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Is selfishness running rampant?Follow

#1 Jan 18 2004 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
405 posts
OK...I just have to vent about this past weekend. Etiquette has never been EQ's strong-suit, however, I am becoming largely disappointed in the level of behavior being exhibited by our fellow gamers. I'm really beginning to wonder if this is just a bad "round of luck" or is there an ongoing trend that needs to be stamped out.
  • My pally was camped out in the Eastern Wastes this weekend trying to earn some much some much needed XP. The camp that I was at normally is never utilized (I've been in the zone four weeks now), and I announce several times an hour that the camp was taken. Not once, not twice, but five times this weekend a group of higher level PCs barged into the zone and for all purposes took it over. Instead of arguing the matter I decided (several times) to go elsewhere, since I didn't stand a chance of gaining it back until they were done.
  • On a LDON adventure the main looter duped the entire group and stole all of the winnings. Kwien...if you are reading this you have some serious explaining to do. The group did an outstanding job and finished the adventure in record time. The ranger wouldn't even give the periadot drop to the cleric...indicating that something was amiss.
  • Deciding to give the pally a rest for a while, I decided to attempt to level the newbie enchanter. BB is infamous for camp stealing, so it didn't surprise me too much that the higher levels jumped in (once again), killed everything in site and basically ignore me. I took this with a grain of salt and chucked it up to the zone.
  • Still trying to level the enchanter I attempted Derv 3 in N Ro. Even while I was sitting in front of the camp, people going into Oasis took great joy at killing everything in site, eventhough it was obvious that a newbie was trying to level

  • Is etiquette in EQ dead? Has things deteriorated to a point where you can only group with your guild members?
    #2 Jan 18 2004 at 7:57 PM Rating: Good
    49 posts
    I don't think etiquette is dead, your just having a round of bad luck.

    The long and the short of it is that there are some really really cool people playing this game and there are some really idiots playing this game... unfortunately the idiots tend to stick out more.

    #3 Jan 18 2004 at 8:58 PM Rating: Excellent
    1,257 posts
    Okay ive had mixes of all of that, but I have learned to try bear in mind that EQ is full of "sunday drivers"

    That is that the weekends can be appalling for even basic etiquette if you happen to hit a bad crowd. Yes I have (well my young rogue) was driven out of hollowshade more (i think) a couple of weeks back by a level 65 farming silks.

    Yes i have been driven out of EW (and even GD) by a selfish group that just ran rough shod over my camp.

    Yes I have been well and truely stuffed by the ML in LDoN last week - that still smarts but they know who they are, and they have to live with that.

    On the plus side there ARE far more great people out there than the ***** than can sometimes show their faces. Remember all the fly by buffs you still get? Even last week when I though a "jerk" was running me out of the giant fort - spoke to him, he apologised - all he wanted was the beard. We sorted it out, he got his beard I got my camp back ... all was well.

    On the even more plus side, take this weekend - I ooc i want to kill the evil bastage lucan within an hour the deed is done - this is what eq is about and it is still there and alive and kicking, although grant you it does not always seem like it.

    This comes to mind - a few weeks back I was camping the evil Xotil for that damned hilt - every spare second I would be there - popping into the bathroom staying a while, invariably logging without success. One time I popped in and omg there was this guy sat there in MY bathroom. I was so shocked. What could i do - there was nought else for it - I handed him a brew or two we supped a bit - and I left him to it for a while. But let me tell you that throughout he was watching for that bastage as were more than a few others i met over those painfull weeks.

    So in answer to your question, I think among some yes selfishness runs rampant - but amongst most of those that have been playing awhile, well etiquette and friendship is still there - maybe even more so. Just dont let a bad weekend bring you down.
    9. ..... You may not buy, sell or auction (or host or facilitate the ability to allow others to buy, sell or auction)any Game characters, items, coin or copyrighted material.

    #4 Jan 18 2004 at 9:29 PM Rating: Decent
    405 posts
    OK...more fuel for the fire. As a level 10 enchanter I'm sitting next to the guards and in comes a necro who took great delight in killing everyone one of them. At that exact same time a wandering greenblood pops into the picture and WHAMO instant death.

    Although I don't have a huge problem with guard killing I do have an enormous problem with guard killing in a newbie zone, when it is perfectly obvious that a guard is protecting a newbie. Since when is your own selfish desire for XP and loot more important than allowing an NPC to protect a newbie so they can level!

