who are you on elore? this is Lleb_Kcir so yes i post in both places.
i do like the 'raiting' system here as it helps a bit keep out the flamers, but i still dont like the way it works/doesnt report properly once adjusted.
as for the more info part id argue that and the more help part, but the laughs are good, the lack of flamming is very nice, the total (well almost) lack of spamm is great.
i love the fact that most of the posters here are regs, but would love to see the annon posting go away.
this site still has many server issues that IIRC are being slowly delt with. that is one of the things that helped kill the e-lore boards. bad servers crashing, to slow, then add the flams, spam, and hacking and you lose a lot of great posters.
this site just needs to fix its servers and IMHO would be one of the best EQ general posting forums out there.