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Mana efficiency for chanterFollow

#1 Jan 19 2004 at 10:57 AM Rating: Default
Can anyone recommend focus items for a high level chanter who tends to be both slower and CC (lots of paci, mez, tash and slow casting) to make mana usage more efficient? Obviously Mana Preservation IV items (other than the ornate arms what else is droppable that has this?). I believe (can anyone confirm) that Affliction Efficiency was changed to only work on spells with a damage component (so DOTs essentially) a while ago (I think it used to work on all detrimental spells) so I dont think (??) this helps, so are there any other focuses I should be after.

Also I am aware that I need better FT on my items (sorry no Magelo, just take my word for it!), and plan to invest in mana regen AAs as soon as I hit 65.

Any other advice welcome

#2 Jan 19 2004 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
421 posts
Hi Harrilf,

I don't have any focus items and I seem to do fine, usually.

Due to lack of knowledge, I am not going to answer your question directly. I will be focusing on your

Any other advice welcome


My personal experience that seems to have made a difference is Specialization skill. I specilized in Conjuration for 55 levels (When 60 was highest level). Dazzle has seen 90% usage of my mezzing life. I found that it cost so little and lasted so long I HARDLY needed to specilize in that area, in fact my Spec skill was up to only 140. So I switched to Alteration.

For 7 levels this seemed fine. At level 62 I realized that the cost of the higher level mezzes was killing my mana pool, I switched back to Conjuration Specialization. Now my skill is up to 150 and still climbing.

Spyer's Trespass (from LoY) has helped a ton, it is almost always memed and is also a Conjuration spell. I have gained 3 or 4 skill ups off of it.

Here is a link to my Ala profile, not sure how to make it public so I am only hoping you can see it... works fine for me.

Its been 2-3 weeks since I ran the Auto updater but I think this is mostly acurate.


For info on Focus effects go to

From there you can click the effect in question. Under each is a list of items with that effect.

Mana Preservation IV is

*end edit*

Edited, Mon Jan 19 13:39:21 2004 by sbs
#3 Jan 19 2004 at 8:41 PM Rating: Decent
66 posts
For your consideration:

Obulus Death Shroud - Mana Pres III so good till 60, whack it on your shoulders quick.

Get a Horse -9k one is fine- sit/med

Mana Taps - In places like Guk you can tap the mobs and you will have little issues.

PC Taps - Necro twitch, bard song, Sk - ?? I know they do something. These guys and fill up that little mana pool quickly.

Fizzle reduction (Intell Sup) will assist if needed.

65 Enc MT
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