    This is the absolute worse form of game ethics that needs to be serious punished!
    #5 Jan 18 2004 at 9:33 PM Rating: Decent
    405 posts
    One more thought... Do you think it would be worth the time and energy to create a FAQ concerning basic game etiquette? Most of the manuals included with the products make mention of this, but I believe that it is an important of enough of a matter that one can literally not say "to much" on the matter. Any contributors interested in posting ideas on what should be constituted as proper game etiquette...for the record.
    #6 Jan 18 2004 at 9:42 PM Rating: Default
    Stop Crying. If you aren't actually fighting the mob, it's fair game. If a zone has 50 mobs up and some folks come and kill them all, tough cookies on you, you sure aren't doing the job. Why should they leave all them mobs up for you to kill one or two as you are able to? Just cause you called CAMP? Get real. The mobs not yours unless you are actually fighting it. They respawn in a few minutes anyway. If you STILL aren't ready to engage a mob you are camping when it respawns, you can't handle the so called camp and the mob is fair game for any other player or group to take, why should they wait around on some slacker who can't handle the spawns just cause he calls camp? The mobs are first to engage, first to have. The race to the mobs is to the swift and the strong.
    #7 Jan 18 2004 at 10:14 PM Rating: Decent
    In my opinion, etiquette is not so much dead, as people who are playing now a days have not acquired the maturity to appreciate good etiquette.

    I think in the old days (like a year ago and before) things were so much different. The game was much harder. When you got a leg up people appreciated it. People were sympatheic and helpful because it was hard for everyone. It seems to me that people are finding it easier to power lvl right out of the box. People who do not appreciate, understand or care (see above entry) when others are in need or destressed. Like I said before, people all used to suffer and help each other all alike, at least the was my experience. It was an exception to see what you described, especially so often.

    Now, unfortunately, I think that lack of etiquette (I would think ignorance is a better term, although very similar in this situation) is becoming more common than in the past. I would not go so far as to say it is the rule, but it is the result of many people acquiring high lvl chars quickly or low lvl chars aiming very high very quickly not caring how they get there.

    But I choose to try to focus on the good in the (EQ) world. Help people dispite the apparent ignorance, lack of etiquette, and mean-ness.

    That is the way I see it.
    #8 Jan 18 2004 at 10:32 PM Rating: Excellent
    405 posts
    I think Taarakian's post pretty much summed up the situation in spades. I would like to thank him personally for the post, for this attitude is becoming quite pervasive in the uber twinked world of EQ as we know it. I guess a person's knowledge of the game or ability to work well with others is taking backseat to a fat pocketbook and Ebay account.

    I must openly admit that there are wonderful people in the game that make the game lively and enjoyable. My guild is filled with these type of people. Unfortunately there appears to be a growing majority of people just like Taarakian, and this trend I find most alarming.

    Perhaps it was bad luck this weekend. But the intention of my post was to find out if there was a far deeper problem. I think I have my answer.
    #9 Jan 18 2004 at 10:33 PM Rating: Excellent
    If you could go back three years and view the old posts on this board, you would find exactly the same sort of posts bewailing, the camp stealers, loot thieves and obnoxious people demanding buffs ports etc. Nothing has changed and the ratio still seems about the same.

    Out of some 50 odd LDoN adventures I've had two ML's disappear with the loot, one dumbass auctioning to sell the named drop that he argued over, the minute he arrived back at BB camp, and a whole bunch of very nice people (as opposed to skilled players, lol) who bent over backward to avoid making trouble over loot. I have even seen several Augs rot as each group member insisted that the other should take it.

    I think on balance there are still a lot more "nice" people than "nasty" people playing.

    Oh, and Taarakian, one of these days you are going to be wandering around PoK begging for a rez or help with a CR and you're gonn find every cleric and druid and wizard you ask, chuckling gleefully as the give you a good dose of the finger.

    What goes around, most certainly comes around in the world of Norrath.

    Edited, Sun Jan 18 22:40:16 2004 by Iluien
    #10 Jan 19 2004 at 3:00 AM Rating: Decent
    3,166 posts
    While I do sympathise I think you may just have had a slightly poor choice of sites.

    LDoN brings high levels to low level zones and they do stupid things while bored waiting. Goblins in BBM, mammoths in Everfrost, dervs in N.Ro. Unfortunately if you work these camps nowadays you must be prepared to put up with some LFA 65 WIZ one-shotting all the mammoths in sight.

    EW does have some highish level events in it and you might just have - for example - been doing the prison when someone did their ring quest (8th is it?). They should have declared their intent and informed you of it but that is more courtesy than selfishness.

    I helped someone with an 8th Shawl at the weekend. Had someone been doing cougars they might have felt we "rolled over them" since you cannot afford aggro on the dwarf you are escorting and anything in the way tends to get slaughtered. But we are through and done in under half an hour and the zone returns to normal.

