If you twink this new character too much you'll have no fear of dying and that slows down the learning process.

When your new character gets to around level 7-9, I would go to Crushbone. This is a great zone for experience, and there are almost always groups there. While in a group, you will start to learn about everyone's responsibilities, although at low levels they are not as well-defined. Once you get to level 15, Paludal Caverns becomes the place to go, and again there are always groups there. You can learn still more about what people do, and hopefully they will even tell you in detail if you ask nicely. Once you decide to leave Paludal in your early 20's there are lots of places to go, including doing LDoN adventures. While it's not necessarily a great idea to start doing them until the high 20's, they are a great place to see how a group can really pool its abilities to kick major ***.

When you feel you've learned a bit of what a Shaman is expected to do in a group, and actually seen some real examples of this, then you might want to switch back. Or perhaps you've decided you enjoy the new character more. But in either case you will have learned a lot more about the game than you would have otherwise and will be a much better player for it.

Game on,

The Oneiromancer
#4 Jan 17 2004 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
Well i am going to list the things you need to do in order of what i think is most important to least important

Do you have all your spells? thats the first thing i would need to know =)

The single most important thing you can do right now is #1.

1. Get Clarity, and practice ALL YOUR CASTING SKILLS till they are maxxed out. That means abjuation (buffing spells) , alteration(healing spells), conguration (summon food and water over and over again), divination (cast see invis over and over again), evococation (nuke your self over and over

(maxxed out is when your skill level is your level multiplied by 5 So if your level 20 all your casting skills should be 100 i do beleive) If you get behind in your casting skills you will recover very slowly if you do not practice... Thats why PLings you. Same with melee skills. I am still in PoV practicing my two hand blunt =P.

A cool trick for non newbs =D.

lol for evocation, congeration, and archery i actually went to the EW side of kael and nuked the recruit over and over again. He is non agro so you can just sit there and not have to worry about the agro issuse =P.

#2. Learn your spells and what they do. For instance as a newb i had no clue what walking sleep did so i never used it and when i was level 30 some one in my group said hey are you gonna slow this thing? Not knowing what he was talking about i said "what?" I felt like an idiot and i almost quit my shaman.(not a true story just an example =P). Read some of the how to play a shaman guides and ask some 65 shamans what they do and what order they do it in. As a ranger i love when newb ranger come up to me or /tell me with questions about their class =). heh the other day i didn't know where to buy my spells and i asked and the 65 ranger helped me out no problom.

Now i am blabing. any ways

#3. Make friends and think about joining a guild. I waited till i was older to join a guild becuase i didn't want to have to leave my first guild when i was ready to move on to something new.

#4. If you ignored #1 i cant stress that enough =-P.

ok all done hehe. Other wize i agree with the previous post exept the pet tanking thing... Shaman pets suck almost as much as rangers do at tanking but work for soloing at lower levels if you have enough mana to keep them alive =D
#5 Jan 17 2004 at 3:29 PM Rating: Default
After placing this post I realized that not everyone was fond of toons being twinked. I couldn't agree more. The only thing I benefited was that I got to practice spells,kills, etc with no worries as to dying...not to say I wasn't afraid anyway. I have since ventured out on my own to LoIO and ran from some nasty spiders in FV. Big chicken here:-P But can definitely see why some would truly hate the thought of powerleveling a toon. Players in the lower classes were wanting to group and I had no idea how or what my responsibitlies would be. Alas, thanks to you guys, I am learning some valuable info.

Again thank you for any help given here and in the future.

#6 Jan 17 2004 at 4:33 PM Rating: Good
having observed these BF-twinks/pwlvls-GF or father-twinks/pwlvls-kid stuff on FV and the european server before i moved and it seems to end in a caster-pet relation most of the time.

this is quite natural because as a pet a clueless twinked player HAS to be told what to do otherwise death would occur soon and often since the game wasn't learned the hard way.

an ingame "friend" of mine got pwlvld to 11 by a friendly enchanter who served the mobs to him like snacks at a party in EC for 2 days which was sufficient to get from lvl 3 (saw him the first time) to lvl 11 (lost track of him). a week later i found his corpse 4 times around orc camp 1 - alone he was a death-convict because he never learned to evalue a tactical situation - now he's relarning it the hard way.....

Edited, Sat Jan 17 20:01:10 2004 by Leiany
#7 Jan 18 2004 at 1:45 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
I agree about keeping those skills levels up! That is the most important thing any character needs to do including swimming and bind wound.