    Wherever I go - there I am.
    #11 Jan 19 2004 at 3:16 AM Rating: Default
    75 posts

    i agree pretty much on everything exept the guard killing ..

    A. he's a necro .. killing guards is what necro's do
    B. he's a necro ... what does he care what the guards are trying to protect ..
    C. he's a necro .. killing guards in a newbie zone ensures the death of young of a race he does not like (and does not like him)

    There are still some people that semi roleplay thier toons .. my necro leveled off of freeport guards then moved to the halfling guards then moved to (his hometown) gnome guards (good necro faction) and frequently kills any guard he ever see's .. and yes he is now hunting BB guards but they are a bit trickier with the added npc's in the huts ..

    my advice is .. never depend on the npc guards .. cuz you never know if they will be there or not ... and later on you don't have the option to run to guards anyway so get used to it early ...

    but for the most part there are a bunch of really great people in everquest .. but there are always a few asshats runnin around too .. you just have to take the good with the bad ..

    #12 Jan 19 2004 at 3:50 AM Rating: Decent
    Well, the good news are either Firiona Vie is different (good for all) or my first 8 weeks of EQ where sheer luck (good for me)

    No matter if peak or offpeak time I've NEVER been camp robbed, not even with Orcs in EC or Dervs in Ro

    Surely Orc-Camps where often taken by some belt-hunters, and at my lower levels sometimes a twinked newbie was killing whole EC empty of my needed XP.... BUT seeing he did leave the corpses alone - when i asked politely to loot for some skins or stuff I was invited every time gladly to do so. Talking about a backpack full of HQ bear skin or HQ cat pelt I surely had no reason to moan about XP *lol*

    Sometimes a twinkie even killed mobs just for me to loot while waiting for spawn at camps

    Had LDoN yesterday and did't know the main looter at all but a yield of 20p for each of 6 players lvl 23-29 seemed fair share.

    Edited, Mon Jan 19 03:54:55 2004 by Leiany
    #13 Jan 19 2004 at 9:16 AM Rating: Good
    4,596 posts
    I've been KS'd, had camps stolen, called names, jipped for ports, and had MLs dissappear without a trace, but overall I find the people in this game and the game itself of a much higher quality than any other online game I've played.
    Nicroll 65 Assassin
    Teltorid 52 Druid
    Aude Sapere

    Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
    #14 Jan 19 2004 at 10:38 AM Rating: Excellent
    Will swallow your soul
    29,360 posts
    I'm pretty sure courtesy is not dead, although it does suffer and always has suffered from the anonymity of the Internet. People do and say things in game that they would never do or say in real life. The impulse might be there but it would be tempered with restraint, and you'd walk away from an interaction with the feeling that you'd dealt with a reasonable human being. Online, whether in game or on a message board, this is not necessarily the case.

    I powerlevel my alts. I try to do it in out of the way places; if a level appropriate group shows up I talk to them and see if we can share. If we can't I move on. When I'm camping something specific and a group shows up to hunt for experience I let them know what I'm doing and how long I anticipate taking. I've never had a problem.

    The other night some of my guild mates wanted to kill Stanos in HH so they could quest the mask. The best place we've found to kill him is by the Kithicor zone to avoid his adds. There were a couple of people there hunting orcs. Word went out to leave them alone; we told them what we were doing in case they were KOS to Stanos or anyone who might add. We buffed them up, and they got some significant gear upgrades.

    Courtesy isn't dead, it just needs to be awakened sometimes. The best way I've found to do that is with conversation. If someone moves into your area, don't leave and seethe about it - TALK to them and see if you can work something out.
    In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

    #15 Jan 19 2004 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
    SamiraX wrote:
    The best way I've found to do that is with conversation.

    nothing to add
    #16 Jan 19 2004 at 10:59 AM Rating: Default
    You can thank SOE for high level players slaughtering everything in oasis that moves. They decided it would be neat to have a component for a high level quest drop off a rare spawn with random placeholders (spiritual anchor for phylactery)
    #17 Jan 20 2004 at 7:51 AM Rating: Decent
    24 posts
    I have found that most guilds still respect camps on my server, when someone steals spawns from my camp, i first tell them, if they dont react i contact their guild and ask if they have a policy on camp stealing, if they do i get in touch with officer and leave it to them to keep their members in line.

    MT might not be typical in this respect though low population makes it easier to play nice.

    For raid targets rules are different though, but thats a different story.
    #18Anonymous, Posted: Jan 20 2004 at 8:09 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) /agree Taarakian
    #19 Jan 20 2004 at 2:03 PM Rating: Good
    Actually over the last 5 years or so the camp stealing, ks'n ect. seems to have dropped tenfold on the Quellious server. I joined the server when it first started and it was full of people who who attack mobs you were engaged with, or ran all over your camp, ect..

    I think that the fact that the game is *much* easier now, coupled with the fact that there are 5x the zones to hunt in now make people a little less likely to fight over a camp.

    You dont own a camp in DAoC? to me. I played DAoC the first 2 months it was out and it most certainly had camps just like EQ. The problem was once you hit 50 there was nothing to do but RVR....getting offtrack here, sorry. I happen to like EQs loot and camp style, thats the reason no other MMoG can hold a candle to it IMO.

    Basically i just think you had a string of bad luck Valzarius, it happens...some days (weeks) are better than others. Dont get down too much on the game or its players there plenty of decent people around to offset the few bad apples.
    #20 Jan 20 2004 at 2:14 PM Rating: Good
    I believe that you obviosly have missed a point somewhere,
    the whole idea with calling a camp is to let other people know that it is off limit.
    If there is 50 mobs to kill then there is plenty of mobs to kill somewhere else, preferably on that isn't camped.
    #21 Jan 20 2004 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
    329 posts
    Regarding camps, while there may not ba a hard and fast SOE rul on the subject, there shouldn't need to be. It is simply a matter of courtesy. If my group comes upon a camp in an area we wanted to hunt, we either a. share it with their blessing, b. join them, or c. move on. Maybe we don't "have to," but it certainly makes the game more pleasant when you're not arguing with a PC over a hill in PC.

    By the same token, if another group simply butts in where mine has obviously been established, we ask them (and expect them) to leave if we can't invite them. Again, common courtesy.

    Regarding rudeness, I have certainly seen some on Fennin Ro, but I think it is the exception rather than the norm. In a very short time, I have a long list of friends that I hunt with regularly. They are good, fun people who know how to handle their characters and know how to behave in a group. I would trust any one of them to ML without reservation, and I think they would trust me to do so as well. If I come accross the rare obnoxious PC spawn, I simply ignore him/her.

    Hopefully you just hit a run of bad luck.
    #22 Jan 20 2004 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent
    161 posts
    For the most part, I think players tend to do their thing and stay out of each others' way. But you also have players on both ends of the scale ...players that will go out of their way to help others, and players that go out of their way to make everyone else miserable. Both of these groups tend to be rather small compared to the average (think bell curve). But, the population of each server is increasing, so even if the ratios stay roughly the same, there IS an increasing number of people that will run right over you. There's also an increased number of people who will help when they can, though, so chalk it up to bad luck, find another camp if you have to, and just try to enjoy the game.
    #23 Jan 20 2004 at 6:04 PM Rating: Excellent
    405 posts
    From the original poster...

    I've always realized that camping is not fully recognized by some people. In each circumstance over the weekend I shot a tell to the person (very nicely) that the area was camped, and indicated the approximate amount of time when I would be done. In each case I was either verbally abused or completely ignored. In each case the individual or group proceeded to kill everything in the area leaving me with nothing.

    In each of the five instances instead of wasting valuable oxygen I just went to a different site and waited for the group to get done. After doing this the entire weekend it started to get old real quick.

    My beliefs reguarding camping:
  • If the camp contains something to deal with a quest and a person need it, let them have the camp or item. Quests can sometimes be quite hard and time consuming. Also volunteer to help them with the quest if possible.
  • If you are camping in a newbie zone and are much higher than the others...let the newbies have the camp. The zone was designed for them in mind, and this is just a nice thing to do
  • When contention for a camp does arise always inform the person nicely, and let them know when you will be done.
  • If there are plenty of mobs in the camp (more than one party or person can kill) be willing to share the camp
  • When a heated arguement does occur it is always better to leave and go elsewhere.

  • Despite these beliefs (which I believe is in everybody's best interest in the game) unresolved conflicts are occuring on a more regular basis.

    Curious...I wonder if this is the same group of people that are driving in the right hand turn lane and then go straight at the intersection, just so they can get a couple of car lengths ahead of everyone else.
    #24 Jan 20 2004 at 7:07 PM Rating: Good
    Ministry of Silly Cnuts
    19,524 posts
    Valzarius wrote:
    My beliefs reguarding camping:
    Valzarius, I wish I could have composed such a succinct post. My thoughts entirely. Smiley: bowdown

    "I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
    #25 Jan 20 2004 at 10:41 PM Rating: Good
    35,568 posts
    Valzarius. I think that most of the players in EQ agree with you when it comes to camps. Even though they aren't officially recognized, most folks will follow those simple rules. I always give way to someone who needs a camp more then I do. If they're there for a quest item and I'm just there for exp, I can get exp anywhere, but they can only get the item they need there. The solution seems simple.