Talk to other shaman higher than you when you are not grouping, like in bazaar or something, too. Most people are willing to talk (not all for sure.) Other higher level shammys have taught me lots. I was sitting down a lot in fights, and another shammy old me I was not using Cannibalize & regen (lvl 24 spells) correctly, that I should never have to sit, and that made a huge difference, and was a lot more fun too.

Since you already are level 20, just solo awhile in zones where you can recover your corpse easily if needed. Fight by by a zone out is good, so you can zone if needed.

Ask mages or necros about pet handling tricks for when you get a pet.
#8 Jan 18 2004 at 3:23 PM Rating: Good
I applaud your attitude towards the game. Just keep going and stop getting power leveled. You are now getting into the levels that I did a lot of dying in. I dropped a about 1/2 a level in one day, at oner point. Level 22-26 I spent my whole time soloing mammoths in everfrost, and I would get adds and die all the time, then I started figuring out how to handle the adds, pretty soon, these little beggers were no threat at all. I think it would be good for you to go through something like this. It teaches you the strengths and weeknesses of your class. Good Luck.

Edited, Sun Jan 18 15:23:49 2004 by Reinman
#9 Jan 18 2004 at 4:29 PM Rating: Default
106 posts
Just ignore all the twits who are complaining about PL'ing because they didn't get any, and listen to the people who prefer helping you to make sure there are people playing the game in the future. I would ignore the advice about Bind Wound. You're a shaman. You have heals. At no time will bind wound ever be more efficient than healing and medding.

Also, there are definitely times to sit as a shaman. I don't know what advice the earlier poster got about Cannibalize and Regen, but it was stupid advice. As a shaman you're going to want to learn a technique called Canni Dancing. You sit to med, as soon as the tick "pulses" stand, cast Canni (Whichever one you have) then sit to get the meditate and regen "pulse", so as you can see there are a number of times when a shaman would want to be sitting.
Heimdall Azureguardian
65th Overlord
Erlik ver'Erlikson
65th Prophet
#10 Jan 18 2004 at 4:51 PM Rating: Good
Just for the record, I love PLing. But I would not recommend being PLed on your first toon. Not because I care, but because I think you will miss the experience of figuring things out for yourself, which is what makes it special the first time. After that, powerlevel all your alts.
#11 Jan 19 2004 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
63 posts
Check out eqshaman some excellant guides there. Shaman live or die with there slows....learn to love it. If soloing and get an add you will develope the technique of root parking, this comes in handy in groups also. Personally once you hit about 24 or so and get canni and regen it becomes all about hitpoints and AC. We convert hp's to mana using cannibilize line of spells. Oh yeah if you do not know what root parking is you simply draw out the add with slow....move away a little and root it and go back to finish the initial pull. De-buff and dot parked mob if you like but be aware that our early dots tend to break root due to dd affect on landing. Good luck I think you will enjoy the Shaman class.

#12 Jan 19 2004 at 6:06 PM Rating: Default
Looks like some real valuable info everyone gave me. I have to admit that I am still dumbfounded by some of the terminolgy...add,root, etc. But still appreciative.

My BF thought noone would reply to my post...thanks for proving him wrong:-) I hope to see you all in game some day.

#13 Jan 19 2004 at 6:44 PM Rating: Good
744 posts
Anonymous wrote:

What I am hoping to find out is at what lvl should I start looking for guild,groups,quests,etc? I would love to start getting involved in game (lord, if he knew that he would fallout:-)) But as much as I am enjoying the game I feel lost when playing I'm just wandering around killing mobs with no real purpose.

Hmmmm, where to start? Personally, I probably wouldn't bother looking for a guild until later. Guilds that will let a level 20 character in are probably not all that worthwhile to join. If you find yourself grouped with people and notice that players you tend to like all share a guild, might be worth asking about it. But I wouldn't just join a random guild.

Quests. I'd do quests starting at level one personally. They're part of the game and can be fun. Perhaps at your present level, doing the quests for "totemic armor" would be entertaining. Or maybe some of the quests from plane of knowledge for "antique things" (level 2 focus items). Poke around in the quests section of this web site and see if you find something that looks interesting. I'm almost always in the middle of some quest or other. Gives you something a little less random seeming to do than killing wandering mobs.

Groups. I'd try to split my time evenly between soloing and grouping. But be aware that there are a lot of childish and mean spirited people out there and you'll probably run into them, so don't let some jerk make your game playing less fun than it should be. If you find yourself grouped with people who are no fun, just politely leave the group. Warning them that you are still fairly new to the game up front might be a very good idea. You might find yourself in a group with alts of people like your BF who know the game inside and out and assume everyone else does also.