    I think maybe part of the reason us older players (older as in time playing EQ, not necessarily age) don't see these issues as much is that we've learned where to go to avoid them. There are certain "common" paths that everyone seems to follow. When you get a bit more experience with the game, you know which areas are likely to be overrun with higher level campers.

    One aspect to realize about EQ, is that there are a lot of things that you need to do that require you to kill/hunt/camp lower level mobs. Ok, not "require", but they're alot easier. I can get money a hell of a lot faster "camping" a bunch of green or lt blue mobs then I'll ever get killing blues (grouped or not). While "farming" has gotten a bad rep over time, virtually every single "how do I make plat" thread will be answered (by veteran players) with "gain levels, then farm". Many quests will require killing lots of lower level mobs in order to get the higher level named guy to spawn. As you learn more about the game, you learn where these spots are, and you learn where to hunt with your lower level alts so that you avoid it as much as possible.

    As to getting camps taken? Well, that's just odds, and it doesn't really mean that lots of people are rude or selfish. In fact, it's a small number. Again though, putting yourself in a high traffic area increases the odds that during any given time period, a selfish person will come along. How many people came by, and passed right on without taking your camp before someone did? Odds are, even if you didn't see them, there were dozens. I really can't stress enough how learning the game will make those problems go away. There will always be a certain percentage of Aholes in any game. No amount of petitioning or complaining will ever remove them entirely. You just have to learn how to reduce your likelyhood of running into them. Hunting at Derv2 or Derv3 in Nro is a bad idea. You're right on the road everyone takes to/from the LDoN missions in that area. Same with EF. Same with BB. Take that same character into EC or WC, and you'll likely see no one, and no one will bother you. Find a corner of Shadeweaver's that isn't the one with the shades that drop the swirling shadows, and you wont see anyone higher then level 12. You just have to learn the right places to hunt at the right levels to avoid people, and you'll get bothered less.

    As to the whole "necro killed my guard" thing. That's also something you have to learn to deal with as you play the game. The thing is that you can look at this issue one of two ways:

    Gamer: If you're looking at effectiveness, then there really shouldn't be a deal here. Dying at level 10 costs you nothing. You respawn with all your gear at your bind point. In a very min/max sort of way, guards are more of a pain in the butt then a help. Guards don't protect you at all. They just attack anything they are KoS to that comes within range. That includes that mob you beat down to near zero health that always seems to decide to deathwalk directly towards the guard who is more then willing to kill it and deprive you of any exp.

    There is no real "need" for guards in a newbie zone. They just kill stuff that you could have killed for exp/loot if they hadn't been there. Sure, you can feel a bit safer resting by the guards, so that's something. But honestly, I'm betting that if you just died and ran back to the spot, you'd be able to continue fighting faster then if you sat and rested by the guards. The necro really wasn't costing you anything...

    roleplayer: Even if you don't think of yourself as a roleplayer, there's always that tendency to think of them as "my guards". Heck. You think they are there to protect you already. You're halfway there. Once you realize that from a gaming perspective, guards will usually hurt you more then help, then all that's left is a roleplaying attachment to not killing the "good guys".

    There's nothing wrong with that. However, there's also nothing wrong with the necro killing the goody-goody dwarf guards. That's certainly roleplaying, right?

    In any case, as someone else already pointed out, you will very soon not be able to use guards to protect you anyway. How often really does this happen? Think of a necro killing your guards as good practice. Instead of sitting where the guards are to be "safe", why not watch the mobs? Pay attention to the routes they take through the zone. There are always spots in every zone (usually along zone walls), where mobs wont ever path. Use those for resting instead of relying on NPCs to protect you. That's a skill that will serve you very well. People train mobs to NPCs. They train them to zonelines. They generally do not train them to some random out of the way spot halfway up a hillside along a zonewall.

    That's just another area where game experience teaches you to protect yourself from the actions of other players. Once you learn how to avoid having the actions of others hurt you, you'll find that most of that stuff just doesn't bother you. Again, there is no way you can change the habits and behavior of everyone else in the game. It just wont happen. Folks will do stuff that will hurt you, either intentionally or unintentionally. There are just too many reasons why someone might want to do something that you don't understand or don't like. Some are just selfish, some are not. Don't try to figure everyone else out and change them. Just observe the game, observe what happens where, and avoid areas where things happen that you don't like.
    King Nobby wrote:
    More words please
    #26 Jan 20 2004 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
    3,212 posts
    I do have an opinion on this but Im keeping it to myself as I dont feel like sharing.
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