Things a shaman needs to know specifically:

slow - throughout your shaman career, this will be one of your primary tasks in a group. Your "slow" spells make mobs hit you slower, thus doing less damage. Very useful, since then you or the cleric don't have to heal as much damage. Your present "best" slow spell is walking sleep (level 14 spell). It slows the mob's attack rate by about 25%, reducing the damage the mobs does by a similar amount. In a group, you'll want to cast walking sleep on all of the mobs, assuming they're lasting long enough to do a significant amount of damage.

healing - at many levels, shaman will be asked to be the main healers in a group. Use your best healing spell to keep the group healed up. At your present level, your "best" heal is "healing", which heals about 90 points of damage for 60 mana. Your most efficient healing spell is still the level one spell "inner fire" which heals 20 hp for 10 mana. 2 hp healed per point of mana spent, rather than 1.5 hp healed per point of mana spent like you'd get from "healing".

buffs - another primary role you'll find for a shaman is to make sure to keep buffs on your group. Your more popular buff is probably SoW (spirit of the wolf). Your most important buffs are typically the ones that give AC or HP. So at your present level, we're talking about turtle skin, inner fire, and spirit of the ox. You also get "shrink", which while not exactly a buff is something you'll want to cast on yourself and anyone of a large/medium sized race whenever you go into a dungeon.

root - a level 14 spell that stops a mob from moving for a random amount of time up to 48 seconds. Very useful when you have more mobs than you can handle, since if they can't move they can't chase you.

DoT - "damage over time" - you have lots of spells like this. At your present level, the best ones you have are affliction and tainted breath. You'll get better ones as you get higher level. At many points in your shaman career, these will be your best damage. At your present level, you probably still do more damage using melee.

root/rot - using root to keep a mob off you while you cast DOTs on them. This is a way you can solo and use all of your mana to kill the mob, rather than having to defend yourself. I'd try not to use this technique much until you have your defense skill maxed out for your given level. It should be 100 at level 20, then gain 5 point per level after that up to 200 max.

Eventually, you'll get "regeneration". For most of your career, you'll want this spell to be constantly up on yourself and anyone in your groups who regularly takes damage. For yourself, you'll be inflicting damage on yourself using "cannibalize" to regain mana. regeneration is a very mana efficient way for you to heal back those hp faster.

Well, I'm kind of out of steam. If you post specific questions, I'll be happy to take a stab at answering them.
#14 Jan 22 2004 at 5:44 PM Rating: Default
I just rescently started a shammy on the terris thule server, she is lvl 35 and I have found a use for bind wounds, and it is very good for soloing and has its uses in groups. When you get your canibalize spell. If you are soloing, get a couple of good hp buffs or a temp.,ect... as well as clairity, you can cast and cast and cast. But with clairity, regen, and bind wounds, you can canibalize and get a booty full of mana back quick, and not use it to heal back to 50 percent.

If you do this in a group.....hehe, it prompts the cleric to heal you. "what cleric in his right mind would allow someone in his party to BIND WOUNDS... it is unthinkable!!!! And if he is very self minded about his duties of the party, it will nudge him on to provide you mana by giving you something to canibalize.
I realize it is kina cheezy, but WHAT IS WORSE, being a little cheezy...... or being dead because you dont have the mana to defend yourself.
#15 Jan 22 2004 at 5:45 PM Rating: Default
I just rescently started a shammy on the terris thule server, she is lvl 35 and I have found a use for bind wounds, and it is very good for soloing and has its uses in groups. When you get your canibalize spell. If you are soloing, get a couple of good hp buffs or a temp.,ect... as well as clairity, you can cast and cast and cast. But with clairity, regen, and bind wounds, you can canibalize and get a booty full of mana back quick, and not use it to heal back to 50 percent.

If you do this in a group.....hehe, it prompts the cleric to heal you. "what cleric in his right mind would allow someone in his party to BIND WOUNDS... it is unthinkable!!!! And if he is very self minded about his duties of the party, it will nudge him on to provide you mana by giving you something to canibalize.
I realize it is kina cheezy, but WHAT IS WORSE, being a little cheezy...... or being dead because you dont have the mana to defend yourself.
#16 Jan 22 2004 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
106 posts
Um. Yeah.
Heimdall Azureguardian
65th Overlord
Erlik ver'Erlikson
65th Prophet
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